The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 08, 1905, Image 4

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    world’s diplomacy. Because of hi«
aehisvment» In that field the gov­
ernment of the I’nited ■State» »»»
given g • .i‘
:l r
• and greater Bly Davie. Loeatw! Near Ser. Trai
c l loo ■ Pump. 200.000 Gallona
power in the world affair and hie
of WatM Ev.ry 21 Hour!.
fa-en permanently placed iijeiri a
One Year
higher plan» uiu mg the nations
The large.t windmill iu the
Six Muutha
thuii it hud I*(ore enjoyed. It I’nited State., if, indeed, not the
Three Months
................ 76
stands note in the first rank and in largest ill the whole world, ha. re
lu.-asiire the fellow citizen» of cently been constructed near San
Jl LIAN Ki R l>
M nascer
the dead Hlatesman hold this to hir Francisco, .ay. the American In
Thia gigantic mill is Io
| rated directly on the m ean beach,
near tin- famous Seal Rocks. It
Railroad Building and Then Some.
Newburg. N, II., July I.—Secre­
in used fot pumping water up into
tary of State John Hay died at 12:-
Golden Gate park.
Tin- Bak.-rl'ity D.-mocritl HsyH:
25 this iixirning. The eigne im­
Tim huge, .trong wooden tower
Every bu»ir •
intsreHt in linker supporting the wind arm. rises
mediately preceding hie death were
City ami Bxker
-nnly mid the l.’O feet. 11 is 10 feet square at
those ut
embolism, i
tiiisiiie», interests mid fanning in­ the iiase, very securely anchored
.Mr. Have condition during all of i
ter. Is Hiid mining interests mid and gradually taper» upward, as
Friday hail liven entirely sati-fac- ■
lumbering inl.-r.-t- in Grant, Mal- sinning a round shape. There are
i lienr mid Harney counties, a , well i four immense wooden arm. or
Tin- bulletin of Secretary Hay’«
vanes. Each arm measures Nt) feet
las Baker county, ar<- largely, possi
death » as signed by Chas Scudder ,
from the cen ter or hub ibiianmk
p , bly intei -'-li < oik . rued in lb<- |>ro-
Al I) , ami Fred T Murphy, M
iug a diameter of 160 feet in the
| posed railroad constrm lion in this 1 describing circle. The wind vanes
Mie Hay and Doctors Scudder and
, | section i
tin near future
The , are mix feet wide and extend near
Murphy were ut the ¡secretary s 1
I Democrat ha- h. .-Il asked to give 1 It the entire length of the huge
lied.ide when (lie end came,
the latest Hiatus on the Eagle Val­ arm, thus affording the greatest
secretary hade good night to hie
ley. Baker City .-hctric, Bonia ele<- possible amount of wing space for
wife ami hie attending physicians
! trie, mid Sumpter Vai- latching the air.
about 10 o'clock last night at the
Tim windmill is located upon a |
Iley extetisinns
cine« of one of the beet day* he had
There |. v.-ry little that can he prominent elevation, so that it
»iin’v Im illness
Tim local trouble
may catch every available wind
said with authority on any of these j
was clearing up satisfactorily, ac-
arising in that section.
important subjects
Manager W.
This colossal windmill i. capa­
curding to Dr Scudder
The sec-
L. Y'inson is out of the city mid ble of developing about 50 horse
rotary siillsrer) none of the old
wtieii last seen stated that he was power—it. maximum capacity.
pains in bis chest which character-
unable to give any information as Its pumping capacity is 200.000
iz d In
earlier illness
lie had
to wlivu work, would begin on tlm | gallons of water every 24 hours.
la-eii perfectly mmfirtable all day
He left tlm | The water is taken from the wells
Eagle Valley railroad
and happv in the anticipation of
impression that work would begin ! and forced through a large iron
leaving his bi d for the greater free-
some time io l‘M>5
n is known I main, 16 inches in diameter, for
■I iiiii and i- nnlort of a couch
nearly four miles up into an ini
that his scheme Iris been financed
J 1 o’clock lx- was sleeping quietly
mouse reservoir several hundred
and the Democrat ha» so stated on
feet higher than the ocean beach.
A few minutes before 12 o'clock
a number of occasions, Railroad From this reservoir the water is
lie call'd the nurse, wlm al once >
mon. as a rule, do little talking con­ distributed
summon d Dr Scudder. Both Dr.
cerning that about which they mean through the park.
