W have the Goods«—We make the Prices—We get ihe Trade Up-to-date iub printing at reason- i COUNTY FAIR work divisions will b- w«-l| repres­ able prices. ented and the judges will have eral omission« have some fine paints to decide and these will all be meli »Att'BDAY. < x TOjSfcR 14, 1M6. no trespassing . Th» high ech.ol student« are the list. PRO-i EcT' FOR IM ERESTING WEEk . manifesting a liveiy interest in the WITH RACERS. Hunting is forbidden up< n my y Be* KI rT I U.S KATfcn contest for the lest descriptive es- O m Y « mí Inquiry was made at the tí w. say on the resources of Harney premises. Trespassers will be pro­ In Mr>u>ke itf » office this morning as te county. The whole school will be secuted . Tkr*« M'Xiti.1 Eierylb.at iu Keadine*» Willi s jmber at amount of taxes delinquent n the represented in this contest and here Fine F.ihibita Airead? ’i cred-« Sst'jrda? Children » Day. roll, but the exart amoun’ the judges w 11 Lave another »CLIO Mb — decision to make. not be asce rrtamed owing to the notice ; of final settlement . Wit.i tt.-- ■ pavilion, cotutnodi- The Times-Herald is more than The l ime» Her did gleets its rush occasioned by the term of ml. comfortable quar pleased with the outlook in this araiid Notice is hereby given to the heirs of AF readers in a larger form this week circuit court which closes I im 1. iv . ock and one of the ■ contest ai.d will publish the prize John II. Hickman deceased an 1 to ail Sheriff Allen state» that only a in Eastern Oregon, essay fast • f and is pleased to announce that ptrsons whom it may concern : That on small amount is delinquent, but the • new grounds next Trie Saturday matinee promises the 4th dav of Oct., r» ;5, the undersign­ henceforth it will Ire this size. more than there was L>»t year. the greatest yet a:- to be one of the most interesting ed administrator of said estate filed his week sb linal account and by order of the court. | The I'll g1 Stre i uodition of its .id tempted in Harriet- County. afte.nie-tie of th** entire week The Made an, Mon- verti-ng column» made this The o flic.-ra of the association I association has decided to reduce . , »lay Nov., 6th 19"5 at one o’clock 1*.M. Every loyal citizen of Harney have « orked hard to get the the admission on that day and 1 of said da\ at the County C ourt room in change neo *»ary which will err* county should make it a point to g; , , > i ii. <1 buildings in -lin|e- for ' hopes to have every public school Burns in Harney County Oregon was t a inly mt :et the approval of the attend the fair next week and add op.ni dav ind it is now up to pupil on the- grounds. Several .-pe- hxt^i as the time ami place when said i final account would be considered by the people of H.iitn y . Then are at least twice a-i ble team contest for The Times- to make money. many horses as have participated Herald loving cup, the awarding of for the past few yearn and the olii other sjieeial preiums etc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Four med.il» is credited to Hur­ WILL LOOK Kilt POWER PLOT. cars puriioee to have the events I NITEÜ '1A1 E- i AXDOF’b’K E. ► The board of directors has also ney county on its display ui gr.iss- Burns, Oregon, October 1D0-». I on the square The decided to postpone the |>ony race Notice is hereby W. E. Burke, of the Poitland scheduled given that the following ea st the Lewis and Clark fair- named settler hats tiled notice of her intention Company, returned from Portland h'lr-'-men must keep strictly within scheduled for the third day until io make finul proof in support of iter claim, and that said proof will be mu h* I at foie the Register I onc gold, two silver and one thia week anti will again begin the rules goveiniiiii and tne direc­ Saturday and a rac-i for Indian and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on November. I'. l‘*Ui. viz: Lena B. Harkcj of Burns, orciion, ( tors will see to it There will b» bronz We just as well had a active work on the big Carey se­ horses will be run. The entire pro- ii’E. No. 1194, for the >• SE’4.Sec SW’ , c. >. NW t NW J, .-Cl 3, I s . K > no delaying at Stirling as is some­ gram has not bet n arranged as yet -W. L . AV. M. dozen of them according to Mr. lection of land which his company She names the following witncRhcs to prow ( times witnes-ed. but will be announced later, her continuous resident e upon mid cultivation . Wallace, who is in churge Those has contracted to reclaim in this of Kaid land, viz: John W.rlow. Fred Km ine. ( The Burns B ind will be in atten- Each of the several d< partmenls Dan I. Harkey,Sei.uyh r'AA hilinp. all of Burns, valley Mr. Burke expect» to d.ne uid will entertain the crowd Oregon . . winning th. medals are: Jis»« will be looked after by superinten­ \A m I ABBE, lit p ¡filer. proapect deeper for a How of wat­ in tin-gi and st.iii I during the in­ dents appointed by the board. Huinard, of Harney, gold medal er which be hopes to find at a terval« lietw- -n events. The