professional cards . string, known as the ‘ ¿¿ iforma among them being Judith. Lucille and Susie Wilkes, 'ill in the 2.20 I i. tk - some 25 har- c’a- nei*b horses in training at the track now. ami their numbers are being augmented every day by the ar- bui v rival of other stringa ïhc (limcs-üeraíd •ATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1W5. hl IWCRi PTION KATES: Que Year ............... I2.UU Six Month« ...................... ........................ 1.00 Three Ionth«........................ ............................. lb 1 I LI A N M > Kl> — — — — Maaager OFFICIAL DIKKCTOBY BTATX—OBtOoW : i J. 11 Mitchel I C. W. Fulton. jJ. N. Williamson, CongreMaiiien Í 1 A. M. < raw ford. Governor «ieo. E Chamberlain. .««ci eiary ol Htate F. I . Duubar. Treasurer C. 8. Moore. bui»'. Public luhtrurtlon J. H. Ackerinan. State Printer J R. Whitney V d. Senators supreme Judge« many gallopers are being worked out every day, an i the track » »ch morning pn ^cnls a very busy pt arance. 1 he meet this year will undoubtedly be the most successful ever b 1 in Bak«-r county or of the < .»- i 1* J, an 1 this in nection w¡’ « th * i > tl fair throng B » x' * * h visitors dur­ ing the we • - • «uber rJ tn 23 inclusivH. B hk ». t Democrat. . K H. Bean. .5 C. Wolverton ! F A -M'.ot ■ benefit people and meet popular ccnditiona, »nd one of the most in­ teresting of these thathas ever been invented is thd Dr. W hite Electric Comb, patented Jan. 1, *X) 1 hese wonderful Combs positively cure dandruff hair foiling out. sick and nervous headaches, and when us 1 with Dr. \\ bite s Electric Flair Brush are positively guaranteed to make straight hair curly in - > Thousands of th -e days time. electric combs have been sold in the varions cities of the Union, and the demand is constantly increas- (Jur agents are rapidly b- coming rich selling these comb* They positively sell on sight. Semi for sample. Men’s size 3.5c, ladies 50c — (half price while we are in- trocucing them.) The Dr. \\ bite The Dr. White Electric Comb C - Decatur, III. W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries Provisions Wm. MILLER, \TT0RNEY AT LAW. Tropical ~ind Domestic Fruits when in Season Biggs & Biggs JE ALSO HAS A LINE OF ATTORNEYS - AT - LAXX , 8. 8. WILLIAMS, Gem Mgr., pfiRRISM & REMBOLD, Attorneye-at-Law, All kinds of Frash Vegetables in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL Convulsion Fits, then Epilepsy. Don't Overlook Illi? When ip Need of FURA'ITURE. A few Points to Consider: mad«* by the invent ¡on ot iirticl«,s ot minor im- porianc«*. Manx <»t th»* more pop- ¡dar «!«•> • ‘ ir» th«»*-»* deaiined to Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind “Jim” .1, H. CARI BY, Ontario, Oregon. URNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment the I raveling Men FIRST ('LASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR CHAS. WILSON < ’has. II. I xM>nard A ttokney - AT-LAW, Careful attention given to Collec­ tions and Real Estate matters. Fire Insurance. Notary Public B uhns , O regon . GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, ............................. O regon B urns , Your Patronage Solicited S hoì ^ tlim amo unlom P acific Collection., Land business, and Real Depart fori TIME sc unn , 1« ", Estate mailer promf tlv attended to. From Huutingto, o,. ABBITI Chicago- Portl od Special Medicine and 12:35 DR. M. J. GERDES. Salt Lake,Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St Louis. Chicago and East. General Practice of 'Mu a. n> Surgery. Office and residence, Cor. Maindc B Sts. Atlantic aalt Lake,Denver.Ft ’Phone Main 71. Burns, Oregon. Exprès- Worth, Omaha. Kan­ 3:33 2:10 sas City. St Loui- P p m Chicago and Fast. S. W. MILLER, NOTARY PUBLIC. - Burns, - - St. Paul \\ all \\ alia, Lewis­ E’st.Mail ton. Spokai Minn, 12:35 ] 1-45 apolis. St. 1’i.ul, Pu 1 K- j lutli Milwaukee, Chi­ cago and East. Oregon. \V. J. COLEMAN, Stenographer and Notary Public - B urns , O regon . OCEAN and RIVER SCIIEDILI From Portland office iu Citizens Bank Building, JOHN W.GKARY W. L. MARSDEN, 8 p ui MARSDEN & GEÄRY. Physicians and Surgeons. Bl'RNS, Office ut