Ws have the (jovdSM=Wc make the Prices*" Wc jet the trade. L’p-to-date fob printing at reason C«ED L. ANDREWS WAS MIRDERED various portion» of thia county. able prices. Mr Hutchins iv connected with Died—At the c.mty boap tai j*|cCormiCK lhe electric railway being promoted Stabbed to Death L««t Tuesday Nltht B) a Man Named Burke b> M j • I: mt i He stated to a SATI'KDAY JULY», 1905. Thursday night, Old Man Hughs represent alive < f The Times-Herald Deceased had been an inmate of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ilo v •••■re in tlii» section gatli- A. J. Baker, a bartender at poor farm of this county for 12 or One Year ........................ >2.Ou erii.g inf'ir.n.itioii and becoming Smvtb Bro», saloon at Andrew«, 15 years and had no relatives so far Six Month« ......... ... .1.00 familiar with conditions, but bad and H O SerHir g, an employe of the as can be learned. His death wa» Three Mouth« . ...................... . .76 nothing for publication. 1’ L S Co at Mann Lake, arrived due to a gen-ral bre iking d >wn and Mr Hutchins di.I say, however, here Wednesday evening in charge old age, being Something over stl >1 msaifer 11 1.1.»x H 1 Kl> that he considered this tin mo t of a man named Burke, who hail years. The remain« were laid to promising section in Oregon and of the previous night stabbed Fred I. rest in the Burns cemetery yester-, Al the suggestion of a number much greater magnitude than any Andrews to death at Andrews Post- day of property owners The Times- one v. old ini igine from a descrip Office. From Mr Baker, who was Herald respectfully calls the at tion IL al.-o staled that he was an eye witness, we learn the follow d with the general out-j ing facts: Burke and his partner tention of our city authorities to Wi ll pl NOTR E To < REDITÚES A full and complete line the very rank growth of weeds look of tilings and that he consid named Foster bad been working at ered tin- j > ihle business for a the White Horse ranch under Fred The uudersigned having on the 17th of the best haying tools and grass that line the sidewalks railroad much gr. iter than he had Andrews, foreman lint had quit, day ot July, 1'05, been duly appointed and adjoining vacant buildings and made anticip it« d or had been repr-sented complaining of the '‘grub" furnish Administrator of th»* estate iu Oregon of lots. 1 Lis growth will soon be i Warren Steveun,dt*cea e<l. all persons to him. ed. Andrews bad given the men j having claims again* said estate are come quite dry and be very dan- When given a copy of the table their time but had found Burke : notifiefl to present the same properly gcious m starting a lire. We are of statistics and information pub »till at the camp wagon at the noon verified to me at my oilice and residence not any too well prepared to light lished in tin piper, In- realized al hour and ordered him leave. The at the P-Itanch within six months from liie and every precaution should a glance, after his personal observa two men came to /Andrews post-of date hereof. Dated thin 22d day of July, 1905 be taken No doubt the property tions, that our figures were very fice where on Tuesday evening An F ran a II. H owkll , owners would willingly cut these conservative ami that we could drews met them. They had some Administrator of th»* Est ite of Warren weal'down and destroy them if ‘make good” on every item, ami in words in the saloon ai d Butke and <’. Stevens, Deceased Andrews begun to fight, but the their attention atti nfion is called to the fact do even better. Mr Hutchins found upon his ar former got away and run out of the danger i of allowing them to re- rival in this city an urgent sum- frontdoor. Andrew» then turned main. moiiH to Baker City, so he left his on Foster and while the two were Stock Inspector, Barney Connty. team here ami in company with his fighting Burke ran back in and The writer was instrumental in Home nddriss, Burn», Oregon engineer h-ft on this morning’s Can slashed Andrews in the back of the plat ing a lund of about $70 in the yon City stage in order to reach neck with a pocket knife inflicting DEITTIE hands of the public school board Bilker by Monday. a very deep wound which proved .. I,a wen j HJrant Thompson fatal. From a description of the ' I. M. Duvi» .some two or three years ago to . I irewsey ( wound and the fact that Andrew e al it. A. Stnilli be used for library purposes. It LOCAI. AND PERSONAL . Andrews Burng once sank to the floor unconcioUH, it \rchie Mdiowan ......................... ......... has never been put to use, but re Parties intending to move stock should •, is thought the spinal cord wrs sev Fine Patent Elour at Brown ’ s mains in the hands of the clerk I give the Inspector or nearest deputy ten 1 ered from y eai to year, doing no one Scott Hayt - was up from Lawen days’ notice. I Baker at once started for silk and any good. While the amount is Wednesday. material for the purpose of sewing small to start a library, it should Summer V> i for Swell Gentle up the ugly gash but the wounded be used for the purpose it was