SLAUGHTER RANGE HORSES Why a pretty girl who talk» in a I loud voice in public places imsgir- ea that ail men who are watching backyard revenue MOVE ro QET RID OF THE MANOV h<r fnrattvelv or ojwnlv are List in Dealer in INDIAN PONIES admiration? CITY INCLOSLTIES FURNISH EM Why a tuan iu a crowded strict PLOYMENT TO WORKERS. car would rather open and shut the SUIe V<l»rlssriss Ik,, ides He Will U>oli»li front door for 20 women than move Bear Inclosures of the City Afford I»tested Herde and Begin Crusade down two feet and hang on a strap? Employment for Men of Many On Uautllla Rescrvatiuo Diffeient Trades to Why a woman will walk seven Work At. If the recommendations recently blocks to save 2 cents a yard on a ;tE ALSO HAS A LINE OF made by the Oregon Ikimeslic Ani peice of silk andthen fail to observe i If one should look abroad just casu that the butcher is holding out the ally upon any range of back yards, mal commission to the county anj ujmmin<B of h ter , Sun say. for example, upon such a range as that in view from my study win stock inspectors are carried out, day roast, ar.d the ice man is oc dow," said Prof, von Joggleby. in the the wild horses that have roamed casionally adding an extra .5 cents New lork Sun, “very probably it would seem to him. seeing them as he the hills of Eastern Oregon will to the ice bill? might when they were in a state of Whv a man will dodge trolleys, perfect peace and quietude, that they soon be exterminated, says the Ore were just simply back yards, and that gon Daily Journal The horses, drays and policemen in a mad rush that was al! there was to it. It cer to reach his oflice and then line up there are about 4000 of them, worth tainly never would occur to him that CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC about $2 50 a head, belonging to the 1 with messenger boys, tourists and they could ever be a source of rev to anybody. But. as a matter of All kinds of Fr«sh Vegetables tn Season, Indians, principally ofthe Umatilla other men presumably as busy as enue fact, these same back yards, that may himself to watch a fire company reservation near Pendleton and look so quiet now. do first and last, nearly all are infected with mange; turn a hose of water on a “tupenny” furnish employment for many men in many and diverse trades, who draw in by them the disease is scattered blaze? the aggregate considerable sums of Why a woman will rush reckless money from them. broadcast throughout the eastern Durkheimer Building. ly in front of a moving trolley car "In the spring, for instance, comes part of the state. along the clean-up man. who rakes For many years the state veteri to greet a friend and threaten to sue up the winter's debris and prunes the the motor company tiecause its man shrubs nad trims the vines and cleans • narian and other authorities have up around generally. He gets a day's been attempting to stamp out the almost ran her down? work out of it. at least. disease which frequently attacks "Then comes the stone, or the cou- the horses of farmers in that count Dr C VV Faull of Baker City who Crete, man. who relays the flags or Hoi »TOM X AFTON. repairs the concrete in the paved ry but the efforts have proved fu has lately acquired a third interest walks, where they have been thrown tile because of the proximity of tlie in the Prairie City electric light out of, level, or cracked by the action wild horses. plant arrived Tuesday and after a of the frost. now appears the turf seller, Not only do these mavericks1 couple of davs at the plant took the "And man who drives along the street scatter disease but they consume bis departure for Baker City. He with a wagon load of turf for sale, the forage which would Support will re urn in about two weeks. wherewith he will patch up worn spots in front and back yards, making thousands of cattle and sheep. “Great things are going to be doing them as good as new. “And in due time comes the grass The destruction they have wrought in the John Day valley” says Mr to the legimate grazing industry is Faull. The exact nature of doings cutter, and the grass cutter comes, too. at regular intervals through the incalcuable. however, were kept secret from the season, to keep the grass in order. An attempt was made some time Miner man and even the thorough "Among the earlier comers in the P avbttk , I daho . O ntario , O regon . ago to have the government compel probing the Dr received at the -back yard, finding there a source of revenue, is the gardener, who digs up Ontario office New Wilson Brick. the Indians to corral their animals, hands of the reporter failed to re the borders and sets out plants that treat them for the mange, or shoot veal the hidden meaning of his have been kept In the house through them, but the United States attor statment of immediate unprecedent the winter, and he also may come at intervals. To fTie florist the back ney general refused to take action I ed