government should aid W. E. HUSTON — »gainst ths wall of the eave and in Dealer in CONFLICT OVER APPORTINO JI ME BORROW MONEY. a perfect state of preservation TO TRY LAND CASES. The ritie appears to have been but j •light used and still retains much Popular Louai Sbould be Hade Ubere Tba of the varnish on the barrel and Projecia are aol Large Eaoutb 1er stock. The steel shoulder nlate Ise....... Rttbt ot JsS,« Gilbert to Hake Assignaieai for Üov crament Scheme.. has baen rusted awav by contact Ullbtr* '* ................... Orejo« Casts Peadioj. with the damp ground, but other­ Commissioner Judson A Fergu­ HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF son, of the Montana bureau of agri­ wise the weapon is in excellent con- ( A \\ ashington dispatch of recent dition. On the lock is the name date, says: The designation by I am prepared to furnish my customers with the usual culture, labor and industry, is an Barnett, 1842, and several crowns Judge William B Gilbert, of the high class goods and invite the public to call when desiring earnest advocate of the proposition of a government loan in aid of the are stamped on the barrel and lock, Ninth Circuit, of Judge John De ANYTHING IN MY LINE. showing the gun to be of English Haven, of the Northern District of work for the reclamation of the arid make. California, as Presiding Judge in lands of the West, and believes / (¡imruntec the Goods and Prices The discovery of the old-time the trial of the land-fraud eases in that favorable action can be secur­ Solid Gold W .itihvs, Fancy Clocks, Jewelry of dll kinds. fire arm has caused considerable Oregon, has led to some emharass- ed at the next session of congress, Sdverwai e, Ebony ware, Cut Glass. Handpaintetl China at interest in the Grande Rondo sec­ rnent among officials hare. The CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. :: if the people of the arid states will Cost, Take a peep at my windows. unite in their advocacy of the pro­ tion and many theories are advanc­ recent death of Judge Bellinger, All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, ed relative to the history of the who was to have tried these cases, Ca-emn.'toexlirxg'. ject. weapon. It is generally beleived causes a vacancy in the Oregon dis­ Commissioner Ferguson says the that the gun belonged to a gang of trict. It practically has been de­ people of Montana are. without ex­ cattle and horse rustlers who fre­ termined by the President and At­ ception, enthusiastically committed quented the Grande Ronde section torney-General that Judge Hunt, Durkheimer Building. to the plan of government aid to ir­ in early days,and when hard press­ I nited .Stated Judge of the District rigation, and are anxiously waiting ed took refuge in a large cave locat­ of Montana, should succeed Judge for 'he actual work of reclamation ed about a mile from the spot where Bellinger in the trials, and that the to begin in that state. In an inter­ the discovery was made by young appointment of Judge Bellinger’s view Mr Ferguson pointed out the successor should not he made im­ Applington—Lewiston Tribune necessity for steps looking to ex­ mediately. pediting the work of reclamation. R. R. SITZ, Lavven, Oregon At this point Judge Gilbert, ex­ Most Presidents Were Masons. Among other things he said: ercising authority which he suppos­ ‘ bile the preliminary surveys Both President Roosevelt and ed he had, directed that Judge De are perhaps progressing as rapidly Haven should try the case This . ... Represents the.... as is consistent with the acquire­ \ ice-President Fairbanks went into was displeasing to officials of the Bulls ready for service, the get of ment of definite knowledge concern­ masonry after they had been elected Home Insurance Co., of New York, Department of Justice, and a tele­ ing the several projects, there is to office of viee-president. Colonel gram was sent to Judge Gilbert by ! Liverpool, London & (¡lobe. danger in overlooking the fact that Rooseyelt was elected to that office Attorney-General Moody, inquiring under the present law it will be in November, 1900, and before the by what authority he had directed Certified copy of pedigree Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. many years before sufficient money winter was over he had become a Judge De Haven to act in the trials given with each purchase. OFFICE WITH BUK1S & BIUUS. Bums. Oregon. will be available for the actual re­ member of Matinecock lodge, at Thus far no reply has been received Corner South of Lunaburg & Dalton ’s. clamation of land, for the reason Oyster Bay, New York. He has to that telegram. that the $30,000,000 now in hand been elected to receive the degrees What the result of the situation must be distributed among 13 in the Royal Arch chapter, but has will be is uncertain, and whether never taken them, because of the states anil territories. the