Fcudder ami Dr Murphy hastened
During the dry, hot season the
real Imsines- until there is soine-
to the I edside. The secretary was
arms of this giant windmill are
I thing doing
breathing with difficulty and expir­
The proimiter- of the Baker City kept whirling day and night to
ed almost immediately afterward at
supply the thirsty demand. A»
rail» ay and the proposed
the mill stands on the wide, open
valley Suburban line have nothing
beach, there is randy, if ever, any
to say except that the road will be
lin k of wind; in fai t, the windoc
John Hay whm born at Salem,
easionally blows with such vio
.Ind . October * 1839. He attended
As to the Bouta inter-urban elec­ lence that the mill is compelled to
Brown nniverbify, from which he
tric road little remains to Im said be shill down, as it would be risky
win graduated in 1858, In 1861,
beyond what the Democrat has al- to attempt to run it during a
jiiNt at the breaking out of tin* war,
fierce gale.
he was admitted to the bar in n ail y printed. There is no evidence
that the Hi'lierne has been financed
Springfield, Ill. At that place hr
Beaver-Like Bird.
or ever will Im. Two or three year»
ha I become acquainted with Lin-
Regarding some of the ¡M-culiar
ago some money was spent in pre­
characteristics of that strange
< iln, and tin* latter appointed him
liminary surveys and a lot of talk link Is-twe.-n birds and Imasts, the
an HHMiHtant aecretary to the presi­
made Imt all ended there. Recent­ duck hilled platyims of Australia,
dent. SnbMripiontly he was made
ly the mutter has been revived in a writer says: "It inakeH its liotne
adjiit.iiit and aide-de-camp, and some nf tlm in w- papi re, still il
I like an otter in a bank, tunneling
filter Frrvrd in the army under lacks c<mliimal.mii
in financial
up from the entrance under water
It takes money to build
< Huntrr and Generrl <¡¡1- circles
some 30 or 10 feet, which its pow
niorr, alt lining the rank nf colonel
build railroads through the moun­ erful forearm muscles inaki* notli
and a—I taut adjutant general.
tains, and il takes lieavv power to ing of, to a place where it can tin.)
Km two yrarn, from 1865 to 1867, run electric ears over steep moun­ ti dry and well drained burrow.
Its food coiisisls .-hietly of insectH,
hr ,n (rd an wrcrctarv of the legation tain passes
As to tlm Sumpter Valiev rail- | crayfish or 'yabhess,' which it
at Parin, ami 1868 was in charge
d’all 111« al < i irnna
'I’hr follow- way I'Xtensions every one knows boltH hard shell and all. It will
I lint the I'ontraetors are now at work stay for ten to fourteen minutes
ing yrai hr went to Madrid iiH Hec-
with a large force ol men pushing ut a time under water, searching
rotary of legation, remaining II year the extension southward from to­
I the mud and stones for delicacies
In 1870 hr returned to the I:
ward Prairie and Canyon City
it with its duck like bill. It makes n
Stalland joined the editorial wtafi is expected I'rairie City will he . most fascinating little ¡s t. Imconi
of th»* \< w York Trihuno. Six reaelied In f ee now Hies ami that I ing very tame and squeaking w ith
trains will be running there this
year- I.ilrt hr removed Io Clevland,
j delight when fed. Its antics are a
There h no <|mstion about
Ohio. In 1879 hr was made aHalw* the inon.-y behind Eccles—its his constant source
of pleasure,
though if .-are is not taken it will
tanl aecretary of Htatr, retiring in own iimnev
Ill 's doing thines.
overent itself, seeming In have ill
captivity difficulty in digesting
In Mi 'll, 1897, Prrbidrnl M<-
Hie hard eiaylish shells. Its mat
l\inlr\ made him amliaHHiidor tn Intel vHting Comparison Between th»
. is, like the nude's, of an unusually
(¡ I'.i iiian, which ponilion he re­
Natives of the Two Coun­
silken and glossy texture."
sign« <1 September 19, 189.8, and was
Hext day installed as Mecrelary of
Mon.ter of Fearful Mien.
An ICngltsli in« r< limit reHldent for
BliUr, whit li position he held under mmiy years In China recently vtolte«l
First Russian Had a terrible
l’-rsnh nt Mi Kinley and President Japan lie innk< the following Inter- nightman- last night. Dreamed I
• slini' «onipmistm b«iut*i>n the natives
Jlo<»>evelt until thin time
was attacked by a giant.
of the two rtmntries
"A h a nation I
He< -ond Russian
\lr Hay wan known in the liter­ «uniiic ilii if i Io-.lapai'.« se have the
ary \\ 'ild, hi* principal work hav­ petmanetit Htavlnr, (|iiii!i1les of the was lie?
