r4l BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY.OREGON, APRIL 15, 1905. ARNEY COUNTY S DISPLAY 1ST BE RUSHED TO COMPLETION VERY SHORTLY. le Space Has Been Allotted ia Agricultural Palace aod Exhibit Mast be Started To the Railroad Soon. SHEEP SOLD AT A HIGH FIQLRE. At an advance of 40 cents per head over any price paid this year. M illiamson and Gesner sold to Ketchum of The Dalles yesterday over 3000 head of sheep at the high price of »2.90. This is a record breaking figure and is the highest paid for sheep in this county for several years. The band turned off is made up of two, three and four-year-old9 and they will be delivered to the purchaser some place in the vicini­ ty of Antelope about May 20 after they have been sheared. With wool at the same price as secured bv Williamson and Gesner last year for their clip, this band will in reality net the firm a figure be­ tween $4 25 and $4 50 per head. The sale completed yesterday was the last and beet deal of the many which have been made in this vicinity during the past fort­ night J. N. Burgess, who is buy­ ing for B. F. Saunders of Salt Lake, purchased about 12,000 head while here last week, the sellers being Wurzweiler & Thompson, M. C. Nye Morrow & Keenan, C. W Colby, S. E. Roberts and N. F. Mc- Coiu. These bands purchased were composed of yearlingsand two year olds, and the prices ranged from $2 to »2.50.—Prineville Jour­ nal. I The display being gathered by HBbe Lewis and Clark Fair Associa­ tion of this county for exhibition ¡8 "itapidly assuming shape and has ¿every indication of being fully up -/to expectations, although the num- Bber of the bird and animal speci- Eniens will not be as complete as ■was desired. However, this will ‘¡.not interfere materially with the «exhibit, as they have a number of ■valuable specimens already in the Iccilection and may be able to add I almost all the varieties lacking be- ■fore the taxidermist leaves to put ■the exhibit in place. I The time is now short to com- gplete the collections in all départ­ ements and the Association desires all who are interested to make an [effort to send in specimens at an (early date. This is not to he ap- Eplied to any une department but to all. Of course the bird aod animal ■collection is most urgent at present, Sas teams will be on hand to trans- [port the collection to the railroad in about three weeks and it is the (desire of the association that these Romance in the Telegraph. [specimens be prepared by the taxi- fdermist personally before it is nec- leesary for him to follow the ship­ It is a wonder that people contin [nient to the fair grounds and place ue to read novels, as there is not lit in position. more sameness in cooking potatoes The association has had some than there is in foiling the villain (trouble in securing desirable space and putting the heroine into the ¡in which to make the display and hero's arms. Read the newspapers, fit has been going rather slow the and don’t skip the telegraph, and past few weeks getting this matter you will run the gamut of human adjusted. emotions. « The Times-Herald is pleased to In Pottsville, Pa., the wife of Al­ announce that the Fair Commis­ len Spizdel) brought suit for $10,- sion at Portland has been most gen­ (XX) damages from her husband. erous, considering the urgent de­ He had always treated her well, mand upon them for space from but he had promised her before various sources, and Harney coun­ marriage that she could keep a ser­ ty has been allotted one of the vant and a horse and carriage, and largest tlaor spaces of any county failed to keep his word. Hence the in the state. While it was hoped suit. There is more to think of in to secure a larger space, the asso­ the disappointment of Mrs. Spizdell ciation is very well satisfied since than in any sunset scene in a novel. learning couditior.B. Apostle John Alexander Dowie At the time Harney county made has caused discontent in Zion City application for space in Agricultur­ bv announcing that God was a man; al Palace the Fair Board was glad that be had all the attributes of to award all we asked, but the fair mankind, and was legally wedded has since assumed such proportions to the Virgin Mary, and that Christ that additional buildings have been was the result of that union. The erected to accommodate exhitors, people of Zion City are so shocked the grounds re-arrangei and in at this blasphemous statement they fact eo crowded that they realize can’t sleep nights. History repeats now the lack of more ground. itself: The wife of William Cody People who do not keep in touch (Buffalo Bill), in fighting his suit with the Portland papers will hard­ for divorce, charges that her hus­ ly realize the great demand being band wants an heir, and is trying made for exhibit space from the to force on her the role of a Jose­ various states and also foreign phine. countries. The fair is assuming The Rev. E L Caler, of Indian­ great magnitude and promises to apolis, received