VOL. XV111. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, SEPTEMBER 30, 1905. NO. 45. MAY GET ARTESIAN WATER | servation, and, th-refore, they have GRASS-FED STOCK IN DEMNAD library. She has placed history SAÜE BRUSH IS VALUABLE i no greater right in th»t respect out- , side of the reservation than a citizen A STRONG FLOW INDICATED AT THE of the state. FAIR GROUNDS. “Mr. Baker, the state game ward­ en, wrote me in 1904 that a cer- tain Colonel Charles White, now Water Bubbles up in lias Pipe to Withio a deceased, was present at the con­ Few Feet of the Surface, Raising clusion of the treaty with Warm Good Sized Ciravel. Spring Indian«, by which such rights were reserved to the Indians In sinking a well for irrigation but I am unable to find any such purposes and to keep the track treaty, and it is not claimed in bis spridkler going nt the new fair letter tb.-xt any such reservation grounds, a good 11« w of water was was made in the Klamath treaty, 1 urn' at onlv a short depth, The and the Klamath treaty contains well was dug down some 11 feet no .such reservation. and then a piece of 2 inch gas pipe “It is held by numerous author- driven down in the bottom to a ities both in the state and United ,’n-plb of 21 or 22 feet This piece States courts, that when an Indian of pine is 10 feet in length and the commits a crime outside of an water comes to the top with consid­ Indian country he is amenable to erable force, bringing up gravel al- the (laws of the place where the most the size of heneggs. crime is committed.” When filling the tank of the sprinkler with a big pump run by Scbool the Children. horsepower the water is drawn out until the pipe stands at some height A good many papers of the elate above the surface, but in only a few are publishing extract« from the minutes the ilow from the pipe new compulsory school attendance again fills the well and raises the law From eight to fourteen the water to within about 8 feet of the child is required to attend the en­ suface of the ground While this tire time school is taught in the is not unusual it seems to be of home district Nor must he work more force than other wells and for hire, payable tn himselt or any would indicate a strong flow within other person, during the contin­ a reasonable depth. In fact it has uance of the term and any person put some of the stockholders of the or firm employing such child may Harney County Fair Association to be heavilv fined. studying and considering the ad- Another provision of the law visibility of experimenting at some makes it almost impossible for future time provided satisfactory children up to sixteen to get lawful arrangments could be made. employment in any of the better The association contemplates a lines unless he h s a fairly good park and will in all likelihood be education in the common branches. gin work on the grounds earlev This measure puts a high and im­ next spring, putting out trees, seed­ mediate premium on going to school ing certain portions of the plot to which ought to stir them up to grass, flowers and shrubs. A flow­ steadier attendance and better ing well would add much to such work. an arrnngment and assist very mat­ Complaints for violation may be erially in beautifying the place, brought by members of the child besides simplifying the expensive labor law commission, and are to matter of irri ating the plot. Such be prosecuted by the district attor­ a well would be worth money to the neys. The school principal or sup­ association and gives encourage­ erintendent must first serve a ment to the people all over the val­ written notice of the law upon the ley The experts of the geological parent or guardian responsible for department of the United States the failure to attend If a suffici­ i.re positive of the existence of ar. ent answer is not returned within t> 'n8lt* 8 Pr8‘'cai machine to be not require a license to bunt or. the u»«d ordinary roads So far reservation. In discussing tlw ques- the great drawback has been that t!-. the attorney general say«: 'be niachir.es are built too low rnak- * I find nothing in th act giving ">K inipoisible to make an. •n I dian auv greater rights than *P<*d on roads that have been worn any other person, and the state has ‘own and leaving a h.gh rtdge in right to punish for the violation the center This is a defect easily of its laws whether the person vio­ overcome when once understood lating is a white man or an Indian. For Sale—Fall and Winter ap­ The treaty made between the Kla­ math Indian« and th- United State« ples 75 cents a box, beet varieties. October 4, 1861 does not reserve to Horse pasture free. Fruit readv the Indians the r'gh< to hunt or about Sep'.. 