••eeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee» «’ll» rhnc«”MernI& rent Unritetj >i. ¡¿Covers an l«ei of 0,428,600 acre, of land. 4,721,000 acres jet vacant subject to entry under the 1 ubllc land laws of the United States. VOL. XVlli. MO. 4 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 14, 1905. STOCK MARKET IMPROVING tn the best am) noblest sense of DISSOLUTION NOTICE SURVEYORS ARE AT SHANIKO game yestiddy evenin’, Ate you IMPROVING THE BEEF TYPE that abused term and that no war JOHN II DALY , I’ kks N. V. CARPENTER, C am guilty or not guilty?” 9 ----------- Notice is heteby given liiat the C. CUMMINS. V ick I’ km A. <’. WELCOME, A mt .C was ever charged with a higher “ Not guilty. ” PREDICTION THAT CATTLE WILL BE PRODUCERS STUDYING THE DEMANDS I c'> partnership her. tofore existing mission. PARTY OF TWELVE HEADS FOR THE “What!” shouted the justice ifi CONSIDERABLE HIGHER. between Simon Lewis and Roy OF Thl; MARKET. I think there can be no doubt AGENCY PLAINS. surprise. McGee under the tiiiu name of that that mission is now defeated “Not guilty.” the defendant re-I Lewis A McGee has been dissolved OF BURNS, OREGON. i and Russia’s chains riveted, this plied. IncresM in Price May Not be Notkable by mutual consent, T. Garrett pur ­ Recent Year» Have Wrought Quite a Chango Harriman Interests Said to Contemplate a time to stay. Ibis SeaM,--Scveral Hoyers are “Don’t you lie to me, sab,” the chasing the intsrssr of Mr. McGee In Claas of Bee(--Slanghtercr Want. System With Numerous Branches Operating iu Thia Settle,. 1 think the czar will now with­ Animals That Feed Well. justice roared, hi, face purple with The business will be continued ftJarrantf bought at i/ie mar^stprtet. --Announcement Expected. draw the small humanities that at the old places of business by indignation. “I was there, sah, ■ WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS The Times-Herald doesn’t know have been forced from him and That every producer of beef' Lewi„ H„(1-QarrHt Bnd they w A dispatch from Shauiko, Oregon and I saw you fightin, myself. 1 it all about siuckraising or does it resume his medieval barbarisms Oct 6, to the Telegram says: This should study the demands and re- ' sped fully solicit a continuance of Dili FACTORS fine you ten dallahs and costs.” pretend to make any predictions on with a relieved spirit and an im­ toyn was aroused to activity yes­ i t he patronage of lhe old firm. The other defendants, seeing I quirements of the market on which John D Duly, C. Cummins, N Ü. Cari C. A. Haines. J. W. Qaary, U . M. Hortoa. >’ own judgment regarding the measurable joy. terday by the appearance of a party the trend of events, pleaded guilty he expects to put his products, goes ' Dated Aug. 17, 1905. Thomas Davis. Simon Lewis. saying; that he should try future of the stock business. But I think Russian liberty has had of surveyors, about 12 in number, and escaped with a fine of five i Roy McGee. to produce a type that will com­ a prominent cattleman has made its last chance and lost it. which came in over the Columbia dollars and costs each. mand the highest price on the mar­ I think nothing has been gained the prediction that beef is going to During the night, however, the New Cure For Cancer. Southern, presumably from Port­ ket is equally true. What then is .^ooeo-oao-.-ae r> <^,r>*oar> oao be higher than it ever has been be­ by the peace that.is remotely com. justice’s judicial mind became dis­ land, Hiid is now heading in lhe | the demand of the beef market of M. A lkxandeh , 1' uihuo . st C. I.. K ksyom , Cashier All ourÍHce cancera ¿re now fore. but does not state definitely parable to ub.it has been sacrific­ turbed He pondered the ques­ today? That there has been quite W m . J ones . Vtctt-l’mtstiiiM-. i . W. 1‘Larr, Asst. Cashisr direction ot Agency Plait.s known to be curable, by Bucklen's wh"u this top notch price is to be ed by it. One more battle would None of the men vouchsafed any tion for a while, and finally con­ a change of recent years in this de­ Arnica Salve Jas Walters, of Considerable beef hart been mov­ have abolished the waiting chains information as to their fu ure. cluded that he had exceeded his mand, ther<* is no doubt There is Duffield, Va., writes. "I had a can­ ed from this county during the past of billions upon billions of unborn movements, or as to wbat company authority. He got out of bed, no longer such a demand, there is ' cer on my lip for years that seemed week at prices at a little higher than . ,, Russians, and I wish it could have they represent, but from every in saddled his horse, and spent the no doubt. There is no longer such I ________ ONTARIO, OREGON . , , , , 1 incurable, , till Bucklen’s Arnica ! hud b vii offered earlier in the sea­ dii'alion liiere is no doubt they are rest of the night riding from plan­ a demand, for cattie ot large frame been fought. ’."'Salve healed it. and now it is per­ • son, but still enure.v mo low to Intefer-t Paid on Time Deposits. in the employ of the Harriman tation to plantation, rousing the and