5 ng imes-rierald. . A" “weather profit, judge Miner J is a success. , 1HE I ABGEBT CIRCULATION or Dr. W. C. Brown. Dentist. Office upstairs in Veogtly building. >v SEWSI APER IN THIS COUNTY. C B Ausmus was up from Lawen yesterday. Fred Otley u up from Lawen Drop in and get a big glass of Frank Turner and wife are over that fine Harnev Valley Brewing from Stein Mountain. Co. beer at the new beer hall and . U.UUU1BU8 For good handmade harness go saloon. to J C Welcome & Son. Chas H Dodd, the pioneer hard­ ware man, of Portland, was looking The C B Auemu« Jack will stand this season at the Stone house ou after the interests of his house in the Stauffer ranch this section this week. “BROWN’S” •THE SATISFACTORY STORE” ••BROWN’S” Mrs I J Pouj.de is a guest at the home of Mrs J W bevedge in this I city. ATIKDAY. MAY « 1905. D,. Ham Bacon, Lard Butterand Eggs Timothy Seed at the City Local News. Meat Market. I Messrs Drinkwater 4 Clay are q,__ n . ... I Commissioner Miller has been in lorn Bain, accompanied by his from bis Crow Camp ranch since the proprietors of a blacksmith and V B Parker wae a visitor from Warm Spring section this week, two sons was tn the city yesterday. Tueeday attending court. repair shop in Browser. They de­ Thev took in the taxidermy part of sire a share of the public patronage. lee our 5 ami 1° <’el11 counter, F J Klink and Ed Southworth our Lewis and Clark display while useful things —Schwartz 4 Bud- 1 here. were here this week looking after Orin Boyer of the firm of Boyer the telephone line repairing. tn Bros 4 Co, of Ontario, made this 1 lie Jenkins Bros sheepshearing |rs E E Brown came in the lat- Mrs Maude Cardwell arriv­ city a dying visit Monday starting plant will start the season’s work jurl of last week bringing her ed last week from an extended on his return Tuesday. on May 10. For particulars and |.. ..,n for medical treatment. visit to various railroad pointB For sale—A modern five room I prices address Jenkins Bros, Smith, idaui George ie selling school Oregon. New spring hats have been re­ dwelling, in centre of full block, all liture and the various districts Mrs. Geo W. Hajes arrived here ceived, also late samples for tailor enced. good out buildings. A snap & £ ons if taken quick. See M. L Lewis u|,| see him before placing from Vale the first of the week and made clothing.—MrsC A Byrd. »rs. is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs E N Nelson has suffered a U N CLAIMED W A R R A N TS. Bioes Mahon and wife > were in Mrs. Geo. Stanclift. relapse in her sickness and is again n Anderson Tuesday to attend I Mrs P M Cheney and little confined to her room a portion of S tate of O regon , i funeral of the late Thornton daughter were the guests of Simon the time. County of Harney, f 8,i limns tiewis and wife a few days this O Calkins has begun the erection I, Sam Motberehead, County Clerk of, week. Mr Cheney was also in for a of a new residence on the back of Harney County, Oregon, hereby certify Trading Stamps given |’e are informed that I. that the annexed list of county warrants j day or two. the lots occupied by the Oregon of this county, issued more than seven ' frg Sr and family will Agents for McGill Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. t week for San Francisco i Skip Whiting returned home the hotel. It will face the west on years prior to July 1,1905, remain un­ claimed in this office, and hereby give Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. r will make their home, latter part of loet week from a visit Third Street. notice that the same will be cancelled it Len George came over from Can­ not claimed within 60 days after the let bank Cole has gone to Boise to Malheur county where he went , going to the railroad in his to look for a good ranch under I yon City Monday to attend the fun­ day of July, 1905. eral of the late Thornton Williams. Witness my hand and official seal this ! I conveyance and upon his re- 1 the government irrigation works. 