men wear Brown’s man expired in a short time. given. Thi n- are no immediate Baker states that Burke, or "Red’ It M Everett and Chas, Craw- I prospects of adding any amount as he was better known, remained ford are ovri from Harney, to this fund, and we would sug until his victim was dead and then Dr Marsden wa- called to Buch left, gest that the board and faculty threatening any one who meet and select a few good books anan station yesterday to see Mrs. might attempt to follow him, and and have them on hand for the Lester Hamilton who was quite ill going to Scbubener’s place secured I kl’LIS, MATTINGS, WALL PAPER, GO CARTS. MATTRESSES. he left the lady improving. a horse on the plea that a man had j opening of the fall term of school. REFRIGERATORS, BULGING and CARPET PAPER. ROOFING. been hurt and he wished to go fot This is not to be considered as a The Windsor, under the manage a doctor. Our Stock is complete in Every Particular complaint, but is prompted by a ment of C, B. Smith Ar Co., is one Later Mr Baker secured a horse I of the m t popular resorts in the See us first Hnd get prices. Main St , Burns, Oregon desire to reap some benefit from and started in pursuit. He found I interim. Finest of liquors and the money. that “Red” had secured other hors- ; cigars, billiards and card ,ables es on the same plea as the first but i and expert mixologists. dually succeeded tn overtaking the Ben Brpwn’s letter published The t arter House Barber Shop mail at Mann Lake, where he was in i recent issue of the Baker City at Ontario, Lee Caldwell proprietor, joined l>y H O Bertling and the two [ Democrat regarding the desire of is one r>f the most elegant tonsorial took him in charge and brought the j the people of this county to be parlors in all Eastern Oregon. Hot prisoner here. come closer identified with that and colil ImtliH with a spray bath Upon the testimony of A J Bak ANIMALS, game heads etc EìwbwL.) £7 Lie's old lime friends er, Deputy District Attorney Leo city and would welcome railroad connected are invited to call on him while at conm itioii and encourage the ex Me can leach you BY MAIL—Complete course in 15 lessons. nard filed an information charging tension of the Sumpter N alley, is Ontario the prisoner with murder in the ¡I PRACTICALLY i a fan expression of all who are A A Haydon, ii gentleman who first degree. lie was held without familiar with conditions Such a had spent the past month looking bonds to the October term of circuit Decorate your home, or den with fine specimens. Save the splen- Intentile lid trophies you s«cure on your bunding trips. If interested write connection would be very gratify over this valley with a view to in- court. for our prospectus and other printed matter, mailed FREE The prisoner is a stranger in this ing to those who n aliz.e the great yestim-, was joined the latter part Over COO J hr £imcg-$eta(d. Mowers HcCormick Hay Rakes Deering Mowers Thomas Hay Rakes Dain Hay Bucks Machine Extras. Wire Cab e, Rope, Forks, Machine Oil B. W. HAMILTON Car of Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies to arrive soon CEER & CUMMINS, Burns, Ore G. W. Clevenger & Co. FliRNITlIRE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING Lunalrarg & Dalton s Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Burns, Oregon. CompleteStock of Dry Goods Groceries and Supplies. Send or bring your orders for anythin«; in our line -Spring and Summer Goons now in. , . Will be glad to famish STANDARD METHODS, easily and quickly learned. possibilities of llarney county and feel that a railroad is the most im- pottant < ssenlial toward its devel opment. Such communications as Mr. Bi own's offer en.'out agement toward the end desired, and tend to < i inent the friendly feeling now existing between this city and Baker. A more ficquent ex- change id ■ ii» I. » out tesies and the nmt e mlri est show n in matters <4 inulii d interest would result in a bettet iimli’i standing of the affairs that at e of impoi lam e to the <le- velopinent of Eastern • >i egon. of last Week by Ins m pli-w ami till' two made a lour of this section They left oil Tuesday for Baker city where young Havdon han an exeellrnt position that he preferred retaining for the present Mr Hay don was very favorably impressed with this county and sees a great future I i il, but as lie was govern ed ent rely by the wishes of his nephew, I e d id i ot invest at pre sent, but informed 1'he Timus-Her- iild lie expected I i visit us again at mi distant date and would come prepared to stay. I va. tiers I xainination. No l le E. county ami had worked but a short time at the While Horse His name appears on the time books j there as Burke, but no one knew what name he went by ami he was arraigned on n John Doe warrant. The murdered man was quite well known here having conducted the Burns Hotel in this citv some three or four years ago, going from hereto take charge of the White Horse ranch tortile P LS Go where he had remained since. Deceased was married but had no children BANK HONEY ORDERS ( HIM MO r AFb'H« A patty i i nsisting of J S Hütet.