She Simes-®eraíd ' Mr. Irwin expects to attend. that he may be remark'-d that he secured the first criminal conviction in Har-| Hon C. W. Parrish desires to arrange his business so BATl’BDAY. MA V6. 1»'». 1HOBSTON WILLIAMS DEAD. Ou Sunday morning last, at 9 ney County. About six year» ago» m , Thornton William* died at he weut to San Diego to accept a j in ay go to 1 Portland before the a. position a» private attorney for We have the fioeds—We make the Prices—We get the trade HcCormick Mowers rtcCormick Hay Rakes Deering Mowers Thomas Hay Rakes Dain Hay Bucks opening of the fair and assist in his home iu tliispity, of pulmonary Jacob Gruendike, the millionaire of Mr Williams h«d the arrangement of the various tubarculoais. that city, but became dissatisfied •3.00 One Year been an invalid for the past three with California and returned to cabinets. Mr. Parrish has been 1 ÜU SIX Months a most faithful worker in securing years, tint his recovery had not Oregon . .76 Three Months In this connection the the display and has taken a great *,een despaired of until alxiul three writer is informed that Mr. Gruen­ J L LI AN MÏKI» — — — — Massger interest not only in the d part­ weeks ago, at which time he began dike had sent for Mr. Williams to merit of which he had charge, to fail very rapidly. His mind wax return tn San Diego, aud just prior It is a well known principle of but in all others where he could ! perfectly clear up to within a few to his death, which occurred three Ilis cabinet will be a momenta of his death, and he did «eeks before that of Mr Williams, law that there are always two assist. most attractive feature of the ex- not entirely abandon hie practice he announced his desire to have sides to every question. Yester­ until just a few day» before be his last will awl testament drawn day a number of prominent busi­ liibit. A full and complete line died, although for some time he bv Williams, and expected to ness men, while discussing the has l>een unable to meet the de­ make the latter the executor of I of the test haying tools MEN PLACED l ' DER BONDS ai tide published in the Morning mands of his profession in his usual his immense estate, so much confl-1 made. Democrat, reprinted from the East i manner. deuce had lie in the Oregon attor- Deputy Dist. Atty. Leonard ami For many yearn Thornton \\ il- I ney’a integrity and ability. Oregonian of Pendleton, united Atty. Geo Sizemore arrived home liams has been one of the leading in the opinion that the statements Mr Williams was twice married, | from Drewsey yesterday evening attorneys of Eastern Oregon, and his first wife dying in Harney City made that government inspectors where they had been attending the the bar of this district loses in his thirteen years ago, leaving him an , were investigating the acquire­ preliminary arraignments of Lloyd ment of timber land titles in Grant .Miller, Ed Ward and Chas. Hunt death one of its most brilliant only daughter, Miss Bertha Will­ members. He was a shrewd, able iams, of this city, who was sum­ county, might be true but the gov­ who were arrested on a charge of and conscientious lawyer, and for moned from Corvallis, where she ernment probably would find that horse stealing. They have nothing over twenty years has been identi­ was attending the State Agricul- • all honesty of purpose was used particular for publication regarding fied with the (dost important cases, tural College, to the death bed of i in the transaction in the develop­ the hearing both civil and criminal, which have her father. Iu 1895 he wm mar­ The justice of the pence held the ment of that country as had been been liefore the courts of this dis­ ried to Miss l.ela George, of Baker ( employed in the building up of accused under bonds to appear at trict. He was a most devoted City, who has been his most devot-! hundreds of other sections of the the fall term of that court. Miller’s student of the law, and in its theory ed attendant during liis long illness, United States where otherwise bond was fixed nt 12,000, Ward and practice he had few equals. He The de-' .flOtiOand Hunt at $250 All the was acknowledged to be one of the and who survives him. would have been barren waste | ceased has three brothers in New defendants gave the necessary bond best equity lawyers iu the state, without profit to anyone. i York City who are practicing law- and were released from custody. while tlie briefs submitted by him What would Baker City be to­ yers there. lie was a Royal