She ïiinrs-^traid. the state of its natural trade,” says CHRISTIAN the report of the committee Portland SATURDAY JVLY J2, 1906. people The take a purely commercial vi w of the matter. CO-OPERATIVE Rev H S Wallace, president We have the Goods ...We mate the Prices—We get the trade NOTICE TO CREDITOR- FEDERATION Th« uudernigned having on the 17th I day ot July, 1905, b-en duly appointed Administrator of the estate io Oregon ot Warren C. Steveoa, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present ti e same properly verified to me at my office and residence at the P-Ranrh within six months from date hereoi. hated this 22>t day of July, ¡905 F rank H. H owrll . Administrator of the Estate of Warren C. Stevens, Deceased of The Christian Co-Operative Federa­ ricCormick Mowers ricCormick Hay Rakes Deering Mowers Thomas Hay Rakes Dain Hay Bucks While this is perhaps our principal tion, has received a letter from Key reason for desiring railroad con­ Dr Leppert, of Ontario, stating that One Year •2.00 nection with the outside world, it the Board of Trade of Ontario, Or ■ LOU nix Mouths . .75 Three Months . does not apply to that particular will take 1150,000 of the bonds to he issued for the development of city. Not only in a commercial the industrial enterprises planned HI.IANKVK!» — — — — Maaaser way «1« we feel it woul«l be bene­ by the Federation. This is u veri- ficial, but socially, politically and large amount considering the size The Times-Herald certainly in an educational way A natur­ of the town. Dr Leppart addressed agrees with “Citizen” in the state­ al lo\ ally to the state prompts the Board of Ontario last week, and TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ment that the Eedeiatiomsts have such inclination. While condi­ so great was the interest that th* r. H. Land ofiio*, Huron, Oregou, May 17th, 1905 Motif e in herebv given that In compliance made no mistake in coming to tions in ilii- Eastern <>nd Western citizens are anxiously awaiting an with the proviniot b >>f the a< ( of Congrenn of A full and Harney county, and does not part of the state are what might opportunity to invest in the enter­ i June 3. l»7a, entitle'! •'Aft act for th»- sale of tim- i her landn in the -’ateg of f alifornia, Oregon. of the best Nevada, and Wanhii.gton Territory, ’ ’ a* exteud- rjuestion the class of citizens it will termed diam tii- I. it is nwertlic- prise ' ed to nil the J'libiie land States by act <>i Augunt • l l-cj,!, Sariida A. Coinegya. of Egli. county of Rev Wallace states that from all made less to the interest of its citizens bring if the organization is what ' Harney, state of >>i- gmii. Lao (bitt duy filed in parts of tfie country inquiry regard­ ‘ thin ottice ber s A till. »>■;;’erne.'tt No. '¿>1, forth« its name implies. However, The to become closer identified. i DurcbahC of th»- W,*-2 NW} k, of Section No. 20, in rowDgbip • io i t. . v.. M., aiid Aside from this possibly senti­ ing the movement is being received, will Times-Herald cannot commend offer proof to «how that the land sought ia and there is a great interest in the more valuable for its timber or atone than for mental view of the situation the agricultural pt«rj»o-eB, and to eatablish her nor condemn the Christian Co- work everywhere The local oilice j claim to anid bind before th»? Register and Re- ceiver of thin offit e a. Burns. Ureguu, on Tue»- f)pei alive Federation until it lias people of Harney county care lit­ is very busy now conducting cor­ day. the 25th day oi July She names a- wiine-ae- Tom Allen, of Burns been enlightened as to its promot­ tle from what source relief from respondence relative to the plans of Oregon \uton hgii and William Arnett, of Egll, Oregon. F.arl Elliott, of Diamond, Oregon. ers, its objects and aims. Are its our isolated condition comes. We the Federation.—Telegram. Any and all j erson claiming adversely the a iiove deacf ibe«l lands ate requested to fl le their members lo lie all of a thrifty class feel kill'll) tow aid the Sumpter Editor The Times-Heraid : See­ • laiini in this oilo'e .,i; or before said ¿»th day oi July, ! ♦■? • with equal lights and privileges.” V alley pt-op!.