There will bo a man and also a ADN! XISTR A TO K S NOTit’ E on Bromis; H.irney county, sil­ reasonable depth. Good pasture can be s< cured two eroim.l will b>- I; pt in good order lady in charge of the pavilion, one ver medal oir native wild grass; Thia company purpose s to re­ and the crowd will be well jioliced in charge of the livestock, poultry, miles from Hurns. Inquire nt eith­ Notice is hereby given to all whom it J. G. Hollow.iy, Denio, I' silver claim this land by means of pump- with four officers. may concern, that the nndeisigned «as etc. There will also be a compet­ er livery stable. appointed oil the 23rd day of September, medal on alfalfa; II. C. Levins, Levin»,i i mg stations and as electric power There hn- already been a nuin- ent nightwatch nr n employed sol plans to Oet Rich ltv>5, duly appointed by the County of Burna, bronz medal on timothy.! ia considered the best ami most I.' i ■ f entri with the secretary for that the exhibits will be safe. Court of Harney County, Oregon, the often frustrated by sudden ,While the medals are not m.my,|economical Mr. Burke will inves- the stock show nod there are sufli- The price of admission lias been are Administrator of the Estate of Harrison tho»e iii’eti -t«-.l in the exhibit are ' tigate vaiious water sources in cient in sight to predict the finest fixed at 50 cents for adults and 25 breakdown, due to dy*p psia or con- Kelley, deceased, and has duly qualified. llrnce up and lake Dr. All iicrsons having claims against said well .«aii-lit d with the i« ult. It. the mountains north for a suitable group of livestock ever bl ought to- cents for children under 12 years. I slipalion g< ther in Hurney county. | King’s Neu Lite Pills. they take estate will present the same, duly veri­ This ticket admits the bearsr to any was not int'-'.ils they were after. , location for a power plant. I nfortunutely this has lieen an part of the grounds No admission out the muterials which are clog- fied and with proper vouchers, to said 1 l.e i culm i- has been a success Should he find one of sufficient Administrator at his residence in the unfavorable year for fruit and it is will be charged for seals in the : ging your energies,-ami give you city of Burns, Oregon within six months beyond the expectation of anyone capacity lie will furnish power for b ared the horticultural exhibit will grat.d stand as heretofore. Season a new start. Cure headache and from the date of this notice. —it ha» a< i oinplisht-il its purpose purposes other than ihe pumping be rather short. However it is hop­ dizziness too At the city drug Ilatcd October 7, 19"5. tickets may lie obtained for $2 00. —it has attracted widespread at- stations with possibly lighting ed to have some display of this na- J. W. (lHAIlV, The grounds are clean and free store; 25c., guaranteed. Administrator. tentiun and brought not a few 'Harney by electricity, The ture and our orcliardists are invited from duet and visitors are assured people hen- to locate and bun Times-Herald suggests a trolly to tiring in specimens of this line— of every comfort possible by the ntmnmnxmm:« no entrance fee is charged for any­ association. ilreds of inquin. » from prospec-. line also to Weicomeville. H N BRCW.V, BIN FROWN In«- homt I. , m • fekers, , • > • 1 , ■ i a many • ■ i i •• ■ • i of . I whom limn [ thing in the line of produce. The live B Vice-President President / vegetable and grain exhibits should wbi < nine Ibis fall and next spring. UEORtiE SPELLtY It LiON M lit OWN Cashier and Manager FRENCH-GLENN PROPERTY SOLD t>e good. This should be given I'« el association succeed« Thu following biographic »ketch strict attention. It is one cf the in disposing of the taxidermy dis­ The Timese-Hrald can siai- with play at a fair tignre the comity of the latn George Shelley appears most important features of the fair. Premiums on products are large authority that the big land hold­ will m.t b.•i,ti- much mooey fol lh" Ui-i-rv of H i.ie v . .unir plc what a magnifi­ and at Louisville, in that state, they , upon application. 9 hoped the land will be made use of There promises to be lively com- wire married, and there, on Sep­ cent counlrj it i.s. in a manner that would be toward It wa» the intention to show tember 23. 1855, George was born I tition in ’.he various divisions increasing the wealth, population and t pci -illy among the children. Harney < oiiuly in her primitive They went to Daviess county, Mis­ I I he p .stry, fancy work ami needle and prosperity of the country souri, and the father removed them stale: to let tile world know that later to Texas, where he wiib in the rALL AND WliNltK UUViD AKt Ml» IN. here was thy largest county in the stock busiuess. Hu had previously We are now able to show you a larger and more . state, coviiing an area of some been a soldier in the Mexican war. complete stock than ever before. Our prices are >; lo,ot '> quai* mile» and populated This son stayed with his father in as low as they can be sold. Our lines in with less Ilian 5,000 souls; where lie stock business until the latter’s the e weie over 4,000,000 acres death, a>>d then hu c iuu to Cplo- * of vacant governin'.