Arch to the Supreme Court of Oregon day, had not its timber belts been Mason, an Elk, and a Knight of COURT PROCEDIMI. were regarded t»y that body as the Pythias developed by the Baker sawmill funeral was con- Ills most able in form and legal accu­ ducted by Burns Lodge, No. 97, A. companies? M L Lewis granted the privil­ racy of any presented for their con­ F 4 A. M . ami he was buried on What made it possible to build ege to erect poles and build tele­ sideration. He was a most inde- Tuesday, with masonic honors, in tlie Sumpter Valley Railway, phone lines along the public roads fatigable worker in the interest of the cemetery of the fraternity here. which was the making of Baker of this county. hie clients, and his absolute and There were many beautiful Horal NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION City, when there was scarcely All warrants issued seven years unflinching integrity in his profes­ offerings, mid conspicuous among UNITED.STATES LAND Oi l HI one pound of ore in sight in the prior to the (st day of July »9°5 sion was his moat striking charac­ Burns, Oregon, April 1'to.j.i them were some handsome pieces I Notice is hereby given that < limles A King upper camps? . i . | i r st t _ t I of Burnt, Burna, Harney Hurney Coiiutv, Coiintv, Oregon, ting filed iih no Being a (nan of frail and not presented for payment teristic H6f)t by th<‘ IDHtDiiLrs of the bar at tice of intention to make proof on hit, : 1»—rt How tan any single individual were ordered advertised for a physical health, his public use- r . i „ i land claim No. 389^ 339, for the St 8E’,i, .«, vec. e<*. 1 i 1, I T. -anyoii ( ity. I IIB rniiaral vvafi||< 33 w. XL, before the Register and R» ' » I * er at Burns, Oregon, on W«*i, Fee. 2X, T. 231 : 1 t • * n t county general fund. classics of literature, and his infor­ . R F . w. m ., »before th.- Register and Re- Notice is hereby given to all whom it the general public of eastern Ore­ r si Him,», ores ....... . Tuea.lsy, Uis tsth may CODC ern, that tlie undersigned lias The petition of Lloyd Johnson mation iipo-, historical subjects da v of June, 1905. I J she nHiites the following witnesses to prove been on thia 19tb*day of April, 190.5, duly gon ? and others for a county road was was simply encyclopaedic. He was the (Oinpletc irrigation and reclamation ofi-.^.» * • ... . z, * t Mild land William • Byrd. William O White. ! •PPOlnted by the ( ounty ( ourt of Har Had not these timber lands no indifferent writer of either prose llarr.t C. Brisco, Charles H. Leonard, all of ney county, Oregon, the Administrator continued until June 5. Burns, Oregon. been taken up and purchased by W m F arkr , Register. of the Estate of Ferdinand (J. Blume, J A Vest, stock inspector, tend­ or verse, and while lie only wrote one institution, this country would ered his resignation which was for his own amusement and the deceased, and has duly qualified. All peraona having claims against said es­ still lie in the condition it was So accepted and B W Hamilton ap­ delectation of his intimate friends, NOTICE oh SALE. tate or against the late partnership <»f 1 had he been disposed, he would years ago the abode of Indians. pointed to fill the vacancy. G. Blume A Son, will ¡»resent the s-aine, have made a success in authorship In the (’onnty (’ourt of Harney County, duly verified and with proper vouchers, One man pertinently asked, Court adjourned today, or took < Iregon. Personally, lie was a man who on to said Administrator at bis residence in ENDORSED DY BETTER AND “Where did President Roosevelt (’. A. ¿week, plaintiff f .1 recess, rather, until June 5. Harney county, Oregon, or at the office intimate acquaintance impressed get his big Dakota rant lies and Will be glati to furnish of Parrish ck Rembold, at Burns, Oregon SCIENTISTS A3 -./^CHEAPER THAN J. Gardner, defendant) all who met him with his brilliant liow were the titles obtained.''" within six months from the date of thia Notice is hereby given, that pursuant [ DISSOLI TION NOTICE intellectuality. He was genial anil ANY PRACTICALLY . *; to an execution iBeued from the office of | notice. No one man t an take up more kindly disposed, and lutd a strong Hated April 19th, 1905. the (’ounty Clerk of Harney County, than 160 acres and what can he Notice is hereby given that the attachment for those whom lie P aul F. B lume , Oregon on the 4th day of March 1905, STONE do with it unless he sells it at a co partnership heretofore existing regarded ns his friends. Like