20 at the Bel-haw fii'h ceded lands outside of the re- ranch —Belshaw A Bentley Bru«. N. U. CARPENTER, C ashier , and California biography at the CUMMINS, V ice I’ kks A. C. WELCOME. A sst . C ashier . head of the list. This gives Cal­ i MONTANA HERD BRINGS BIG PRUE ifornia first place, always, in the TO BE USED FOR MAKING PAPER IN THE EAST. AND PERFUMERIES minds of Californians, and the re­ sult is apparent everywhere. OF BURNS, OREGON. When California needs boom­ Baker City Man has Patented Process For Secretary Owlnn Believes Oriental Trade Banking Business ing she does not have to go out I Will Soon be Supplied Direct by Extracting an oil front lt--First begging for funds and men, but Sheet of Paper Exhibited. Tbit Range Territory. fy/arrante bought at the market price. funds and willing men are forth­ Last May 15, N. E. Imhaus. Must market stock l>e topped off coming, voluntarily, freely, cheer­ WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. with corn or cereal feeding, or has fully and with great enthusiasm. who for years has been the man­ DI H EOTOR =4 ager for a French syndicate own ­ N Ü. Carpenter, good wild grass the nutriment to C Cummins, John D I'aly, As a result, when California ing the Flagstaff mine near Bak ­ H . M Mortoti, J. W. Geary, C. A. Maines, goes out in competition with the finish fattening? The question Thomas Davis. er City, patented a process for had been decided in the negative world, as she is doing at the extracting an oil from sage brush by the easterners, who for many Lewis and Clark fair and as she years were accustomed to corn-fed has done at St. Louis, and at which is used as the basis of com­ .-»«■><■» s r* <■»««■> ob o-nirstnEO - obo - •“»•«">r»<»B stock. It had almost become a numerous notional conventions, mercial perfumeries of high grade. M. A lbxaxdbb , P resident C. E. K bnïox , Cashier w In making this extraction a pulp proverb that the corn-fed animal she leads, anti gracefully, without W k . J ones , V ick -P rbiidknt . C. W. P latt , Asst. Cashier fl is formed from which paper of will kill in far better conditio, effort, without friction. than the one coming from grass, It is because Californians know good quality is made. Mr. giving less waste and more meat and love California. They are Imhaus’ letters patent promise to A recent test was made on a be exceedingly valuable and if OREGON ONTARIO, band fed in the Big Horn basin of California lore in babyhood, they he puts either one or both pro­ are taught California heroism and Montana to determine wliat grass Interest Paid on Time Deposits. 5 ducts on the market there will would do Care was taken with history in boyhood and young be a 1 revolution in commercial We Solieit Your Banking Business. a this stock to prevent it getting any I manhood, and have California circles, . Everybody knows that methods and California instilled STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, E. II Test, 1 cereal, and after it was taken from C. I E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William I the range it was fed for some time [ into their growing minds, while they pay a very high price per Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. on a well-matured hay cut from they are forming habits and com­ ounce for high grade perfumery and that the products they buy oeooe wild grass of that district. When I ing to manhood. the stock was taken to Chicago it The fruits of this training are are not all essence o' the scent brought a price among the top- that a Californian always stands named on the bottle. Only a nolcbers of the corn-fed country up boldly and enthusiastically drop or two of violet for instance HOWARD SEBREE, P resident w . R. SEBREE, V ice p zbident and caused a seDsation. Expert for his state wherever ne may be is put in an ounce of some base R. A. COWDEN, C ashier Ä market men would not at first be- —Eart Oregonian. oil to make a violet perfume. V lieve that the animals were fed ex- This base oil itself is very rare V clusively on grass, and when so in- and valuable and this is what Mr. M/ Like Finding Money. formed were incredulous until the Imhaus has secured. V proof was offered. Care was exer­ A The commercial world knows Finding health is like finding cised to determine how the beef that paper of all grades is getting CALDWELL, IDAHO A Killed, as compared with the corn money—so think those who are tX to be a valuable commodity and V product, and the dressed carcasses sick. When you have a cough, A V ▼ A Menerai 1 ransueteu i- General oanKing Banking Business Transacted carried as high a proportion of cold, Bore throat, or chest irritation, that the material from which it is v hotter act promptly like W C Bar ­ made is growing scarcer every S/ CORRESPONDENCE INVITED meat as would have been found on the animals direct from the cm ber, of .Sandy Level, Va. He says: year. Wood pulp is becoming a "I had a terrible chest trouble, scarce article in the United States fields. caused by smoke and coal dust on on account of the rapid destruction Secretary J H Gwinn of the my lungs; but, after finding no re­ of the kind of trees from which it National Livestock association, lief in other remedies, I was cured, commenting on this fact yesterday is composed. As a result com­ by Dr. King’s New Discovery for said that the virtues of grass feed­ Consumption, Coughs and Colds ” mon newspaper has advanced at a ing, when done scientifically were Greatest sale of any cough or lung high percentage during the past not appreciated. He thought that medicine in the World. At the two years. the time would come when much The first sheet of paper ever City Drug Store; 50c and $1 00; of the good beef of the west would guaranteed Trial bottle free. made from sage brush is now on be topped off with grass. exhibition in the First National Eighth Grade Examination “Boise basin and the Ontario Bank in Baker City. This is of a country are becoming great feeding yellowish tinge but there is a sam­ For the benefit of those wishing grounds,” said Mr. Gwinn “The ple in Paris that is pure white extensive reclamation work done to enter the high school, and who and of good quality. have not passed the eight grade there insures a vast production of examination. 