a message from the surpass in many features and at­ Lord to whip hie wife. A tnessage tractions at any former world’s of that kind is most imperative, eo fair. Caler whipped her with a skillet. The Harney county exhibit will He knocked hie mother-in-law one to be proud of and will certain­ down, though he had no message ly attract a vast amount of atten­ from the Ixird to do it. However, tion. Our horticultural and agri­ be trusted that the Lord would rea­ cultural display will be limited at lize his provocation. W A. Kirkham, a Leavenworth th'' opening of the fair but arrange­ ments are being made to add much jeweler, has brought suit for divorce, to this later in the season. The and his charges have caused all the products gathered this season will Leavenworth women to drop their be of the best and of great variety, novels. He says that his wife covering practically everything drinks, that she beats him and produced in the county. This can their daughter, and that she sjiends be advantageously gathered too, $5000 a year on high-balls and after some members of the associa­ other extravagances The parties tion have visited the exposition and are said to be ‘'prominent socially.” seen what other counties have done. Th» Sunshine of Spring The Times-Herald urges the The Salve that cures without a necessity of co-operation of every citizen of Harney county in this scar is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve commendable work, as it will with­ Cute, Burns, Boils, Brnieee and out doubt be the means of attract­ Piles disappear before the use of ing attention to the recourses and this salve as enow before the sun­ possibilities of this promising sec­ shine of spring 'lies H. M. Mid­ tion that it would not otherwise dleton, Tbebes, Ill. save: "I was receive This is the opportunity of seriously afflicted with a fever sore our life to start the development of that was • very nainful. painful. I)e\t ill’s IT--- 1 Salve cures »..»,] i0 Harnev county. It will add wealth. Witch Hazel population and everything desired less than a week.” Get the genuine •Sold by Burns' Druggists Sewing Machines at factory pries FOR SALE—€lydeadale »tallies, with freghi added The White, Blue Diamond and the \ tesar, all 8 years old. weight 1850 pounds carrying a full guarantee—at the record of 7» per cent colt a, for par­ ticulars addreae thia office Burns Furniture Company store QUICKER TRANSPORTATION LASD FRAUD CASES ARE EXPENSIVE. CIRCUIT COUR! ADJOURNS Some idea of the cost attached to C. CUMMINS. Vics I’ hkh A. C. WELCOME, A sst . C ashibm . the land fraud investigations mar WILL RE CONVENE IN JUNE TO HEAR AUTOMOBILE LINE BETWEEN BEND be gained from the quarterly re­ EQUIII CASES AND SHANIKO. port of the I’nited States Marshal just submitted relative to the sums OF BURNS, ORECON. already paid out as fees for wit­ Buiioeis Wound up Weducsda) at Noon and Eiperiaieat Will be Watched With latcreit nesses and grand and trial jurors, By Butlaeis '•!<» tl Tbit Sectloa-- Judge Datil Uoei Home--Proceed together with traveling expenses Patilbly • Llae to Buroi. luge Since Last Saturday. Warrants bought at tho marketprict incident to both, for the present WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Establishment of the automobile term of court, says an exchange. Circuit court adjourned Wednes­ line of the Central Oregon Trans­ For the quarters ending Decem­ day at noon and Judge Davis took DIRECTORS portation Company, which will op­ ber 31, 1904, and March 31, 1905, his departure in the afternoon for N. Ü. Carpenter, John D Ihdy, C. Cummins. erate between Crosekeys and Bend, covering the period in question, C \. II Mines J. W. Geary, H. M. llortou, hie home at Canyon Citv He ex­ a distance of 75 miles, covering all witnesses and jurors traveled 123,- Thomas Pavia. all of the distance between the end 76G miles by rail, which at the rate pects to return here June 5 for the of the Columbia Southern Railroad of 5 cents a mile, amounted to purpose of hearing the Voegtly di­ at Shaniko and Bend, except 18 $0188.30. At the same time, 8528 vorce case which ie set for that date. miles, ie of the greatest importance miles were traveled by stage and It is possible that other cases will 4 in development of Central Oregon other private conveyance, for which also be heard at that lime—those and will be instrumental in much there was an allowance by the Gov­ on which service was not complete more rapid population of that sec­ ernment of 15 cents a mile, or at the close of the present term a Disposition of cases on the docket tion. The first of the three auto­ a toial of $1279.20. Both sources i since our last issue as follows: mobiles fur the service will- go into : aggregate $7467.50. OREGON ! ONTARIO, commission the first of next week â LAW. The amount paid out injury fees , Interest Paid on Time Deposits. and the other machines will follow for the past quarter have not yet J. P. Dickenson vs. J. L. Sitz, ad­ • à soon, says the 