a. •'h* »Times-Herald «Tlye Carrât I lie Otic a Paper of Harney County, 1 • baa tb* large»! circulation and io one of I • th. I.-at adv.rti* ng msiiiuma in Eastern Oregon. W) 4 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, Ol. . () 1 !< Cover» an area of f>,42S.SOt • * • *■- VOL. XVIII. 'Hnriicy ’ bifore existing HARNtY COUNTY RECEIVES found - ..¡11 »,f)n t.e publish­ AN ACCOUNT OF THE WEDDING OF “Smilnx ' SFXATÛR RAND HAS A GOOD ’• . > , ' ii :. u ' ewis ami Roy RECOGNITION ed bro-r.l i-t by th« thousand» of FOR HARNLY. SOCIETY PEOPLE. and'i t.i" ti.m name of visiti r < w 1 ■ have seen th« county’» Rail Roads Will be Thick . Mcto'e ba» been dissolved exhibits at the Exposition, and OF BURNS, OREGON. iniMA Wlib ike. Moat Origlaal and Isler- n.arV' l«.! al t hem l>, .oun d coi ent. T. Garrett pur- Lack ol Buters tor fat cattle Only Draw In the Associated Press dispatch ­ l.tcreXin, Nate» Coa.ernin, the School». «»lint Khlbil st the Lewis and back at Present -Good Crops aad . I .-i; th.- mt -n »r of Mr. McGee Crop, oad Well kaowi People- es published in the Democrat on Clark 1:1 potIIIo». Top Prices ter Sheep. Rumors ol Wore Weddinp. i he I'usi' s will be continued 2¿Sar>’t of the finding of accompanied Ml»« Delta Dillard Salem, Ore.: s .licit a contiiiuat.ee of sp-eifn! DI KEH’OKS "The Pacific and Oregon Eastern county, who returned today fn> n Eastern road into Central Oreg m our primary teacher o.. a visit to 'he awarding judge* at the Ixiwi* ’ « eld firm. the patrv..<>F John |) l)aly, C. Cummins, N. Ü, Carpenter, railway, capitalized at $7,500,000. instead nt tire Columbia Southern Burns last Saturday afternoon. Canyon Citv and I. irn-, ’>!« ' C.A. Haines. J. W. Geary, H . M. Horton, ■ ud Clark Ki|s.Tttiuu lust week, filed articles of incorporation today iva» in attendance upon court, D ili d tog. 17. l'.'d > is advocated by Wallis Nash, who The thresher season is over iu Thomas Davit. Simon Lewie. ’therefore thu showing made by thi. The purpose is stated to build a »ln‘ii Interviewed mi theques'ion Roy McGee. this part of the valley with usually claim» that the two governing prin­ county wa* small compared to the ciples of railroad construction, gra­ pleasing results to the grain grow­ road from Huntington, Oregon, to of p ibiics, stated that as a matter award» giv.u other counties. How- dients arid dis'ances, argue for his ers. Some have sold at rulin’ Altura!, Cal. The incorporator» of fact he was out of p il'ties. ‘1 WANTED— \gents, Hustlers •■w* oor^ooo •». 00a e- ♦•me«-, -moev .ier> .v»o."»r». are VVm. R Topkin», Th > N was in Burlison leg.il > u.-iie- » 1 • V. r, >1 i» now lean, d that we h»v» prop, .»it ion price* whil" others have held for Sil. ' ., ( ik» and everybody •M. A lbxandkr , I’ui Kiinsr. < I.. Kcaroa, Caaliier J CunifT, and Edw \V Csann I n -ir did nut find milch int -r. -t the».’ in who wants to enjoy a good hearty faf.il v rv w. II, indeed ami biv- Wu. J unks , Vnt-l’KiMwi nt . <’. W. P latt , A bs I. Cashier S Mr N,»»h who baa mad- a s'u.l a heller dein and. residence is said to be New Y.ik eith -r state or national politics, al •1 I hk 'I twelve more gobi med.il», of the »itiia'i. n ii> interi .r Or. g », laugh to s.i.d òtte for “Tips to III« Shaw Traction Engine and Thorough and careful inv. .-tui­ though, as I said, mv time w ar.io> was it »«veril job» in tion of this mutter fails to rev .1 limit' d to business four «pi.rt.il in our last l»»tie, mak­ ll'.li of Hliv rtH-om.i le is rs’iilh .t son who -' I..- goods for a living. 'h - pari ol the Villey but returned any local interest in ’his project r “You ask my opinion in regard If not satisfactory your money ing 1 >ial of Iweiitv-oiK- medal» in th« i.«»t results w uld !>« atia .'.d ti.ivaid I.urns last we. k any knowledge on the part of any to the Portland convention of r ■ ! ONTARIO I OKEGON buck "ireular for stamp.