considerable weight; nor is fectly well.” Guaranteed cure for make cattle raising as profitable n- line«, for i hjre are no other interests sleeping defendants from their there such a demand for cattle of W j » v DEATH OP MRS VOLP. might do much better The buy­ brethern of Montana in having a as evidence that work will be cai- ' the producer of beef The elaugh- i ; ness, C. A. Byrd will now turn his attention to painting and paper ers that Lavo been here feel much sales day for their surplus horses. ried on in that neighborhood in terer desires animals that feed well,| Mrs. H. Volp, wife of Dr H Volpi hanging and solicits a share of encouraged and will make the At Miles City, in Eastern Mont­ connection with the surveying par the low down blocky type, with . field each season since they found ana, there is an institution not at ty working eastward from Natron, died at 8:20 this morning at the thick flesh, well distributed over I i your patronage. He will also con­ HOWARD BEBRCE, Pur , ioem W. R. SeBPIC, Vier ■' • »SIOXNT the cattle more than the average present equalled in any other part locating a feasible rout through the family home on Water street, from the carcass; those that will mature duct a cabinet and repair shop. R. A. COWDEN, CASHIER ' of range stuff, easy of acceso and of of the United Stales. Il is a mon­ Cascade», probably by way of Dia­ an attack of nervous prostration. early. Seek to produce quality and Up-to-date iubpiinting at reason ­ The deceased has been an invalid unlimited quantity. thly horse sale, and during its mond Peak Pass. The preeence of for a number of years, and has been not so much quantity. There may able prices. The Times-Herald- is sorry that progress the town is full of horse­ the surveyors in this vicinity, to­ suffering for some weeks with the come a time when the producer may I nil could not dspose of tbeir stock claim he cannot produce this high . gether with the fact they headed Don’t Poi row Trouble. at this time but was unable to get men from every pai t of the coun­ i toward Agency Plains, has tended illness which finally proved fatal. type of beef without incurring a' try. The sales have been organ ­ A few months ago she came to the buyers out any distance from . loss, but when such conditions ex-. It is a bad habit to borrow any- j to dispel any hope the commercial this c ty. Th y found a sufficient ized by A. 1». Clarke, and in lhe I interesis of Shaniko had in an ex­ Pendleton from Burns, and with 1 ists there will be found a corres-1 thing, but the worst thing you can number tn this imtn-ditto vicinity neighborhood of six thousand tension of the Columbia Southern her two little daughters joined her ponding low price in lhe scrub and . possibly borrow, is trouble. When A General Bankii.£ Business Transacted u to fill their present orders -and as horses have been sold imo the to Bend, with an east-and-west line her husband, who began his prac- i low grade beef market, and when sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn- CORRESPONDENCE INVITED this season connecting with a feeder from tice here last winter.—East Oregon­ the market is on a decline the low 1 out by the pains and poisons of dy- they did m t know the exact num­ eastern markets ber to be obtained in the v.irious through his efforts. Still another I Agency Plains, and probably others ian. classes of beef animals feel the de-, pepgia, biliousness, Bright’s disease I cline first and to a greater’extent. {and similar internal disorders, districts they did-not ventuieout sale is to be held this month, and [ in the locality, some benefit will be WAN IE.) Agents, Hustlers j ^he west is producing quite a The Times-Herald invited its read­ it is estimated that 2000 animals derived by this town. don’t sit down and brood over your ers some time ago to furnish a list will be disposed of to buyers al (No information could be obtain­ Salesmen, Clerks and everybody superior quality of beef to what it symptons, but fly for relief to Elec­ i of the stock they wished to dispose that time, making the grand tot- ed at the general offices in Portland who wants to enjoy a good hearty ' j once did; it ig rapidly feeling the I tric Bitters. Here you will find of. All those who did furnish 11 si of Miles City sales since June regarding the surveyors reported to laugh to Bend 50c for “Tips to effect of improved breeding the un­ sure and permanent forgetfulness Agents.” Worth $50 to any per­ improved breeds slow away their AHI RICAN PLAN list received a call and in most in- .of all your troubles, and your body cl-ise to 8000 head. Mr. Clarke have started from Shaniko, the son who Hells goods for a living. flesh in such places as will com­ will not be burdened by a load of stimc 6, if not all, a «ale was made railroad officials preserving the ONTARIO, OREGON has business relations with more If not satisfactory your money mand the highest prices in the According to the Prairie City same stoic silence with reference to debt disease. At the city drug Miner a buy 1 is to rec< ive some than 4000 buyers in the United 1 the East-and-West line that has back. Circular for stamp. The market. The day seems to be store. Price 50c. Guaranteed. 