all commanding me to levy ujxjn and sell Administrator a small profit to some one who between V .1 Hopkins and J T Gar­ men of strong convictions, lie had the hereinafter described real property 1 Send for Over 500 Price List A had the means to combine it witli rett under tlie limi name of Hop­ pronounced likes mid dislikes for to satisfy a judgment rendered in the Beautiful To anyone duslring above named court for the num of |50 00 I Circulars. Designs. NOTICE OE ADMINISTRATOR other tracts and develop the llllll- kins A Garrett, was dissolved by men and things, mid was ns fearless and <*oHts taxed at $15 00 and ordering mutual consent oil April 22, 1905. in liis criticisms ami deniinciatioiiN her. the sale of the property herein attached, Notice is hereby given that on the What lias made the whole state All persons indebted to the firm are of things which displeased him as in favor of the plaintiff C. A. Sweek and I tith day of April, 11*05, by order of against defendant A. .1. Gardner, in an request»*»! to call ami Bettln nt an in hitf praise ami he whs generous of Oregon a garden in the midst early date. support of the matter which met action therein pending wherein the »aid the County Court, of the State of See his Handsome of a dense pine and tie forest? C. A Sweek was plaintiff and «aid A. J. Oregon, for Hnrney county, of V J llol'KINH, with his approbation, Like most V/ ; • 'Hie general opinion, is of G i duer defendant ,w hieli paid judgment c .1 T G a mt ITT. profound xtudetils. lie was a book a ; ih duly docketed on the 3rd day of date duly rendered mid entered, the thinking men in these pails that worm, and depreciated health .March 1' hi "» theivfine I, the undersigned undersigned was duly appointed there should lie reason and com­ M0NU’.. n / f company . by I iih clone application to mental Sh riff of Ha ney County, < »regon, in Administrator of the Estate of Will- Dissol.l I’loN NOTICE SJUDGKPüHT. L’ÜN N. I’t me- mon sense in all things work, mid lux habits of seclusion. obedieuce to ilie otioiiands of said > ¡am Phelps, deceased. Any and all l-.x'cutioii, will on Monday tlie xtli day | persons having claims against said villc Join nal. r- Notice If hereby given that the Too, like most men of genious, be ..a \ f .* . • I (141*. .. b S I, '■ >,,»l I llooae I. «1. . as . * • « • ot May !!»>.'», at the 4 Court door firm of Wilson Aahton haw this was a creature of eccentricities, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day estate » re hereby notified to present day been dlooolved I>y mutual con- unique in his personality, mid al­ intheCity ,»f Burns, Harney County, the same duly verified, as required Kent, (ieo A»hton having retired together one man in u Ihousmid. Oregon, oil.-1 (or -ale at public vendure 1 bv law, either to the undersigned al FRANK A. COLE, Propt. Had his brilliant mind been coupled to lhe highest biddei for earh all the his residence in Diamond. Oregon, The lug wagons armed irom from the bnHineHN First Class, Well with u strong body lie would have right title and inteH'-t of defendant A. ' or to his attorney, Win Miller, at Cline Wilson. the Island Ranch on Wednesday .1 Gardner in and to tlo> following (fa. I his office in Bui ns, Oregon, w i'hin unquestionably achieved great Appointed House Geo Ashton ,>( this week and three of them -. ii I h '.I real |>rf intellect We. I quarter of (In- South West quarter ( entrally located, Well furnished tnl.I.e, letl Io I k - tilled with the exhibit to the Mr. Willimnn win a graduate of of Section Io, l‘p. 22. Suith. tlange 32 first publication of his n -tie- comfortable rooms. be shipped to tin I -ew is and t lai k Lail lor Count« Warrant* \\ illianin College, mid attended th»* 1 \\ M in I lame. < ounty, Oregon, to first publication being on Saturday, Ian. The work of packing and RATES: Meals 25 cents: I mms 5(1 cents, -ali.iy -aid judgmeut, interest, »"Oats and the Sth day of April, 1905 Columbia Law School. At eight­ accruing o sts. boxing is now in piogiesx and it Noti. .‘ is hereby given that there teen years ot age In- wax udmitted R II BROWN, Single Beds 25 cents. ION AIJ.BN, is expected all will be hi readiness lire itmde in the countv treasure Sheriff <>f I larnev County A »regoli. Administrator to the bar of New York state Stop at the Overland bv Monday morning to start to for the redemption of nil wnrrnnts After hix admission he took up th»* tlie laihoad. .Irnwii on the Rond, Building mid practice of law in the office of Lis Burns, Oregon 'Ilie executive board met with Genernl funds mid r.