- The , »11 l.v 1 it d'lig het v.His.t- E.i-i«rn prominent people, pr i uo'e i-, baiik- publicans, and the prospect» of b> .1- I). White electric Comb Co., Deca­ , Interest Paid on Time Uepo^its. I i-p> r Davi» and sons sold a 12 In k w«r»* 1 i ll«. I.«., exli.dlllg .lit.. Hei.'l -rs, or liusine»» men iu the enter- i I ii'ion i f >r a , ">p »id. it.- r "I t,..w rum. t g to • Io «1 l.arlev t > Cha» Hain»» of pri»>‘. Apparently no one, eith r eflci il • tl'ecls fr m the love f>-:i»l. tur, Hi We Solteit Your» Banking Business. but I must »ay ’h it 1 am n t in N . ü . w * .nd his team- hulled it pr or. I - "it I. 1 m. ti gg- t<> Shat ik 1 ont*« in linker C’lt V or Hun iozton. kii . - position to give an opi.mm on th STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander. Wm. Jones, E H Test, a pel- •d "IU. ( valli» .V E. >-rn,” s.nl i ih.i p ace M*>nda> the meaning of this incorporation. subject .mil have not had the till! C-. E. Kenyon, 1! Alexander, Estate ■ I A hit Robl i-is, William .1 »' iii.l|» llil with |IM) |«r Cent Mi Na.sil, "utlliz* » the Minto Pass Miller, Frank R. Catlin, Thos. Turnbull. Mr L Hamilton and Ml»» Debs Ifthere i anyone here ir m Hum to go to Portland to attend the col ».< 1» rfect. Only tho»e which at ihi ..ugh the C .sc id- rang« of inouir Dillard are in churge of the Harnev ington who ins knowledge of this ference. Under the primary lai <*•*> 1 h< distance t<> the Snitk« river a» d.-sire a-sist nice from the parents Democrat that certain parlies con­ aside II is a ticklish thing to the first prix« This, however, wu» 1 h« eastern terminus imd friend» th« school by visits nected with this enterprise are ■■x- juggl. with Once a uiuii ’ h 1 ili-m linp.ioil.le, owing *o the lack of .k A»tn th« Colnnil.ia Southern, it .vheii. ver c tuv iiient. pecmd in Hunlu gton m the mar is on the ticket, Ir- cm. work his pnatuct» to be obtiiiue.l on account ih 11 r> markable fact that the grade* future—in fact they aie looked for GOOD GUIDE. nf the unfavorable - eiison in the are heavier between Bigg» on th«! After tbr< »hing the last lot of on every Ira u and excitement in chance' f r el. «lion fot all ther« is 1 ■ H T • Ì .. > I C RC H AF F ov A FIR B A RM is OUT elaboratel y gr.iin up lie Ratti, snake Csin.ii. in it. •Ir.. ... i . Si 1 \ l-.NS lb »OK. Ibis manual of first pine« nd In the see -nd place t . litmica liver and in th« interior I r . i . -. ct II - the urost compiute and varied CALDWELL, IDAHO tin D ivi » Bros’ separator w..s i ik­ th ■ Gateway C'ty is todav at high “There is 011« thing : did Jeurr. I UK of tolti; It: sl.ot It was found iin|m»-llile to »hip nut of the state than I hey are by pitch. Tbe question arises whether Rifles Pistols Shottuns on Crane toe. k way to complete while in eoutli: ru-CClltral Oregon, etc., the output of one manufacturer. wliat wits pi ssil.le to secure and ■ >l lhe mule prop., «d for the Kt A General Banking Business Transacted the f.THVkMaynard, Ir. ride of the boy ahrmt- or not this projected railroad is a at.d that i»f ti.tr«* have bt 11 lew I II. . the the ». asoli. heat v. fan. y Stevens target rifles of the world’• a presen- have it reach Portlan.i Hi valli* A Eastern'» exlention .r». tl el.lentil al high standard of excellence part of some new transcontinental years in llie history of the Inluiid is rijit'ly r-sl: maintnined. As winter iipproaclieH it would system; whether it is to pick up CORRESPONDENCE INVITED table condition. ordinary freight engine luiuli F I K t A X M S 5 STEVENS Empire as pi . >p< rotis for the far ­ 11 I'V all sporting goorls and hardware dealers. seen, th t there is more time for Some connection with the already The metlal» awarded and not »even loaded cars over th« <' ■ Lirour make—insist on getting it. Don’t Ixs , i something •• Justas gixal The fait that coi.s,deration of Matrimonial mat- ei-tablislied Nevada line» of ti e mers ami ’he .'iockuiei .is this year mentioned last week are: Tm i«ler* l.ia Southern grade».