progress for the valley Putting yard is a yearly and constant source The state authorities, too have tried two and two together Dr Faull is of revenue, for he supplies all the flowers and shrubs. to pursuade the Indians to care for found to be very intimate terms needed "It might not at first thought seem their animals but without success. with major J W Bonta ar.d if the that the hardware dealer would come * Tt.e state authorities have decid Major lias big doings in contempla in anywhere for a rake-off from the back yard, but he surely does. He AITERIC'N PLAN ed to take the matter into their tion then the Dr bas got the tip supplies the cat teaser, the strips ot own hands. Recently Dr William straight and is here early to get in wood with long, sharp spikes sticking ONTARIO, OREGON. McLean communicated with Dr. on the ground floor.—Prairie City up through them, to be nailed along on the fence top. to keep the cats away. Hickox, chief of the western divis Miner. And the hardware man gets also some thing for the clothes poles used in ion of animlal industry, and asked Rates $2.00 and $2 50 per day. those same hack yards, which lie like him for relief. No definite answer A WONDERFUL INVENTION wise sells. has been received. ■'Not the least among those who de rive some income from the back yard Dr McLean two weeks ago took is the carpenter, who makes plumb It is interesting to note that for This modern new l otel was only recently opened to the up the matter with the Oregon do the sagging fence, and supplies new public. Harney County people will be always welcome mestic animal commisssion, of tunes are frequently made by the ¡Kists in place of such as have rotted and courteously cared for. A first-class bar in connection. which Governor Chamberlain is a invention of articles of minor im-' at the base, and provides new boards panels In place of broken ones, member, and was decided to in portance. Many of the more pop and and puts on new coping strips, and LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. struct each county stock inspector ular devices are those designed to Incidentally replaces or repairs the in the afflicted district to at once benefit people and meet popular crossbeams resting on the fence tops. which the clothes lines are notify owners of diseased animals, conditions, and one of the most in I ' between drawn. Not the poorest or least pro to take them up and treat them or teresting of these that has ever been ductive back yard job of the lot, that the horses would be shot The invented is thd Dr. White Electric of the carpenter. "After him comes, to cover the new commission recommended that the Comb, patented Jan. 1, ’99 These work, and It may be the whole fence, counties pay the owners the value wonderful Combs positively cure the painter, who finds many a job of the horses. In case of refusal ¡dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and waiting for him in as many back yards. "And it may even be that the 5flM BAILEY, proprietor. the state will stand behind the in • nervous headaches, and when used plumber finds some revenue In back i spector to make good any loss which with Dr. White’s Electric Hair yards in clearing choked up drains. pine Wines. Liquors and Ciqais the owners of the stock may stiffer. Brush are positively guaranteed And In the winter, when the yards are covered witli snow, and it would seem flqepts for /^arqlapd Ciub VvbiskM Dr McLean has recently been in I to make straight hair curly in 25 as though all work must be suspended, i vestigating a peculiar disease in days time. Thousands of these along comes a man who knows better, the man who goes from house to I the district east of the Sandy river electric combs have been sold in house CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION EVERYTHING FI’^T CLASS seeking jobs at shoveling suow. I 4 the various cities of the I nion, ami where a dozen or more animals who knows that the sidewalks are not Courteous and 0H141D4 Mixologists have died on the ranges. He made the demand is constantly increas the only places to be shoveled, who that on Mondays they want ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ <♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦ a careful examination but was un ing. Our agents are rapidly be knows paths shoveled in the back yard, so coming rich selling these combs able to determine what the disease that they can hang out the clothes. "To see the back yards as they ap was, other than it was a peculiar They positively sell on sight. Send pear, say on a summer day. with a stomach trouble. He was of the for sample. Men's size 35c, ladies’ cat here and there drowsing in a opinion that it was caused by the 50c — (half price while we are in- shady corner, and all everywhere in herds eating some kind of a for- trocucing them.) The Dr. White perfect ¡s-ace and quiet, might make unfamiliar with them think that The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., one age plant. I they were always so. that they were Decatur, Ill. complete and finished, and tiiat's all & W. E. HUSTON . Groceries, Provision Tropical And Domestic Fruits when in Season LOOK 1 am prepared to furnish my customers with high class g' oils and invite the public to call when CENTS FURNISHINGS Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear—Get Prices ANYTHING in my line . I (¡ittiroiitee the Goods and Prices Solid («old W¡itches, Fancy Clocks, Jewelry id all kinds, Silverware, Ebonyivare, Cut Glass. Handpainted China at Cost, Take a peep at my windows. G-errx'toerlirxg-. GIVE HIM A CALL Í M. L. LEWIS$ FIRE INSURANCE. Napton & Boyd Real Estate. ... Represents the.... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Live« pool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. Mines and Mining. Corner South <4 Lunaburg & Halton’s. CHAS. WILSON, SUCCE'SOR THE CARTER HOUSE. Fire-Proof, Modern, Bu ns. Oregon. OFFICE WITH HHK1S & BKKIS. II 'J Elegant. A- Blacksmithing and Horsshoeing Wagon Work. f* ALLWORKCUAR ANTEED. à All Outside Rooms— Near Depot ro;wiisoN a AShrON '• -’-Sb Burns, Oregon Main St., THE HOTEL BURNS BAR I’ati 'Dts receive every attention when placed under our care. Go id comfortabl • r< «mis. ; Surgical and medi :al cases Terms reasonable t Pleasant Quarters provided for Obstetrical Cases. I J f BXPBR1BNGEO NURSBS IN ATTENDANCE ( lias. E. McPIibeter«, Propt. Bur ns, Oreau. . JOHN McHULLEN, • THE tP-TO’DATE PHOTOGRAPHER WILL INOCULATE COVOTES Bring your eggs to tlie City 'feat 'I’lie Rocky Mounain Uusbai.d- Market and get 25c cash for them. man reports that stock ami wool growers in Meagner county, Mont Forced to Starve. ana ‘have paid $15 each for every B. F. Ix*ek, of Concord, Ky , says wolf destroyed ami each for coy otes. Thousands of dollars have “For 20 years I suffered agonies, been raised and paid, but it is get with a sore on my upper lip. so ting hard to raise the required mon painful that I could not eat. After ey for keeping up the bounty system. vainly trying everything else, I cur Hr. Brooks, of Chotenu, Montana, ed it, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.’ will under the authority of the state It's great for burns, cuts and have fifty coyotes captured and ino wounds. At City Drug Store Only culated with deadlv mange and then turned loose again to spread the dis ease among other coyotes. Qsestioss Hard to Answer Can you understand— Whv a man who has to pay wife's dressmaking and cleaning bills will set in a street car with one feel across his knee, so that every woman who passed him must brush her frock against the dirty sole of his shoe? Why any woman, who has ever watched a newsboy or any Italian 1» i-nal vender make charge will • lip a dime or a nickle into her mouth while she is using I Kith hands to investigate her purse or bag? Whv a man who in twaring and dress is to all intents a gentleman can sit io a crowded street-car with a half cold or smouldering cigar in hi* hand until the od> r from that Will sicken half the women and oust of the men in h<e vicinity’ there was about it; but in reality there Is. first and last, a lot to do In the hack yards. They are a constant source of revenue to many people In many and diverse trades." & All the latest styles and improved photography In use to be had. i*rofile Panels, Artist’s Proof uul Poacelain process. Photos finished in up to-date style upon application. All sizes from the smallest locket picture up to an Hx to finished in Ari«to Platino or on any of the American papers. <1 .llery opposite First Natlora! Bank. • t urns, Oregon. URNS MILLING CO. HORTON SAYER, Propts, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Hoad. Lumber Yard in Burns. MHS. CECELIA STOWL, Orator, Entre Noua < !ub. 76 Warren Ari-ru,-. Cni< A'.'», 111., < v’.22,1SO2. For near . ■ f sir ari i I«. The due- from ovar > tr • ration a» th»1 tor insisted n a’ I, however, only way to get » an operation, strongly <.!j«t,-d art» ned a- My liusbai. felt •vith a tick well as I, for bor »U place at woman is a dincot /ist advÍM-d best. Afnctily« of Win* him to m-t in «i h Cardni for n. I began to im| m, recovery > in eighteen I king C h Z a I / s kJ. 4- rfl}1 COLEMAN & HARRISON BURNS OREGON , JU , THE WINDSOR H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Reasonable Rate», (food Clean Meals, Comfortable Room«, Courteous Treatment. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Your Patronage Solicited, THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the local news HOPKINS &, GARRETT. Mannfactorer. ai,,| dealers in SADDLES and HARNESS $2 a Year—Club rates given. Bridle«*, Spur*. Whip«», Robe«: Ropes, I tc. Job Printing If tour M<xk at«- u!<,ig in am way come and get «ND«' •Security Stock Kemedie*; (»all cure, liniment., hli stem, etc. Also poultry food zXddrrts, Burn Or >n. uf Cardai. WINECARDUI THE BURNS HOTEL