-gistered upto distinguished lather,Isaiah I . Wil­ In­ liams. The hitter was for years the County Court Thursday night mid including April I, 1905 and the work gone ovei and plans terest on the same will cense from one of the foremost lawyers of New discussed legal ding the exhibit tliis dnte. York lie was the intimate friend April I, 1905. \NIMALS, GAME HEADS. ETC. and legal adviser of Horace Greeley, and its disposition. t he court is J. M D ai ton , | and wax engaged in some of the well pleased with the manage­ I’rensurer >>f llnrney Comity, Ore un (civil >oa BY MAIL—Ciapktc eiarse ia 15 lessons. Of drugs, medicines, druggists sundries, I most celebrated cases of those days ment of affairs so fat anil teel '.lie p-Humes, stationery, books, school sup- He was counsel in the Beecher- x* LOCAI PERSOMI exhibit will lie well looked after SN ', etc., ever brought to Burns. The Tilton esse, and assisted in the de­ X* anil accomplish much good in the Iha• ra’v your helm -r den with fine specimen» Save the splen­ ■st wines and liquors for medicinal fense of Guiteau. the assassin of xN vV did tn pl tee you »•» urr on yonr bunding tripe. If interested write xV Alfalfa nt Geer A Cumidine way o( attracting people to thia s' President Garfield The Williams X* 1 always on ha d. tor our prospectus and other printed matter, mailed FREE section. Jason Bennett ami wife are among homestead adjoined (hat of Horae»* s xj Rev. Irwin will leave here at the visitóte to our city. Greeley at Chappa<|ii«. N A s teach the rail ­ the proper time to Thornton \\ illiams r^tue west in s H eating stoves at Voegtly's Mil tllk'S rtESCIIHHIl «VEH SHCUL »TTEKTIO». same time as the road al the |>S3, going first to San Francisco, S X* Our BE5T TAXIDERMIST, Hr. Wallace, is now Voegtly for heating stoves. v supet intend the freight teams, and later to Portland Subsequent­ x% in Burns. Oregon, mounting the Harney county Chea Smith anti wife now occupy ly lie earn* to Baker City, where he X* handling of the shipment there. 8 collection for the Portland Exposition. Call and and then precede it to Portland j the Coleman rssidenee on the hill. was for a tune associated with I. I* BUBSCKlPTfON KATES: Machine Extras Wire Cable, Rope, Forks, Machine Oil Car of Studebaker W agons, Hacks and Buggies to arrive soon GEER & CUMMINS, urns, Ore GENERAL MERCHANDISE Burns, Oregon. Complete Stock of Dry Goods Groceries and Supplies. Send or bring your orders for anything in our line -Spring and Summer Goods now in. M. I. LEWIS PARTICULARS and PRICES INFORMATION. DESIGNS. I HF OVERLAND HOTEL Lie Largest and Most Complete Stock STANDARD METHODS, easily and quickly learned. SPECIAL OFFER tients for Any Periodical Published. Hit- CITY DRUG STORE. Ro) McGee and Simon Lewis Haines, atid later with Hon J I. He did a successful prac­ its arrival there, lie has also, hate leased the Rei Front Harn Rand tice in Baker Countv. and removed from Brenton A Giltiert been prexailed upon to again* j from there to Grant County, taking return to Portland the last week ♦ (><*> will take Ititi acres of gixei up his profession at Canyon Citv. of the lair in Octotier to wind up| and ID mil»*« Kail of Bur»« It I in aasociation with Hon Mori,., the business of tlie local asxKia- was a > hoi. <• claim live years ago. 1* Clifford. es-< ireuit jinlx»- of this tioo, super intend the parking, and See I.VWI* iieiriet For several ware he did return ol such of the mriosand Mrs W II Culp and son \iiatin, an extensive uraclice in Urani other tiling' that must be returned! nf Burns, were visiting last week Cornili. and left (bere io acce pi l e collect our tebate*. etc. This with Mr and Mr. B F Johnson | hmi I ioii of Attornev for thè Pacific was made |w»s»ible by the fact, They left k riday lor the 11 ay .lack l.oe Htock Co in Harney t'ounty that the Synod of his chuich country were Mr Culp owns a wheat For several years past he has »wm meets the week prev ious wloch I ranch —Prineville Journal t locato! at ''urne Incidentali) il and be ready Io look alter it upon 1 __ s 8 X* 8 x' à XV »' X* Xx i :: :: X* X% xx s 8 X* x' I see his work We teach Tit SAME METKID HE ISES in putting up this fine collection. During the time that he is in Burns, we will H. M. HORTON. Propt. MAKE I SPECIAL PRICE ON OCR COIRSE. Send for catalog today, and ask us to explain our offer to reader* of The Times-Herald The Northwestern School of Taxidermt X* . , sí : ís 4- ss »«< i to ttay and