-nt land on rsdo Springs, and here attended comprises the newest and most beautiful <$ wLiih to locate and make homes. school. Later he went to Colorado • Or ¡Hints-iüraíd. Since the list was printed THE HARNEY JOHN DEERE Ph DISC PLOWS SULKY g* IPlo« V fea B i*s a't'f- • s M i, Harrows oî In fact Farming Implements of all Kinds. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES Camp Stoves In various Patterns, Sizes and Prices. Shelf Hardware Builder’s Doors, Windows, Gl ss, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Et; GEER & CUMMINS Burns Meat Market Betwveo Irisch & Doucitans and uk u .?:-'. . ( Your patronage solicited. f l PON s Oregon Forwarding Co City and learned the blacksmith w• trade, and after working there for u • tiuie iu 1875 he came overland to 9 9 Boise where he engaged to ride after • stock until 1877. In the spring of 1878 he was in the Loudvdle excit- • 9 ment, and in July of that year he 9 enlisted under Captain Maxim to tight the Iiidians, and he did scout « work over Eastern Oregon and in Idaho. He fought until all was done, anil then weiil to the Grauili » Itonde valley and worked at his trade there until 188-1 He next opened a shop in Camp Hurney, mid in 1887 went to Crane creek, where he operated a shop until 18',t >, when be came to Bums, where he Las been since. In 181*7 Mr. Shelley entered into partnership with J C Foley, and since dial Ii they have worked togotL.-r. In ItM* the people called Mr Shell. } to act as sheriff of Harm-y county. '■>■- ing el* eted on the Democratic tick­ et Ho rendered good Sir lice for his entire term satisfied the people and leaving a commendable record. On July 1, 1902, be retired from the office and again went to the forge Mr Shelley was a member of the K of P Inland Lotlge, No 70. On October 23, 1885 Mr Shelley married Miss Hallie, daughter of David and Rebecca Cary, of Crane, Team Borax, every pound of and to them was born two daughters which is taken from I larnev —France« and Lenora cou ty. T he *1 itiu 1 lei ahi it authoi- Ut J lo stai c that the Hai ret coutil v Fa r .\s« >ciatiun has a l e- wrvt un-I wuh winch to pay pie- mi uhi ihibits that are not Interi i vrennum list recently prmted. >e \»sociatHMi wishes A comi K xhihition of the pro- dox t* ( loumt ano therefore invile ih* that have such to bruii; i. ..! i 'ui'a - premium *ul IX* » is about to move into its We have also a new line of LADIES’ HAIN (OATS, CLOAKS, JACKETS. ^BUSTER BROWN NEW QUARTERS on Depot ami Main streets where we will open lip an en­ tire new stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Clothing, Ladies’ and Gents Furnishing io ti'CRyrwiMci A JTOC^WC OUU*L TO &C AWO CVE^N MOTHER KHOWX JOT-f v/rtATT'V'T rt£A«X N Prop FRANK P opt. ¡1 Ä s !• I ta.'er. & * S8lf r. •*“c' • Stop at th-. Overland Buf e?, Orego" A ihe Largest and Most Conipkii : c * m Of drugs, m Jicines, druggists sundries, perfumes, stationery, books, schoi! sup­ plies, etc., ever brought to Burris. 1 finest wines and liquors for med'.i ■ purposes always on hand. Agents for Any Periodical Publish i YOUR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL ATT DUN. THE CITY DRUG STOR V v y THAT nwBVSTER BROWN STOCKING LT A BOON TO MOTHER J ««» A SNAP FOR JÄHTA CLAW - _ BUSTER BRQWM MJ.5TLQ.bg™ H. M. HORTO* I f ! I i I I I t ! i Í * i r t. I BURNS LIVERY ANO Fo • GARRI- . t , Fancy and Staple Groceries and do n<»t intend to move a single piece of goods from the old building, s » to unload the ianuonee stock» we are carrying, we fully realist that a great S/it-cial ali­ bi h aii i: a ib /rdalt! hai ffJWSTtKlQ We respectfully invite the public to call on us anJ hcc our good» aud get our pii ee. We guarantee satisfaction. We are here to b’ >1.1 up our busin. h and proposa to do it with SACRIFICE must be made, therefore wo will for the next J/oiSi :• k < li’t fl ■ nr m ¡ LOW PRICES -SQUARE Í-ALINC lam on a FURNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING SALL REFRIGERATORS, BUILDING and CARPET PAPER, ROOFING. Ou « «ml will then make liispUi rooms of the buildings we are at ¡pres­ ent occupying at the “Old Stand” where there will always 1.« some nu iu attendance to show you our line of carriages and buggi and 9 Farming Implements. Stock is complete in Every Particular See us first and get prices. and the B \RG A1NS will be for those who come EARLY, Uc- will be in our Main St., Burns, Oregon Htaaannsr-ttuaviiRii- ;tr Bucks For Sale 1 have a band of Thoroughbred Registered Rams, bred from the Franco Ramboulette and Delaine stock. This stock is now ex­ tensively used throughout Eastern Oregon and are giving satisfac­ tion. OREGON FORWARDING CO. -R^Tool ZvZ-iitten.. As mutton apd wool producers the Ramboulette and Delaine Rams are unexcelled. Call on or address. J. S. BARRET T