Chin« «
They arc physically Inferior,
"Big as it Jap.” Life.
n ,a life ot I.incon, written in amt has«- the niiRfortnne to Inhabit a
e<>ll»!»oi ilion with .lohnt» Nicolay country of active
anil frr
Dining hi* editorial career lie pub- quent earthqiiakeH .whose terrors de
■troy or threaten, Yvdo was wrecked
I im I h d a number of dialect poems, atnl ItMi.i imi people killed by an earth-
among which were ‘‘.Inn Bludsoe ' quake hi 1855. and y«»u must remember
an I * Little Ballad*" in 187!
Au the devaNtalon of the one In 1891 The
average I n .<• aho<k« great and Htnall.
otbrr bonk of which he was the evciy year 'I here have been two erup
author in CaNtillian Pay*” a series lions and Beveial -hocks since I've been
If yon cannot, it is due to an
ol akelc ht'M of Spaniah life and here, and the |wt t les » mountain Fuji­
yama aomet lines gives threatening
irritated or congested state of
Kigiifi an«! mu» mddeniy spread wtde
the brain, which will soon de-
I his dr« ad of earthquakes
Wild Mr Hay had a varied ea- i < ant ruin
velope into nervous prostration.
leer, doing iiMrful work in many | han reHtrkted th« architecture an«!
Nature demands sleep, and
household arrangement» of the whol«»
it is as important as f<x<d: it
tu bl-, lie »ill take In. place in his­ country.
is a part of her building and
"Chinese are employed by the foreign
tory upon hi. record as a statesman
sustaining process. This period
Itanke, mi'H hniit.s and hotels here for
mid n d I '
During the ¡»rimi I
of unconsciousness relaxes the
most responsible |w».slttons. compra*
of I11» o . uniliim y of the office of dore«, rmlown keepers an«! head serv-
mental and physical »train, and
secretan ol state, he liandled a an tn. The general testimony Is that
allows nature to restore ex­
hausted vitality.
numlier nf delicate and difficult Japanese are untrustworthy for such
l*o->ition-s and that native merchants . Dr. Miles' I"
f|ur>tiohs ot foreign p«»licy in I a iia\ il t nr « !i i ' mH i< ml honor Mor
refreshing sleep, because it
iiianio r that won for him thr» t ad- al responaitdliiy appears to rest tcx>
soothes the irritation and re­
liuhtly upon all of itii- «la*«'' which may
miraii in of tile World
These were
moves the congestion
tw partly < an | b» 1 h<« fact tit hw af-
It is also a nerve builder: it
growing out
questi' o
our fi rdtMl b\ thenumetiYUb 'emplea for the
nourishes and strengthens ev­
I the 1‘hillipinv. tt mi n im- D’li of bins A tom thrown Into a
ery nerve in your I hm I i , and
atiittide and a
the if/H i i hi ot Cuba, out of the ls’\ al«
short fortnal pi i - r quh kly brings the
creates energy in all the organs.
16.Ifr U using in China and out of sinner into favor a,am with his g«»da
Nothing will give strength
Making allowan.« f< i the small sta
tie W a r bi tan n Russia and Japan
and vitality as surelv and
ture of thew pr.'plc their
quickly as t>r. Miles' Nervine.
While M
11 a V won distiiiclioi. p«< tally the thousands «»f schoolboys
•’iXirin« the past winter I I .«>1 tw<»
in tn.inv l»r.inches of the diploma­ 1 u seen appear pm» and weak and
ntt.«vks of 1 aOrippe which bit n»r
verv weak »nd In bid c..n3it n
the) are tame ami girllah In their
tic field, it was his delicate hand­
wi* •<» nervous I could not s|«vp
The small
•• and frequent
wit»* after trvtn* different r m
ling ol p. «*»!• us arising in the ori. hollow « hr*ts of the men detract from
went for a
Th« do t >r wa«
Don't Overlook ihis When in Need of
a he £iinc5-$traíd.