“ Arms arc GUARANTIED »OR QUALITY i t ;>t you to be sure to specify liti» time- has been. The win .c country my display, gold medal; eight gold !.. ;i,.ied brand. It ba» been known fur noverai l'-r» and tfie hit is full of rumor» of Harriman system, or is merely a I. ’, two oc. stamps foe Stevena Baok and Rifle Fante. inidals oil individual piece» of tax­ month» that the promoter» of the prospective events concerning which local scheme or might it not bi: a down Ibero is prosperous Tin J ‘TEVINS ARMS* TOOL CO. crops have been ; od ; the stockmen P. O. Box 4091 9- idermy work, three -.¡Iver and one llhriatian cooperative colony, which E-qnir. C 11 Davis says let them paper railroad, with which to fool have made m i« v. ■ <■' pt th« « are [ Co ope« Fells, Mass,, U. i>. A. 1 rotix; C E McK innev, gold medal in planning to purchase several come and be will tie the knots in somebody?—Democrat. i no blivet» at pre enl, for th« fit on lrout;CW 1‘arnsli, goltl nodal bundl'd thousand acre» of land in due .ml legal form AriLRIGAN PLAN ¡cattle. Sheep art wav up, and on lord eggs mill »Uver medal on the sent hi i-t'-i n part of the state, L in Richardson has settled down The Kind We Keep. wool has been rout rafted for l'Jl ’ C.'TIlC LotlC SlSr ONTARIO, ORE. kN. Indian relic» and t urio»; Harney and »t b .vi'i.ng t.> buy the Corval­ to business again after hi* visit to I fi r twenty cents a pound county collectivn exhibit, gold ine.l lis r.M I. add if tlr - be done, it will I the World’» Fair and i,av» hu will Here’s another one of Plugs: RESTAURANT “As far as our hgal business is . be ex nile.i through the central I siMin begin logging for the winter. al. The stationary printed at this conct-rned, most of the cases aye i China George, Proprietor. Ill last Komlav’e Oregonian a cut part of lhe st ite Ratus $2.00 and $2 50 per day. Cor. Main and B Streets. Again lhe hospitable homo of office last month is giving the carried over »nd the Miller mnrdei j of our ex* bit was shown with the 1 Th« n «nt. itions of the coopera- Ex-Mayor and Mr* J. 11 Loggan best of satisfaction, says an ex­ case wa» transferred to Prineville 1 f/iHRbS AT AUU HOURS following comment nccunipanyii.g i live i-'.mp inx are now in progress, 1 of Harney City was the scene of change. Last week we printed and will bi heard Hiunetinin later.” | ai d aim iiiu «ni«nts ale looked for it' Bakar»y in eonneetion the happy consummation of the a thousand statements for a man, This modern new hotel was only recently opened to the Harney County, Oregon, bus the 1 within a wick of the »uric»» of union of two fond heart* 011 bundav •and by their aid he collected a Messrs Drink water A ’ Clay are public. Harney County people will be always welcome A Specially of Short Orders. i. >»t original and intereeting exhi­ plans among the ■ a»t< i h capitalist* evening October 15th 1905. The the proprietors cf a blacksmith and Table furnished with everything and courteously cared for A fit '.t-cla-s bar in connection. small fortune. Two months ago bit. al the Lewis and Clark Exposi­ who have b>en interested in the contracting parlies were Burbank a man bought of us some fine repair shop in Dreweey. I l,eY de-1 the market afford». Your patron­ tion. Other coiiulle» have vied project LIVERY BARNIN CONNECTION. Clay of Drewasy, »011 of Mr*. II C paper and envelopes to use when ' sire a 8hare of lhe F01,1^ age solicit. 