1 will hold an eighth Whether the production of the forage and feed in general Cli- grade examination on the 28 — 29 perfumery oil and the manifacture mate favors the work There is no of the paper as a by-product reason why the coast and oriental of this month(Sept.) M. E Rigby, County school Supt. shall become a regular industry trade should not he supplied by this territory direct, instead of first depends upon whether the cost Up-to-date job printing at reason­ of production can be reduced. If shipping to the east, slaughtering and dressing there and receiving able prices. the problem can be met and mas­ the meat here again, as is often the tered farmers will be planting Having sold the furniture busi­ rule. When the demand for high­ sage brush in their irrigated fields, D on C arlos B oyd llOUHTOM Ninos. grade meats in this region grows ness, C. A. Byrd will now turn his according to the Baker City attention to painting and paper sufficientlv I do not doubt that Democrat. packing establishments of great hanging and solicits a share of size will spring up and the west your patronage. He will also con­ duct a cabinet and repair shop. Bought Stock Ranch, will then ship little livestock east ” —Portland Journal Speed Program Fair Beginning Oct. 16. Hon. C. W. Parrish and sons Real Mines and Minir.g. have bought the John Hyde place, FIRST DAY. AN EXAMPLE FOR OREGON. Quarter-mile dash, Harney County on the South Fork. The ranch In California’s educational ex­ saddle horses that never won public consists of two farms with good money. Purse, $40. hayland, pasture and outside range. hibit at the Lewis and Clark fair Quartcr-mile dash, free lor all. Purse P ayette , I daho . O ntario , O rroon . About 150 head of cattle were also is shown a specimen of the vir­ »100. Ontario office: New Wilson Brick. included in the d"al. It is the in­ culating state libraries which are Half mile dash, tree for all maidens, tention of the new owners to make puree, »100. now in use in the Golden state. One mile trot or pace, beet 2 out of 3 their residence there in the future, Oregon might take a needed heats, for horses bred and raised in although Judge Parrish will not lesson from this portion of the ex­ Harney county. Purse, »100. discontinue his law practice. Mr. SECOND DAY. hibit . Three-eighths mile dash, for Harney Hyde and family .' ill go into the The California library consists county saddle horses. Purse, »50. Willamette valley for the winter at of about 125 books, state history Tnree-eighth mile dash, free for all least, driving through by way of TRISCII A DONEGAN, Proprietors. predominating in the collection. Purse, »100. Prineville. — Grant County News Three-mile novelty race; walk first Next in importance in subject mile, trot se< >nd mile, run third mile, comes the biography of great l’urse, »50. Job printing—The Times Herald XJZ cl I cq Tlxls ZZescd.C|.VL2Lrt©rs. THIRD DAY. Californians, then comes natural history of California, and nature Half-mile dash, for Harney County and Cigars. bor es. Purse, »50. studies for young folks, and then saddle Half mile dash, free for all. Purse, Billiard Tables. A MATTER OF HEALTH a general collection of useful and »100. One mile trot or pace, beet 2 out of 3 entertaining volumes intemli d to Rooms in Connection instruct and amuse people of all beats, 2:50 class, free for all Purse »150. ages Halt-mih- da-h, for ponies under 14J4 The state of Oregon, as te , „and* high, ridden by boys under 14 The Finest of All has nothing of this kind. If you rear« of age. Puree. 20. FOURTH DAY. m-ntion a library, people say, “O there are no literarv people here Four and a half furlongs, free for all Purse, »150. to use a library ” Literary peo­ Om- mil- trot or pace, beat 2 out of 3 ple do not patronize public lib­ heats, free for all. Puree »150. F»r Sale Only at raries, to any extent They Five-mil« dash, for Harney County saddle horses, l’urse »75. choose and buy their own books. FIFTH DAY. The masses use libraries, and Five-eigbths-mile dash, free for all. public libraries should be so Purse, »150. chosen as to be most profitable One mile ir it or pace, ls;st 2 out of 3 heats, slow race, change drivers, A ■'ents, 8urns, Ore. Absolutely Pure and entertaining to the masses. l’urse »25 AMS W SUBSTITUTE California has shown excellent Te -mil- relsy race, u-t nee 5 «iddle f**Roth>>i I Br< •., Distributer«. Portland, On gon. judgement in classifying uer state horses, change as please. Puree, »100. First National Bank Transacted A General È ? I FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tirsi national Bank | I Napton & Boyd Estate. » THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Pool Club MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY B aking POWDER Hotel Burns Bar