500 head of two-year-old steers in States, and at every sale there , öLa.-cterized their attitude since Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca­ close at hand when we shall turn I Rates $2.00 and $2 50 per day. ovr attention to producing baby, Giant county this week. He is are representatives present from the first publication of the com- tur, Ill. a large number of concerns. beef as the demand will be prinoi-| buying thiug but twos and pay­ : pany’s intentions by the Telegram » Full of Tragic (leaning pally for that kind of beef. The Many of the horses are sold Regardless of the fact, several re- ing I. This would indicate a This modern new hotel was only recently opened to the raise. Either that or the buyers singly, but most of them go 111 connaissirnces have been made at are these lines from J. II. Simmons buyers are hunting cattle of moder-' here are getting a snap. If one bunches and carload lots. Hun­ different times of the available of Casey, la. Think what might 1 ate sizes well ripened. It is a well public. Harney County people w 1 be always welcome ma . can pay $2-1 others can do the dreds are sold to farmers in the routes through the Cascades to the have resulted from his terrible established fact that the amount of] and courteously cared for. A fir’ class bar in connection. cough if ho had not taken the med- feed required for a given gain isi same. eastern and middle states,” many eastward of Natron, it is said by LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. ’ W L Gibson, the Seattle man, is are sold to livery firms through­ well-informed railroads that, no icino about which he writes: “I had . less in young than in old animals; 1 still here, but has not given out his out the east, and are used on survey has ever been perfected, and a fearful cough, that disturbed my , for this reason it is often desirable price to this great religious weekly it is to accomplish this that the night’s rest. I tried everything, to finish the animal at an early age hacks, delivery wagons, drays —in fact they seem inclined topass Southern Pacific is going to such but nothing would relieve it, until As well bred cattle fatten and ma- up the newspaper mon when talk­ and ail sorts of vehicles. The an expense. The Oregon Eastern I took Dr. King’s New Discovery tore so much easier at an early age, ing prices—therefore we cannot en­ 1 ainmals are range horses mostly, Railyay Company, under which for Consumption, Coughs and Colds than do scrubs, it is part of econo-1 lighten our readers upon this sub­ and are considered good invest­ name the corporation directing the which completely cured me.” In- my to try this method only on high 1 H oustom Nsrros. ) ments. Thev are broken to ride surveys was formed, first became stantly relieves and permanently grade animals. One other great ject However, buyers have again bro­ and drive, and can be placed in known in August, when the papers cures all throat and lung diseases; advantage in producing this baby ken into this territory and it is the eastern cities and on farms ¡it were filed with the Secretary of prevents grip and pneumonia. At beef is that the farmer can market H. M. Horton’s druggist; guaran­ his heifer calves at the same price hoped will continue to came once. And in spite of the im­ State, showing Colonel William teed; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle as his steers and will get better re­ S ime of the men that have been mense number that have been Crooks, James Wilson and H. F. free. turns from them than it is ever pcs 1 here during the past two weeks sold, there seem to be plenty of Conner, al) connected with the Har­ Bible to get afterwards for them j met with discouragement at the ri mon lines her«, as trustees. the animals left. Large sales railroad and even after starting in Though no official statement has PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. There is no greater cost attached to | are also held at Billings.—Pilot producing high grade beef than low It stems to lie the general report been made that the company is an To the Hon. Conuty Court of Harney grade beef and the former is much Rock Record. along the railroad that there are no adjunct to the Harriman system, connty. cattle here for sale and no beef sluff there is no longer any doubt as to P atettk , I daho . We, the undersigned legal voters of more renumerative. Get into line Wild Horse precinct, Harney county, and produce the kind of produce in I whatever. Even after getting into Speed Program Fair Beginning Oct. 16 who fathered it. the Harney country they are told J(ar The completion of the line means Oregon, do hereby petition your Honor­ demand; type is being studied by y^g FIRST DAY. able Court, to grant a license to Sol cattlemen as never before and ere1 by certain Individvals that they Natron, on the Southern Pacific, Quarter-mile da-b, Harney Count)’ Schubener, to sen