reeidence. All sailing dates sub jcct to chai ge. For San Francisco 4 P Bl . ‘ every 5 days. O Columbia Kher a p. ni. I p. a. OREGON. Steamer« PhoM No. to Ex Sun. To Astoria anu Way- Except Saturdy 10 p. n. L E. Hibbard H. 8. Brownton Hibbard "I have a eon that had brnln fexer when two years old, follow*ed by fits of the worst type, and he wa-» pi• -n<"iii”e<| Incurable. I «pent hundreds <>f dollars for him. without fe!i«*f. Aft-r about lift tan year« he became so ba«1 that we sent him t«» I.ongcliff hospital f. r the Insane, nt Logansport. ln«l He was there m arly three y< ars. I t I con­ tinued to grow worse, so xxe L •>ip.’ht him home July 30, r.««’-2. In an awful condition, lie had lost his mind almost entirely, lb- hardly kii> w < i: of t'•• family; could not »\«n find I. bed; was a total wre< k H-- had f* an i> to 10 fits a day. We w« re urged to try Dr. Miles’ Nervine, and brks in a German April and Fourth Alon lay in October. < ity by a js»li< « n an, who bade her hold Joint-Kept <* nci >'ut t ve ........................ J LdiU Rev A. J. Irwin will preach up her gown, inasmuch as the trailing JoiDt-Henator ....... J L. Rand damaged the gravel ami also, he added, Harney the 2nd Sunday of each CotNTY- HARNEY S did the gown no good. Sire demurred, month at 11a. in. and 7.30 p. in. 1 iront) Judge !i. < . Level.« pointing out that, In her opinion, the « ierk rant Molherbhtad damage to the gown was of little conse­ Sabbath school every .sabbath al 2 I r eoa irre « J M Dalton p. in. birrvei or F M Jordan quence. At oner* the policeman pro n he rill '1 om A Hen duced a formidabl« looking book in A««e«»or J. E. Loggaii Sunday school at Harney the S( hool Super! I'tci.den M E Rigby which in equall . formidable looking I J A Vest German it wa. iat. 1 that to let a dreaj stuck lnapcctor first Sunday of each month at 10 < otti tn .««loner« . iCT Miller |W L lies i drag on the pathway was an offense o’clock a in. On the second, third against the luw Washington Star. County Court meet« the fir At Weduesday In and fourth Sunday of each month Jauuaty, Mauh. Muy, July, September and Millionaires Who Began as Peddlers. at 3 o’clock p m November. Preaching -er- The death of two New York million Shaving and |jair (ultind, HABNKY Ü. H land orrict: vice » very second Sunday at 8 p m. airejp Gfigi’j nhejrrj and Vogel--who Register Win Karre began their a1 The Siillei er I I k not true— Silver Creek the third Sunday of man uni c to a reporter. “One time an old friend of mine started ail I want is I he earth.—Cleve­ the month, and al Van the 1th Sun­ land Leader. day until further notice—Rev. A a paper down south and sent it to Are You Engaged? 1 am prepared to furnish iny customers with the usual me, .mil 1 subscribed just to en­ Engaged people should re mem-! B. Minaker, Pastor. high class goods and invite the public to call when desiring courage him. and after a while it i". ! published a notice of an order to her. after marriage, many quarrel* sell .1 lot at public auction, Su j can be avoided, by keeping their i inquired about the lot and told 'Lg' stions in good condition with I Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of I ni) fl lend to run it up to $50. He Bennettsville, S C, says: “For bid me off the lot at $38 and sold I years, my wife suffered intensely it in a month for a $100, so I from dyspepsia complicated with made by taking that paper. u torpid liver, until she lost her *• dy latliei told me that, when streuth and vigor, and became a Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nerv­ he was a young man he saw a tiler- wreck of her former self. Then I notiie in a paper that a school -he tried Electric Bitters, which i ine has been so successful in .. . curing these brain-wrecking ! h-lped llel nt at once, and mm finally* iiuuitj . diseases that there is every i« reason to believe that even the and ■nade her entirely well. She is most hopeless cases can be now strong and healthy. ” The ■ gi'l I'ity Drug Store, sells and guaran- ' benefited, if not fully restored; Wc will be pleased to refer lees them, at 5Oe a bidtie. any __ _____ one ______________ thus afflicted