1 with each other and excelled in In the event of the Corvallis Brown, and Miss Lelah Loggan. th ir diaplaya of grams, grunses, road h< ing extend' d, a cutoff wouW writi" g to his sweetheart, and File ceremony was conducted by fruit», limber and mineral», but be constructed leading from the now he is married. Another Esquire C. H. Davis of Harney while Harney Coll ty hu» all these eastern side of tile CaHcade mount­ young man forged a name on a who tied the nuptial knot in such a on display in ta»t< ful array, she ain* northward to Portland, short­ check printed at this office and satisfactory manuer as to be pro- also lias what may easily be termed ening the distance sufficiently to now is in the penitentiary. An­ | pounced equal to any similar affair II oustom NAFTON. [D on C arlo » B otd lb« . xtensivi ami complete collec­ make it approximately an air line heretofore, witnessed by one present other young man stole some of out tion of wild l east» and birds of from the centra! part of the state to i at many. Only immediate relatives paper to make cigarettes—he is Oregon ever as.-' Uilded or exhibited. this city. and ji few intimate friends were dead. A young lady bought Th« county authorities have ex- The vu»t possibilities of the pro- | c present Succeeding the ceremony some of our paper to curl her hair p. i d. d a eonsitt inble sum of mon­ ject are understood when it is stat­ congratulation* were «xtended and on, and now she has a beau. ey for the services of a taxidermist ed that of the K) square mile» a sumptuous repast prepared under I. I the result at the Exposition i» of area in the »ta.e of Oregon, 56, (VVe have only a few packages the direction of the mother of the on.' which Eastern visitors in par­ 000 in the central portion are with­ of this kind in stock.) By using bride was partaken of by all pre­ ticular will long remember and out railway transportation. That sent and amply justified the repu­ our stationery a person can collect ■ |a.iik about to their friend». region, thought in past year» by ' tation for culinary preeminence old accounts, tell fortunes, have In high. I ■ mg cases, arranged al­ many to be a desert, is poees»ed of which »he ha» long enjoyed in the teeth extracted without pain, find O TAH10, O kboon . ongside the walls of the booth in latent resources which make it a out the name of future wife or community. Ontario office : New Wilson Brick. the Agricultural building, are per­ pc'ei.ltal empire teeming with mil I The present* expressive of good ! husband, be successful in business, fect »jieciineiis ..ftlie animal king­ lion» and »ending forth immense will and best wishes to the bride and triumph over enemies, and get, dom of the county, and which in a quanitie» of foodstuffs every year. groom were both varied aiid useful elected to oilice Give us a call manlier, represent the wild animal —Journal. among which may be noted the Office hours from 8 a. in. 8 p. tn life of the entire stale. For a real­ following: Clock and kitchen s«t, istic background, there are mount­ New Cure Lor Cancer. J H Loggan; glass tea get. Mr» J 11 ain crags and crevi’e», rushing Ho there!—If you want to sell All surface cancera are now Loggan; set of silver knives und vour property why don’t you list brooks acd quit« pools, the branch­ TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. forks and tea and table spoon», es of trees and the underground re known to be curable, by Bueklen » it with Smith 4 Lewis? They will Mrs H C Brown; silver tea set, Arnica Salve •!»»■ Walters, of treats of Various wild creatures see ten buyers to your one. They Chas Loggan; »«I of fancy cups, These are some of the thing» on Duffield, Va , writes. "I had a can­ will find you a buyer for your ranch saucer* and sauce dishes, Mr and Tlxis ZETea.cLq.’CuiirtQxs. display which can», the blood to cer on tuv lip for year» that seemed or city property, your horses, cat­ Mrs J O Uunvard; table doth and tingle with the lust for blood, i and incurable, till Bueklen’* Arnica tle or sheep Call ami get ac Towels, Miss Alma Bower; Table the eyes to gladden with the sight Salve healed it. and now it is per­ set, Tom Howser; bed spread, quainted with them—the' latch of Nature's own; Magpies, king- fectly well." Guaranteed core for ¡towels, quilt» and pillow »bams, string always hangs out Main St fishers, orioles, wilii »wan cranes, cuts and burn». 