action of Judge Gilbert will be “It is true that the ratio of in­ pressure of public business. He overruled may depend on the reply crease in this fund will be greatly mioht take these degrees during he makes to the Attorney-General’s H ouston N apton . advanced by payments from set­ his summer vacations at Oyster inquiry. tlers after the land is occupied, Bay, but this would attract so much ;Wll«0N & AihTCN but some action is necessary to se­ attention as to embarrass him and The Carter House Barber Shop cure the benefits of this part of the the chapter at that place, »rd so he at Ontario, Lee Caldwell proprietor, law at as early a date as possible. has decided to wait until after his is one of the most elegant tonsorial “In this connection it is suggested term aB president has expired and parlors in all Eastern Oregon. Hot that the people of the Western state be is once more a private citizen. and cold baths with a spray bath agitate the proposition of a govern­ Mr Fairbanks took the symbolic ment lean for reclamation purposes blue lodge degrees at Indianafiolie, connected Lee’s old time friends allworkcuar The United States can easrly Boat under dispensation from the giaml are invited to call on him while at a loan of $75,(XX),(KM) to $100,000,- master of Indiana, during the holi­ Ontario. P ayette , I daho , anteed 000 at 2 per cent, which in turn day recess last year, the three de­ Ontario office : New Wilson Brick Alfalfa seed, Alsiko clover seed, could be loaned upon their irriga­ grees being conferred in one day. Timothy seed, lied top seed, Turk- Burns, Oregon tion enterprises at 4 per cent, to be He has since taken the chapter de­ eystan alfalfa seed. Red clover seed. repaid in the same manner and up­ grees, aleo under dispensation, and Call and examine and pet prices.— on the same terms as provided in in one day. It ¡ b said to be his Geer A Cummins. the preseut law, the 2 per cent ad­ purpose during the present year to Alfalfa at Geer Jr Cummins. vance to be placed in a sinking take the remaining degrees of the fund for the redemption of the York rite, ending with that of Knight Templar, and then to take bonds. Ant-RICkN PLAN “Under this plan, there would be the Scottish Rite degree, up to and l’ati nts receive every attention when placed ONTARIO, OREGON. sufficient money immediatly avail­ including the thirty-second. He under our care. Good comfortable noms. able for construction work and the will thus be shown all the mysteries Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant settlement of the arid and semi- of the order far ahead of the man Surgical and cases. .Terms teasonable ¡ VENS KU I.I S. arid states would be begun at once.” whose place in the White House he isi/es the 3 STAVEN S” “ I ___ A _ It is rather a noteworthy fact All Outside Rooms— Near Depot Child Drowned in Canyon Creek. Gl’AKAN I : I D 1 >l< <•( M.. Is equivalent tosaviiuf t that the majority of presidents of I 1 > ■ ' ous l»r ail essential nreann pr Obstetrical Cases. Our Line C- This modern new hotel was only recently opened to the $3.00 to 91" Alfies, from One of the most unfortunate ac­ the United States, from Washing­ SO 2.50 1'Utois. from _ . tu public. Harney County people will be always welcome EXPERIENCED NURSBS IN ATTENDANCE n I 7.-2 to -3 Shotguns, from/.=»U cidents that has taken place in ton to Roosevelt, have been mem­ Ask your dealer. "’»‘I insist I L .N T 1'AIL t. and courteously cared for. A first class bar in connection. ou d. Canyon City for years, occured bers of the Masonic fraternity. In | all 1 I Wednesday evening in the drown­ the later years the best known of aud ted ia the pr.if 1 will sh.pdifectz«?*« ■ Intel*, LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. st**<*4 of shorting. KlaUt d prepaid, upon K-tipC of f.r.« .-ntslnsuaii4t>. pay these are Garfield, Harrison and ing in Canyon creek of Dorothy, Bur ns, Qre. mi ;e. or Ice. Lli PVZZLE! This HIT THE MAk< wit'. '■*» the two-year-old daughter of Mr. McKinley, with Roosevelt, Garfield Jc-.-er Ji upon request. novelty "'(*1 >' 11 1 was a Knight Templar and held his J. STEViiNS All’-'' * TOOL CO and Mrs. R. R. MeHaley. -%/«<♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4091 P.O. t, The child was missed from the membership in all the York rite FALLS. MAK-U. S. A. CHICOPEE family home about 0 o’clock, and bodies in this city. He was a char­ after searching for some time, the ter member of a Washington lodge body was found in Canyon creek and remained on its rolls until hie McKinley was also a near the planing mill. It was at death. | SfIM BAILEY proprietor. ♦ Knight Templar, but bin member- once taken to the family home and HORTON tL SAYER, Propts. Drs Chilton and Newgord were ship was in Ohio. | fine Wines, liquors and Cigars Only one president was ayowed- called and for several hours, with | Agents for /^arqland