essary for the road. It will not be given for speed alone. Color or sex will not be considered in the con­ test. The loving cup must be won twice in succession at animal fairs before it becomes the property of any in­ dividual. It is not necessary that it be won by the same team two successive years, however, so long as the same party wins it t’vica. fclic SATURDAY. SEPTEMBRE 10, 1906. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Year.............................. ..................... |2.OU Six Months ........................ ......................... 1.0U Three Months..................... ............................ 75 JLL1AN BY KI» — — — — Manager In justice to the health of the school children The Times-ller- aki hopes the board will see that the well at the public school building is cleaned out immediat­ ely. It is very inconvenient at present to be running to the var­ ious wells in the neighborhood for water and frequently going without water which is certainly detrimental to their health. WILLIAMSON CONVICTED — The Harney County Bank With Capital Stock of $50.000 to be Opened. The Harney County Bank with a capital stock of *50,000 will be opened to the public the early part of the coining month with a bright business future before it. Ben Brown, N Brown and Leon M Brown are the incorporators and the new institution wiil occupy a portion of the big N Brown & Son’s stone mer­ cantile building. The furniture fur the bank has arrived and carpen­ ters have been busy the past week partitioning off the north part of the building. As soon as thia work is done the bank will be opened with Leon M Brown as cashier. The Brown’s will occupy the en­ tire building, cutting out the stairs leading to the second floor which is now occupied by the land office and lodge rooms. In this manner the lower floor will afford more space for the mercantile 1 stock, The whole of the second floor will also be utilized for the merchandise department and a stairway arrang­ ed inside the building to reach it The land office will be moved in. to the new stone building now be­ ing erected adjoining the post-office and the I O O F Lodge will new quarters. The firm of N. Brown & Sons haB been in business in this place since the early “80” and have es tablished themselves with the peo­ ple. They have a big trade throughout Harney county and tire shaping their business to command a larger trade. They eejoy the confidence of almost every business man in the county and wo predict a successful career for the new banking institution. A telephone message received here yesterday announces that the third trial ■ f Williamson. Gesner and Biggs fur let d fraud in the United States ! deral court at Portland had resulted in a convic« tion of «11 three defendants. Thia pratically winds up the notorious c:t.“es being prosecuted by Heney in this state with the exception of the charge- against Congressman Senator Fulton has recommen­ Hermann which will be put oil' un- ded the appointment of Frank til later. Welcome to the postmastership New City Recorder. here made vacant by the death of II. Kelley and in all likelihood lie A meeting of the city fathers was will receive the plum. Flank’s held Thursday forenoon, having many friends are pleased and be­ been called for the purpose of act­ post- lieve lie will make a good ing upo.i the resignation of S. W. master. Miller as city recorder. Mr. Mil­ ler’s resignation was accepted and INDIANS GO BACK TO SCHOOL. Mayor Cummins appointed L Woldenberg Jr. to the place. Mr Supl. Rakestraw of the Indian Miller left Thursday for Crook cou­ Industrial School at Fort Bidwell, nty where he will take up his resi- arrived here Wednesday evening deuce for the present with his dau- for the purpose of taking the gliter, Mrs. Hieven», 8am is one young red skins back to school of the old timers that will be much after their vacation. He was ac­ missed. companied by his sAtANj E üí J ü R úl D BY Will be glad to furnish SCIENTISTS A3 PBACÏIGAI.LY RE5OLVE E> I I THAT IT« BUSTER BROWN STOCKING IT A BOON TO MOTHERS»«» A SNAP FCR JAHTA CLAUJ" - BUJTER BROWN STONE Mestroie ». Send for °rico List Jt Circulars. Over 500 Beautiful Designs. PARTICULARS and PRICES To aiiyoGe desiring INFORMATION. We respectfully invite tile public to call on us and see our goods and get our prises. ’.Ve guarantee satisfaction. We are here to buil I up our business and pr posa to do it with [ I See his llandsuine 7>UU>*M«nK I LOW PRICES -SQUARE DEALING ¿¿J DESIGNS. MANUFACTURED BY MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, BÄIDOEPCBT.CQNN. OVERLAND