- bi'cause of their un-1 ing the above in the Evening Tele­ W. m i akrf Register. Will they be as one large family questioned endeavor to reach iis , gram ol the 17th in-t , and learning At that the Rei Dr Leppert was here. with intelligent, conscientious and even though at a slow pace, capable men to manage the affairs no time since these people an­ so, coupling this and that together, and deal honestly with the entire non ni cd illen intention of building may I ask if it is possible that the Stuck Inspector, Harney lunnty. Reverend gentleman is here looking membership, giving the less intel­ to Burns have they shown an in­ Burns, Oregon, over the field, ns it were, with n Home addi'ee. ligent and iess thrify equal r onsid- clination to back down, make any view to purchasing any of the ; eration with the more progressive.” big talk, or asked unreasonable i large holdings in this county and I I Grant Thompson . .. Lawen I Is the I'«'deration to be a class of | «oncessions. They have main- colonizing the same? As 1 under­ I 1. M. Davis Dreweey * itself, «'inducting its own stores, I taineil from the stall that the tles- stand it the object of the Christian R. A. Smith . Andrews . Burns banking concerns, with its exclus­ tination of the Sumpter Valley Co-Operative Federation, is, to pur­ • Archie MH iowan I'urtii-s intending to move stock should1, ive «Inna h and social organization was Burns, and they ¡i an- pushing chase large holdings of land and ' uive the Inspei toi or II- ire-t deputy ten I etc.” Is it an organization based this way as i.ipidlv as < ircum- colonize the Maine with Christian days' notice. on solid financial footing that will stain es will permit. people—selling the lands either for If l' is really desirous of cash or on time with interest on stand and not go to pieces in a Now if this is fi w year' resulting in benelitting doing something foi the interior deferred payments only the big capitalists who hold of the stale she should turn her the ease certainly Dr l.eppart ha- 8UBSCKIPTIOW RATKH: complete line haying tools Machine Extras Wire Cable, Rope, Forks, Machine Oil B- W. HAMILTON Car of Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies to arrive soon GEER & CUMMiNS, Burns, Ore the bond', as has been the history attention to this, as it is within her I not made a mistake in coming to power to hasten the building of | Haruev county as no other county of su« h organizations.” opportu­ this i o.ul. 1 in Oregon a (Lords a« many ... Thin matter opens up ii wide nities for the purpose as this; there scope foi speculation and thought is more land and as good as can In I* that should be investigated by our LOCAI. ANI) PERSONAL found, the productiveness of it is people w ho are interested in the evident at this time and needs no' Summer Vests for Swell Gentle­ argument. Certainly the Federa­ upbuilding of this county and the betterment of social and financial men we a/.—Brown's. tion is to be congratulated as well !» Limburg & G. W, Clevenger & Co. || FURNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. | conditions, ft is worthy of seri­ ous thought and consideration by citizens. Rev. limn, Bacon, Lard Butter and Eggs, Timothy Seed at the City ■Meat Market. Dr. Leppert, vice-presi­ as Harney county ns it needs the land and ive desire just such a class of settlers as such an organization will bring. God speed them on their journey here. Citizen G. E Wells, a horse and mule dent of the J'cdei alienists, is now buyer of Sacramento, is here to buy in this county. Ilis visit at this stock, lie is accompanied by his time is significant. 'I'he gentle­ wife. man should be invited to explain The Windsor, under the manage­ Fine Patent Flour at Brown’s the «ibjects of liis organization so ment of C B. Smith «V Co , is one Little Regina Schwartz had a that our people may give it intel- of thu most popular resorts in the party last Saturday afternoon the ligent consideration, lle may interim. Finest of liquors and I'iccnsion being her third birthday rest assured of our most hearty cigars, billiards and card .allies ! A large number of her little friends co-operation if the cause pi oves and expert mixologists. enjoyed the afternoon with her worthy. James Malum was over from Refreshments were served. Anderson yesterday mid states he F C Lusk, general manager of is out of the peacock business