3rd day of Mav, 1905. l will bring hack some freight, Rev. Louie Huff, who left here The young man is a brother to Mrs S am M othekshead , Williams. Conntv Clerk. jjnve orders at the Brewery Sa- last fall to spend the winter with Burns. Oregon, May 1st, 1905. 1 G. A. Retubold, the attorney, i for bottled beer which will be his mother in Nebraska, returned the Hon. County Court of Harney 1 ||^-red at your home in any here the first of the week but con- came in on Wednesday’s Canyon To county : tity desired. Ask for prices. I tinued on to Lake City, California, stage, returning from Pendleton Comes now Sam Mothershead, county I where he expects to locate. where he attended the May term of clerk, and in pursuance to section 2632 | supreme court. of B. & C. codes and statutes of Oregon, Ike Blevins came in last Friday submits the following list of county war­ Alfalfa seed, Aletke clover seed,! rants remaining in theoffiueof the coun­ [ from his Crook county home and is now with his family at the home of Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk- ty clerk and issued more than 7 years 1 ■ Judge Sam Miller and wife. After eystan alfalfa seed, Red clover seed. prior to July let, 1905. Nat’al Guard, I 2 on issued Nov I ., Lvi a short visit lie will return taking Call and examine and get prices.— Oregon G. W. Anderson, 13 00 “ Jan. 19, W> I I Geer & Cummins. I Mrs Blevins and eon Lee, with him R. I. Bybee, 14 00 ....“ May 8. 1*97 C. I.. Barney,.............. SCO ....“ Jan. 1»>, 1*97 ' I for the summer The various orchards is this vic­ Mr«. A. B. Gilhain. 1 50 ‘ Jan. 19, 1895 J 9.te Harper, ......... . 150 ** Sept. 11, 1897 I J E McKinnon, eldest son of R J inity are now in full bloom and if K Ettie Hyland, 1 70 “ Ort. 11.1894 McKinnon, was in the city yester­ the past few cold nights have not E. 8. Lewie, , 170 •• sept 7, lay»' Doc. Marrs, 4 20 “ Sept. 11, 1897 day, accompanied by his two sons. injured them we should have a F. 8. Prole til. . 1 00 ...Nov. 13,189’. ' Ed was a former resident of this good fruit harvest. Win. Robbins, 7.0...“ Nov. 13, 1896 j i Stewart, 7 50 '• Ian. 16, 1897 Ke sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing. place and still has some property County court was in session only 1 Johu (’.II. Turner, I »0 “ Sept. II, ls*.'7 ; here. He had been over at Dia- a part of Thursday, as Judge Also a full stock of Disc aiul Tooth Harrows and Seeders. Total *••• I’» mond since last December and is Leyens had to devote almost the now on his way back to his home entire day fixing tip a dam which NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. in Baker county. had gone out on his ranch. 1 SITED STATES LAND OFFK KJ Burns. Oregon, April 24. 1905,1 Fred Lunaburg, of the mercan­ R C George, father of Mrs Thorn­ Notice is hereby given that Huttie E Buch tile firm of Lunaburg and Dalton, ton Williams, arrived here from Allan, of Harney, Oregon, has tiled notice of intention to make proof on ber desert land No. 352. for the W’2 NW’4. Sec. 26, T. 228., active firemen are requested took his departure last Monday hie homestead near Vale Tuesday claim R. 33 E., U . M., before the Register and Receiv morning via Ontario for Colorado erat Burn«, present at a meeting of the evening. Mr George came on re­ of June, 19X> Oregon, on Tueiday, the 6th «lay e leparlment pupils of Miss Harkey and where he will visit hie sister for a ceipt of a ’phone of the death of Mr She name« the fo’lowing witnesses to prove at the city hall the complete irrigation atul reclamation of said laud: John E. Loggan, of Burns,Oregon,h. We ’ ll take your measure HltST CLASS LIVtRY llRNOirS. ire loud in their praises of i Bucklen 4 Co, of Chicago; A. M, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. return he and his family will make guarantee satisfaction.