A few Points to Consider:
•»ut and a n« ighbor recommended l»r
Mil«« S*«*r* !•
n d
;« t home
a tattle
I h d not nlept for nome time,
end hml terriNe pain« in m» head
\ftrr takhoc « f> w .1 ■«•■« . f X
the pain wan not « > -i .« »■«• ,.».d I
I am now taking the
« oral
♦»» »
• ,
• ¡n> .«
HKNHT M WITH lnd.->hiil. Vt
Dr Miles’ Nervtn» « «old by your
drvpQist who w il guarantee tnat ths
hi it tattle will bone' j
if ,( f>.it, n»
will refund your n'oney
LEWIS & McGEE. Propts.
Mxiu St., Burn-, Dre,.,,,
Complete In e of In niturc. C«»p»ts. Shad««. L«i* fUr,,,n’'... °^ *r>t
Do-Carts, Pianos, jewing Machine-
in fact anything «ha
Horses receive the best cl Mrt
goes »
trom experienced hand-.
class Furniture itore.
“Jim”.I. H FARLEY, Ontario, Oregon
Elegant Neui Livery tun^
First door north ol Hotel Ontario.
fating Parties Rccommcdaua
Horses Bought and Sold
.M;i!li(‘iir Mercantile to
o .l,jl
! wo-year-olds in quantities
in he scrii ut the P i Pain h mal
th siring i<> purchase should ii. i air,
thm of I'. II Hoit-cll, Assistant to the ;
d MuiuiO' i-, i -'to will furnish infuri,
lion as Io prices and will sell the same
Leading Supply House in Eastern Oregou.
¡■ b
• * •• ■
...... «. . .
P. E. YOUNG, Propt.
FrSSh and
Always on hand
Bologna Sausag
Most complete stock of Farm Implementsjn Eastern Oregon.
Home Sugar Cured
Home made Lard
and Bacon.
Beef sold by the
Barbed Wire, Stock Salt, etc.
Write lor Prices or Call and See us.
E A. FRASER. Manager.
ice for sale, delivered free
There's no li <ht rifle like the Marlin .22 repeater, for either ’. ..roe­
shooting <>r »mall game, btM-ause it has Marlin accuracy. If you .-I'Goi
this means everything. The Solid Top, with its wall of meta! always be-
t.vcrn you an«! the cartridge, and the Side Eject«»r are
^^=^2 original Marlin features, which make it the saf«»st to
han<Ue as well as the surest. It shoots short, h ug and
long-rifle cartridges without any change.
The Marlin 16 gauge Shutguns are the smallest and lightest re­
pealing guns manufactured. A new, well balanced gun of great
¿uicuraey. Handles stiff loads safely and well.
Cr h.-.- alxmt any particular repeating rZ/e ar .‘Jtoftnm
1 • 7 ■ i o>t hare. Our latext Catalogue-
i Ipip., 'f-nce Jlook, that t< lit uhat MA/iLJSS are
tmlti the World over, free for 3 stamps poslugr.
4> Willow st.
Nt w Hnvrs. Conn.
To all our Subscribers!
You Must
their app« arati« • as ««»biters am! polica.
ph) siqu» ate! dispowitmu will al*a>»
pre»ml the Jap* from realising our
ideal of a soldier a man of gotwi site
by onr standards w«11 developed erect
smart and brh
i I
tcvMip» I aaw
mar« hlug an.I drilling la* Led thear sol­
dierly qnali11«*-» rnovtst in a slom hing
way. their am-« and rqutpuwBl» ap
prartng tin» heavy for them
used-»ill ha»« th" bnsines» for our prices ««'I fslrussnng «
ent «dnmp.d him a* the master
diplomat 1« mind ol the tunes
work it that field covered a wide
range of detail and in every instance
wnM.arri««l through willi aueh con-
euinna'.« »Imity that betook rai k
|n the estimation of all the cabinets
vf ll.r e rid as a Ira.L r of lhe\
rhe heading Agricultural Journal of the Nation
by an able Corps of UUritens
The Am. r.( ,m l .rmer is the only Literary Farm Journal published.
in the h m. - ..I i m.d ¡.topic in every section of the.Vniteil State»
think al".......... de Irom the humdrum of routine duties
It tills a poslti. n of lt!l own ani| h.., . .
It give» th. f.u mer or-to Lm
n ,,
11' /
” '
1’ ■ '
and h*’ hnl*'-v something to
Por the next three months, we otter this paper free with
I h- »«er I, made to all new ,ub,eriber,. and all .........
I k lx» e cu nou nid April i. | qo 5.
Miles Metiical Co . Elkhart« Ind
1. Ja J
-• ;.
„ h„ pa> „„ al| ;,rr„rs ,nd f „ „
TsTt Tsl r¿7