sell BpirnuouR, spirituous, man malt ana and pcnuoener, ... e . . RESTAURANT cannot get ti e stuff they want. saddle horses that never won public j will be connected with Ontario, on vinous liquors .t their place of business long the effect« will be felt in the Nevertheless Messrs Moore and j money. Purse, $40 China George, Proprietor. the Oregon Short Line, and branch in Andrews, Wild Horse precinet, Hsr- markets. In order to produce any Cor. Main and B Streets. Qnaiter-mite dash, free for all. Purse lines are to lie run into Agency ney county, Oregon, fora period of six certain type ot course» it is necees- Malone secured th ir order« in a months, a. in duty bound we ever pray. tQ geJect (iam an(] whicb remarkably short time and.only »100. Plaine, Lakeview ami Klamath Names. Names. J , , MBAHS AT AUU HOURS Half mile dash, tree for all maidens, I nearest represent the typ« desired, regret they eon d not double them Falls. D is thought that, as soon R Lee Tere John Gate, purre, »100. TRISi’H <6 DONEGAN, Proprietors. i and by judicious breeding the de-1 Oakery in eonnaation for they found < - «»limited quanti­ 1 N Coullhursi One mile trot or pace, best 2 out of 3 ' as surveys have been completed, A T Oovers J A Vest sired results may be had A g’eat, ty—guO.i beef loo. heats, for horses bred and raised in announcement will be made that F J Redon A Specialty of Short Orders. Dick Dry The hoodoo is broken and our H -rney county. Turee, »100. deal of thinking is required to pro ' Table furnished with everything work will be started on the con­ I-ou J Bosenberg Alfred Anderson Charles Leroy SECOND DAY. local cattlemen may look forward duce such a type and our best. 1 struction in the Spring) the market affords. Your patron­ P Andriew Edw Carlson Tlxls SZeccd.q.-a.Cbrtea». Three-eighths mile dash, for Horney —------------------- to better times Next season most breeders are aiming nt this end.— Dan Durbin county saddle horses. I’urse, »50. age solicited. see th'-m making prop irations early Notice ia hereby given that on Mon- Rural Spirit, Rural Juitice. Ttiree-eighth mile dasli, free for all and in some way stop the report at Purse, »100. day, tris 16th day of Oct., 1905, the nn- , railroad points that there are no Three-mile novelty race; walk first) The workings of the law in dereigned will apply to the County d» The Finest of All cattle in Harney county. Why mile, trot second mile, run third mile. rural communities are sometimes Court of tire state of Oregon for Harnej’ county, for the license mentioned in the bless > ou! w third the cattle in Pnree, »50. marvelous to behold. In a certain foregoing petition. THIRD DAY. the -’a’- of O vpti i> • within the 8oi. S chvbknkr . Half-mile d. After great difficulty, the ern political history. F<»nr and a half furlongs, free for all c onstable had succeeded in stop-1 The following syndicate article Rolhoi I Rr<»., Distributers. Portland, Oregon. Over BOO Porse, »150.' while very brief, expresses his One mile trot or pace, best 2 out of 3 ping the fight and arresting five| Beautiful In nnytine dcslr!a< Desiane. or six of thi jruised and bleeding view of the treaty very emphatic­ heats, free for all. Pnr«e »1-50. Fise-tnHe dash, for tlarnej- Connty combatants They were placed ally : aad<11e horses. I’urse »75. on tri ll the follow ing day before 1 hope that I am mistaken, yd FIFTH DAY. • UCCE.SOR TO;Wll»OU 4 A.MTCW the justice of the |wace, a hard-j in all sincerity I believe that the is made of Grape Five-ei«l>th«-mile dash, free for all Sec bls i. indsMM headed, irascible, but fairminded R umo Japanese peace is entitled Pnr-m, »150. Cream of Tartar old Confederate veteran. After to rank as the most conspicuous i- One mile tr“t or pace, beet 2 oat of 3 "beats, slow race, change drivers. 1 he somewhat maimed rites of disaster in political history. MANDI (opening court had been complied During the war Russia was on Parse 925. MONUMENTAL 6HOI4ZE CO’/I Ten-m-le relay race, must ose 5 «addle Muouvur. ou » m . the highroad to emancipation from horsrs. change as plea«e. Pnr«v, »l<*0. with, the first defendant was called to the stand. The justice did the an insane and intolerable slavery. Makes the food I was hoping there would be no ALL WORK GUAR­ Messrs Drink water A Clay are questioning. First National a A General Ranking Business Transact« FIRST NATIONAL BANK first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO THE CARTER HOUS Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant« All Outside Rooms— Near Depot Napton Real Estate. THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard «nd Pool Tables, Club Room ; in Connection ’I. I. LEWIS Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure peace until Russian liberty -George Wilson,you »recharg­ the proprietor, of a blacksmith ami ed with tight™’ and disturbin’ the in Drewsey. They de- of th more Wholesome and Delicious. Hotel Burns Bar PARTICULARS fluents, Burns, Ore. and PRIi CHAS. WILSON Blacksmithing and Horsshoeing. I Wagon Work. ANTEED. Burna, Oregon THE TIIVIES-H&R Job Printing