HOTEL FRANK A. COLE, Propt FIRNITURE. PIANOS, UNDERTAKING CARPETS, MATTINGS. WALL PAPER. GO CARTS. MATTRESSES, REFRIGERATORS. BUILDING and CARPET PAPER. ROOFING. Ou Janie Scheier, Plaintiff. , For the finest quality of English William C. vs. Scherer, Ilefendant. ’ Surprise Seed Oats, Clear from foul To William C. Scherer, Defendant In the Name of the State of Oregon, seed and wild oats, cal! on. You are hereby required to appear an I Chas II. Davis Harney City Oregon. answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or beiore A change in methods of doing the first day of the next regular term of business where the benefits of the the above entitled court, to-wit: Onor change are in favor of the consumer before the 2d .day of October, 1905,.and if you fail so to appear ami an.wrr for should be appreciated Browns eave want thereof, plaintiff' will take judg­ you money by their New Cash ment against you for. the relief ¿prayed System. for in plaintiff's complaint vtz:~for the I dissolution ofjbe marriage contract now Geo 11. Dod«on and wife took existing between plaintiff and defen lant, their departure Wednesday for the and for plaintiff 's costs and] disburse- rnilroad going via Ontario Mr. ■ menta of this suit. You will also take notice that this D .Ison was quick to see the bull- n. ss advantages here and has gone summons is serve t upon you bv publica­ tion, by order of Fl C. I.eren«, Jiidne <>f to arrange his atf ire in Oklahoma the County court of Harney county, Ore paparatory to returning to thin gon. ami that said order was made nt.d place to locate permanently, He dated August 'J.'td, 1903, the Bist pub i- I seems to I h > a very energetic man cation hereof is made on the 2t,th day of r i: ¡I McCormick Mowers flcCormick Hay Rakes Deering Mowers i homas Hay Rakes Dairi Hay Bucks A full and complete line of the best haying tcols made. PETITION EOK LIQUOR LICENSE. A. L Huntci his departure yesterday morning for Bend where SUMMONS. he goes to look after some business affair» mid visit relatives, fie will In the Circuit Court of Hie State of On- gon, for the County of Hiirnev. likely spend the winter there One <>t the handsome special pre­ miums to be offered for competition at the coming fair it a loving cup put up by The Times-Herald for driving teams. This cup is solid silver with an ebony base and full of push and will certainly August, 1905. Gto. S. StZRMORK, elands t> inches high. It is now on make a very desirable citizen. Attorney for Plaintiff. displav at Geniberling's Jewelry I store and has already been admired j tmmnmntmmtm::;: Ly many. FROWN N MCW«, It seems some have been confused President Viea-PratidaM from the announcement (>n the big LEON M BROWN Cathie? and Manager posters and have the impression it is giv< n for harness displays. Thia erroneous The cup ia for double • • team-driving horses It is intended •: • •/ tt for every buggy team in the county Aalhorized Capital. kM.MI.ll. to have a chance to win. The con­ ditions are that they must be shown WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINE8S in harness and driven in a manner i to suit the judg< a. Judges will pay strict attention to size, form, action, Burns. Harney County, Oregon. style, endurance and qualities nec- We have the Goods Stock is complete in Every Particular Main St , Burns, Oregon See us first mid get prices. First-Class, Well Appointed House Centrally located, Well furnished table», comfortable rooms. BATES: Meals 25 cents: Rooms 51 ccit-S Single Beds 25 cents. Stop at the Overland Burns, Oregon. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. LEWIS * GARRETT, Propts. Special attention given to transcient custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. Of drugs, medicines, druggists sundries, perfumes, stationery, books, schcr! sup­ plies, etc., ever brought to Burns. Tne finest wines and liquors for medicinal purposes always on lia-d. FIRST CLASS LIV LRV TURNOUTS. Agents for Any Periodical Published Huy and ¿rain always on hand. VOIR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. Your patronage solicited. South Main St., Burns, Oregon ♦ ♦ Fhe Largest and Most Complete Stock Special Attention to Conducting Funerals : : le the city drug store H. M. HORTON, Propt. , NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES 4 IN CONNECTION * ITIl BARN Hiirnev County Bank Our New Stock of DRV GOODS. FURNISHINGS, SHOES, MATS AND &BOCEBIES Mol give you a nice variety from which to select. AH TOY, Manager Flrot'claee accoarmodatioM «¡th neat. cfe