Club Wbiskq. I John Quincy ly anti-Masonic. the assistance of many neighbors and friends, did all known to med­ Adams came into the presidency | CLUB ROOMS IN CONNECTION EVERYBIING fl-TT CLASS ical skill to restore life to the child during the Morgan excitement and he talked and wrote against the or­ but with no result. J Courteous and S'. M ' c ' $ Jus» how the drowning occurred der with all his might for many will never be known, but it is sup­ years. Hie distinguished father, Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. posed that the child had fallen into John Adams, however, was an en­ Lumber Yard in Burns the stream while attempting to thusiastic Mason and was buried Andrew j cross a foot bridge near the planing with Masonic honors. JOHN McHULLEN, | mill, its body being found but a Jackson was at one time grand master of the grand lodge of Ten-| short distance below that point. nee see. The funeral services will be held THE UP-TO-DATE FHOKMiRAPHI An informal poll was made of the | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- yy-r V this morning at the M. E. church two houses of congress a few years in this city by Rev. E. Hayes, fol­ All the latest styles and improved photogiapliy In tra H. E. THOMP8ON, Propt. lowing which the body will be tak­ ago by a Washington Mason, and j use to be had. Profile Panel*, Artist's Proof anil Reasonable Rates, (iood Clean Meals, Comfortable Stock and poultry have few en to Prairie City and interred in it was discovered that more than trouble, which are G-wwl snrt Pom elain pi ecru. Photos finished in up to date 'J Rooms, Courteous Treatment. the cemetery at that place this 87 |>er cent of the members of the liver irregular? Black- style upon application /XII six s from the smallest W ' house were in the order, and more Draught Stock ai Poultry Mwli- afternoon. cine u a b<>wel a I liver remedy locket picture up to an 8 x IO tinishrd in Ansto Special Accommodations for the Dorothy Marv MeHaley was born than 80 per cent of the members of j for stock. It put the organ, of digestion in » [» t <■■ -.-lition Platino or on any of the Anu-rii m p.ijiers af < the senate. in this city July 16. 1902, )>eing at Prominent Amern > breeder, and Traveling Men. faruH-ra keep their 1 ..a-ill-k. II,llery opposite First Nstiors! Bank • (luras, Oregon. the time of her death 2 years. health-, by J mg ■ -i an occa- T*o Mes Streaf up months and 15 days of age. iional'lo—■ f Hlw ‘ draught Stick UM* in tbrir The grief stricken parents have and Poultry M- i food. Any ■ •T tnav I«»» Ed Prestou, who arrived from the sy mpathy of a wide circle of a r-tiif! « • 25-cent half Your Patronae Solicited, hi r Malheur county this weeit state« J thia med friends.—Blue Mt. Eagle i w / and benp to* that just before leaving there he • T' i health fi* w--i- ■ heard that two men had been ally keep ft Relic of Pioacer Days. Poultry M “strung up” for horee stealing He . f »r not. wn l can to th» m < 1 nfm ■fti Captain S. V. Winslow of the gov­ stated that the affair had been kept J Chattan >•« • tanooga Tean ernment dredge boat Willows re­ very quiet so far. One of the un­ Mamif«« lorera and dral^rs in ports the discovery of an old Hint fortunate victims is said to have B och BXX« G*. Ja l>een John Knox, a man of consid- lock ritie in a hidden cave in the Btoek-frraufb -t i t SADDLES and HARNESS D m * Grande Ronbe valley by Chet App- ' erable noteriety in that county. He wM k> * d ( • *4 • . a • nt forroeriv resided in this county and Bri'lles, Spur«, Whips, Robes: Ropes. th« med'.7“.*T aad * U *y ar* liwgt m. a reeideot of the Joseph r> TWy aralo «.«< » creek country Mr Applington rt one time had the horses l*long- mi aaai- batter If your stock are uling in any way come and get 8 F ìmnCKKo O* was searching for horses and In ing to the French estate on shares Security Stock Remedies; Gall cure, Iminimi*, Id riding under a ledge of a rock in a*( No particulars can be learned — Also poultry food. Address, Burn- Oi frequented part of a cauyon dis- Grant Co News ST »TES t SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO Groceries, Provisions Tropical 'nd Domestic Fruits when in Season LOOK GENTS FURNISHINGS Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear—Get Prices I GIVE HIM A CALL M. L. LEWIS BILLS FOR SALE Breeder of Pure Bates Short Horn Cattle. FIRE INSURANCE Waterloo Prince I 74,1 84 CHAS. WILSON Napton &, Boyd Real Estate. Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing Mines and Mining Wagon Work. . Harney County Hospital THE CARTER HOUSE ( lias. E. McPhfceters, Propt. BURNS MILLING CO I Rough and Dressed Lumber, j I Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. BLACK DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE THE URNS HOTEL FIRST ( LASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the local news $2 a Year—Club rates given Printing HOPKINS