— To All Whom It May Concern, viz: the children and teachers, Hamlin, of the Norwell, Shapleigh I NI I ED STATES LAN D OFFICE, f their home on a ranch that he has S tate of O regon , J and Budelman. Burus Oregon. April 14, 19UIM f artz number on the program was Hardware Co of St Louis, C.F County of Harney, ) Notice I k hereby given that Thomas Turnbull ■ ecured near Lawen eriff ally Allen good came in on much last i i Chatterton, of Vincent Beesley Co »tint reflecting Cord, Oreg«»ii. has filed notice of intention In the Matter of the Estate of J. W. of to make proof on his deHert-land riaiin No. 437, W E Smith arrived home from a Kelso, Deceased. from with Drewsey connected it. for t he WGN W 4 Sec 27. S K' , NF',. H«« 2«. T. 27 I ng on ’s all stage Portland and Fred M. Johnson, re­ MR ’■•' E. W.M b«*f«»re the IDgibit i ami Receiver Your patronage solicited. ■ he attended the hearing of presenting Grace 4 Bodinson, trip to the railroad this week. He Sale of Heal Property at Private Sale. at Burn«, l>ni< K. < Mrs J E Wallace received a tele <>rv., April 26. I'.'■6. I the bad by roads. the local of the finest animals in Oregon and grain Thursday announcing the a petition therefor having been previous­ Notice I k hereby Burns, I i re ii during submitted IN CONNECTION WIIM BARN that th«* billowing ly tiled And submitted showing the re­ unmc, widow d Dnv i«l se South-west quarter of Section 22, and the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of taking bis parents home His Lot Numbered Four <»f Section Twenty- UNITICI» STATES I Wli «»U K I .» I.akevieu orcK«»i», Apri! I”, 190?» I father has been iiieed since one, all in Tp. 25 S., It. 32'* K , in Har­ Notir«1 I» hereby given flint th«- follow lug ney County, Oregon, containing 133 and nauicd pettier Ima Hied notice • f his Intention that time and they did not Matt at 8X-100 acres, according to theoffh ial plat to ninkr tinnì proof in ««if>|> irt of hiaclniin hik I mh I pr«H,t will I hj nia*le I m fore<• W Ward once. Grant states that the fruit of survey of the land and tlie U.S. Patent that well, 0. s « omUNNilener, al hie office »» (Hirer |j»ke, Oregon nil June ; ■ « . \ fz i-fli«' crop is some damaged by the recent to said deceased. That the premises are tmn egre, lid Entry So ..t.l I for i lie-L , SW4. lì - w , N » . '• 4 . , I ■ I fre»* from incumbrances, and a U. S. cold S|>ell. especially the |>eaches Patent of record in the County Clerk s II» imines the following uitn«*»>» to prove Apples and the hardier fruit will be office in Harney County, is the only hl« rontinnoua re»i«len< -e upon end « ultivution of »ahi land, viz <;.<■. Duncan. <»f Mllver Ijike, 4 an average crop muniment of title, there being no trans* Oregon. N ' oineg ► of Eg i, or« gon J F Cochran, of Lawen. Oregon, Anton Egli, of J. I* Jenkins left Thursday for fer from Kelso, who was the Patentee, Egli, Oregon. J N. W «T hon , R<*ff later. ' PETITION FOIl I.IQroll I.Il l ASH the land unimpaireriiii'iii the mo H«f hi« Intention Wild Horae precinct Harney county« <*r>unty Court of Harney county, «Lite of County Harnev nninh Mute families, also Mrs H E Smith. Mrs der aforesaid. io make Anal prf In -mj.p rt «4 bis »iaim.aud Take notice further That this ¡»uhli« a that said pr«H»f will l»e m*«ie »--Hfe the Register < »regon, ‘Io hen-by petition your Honor­ Or»*gon, fo grant a iiceii*«» t<> I < l’«*h r Teller and the two Miller hove Rav tion is had by virtueof the Statute n.ad«* and Receiver, at Htirns, Or»-<»»n. on May 24 able Court, U» grant a license to Mcliub- ment» noli spirit'd a malt and virion I90G, vi«: II E. No 107*», of John W Buoy, for will ba chief engin« er on the plant and provided in such cases and the order tbefiW'«NIC* «•ner Bro«., to wv-ll spirituous, malt and liquor a in lent quantitiea tli.ih one j ailon >. and V, m F.'*. -• T Ute.» are bere ia fall array—We iavite yaar iespecliaa. W M and the other l>o « will assist in of the Court as to its details in the prem­ RWE He iinines the following w iti>> a«< » I»« prove J vinotie liquors at their pla* t* of business in Pueblo precinct Harney < ■ mty, -tat« hl« ««mttnuous reeidupon and eultlvaHo« j in Andrews, Wild Horae preein I, liar- of Oregon, for the period of « * nioiitliM, ises. various ways The Ivlies will en ­ of also call your attention to our other line* of ssul lead, viz; Byron Ierrtll Archie Mr And finally take notice: That I shall Gowan. Frank <» Jn< kaor, John Hipfwtnau all ’ ney county, Oregon, for a peri««l of aix mm in duty liuund we wiil ever prav joy camp life for a (• • week h Crade merchandise, si1 of uuhieh have been ever |.r«y commence from snd after the 15th day ' of Burns Oregon month«, as in «loty Imtind Maine«, W w F vrkk . Register. Nan»«« The many friends i Mi-s Maude of May, 1905, t» -eek buyers for private Name«. Nam» s Frank Adrian •enished. J <1 Holloway i (' B Caiivul Al Hlinger I Norton were ....... 1 to Darn that bargain« which will be after full expira­ F rn«Ml I, Holloway J Lubbinga I* Andriaw It 141 Pene th* young lady di <1 at the l> -pital tion of the period prescribed, vi/ (out J L Henderson M J O’Connor J II Polender I ( has Turner weeks—five publications. at Tacoma. a«b . 'a t Saturday. Such sale, ho«»*ver, will lie subject to JohnjW Geary W A Jobnetow f II Interrnsnn . J <»ate* Jacob Thomson She had l>een suffer ■ . f-orn tvnboid report and coufirinati«»n by the Court Jan Cook A Stone A W Morris RESTAURANT I <»eo Hod Holloway John Traver« John Smyth fever and although >: was known but the «iced w ill be made, ao B ( ate given fo the purchaser, a« auon a« ap hare she was - ri (.«1> sick her A Henio Cor. Main an«! Ji Htreeta. F rad Allen l..| l arleeon ham Bickley death came «• a «tirpn«e Her sis­ proeod. I. < 1% O rman | Ldw J < 'atlow J ». • arlaon f>>u J Bo-enlierg Witue*»» my hand this 15th day of ter, Mr« M Fi’X«ier«ld recived the April, IfOT», which ia fl»e date of the first MEALS AT flLib HOURS Krland < ‘arlwm 1 Hobart I *oan sarti Hall «ad intelligence We® Mot* •lay, the 5Ui day of Jun» . I'*» « Oieun- J. H.OARD. I lay, li e '»th ‘lay of Jon«, 190'», the un* derafgued will apply to tlm ' ntv < Ut’ Administrator. A Spuially •( Sbwrt Driers. of our city for «orn« ti«oe prior to l»•r•lgn«*•l will apply V» the County of the state tfl Oregon f«»r llarney rrnmly I* O. Id ireaa, Hamer. Or-g n. Table furnish'- ! with everything • onrt of th»- stat»* of • Rregou for Harney going to Washington to join her TH< HUNTON M l LU A MH. , for the Inwnae mentioned in the 1 for the lhen«*- ment»«••>• I in th»- iof»^f«- the market afford« Your patron­ | «■'Minty father. ing ¡wtitien. t >rrffoing (M-tGion Atty, forth« Estate. S» H> MBSkR Bao« age solicited. J < PH F KM AN. P. O. Addrear, Burna Or»-/un 1 Job printing—Tne Time«-Herald SPIC AND SPAN XKW DRESS GOODS! BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, CARPETS, GROCERIES, ranite and Tinware SCHWARTZ & BUDELMAN. I