- Wcdneef «V. IVnai«nship, or iiis, I 1. Hiitlman, a civil engineer, IhogrsidiT arithmetic, resiling •ml a gentleman named Ackerman Thursday,—Art ot <|ue«Uuliii>g, i wet« in Un- < ty yesterday on their theory of teaching, phv»icology M E Rigby Schoo’ Supt, I return to Baker City from a trip to H MAki: A TiAIAI. PRICE ON (IliR COURSE. « 8 Send for catalog today, and.ask us to explain our n I offer to readers of The Times-Herald Chan Russel and family are home I from California. They were accom- pa'iied by Karl Fry. I will hold the regular examina Mrs Ella Caldwell was a passim- STRANGERS BEWARE OF tion for state and countv papers in ger in on lust evening’» siege from IxNOi lx I RS IE YOV DE the public s'-lusd building at Burns 1 Ontario, She came in to visit her SIRE INFORMATION IN Greg as follows- dauhler. Mrs (Jarrett, and her new QUIRE AT St)ME BUSINESS l oa STATE PAPKIIS graiideon. HOUSE ('ulllilieiieing W ediiesday, A lig Miss Clare Swain is home from a I'he above plai.ud was seen USt. lit tiilie o'clock A M and two months visit to the fair and posted in a conspicuous place on cimtmuing until Saturday, August various points in tlm Willamette M tin str ct this morning and was I ' Il b ur o’t look I' M valley She enjoyed her vacation. Wednesday,—Penmanship, hi»- 1 considered very appropriate. Stock lus|>ector Hamilton con While it may be rather humili- ! lory, spelling, algebra, reading, template» making an official visit »ehoiil law almg to admit it, we have that I'liursdn. Written arithmetic, to the southern part of the county ilass of people, but fortunateh theory of t<-,i. bing gratnmer, book- I the coming week. they are ten ami arc ••»potted” keeping, physics < vil government by the people who reside in this BORN Frida» l’hv»i'dogv, geography vicinity . It is right to warn out- mental arithmetic, compoaition, To Mr and Mr» -I (’ Fide,. July sidcis, but nhat would be bettet phvsical gfographv 21 a daughter (ot the i -i i> in in i it x is to show the ’-ituril.c IC on. plane geom I'o Mr and Mrs Haile. Haver. uiisi i upuloiis iumu the ro.ld or • ii .. gi nersl historv, enghsli litera- July 2L a daughter Heat them to a of tar anil • ture, psvehology Mr and Mr» Alfred Marshall July feathers. run col x rv i' ll'» as *25, a son. 1’ro.pc i live •'Cillers ami people ('. mmem mg We in, -day, Aug 9 I'o Mr ami Mrs J I' Garrett. Juh looking f< investments .ire »om o’clock \ M ami continuing until I *2l>, a son mg in dai it uni instead of meet- o'clock I’ M End iv \ug II mg with cm "illagement oil even First, second, ind third grad» ntumtnumtminnmturntumuamuu hod, ait »ought out by one or eertitis.'iles At rdne« lay,— \A ritten arithmetic too uulu idu ds who make it their i imun-r. phy- busim >s to ••knot k” the coimtn theori of to .• IMUl'd IMl lrfologv and th» people who make it ¡MU Mfl Hllli. SAN FKAMISG». Friday —Geography. mental »ihle foi them to yxi»t. arithmetic -ebool 11>v. civil govern NITLAND. OREGON. ment SALT LAKE. ITAH. mu now nori» NiRF iniCAGo. ill C aldwell , Pi jibk al rar. STONE Send for Price List 4 I Circulars. To anyone desiring See his IP-. I: . r!. >*> MONUM: t’Y 7. « V» COMPANY. * I HE OVERLAND HOTE! FRANK A. CO i , Propt. The Northwestern School of Taxidermy First Class, Wall Appointed Hius: Nuitc 15« Commercial National Bank. Omaha. Neb. I' sure PARTICULARS and PRICES INFORMATION. Centrally located, \V»>|| furnished tai .< *, comfortable* room-. 150 in address as it is our key j RA1ES: Meats 25 cents; Rooms 5U mills Single Beds 25 cents. StoD at th3 Overland Bunns, Oregon. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. »■*■%%%% LEWIS A GARRETT, I’ropts %<a. rhe Largest and Most Complete Stock Spécial attention giren to transcient custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. FIRST-CLASS HALIN TLRNOITS. Hay and grain always on hand. £ « Of drugs, medicines, druggists s i.-.-, perfumes, stationery, books, schoo; »u; - plies, etc., ever brought t » Burns. The finest wines and liquors for m?.!i . ial purposes always on ha d. i Agents for Any Periodical Published. £ Í UHR DOCTOR'S I’RESCBIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. Your patronage solicited. ; I HD CITY DRUG SI ORF. So ith Main St . Burna, Otv-gon C ♦ £ H. M. HORTON. Propt. ; Special Attention Given * to Conducting Funerals! MW AND AtXIRATE Hü SUUS. IN tONMCflON W11 It BiRN !'Rï liOOIlS. HRMSHIMiS. SHOES. IHÍ give you s nice vsnety from which tc. »■ . ' . 5 CH Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drink , Oonfec- tionerx, Cigars and Tobacco iihho For than l‘ O. rat«*^. (•« At any h»HV o» amt by mail We invite the publie to visit N. BROWN A StNSi Au;iu*nrn::i:uxin ANY SPECIAL OFFER. Our BESI TAXIDERMIST, Hr. Wallace, is now in Burns, Oregon, mounting the Harney county collection lor the Portland Exposition. Call and see his work We teach THE SAME METHOD HE USES in putting up this fine collection. During the time that be i-; in Burns, we will M. I. LFWIS LETTER ANT 4 ___ HAGEY. FENWICK A JA( KSON. main St , Burn«, Oraaon