2 *c at til.* citv Mrs Tom Bowser; set of towels, the Burns, Oregon herons, uia.l.ind mid t *1 an- drug store. Howser children; fruit dish, Joe vA»back ducks, (wlicai wild geese, Clark: cm:-' stand, Mrs -Joe Clark; Don’t Poi row Trouble Up-to-date iub printing at reason­ brant, sageheu», grouse, prairie jellev stand ano ealt shaker, the chickens, quuil, eagles, gulls, sea­ able pt ices. Clark children; granite tea and ■ It is a bad habit to borro., any- shag. pheasant», him -bird», and coffee pul*, Eliza Loggan; two thii g. Put the worst lb ig y gu can BETTER AHD bluejay», hawks, owl-, and of ani­ granite piece», L’la Drinkwater,; possibly borrow, is trouble, When hill hegla'j to furnish mal», elk, deer, ante! pe. beaver, CHEAPE2IHA1I A MATTER OF HEALTH rubber t.ai.v, Fred llaii.e*; rattle I sick, sore, heavy, weary and worr.- raccoon, porcupine, lyuk, bobcat box. Mi» Seth Bower; engraved | out bv the pains and poisons of dy- badger, coyote, weasel, skunk j AKY mCTICALLYI »liver ’.read 1’iate, C H Davin Eaq.j liepsia, biliousness, Bright’s 'i»e. e woodchuck, squirrels and nm -rat . Among the guests present was and similar internal disorders, STOKE Iaiestmc'iUs hi lung gio»» cases, lh< re an e \\ . \A . Drinkwater of Drewsey, who don’t sit down and broed over your hitnteil luaoila and petrifactions Send for fi®“ Rottici J B i . f , Distributers, Portland, Oregon. is connected ill business at that sinvptons, but fly for lelief tn Elec­ Over 500 g| ».oliti 1 i. . . t tin : ■ Price Litt & Beautiful place with lhe groom. Regret» tric Bitters Here you will find To a;.)u. desiring also a must inter, »ling coll, elio Circulare. Designs. were received trom relative* detain­ sure anil permanent forg«tfuln«»s ludían curio». Another wot.dermi ed by »ickness anil from lhe boys of all your troubles, and your '«odv feature of the display >- a collie prevent«.! bv the snow storm. The | will not be burdened by a load of ti o of Ha’ney Coui ty and Oreg luSOi AA1HT.N brnl and groom departed on a debt disease. At the city drug bird» Mineral» of tb" eout.iy are See h»s Jándome ' ivur 10 take in tli« County Fair store. Price 50c. Guaranteed. u -o shown, togetbei with many ex­ at burn» ibis week after which they cellent sy>ecim»<.< ot the fruits. wilt l>e at Inline in Diewsev vegetable» gram», grasse» and Having sold the furniture busi­ MANUrACTVRED BY Aller the Vesper Bells bad rung ness, C. A. Byrd will now ture hi» grown in I lie county MONUMENTAL bronze company , the «veiling echoes were disturbed attention to painting and paper hlOüGLFviil. CGM 2». Harney County is uH£< r than by the tin tin abulatiou» of the hanging and solicita a share of t -late of Massacbuseti». and has Absolutely Pure “Mystic Krew’’ w bo were cordially your patronage He will also con­ but öiAtO p-ople Of vacant Gov HAS HO SUBSTITUTE wek-.'Uied bv th« groom and host­ duct a cabinet and repair shop. ALLWORKCUAR t rutin nt land there is yet »iil ject U. A Cream of Tartar Powder, ess aud suitable refreshments dis- ANTEE D. c alm l.721,t|»A! acres. Because of free from alum or phos- phatlo acid N Brown. A Son» *e!l Golden p-nsed. the isolated location of the county, < Burns, Oregon I Gate Coflee. Hearts that throbbed ia unison Main St aovu SAKiNd eowoes co., nxw voarc jl Ì» but little ku '»u to the outside First National A üeneral Banking Business Transacted. I c FIRST NATIONAL BANK à I * r x s Y ♦ w > »»»•> THE CARTER HOUSE Fire-Proof, Moder:«, Fk^ant All Outside Rooms— Near Depot Ontario, Oregon. THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables Club Rooms in Connection.' M. L LEWIS Hotel Burns Bar fluents, Burns, One. PARTICULARS and PRICES CHAS WILSON Blacksmithing and Borsshoeing. Wagon Work. THE TIMES-HERALD I Job Printing.