to many We bu t in car load lots and direct from the factories—No “get rich quick” policy who now enjoy the blessing of us»d will have the business for our prices ami fair dealing demand that we should WANTED— Agents, Hustlers health, after years of hopeless LARGEST STORE IN EASTERN OREGON Salesmen. Clerks and everybody | suffering. who wants to enjoy n good hearty1 laugh to send 50c for “Tips to Agents ’’ Worth I5O to anv per- j son who sells goods for a living. I 1 If not satisfactory your money I back Circular for stamp. The I>r WLil' elertrie (5>mb Co., I teen- ) tur, 111 Ontario-B Stage biöe BERN-l.olH.I- XO. »17. X E. A M„ Mi t in » t i >Htunla» evening in M hhoii I c Hall <’. < uni iniiiN, W. XI. W <’ McKiuney, secretary. INLAND LODGE NO. 70 K. of P. MeetB every Thursday evening In the Brown !’•> „ v , H. M. Horton, C. C. L. M Brown, h. R. S BURNS LODGE No 4 A. O. U. W. Meets every second and fourth Friday .. w , A. C. Welcome, N. W ' N.« ochran, Recorder. ORDER UF WASAINGTON. Mt eta every first and third Friday, in Browu , , U. P. Rutherford, ri residen earl x niganiort*. Merretarv. BURNS CHAPTER NO. 40.0. E. S. Meet, every .eeoiol and fourth Mundkii iu -Khor: nail Hora Woldenbeig, w. ii Marie < arpenter. Secretary Sunday. Landings. Willamette Klver. 6 a. m. Oregon City New 4 30pm Except berg, Salem and Way Except Landings. Sunday. Suoiisy. WIII.B.ttr a l.mhlll 7 a. m. Klver. Teusday Oregon City, Davtou Tuhrd’y and Way-Landings & Sat. 3:30 pa Miu.dit Wed. 4 Friday. Willamette River. 6 a. ni. 4:30 pi Tuesday Portland Corvallis 1 nesda« Thurs A and Way-Landings Thurs 4 Sal. Hat Le» re Leave Suake. River. Leviiia Riparia, 1:20 a tn Riparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a a Pail. Daily. A N. Hou Huntington. Urrfwi A. 1. CRAKE Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Portland. Oregoo A. L. MOHLER, President. Forest Reserve Scrip For Sale Forest reserve scrip, in tract« U *1 acres ami upward, ready for immediis use ami guaranteed. Will buy soldiers’ land warrante gì» for services in all Indian warn ann Mex­ ican and W ar of 1812 H* B< Compson 518 MARQUA# BLOC P0RT2AND suet LSSOR rO.WlLSON A SSHT N Blacksmithing and iiorsshoeinç Wagon Work h< “I ><•. ALL WORK GU AR AN 1 EED Burns, Oregon IS a LIVERV, FEED AND SALE LEWIS & McGEE, Propts Main.M., Fuma,'Oregon. Cuting Parties Accommodated LEWS errai Tl LE CIRt’LE No 1. Meet« every fourth Tue»d«v $1000 Reward’. Ill K>IIM I II HU II A all Ihg I Inst driving hornea, owned bv J \\ I» ggw, of Burna, hi « barg»* . f two c*»mintent trainera. a* nv* »1 .it H ' i ice tra« k x**<»irrd*v. raining tor th« a< d a ill g»« miii CÜUH !• K Ibi H. 1 lieta* buraca an» FIRE INSURANCE ... Represents the.... Moine Insurance La of New York, I ivcinool. London « ulobe. l ire X>Mirance io , Philadelphia Hl tl 11105 & BIO« !» , P atents DESIGNS COFVNICHTS Anp.n, »«tiding » ,k«ol> _ Èaiakly, our opla'an »MM I. probably —i«t.N«. Sdentine Jlmericas A hamlNomely •n of any •rtentiflr j••un...». -••r : four moo'n«, fl. Sold ty # Lb*’1 ft» Horses Bought and Sold. The Harney « ountv per feet hhd burns. ! x Dri.g Store « Dalton. G M. lune XX hit Ing. Clerk 50 YEARS experience Horses receive the best of care Elegant Netu livery turnouts. ‘ ’a 11« I HARNEY V a IJ.EY CAMP No 381, W. of|W ¿Seets every first and «eennd Tneaday. W. M< ( lain, ’« ,,m Gowan, « ivrk from experienced hands. ion Arnie iif.d n r ih - SM.Vl X REBEKAH DEGREE No <3 Meet«every 1st and 3d Wednesday. .■ , . „ Louisa Byrd. N. G. L Allee king. Rec. Sec y. Ku n». l rv.nn i» rrr -twain , I lunaburt A Halt >n «. »'<• -to« k AMociatioa BURNS MILLING CO HORTON M -a,,.... ■>. '►retou. Skou Additional Pr" Reward. I d addition to the «bove i • - • r - S oo 1er 'h*> tarn revu dinota for hi.reee randed hvraeehoe »••ron both or either ¡■w recorded in ■ ountioe llarnry. Lake and rook counties, fb• »«» »eutedwhen »old. Horwa «old > P« m through thia will re ported in thia paper write or telephone V Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road Lumber Yard in Burns * BROWN. File «»regvn JOHN GESBERI IM' Optician Jeweler. Kntfi-ivei. Fine Watch Rcpailint> cialty. .