en­ At I ist the business interests of the French-Glenn Co, accompani­ tirely The male bird made his es­ ed by Frank Howell his assistant, I'm'land have awakened to the cape week before last and the fe­ who has had direct charge of the importance of being closer coir male this week Jim «ays he is P-Ranch for the past year, came in netted tv ith the grt at undeveloped easy but ilie next man that tries to Sunday, leaving the following day Southcastein Oregon, as is evi- sell Inin peacocks bad better look on their return Mr Lusk did not <1 'in cd by the recent report of the out. state how long he expected to be in Rev. Dr Li ppert, vice president thia county. transportation committee of the Chamber of Commerce. This re­ .if Hie Christian Co-Operative Fed E H Hill, manager of the lug , nt I in thin <• itv Thur port was published in the Port­ . i .t stock ranch of the American Lan I day evening from Ontario. He ac­ land papers with particular and A' Livestock Co, was a business visi companied Win Hanley out lo the sigmfii .mt comment. They are .it tor from the south «'nd of the eoun ranch the ■ mu' evening and the two ty a few days this week, taking hia last hi might (ace to face with con­ departed yesterday morning lor the departue Thursday for home. Mr ditions as predicted not alone in I' Rum di and other points in that Hill is desirous of that section he these columns, but also brought portion of I he country ing connected with Burns by a tele- prominently to the attention of the WANTED- Agents, Hustlers phone line and while here took up busini' - men of Portland by dele­ It ia Salesmen, Clerks ami everybody the matter with M I. Lewis gations of rcpi esenlntive citizens who wants to enjoy a good hearty quite likely a line will be built dur of I Im ns, who have journeyed to laugh to send olh* for "Tips to ing the season lo connect with the tile metii'polis for the purpose of Agents ' W orth ♦ >'• to any per­ line from here to the Stein* Mono < olisting the influence of its people son who sells goods for a living tain section. towaid luinging this section in If not satisfactory your money I ven Landes, one of the field < lost r tom h, '< i m e transportation back Circular for stump. The force of government engineers, who I uihtii' .mil thereby develop it. l>r W hite electric Comb t o , Deca­ has been at work in the Silver l ake I ’i.rtland is now i unit unteti with tur, III section, s|ient a fee days in our city this la« t: She must move «piukli Died .1 ai oh Thompson, Thurs- this week. Mr. Landes was here to and place Central and Southeast­ day morning, at the home of his i meet H \V. King, an assistant to Mr ern < begun in direct eommunica- HOI) Deceased was S3 years old Mr Whistler at Pendleton son tioil w ith her, oi lose the entire : mid had only been sick about :ui King arrived Wednesday evening The remains were laid Io and the two departed the following trade to California and the East i hours morning for the interior to inspect At least this is the inference rest in the Burns cemetery venter- the work They will first look over rpm t of day afternoon, Rev A J Irwin hold- drawn from reading the re tins i omni liter, wlm h « ensut es the | l,,H “ "hurt service at the grave. tne Silver Creek project and then proceed to Silver Lake. Crescent railwai« veil sharply and shows “I ncle” Jake, a« lie was familiar- Lake and other pointe where the Iv known, had made hi- home with up the ' dog in-the-inanger” policy | " reclamation service has been doing hi« son Harry in this city for the of the big corporations. Mr King stated past twelve years and was highly preliminary work Were it not foi the fait that we to The Times-Herald that he Lad esteemed by a wide circle of friends. .ire the under dog and desire the He bail Is'eii very active up to hie nothing new to impart regarding otlii IS f ill wh«i will lend 4 help-1 recent illness and his mind was as the work that would lie of interest From his conversa­ mg h.u d, frum whatever source, clear any voting man Deceased was to the puplie The I n«' Herald would lik«* to born in Ohio county. Kentucky, tion it ap|iears his tour will extend lie came lo Oregon over quite a large area and will go ba ,uk .mil review this »ilualioii Aug 17. I".’ I comm me several weeks. As in fN.'il settling hi the Willamette in an “I lohl you *<»” manner. tin« would in no wise help the j where lie resided, with the excep­ The Varier llou«e Burlier ''hop t.iii'v we i drain and heartily corn-I tion of-ix years «|wnt in Crook mend ttu- commercial bodies of county, until twelve veara ago at Ontario, Caldwell proprietor Portland and assure them of the *''*11 111 ' a''1’ to this place to make mone of the most elegant toimorial « wile died the year appreciation of the people «if this He is survived by . . I lie came here section in then energetic «ampaign , James W and Harry E . ■ l , t»o »«ns, to bring about the result so long |())| , |( city “t'iu'le” Jake desued, even though it comes latej e |o hi» tie a’rved rest and and aftei we hail given up hope thoiigliln« fri. ntl« regret it hia of iMiiiani« from that oource demiaa ha« not caused the deep “Radio.« I« from other stales sorry that w«>ul«l le felt if he bad and section' will rob P«»rtland and I been younger a Burns, Oregon. Com pl etc Stock of Dry Goods Groceries and Supplies. :::nu::t:n:s:nu:::nnnam:::::nns«::nnn«u:n Our Stock is complete in Every Particular :i See us first ami get prices. « Main St, Burns, Oregon Learn g < > ANIMALS, (TAME HEADS, ETC. Me can teach you BY MAIL—Complete coarse in 15 lessons. ¿ STANDARD METHODS, easily and quickly learned. Decorate your home, or den with fine specimens. Save the splen­ I did trophies you secure on your bunding trips, ft interested write I i 0 for our prospectus and other printed matter, mailed FREE SPECIAL OFFER. Our BEST I AXIDERMIST, fir. Wallace, is now in Burns, Oregon, mounting the Harney county collection for the Portland Exposition. Call and see his work. We teach IDE SAME METHOD HE USES in putting op this fine collection. During the time that he is in Burns, we will ® I I I 8 ~ i CHEAPER THAN & 1 ANY SCÍEXTÍ ■ ■ ; ¿3 i u ‘Aa - , J. .V. > STONE InÎEStTÏ-aSid Send for i J ’ Price Liat & ¿ri1 Circulars. Over SOO Beautiful Designs. «ÍN PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring DESIGNS Mür.j- < 'S' pan r, OVERLAND HOTEL FRANK A. COi i , Propt. The Northwestern School of Taxidermy First Class, V/311 Appointed Hous . Suite I5‘l loinnicryial National Bank. Omaha, Neb. I Will bs glad fo furnish See his II.. . Iswik Send for catalog today, and ask us to explain our offer to read- r- of The I'iines-Herald I M. I. LEWIS BETTER AND ¡ MAKE I s Centrally located, Well furnished table-, comfortable room«. mt 'm use 150 in address as it is our key i RATES: Meals 25 cents: Rooms 50 cents. Single Beds 25 cents. StOD at ths Overland BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Burns, Oregon. LEW IS A GARRETT. Propia Special attention giren . to transcient custom and ‘J freight teams. Horses kept by the day, week or month. FIISTfCLASS LIVERY TIRMHTS. Hay and ¿rain always on hand. Your patronage solicited South Main St , Burn«. Oregon Hie Largest and Most Complete lock Of drugs, medicines, druggists s ndues, pei umes. stationery, books, school .-up- plies, etc., ever brought t j Burns. The finest wines and liquors for m?dk mil purposes always on ha d. Agents for Any Periodical Published. YOLR DOtlORS PRESCRIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. THE CITY DRUG STORE H. M. HORTON. Propt. i ♦ ♦ ♦ lo londudin; lunerals NE» AND UCIRAlE IHY SCALES IN CONNEXION Wlia BARN I»RV liOODS. Fl»MSHINiS. SHOES, lit i f, m.5 ebie = e you t nice variety from which to «»elect. TI to Oregon Hotel \ H TOY. Manager I’p-to-date i>.h printing nt rvaeon Alfalfa at Garr A Cumiuins GENERAL MERCHANDISE Send or bring your orders for anything in our line—Spring and Summer Goons now in. parlors tn all Eastern Oregon Hot and cold hatha with a spray hath connected Ime » old time friends are invited to call on him while at Ontario »1>1« pik'*« •* CARPETS, MATTINGS. WALL PAPER. GO CARTS, MATTRESSES. REFRIGERATORS. BU ILDING and CARPET PAPER, ROOFING. Dealers in » r i tr •» sc n -Isti. IM with nest clesn sn.l nanivttn I » ii« -hi« Irieml« lo Mup «ilh hm «beu in * I ■« » hirni-I.eii Meni« SA cents ■%» . ■ Fruit. Vegetables, Sett Drinks, Confec­ tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. We invite th* public tu vieil . Ilr «i,,.,. HAGEY. FENWICK A .1 At hSti.V ili a in St , Burns. Oregon