1 elegram. been computed, but for the proceed­ ministrator of the Syme estate— j We Solicit Your Banking Business. President A. E. Hammond, of ing quarter they aggregate $11,164- Recovery of Money Settled and ¿ [ STOCKHOLDERS: — M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. Il Teat, the company, formerly chief engi­ 65, distributed as follows: Juror • dismissed. ! (’. E. Kenyon. H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William 3 neer of the Columbia Southern fees, $8429 20; witness fees, $5735 - C. B. Austnus vs. R. R. Sitz—I Miller, Frank R. Coflin, Thos. Turnbull. Railroad, accompanied the first 1 45 It is believed the expenses in ? Recovery of Money Jury found a j it 0 -oeo o <-> ♦ o - ♦ machine on its initial trip out front | this direction for the quarter just verdict for defendant Shaniko today. The company has ended will scarcely equal the above Maida K. Austnus 1 nd K R Sitz, its own road way, constructed on amount on account of the adjourn­ administrator of the Austnus estate, easy grades, and following practi­ ment of the grand jurv. February vs C B Austnus—Replevin. Agree­ HOWARD SEBREE. PRCBIOINT W.R SEBREE, VICE-PHE.SIOCNT cally tte survey that will eventual­ 13. ment by counsel that plaintiff’s may R. A COWDEN, CASHIER ly be used for the tracks of the have judgment for possession. Columbia Southern, when that line j Maida K Austnus and R R Sitz, That Tickling In the Throat ie pushed further into the interior. | A administrators of Ausmus estate, One of the machines will also be A One minute after taking One vs C B Ausmus—Replevin. Judg- used for making the trip between Minute Cough Cure that tickling 1 ment for possession against defend­ Forest and Prineville. in the throat is gone. It acts in the ant with costs only by consent of CALDWELL, IDAHO a This Spring 40,000 acres of the ! throat—not the stomach. Harm- /X parties. 140,000 acres to be brought under | less—good for children. A L Spof- A A General Banking Business Transacted J P Dickenson vs <1 W Luce and irrigation during the year liy the | fold, postmaster at Chester, Mich, P L Oard—Promissory Note, Deschutes Irrigation ( the (>. C. Co. who county, as the matter of quicker are the largest buyers, and the closest J Coleman to take testimony Aug I Unexcelled aa a dividend payer. transportation haB long been de­ sellers, best quality. 1 and report at October term. sired. Mary M Simmons vs H B Sim- At one time a company was or­ mons—Divorce, Motion to strike ganized in Burns for the purpose of I jout parts of complaint overruled. placing a line of automobiles be-J I tit) days to answer Plaintiff'given /.VlT.'.sT/G I/’K KEEORE TOW /.VSU/,’/'. I until the first day of next term to | tween this city and Prineville to 1 Sherman de Harmon, It. II Benedict, General Agents. District Manager. ;! reply. connect with a line from Shaniko .Marqaam£Bldg., II. A. Dillard, Agent ...ANU... Jennie Devine vs J D Billingsley . After looking over the line to be j Portland, Ur, Burna, Or. ■—Suit to Quiet title. Judgment | traversed and considering the road work necessary to make it a practi­ If you cannot, it is due to an and decree on mandate cal business proposition duringall irritated or congested state of AH oii I m the people of Eaat and Central Oregon all the oppmIiimi\ of a tirat clan« modern B iimiivmm College. It in a home iriNtitution covering seasons of the year, it was found a the brain, which will soon dc- Victory White Bronze Monuments vclope into nervous prostration. every courae involved in B iimiih * nh ( ollege work I im ralea aic the «ume much larger undertaking than was uh rliHtged elsewhere ami the methoda are the name Hln lent* admitted Nature demands sleep, and The local agent, M I. Lewis, has at any lime liiBtruetion at the College or by mail. Dilling llo* oimmer anticipated at first and there­ it is as important as food: it months the College will conduct a fore it was dropped for the time is a part of her building and just r.ceived notice from The sustaining process. This p< riod Monumental Bronze Co, of Bridge­ being, This, however does not ummer ormal chool unconsciousness relaxes the port, Coni:, that \\ bite Bronze has of mean that the plan has been aban­ mental and physical strain, and been awarded two medals, viz: doned There are many who con­ allows nature to restore ex­ Fo» ifHcher« »nd others who *lei«ire m reviewing or prepHintori < our*r ('lass No 194, Art Work in Zink For npeeimeiiM of pen work, and full Information on B umìiihmh College mile tend it is practical and some are hausted vitality. jecta. nddresN Dr. Miles’ Nervine brings and flash No 221) Marble, Stone arid ready to put mouey into a trial of TZ. ZBig-'by, IF’xixi.., Metal Monuments. it refreshing sleep, because the kind. White Bronze was in direct TZxxxrxS, OiGg^oxx. More direct and quicker service soothes the irritation and re­ moves the congestion. competition with the great Marble between here and Portland is al­ It is also a nerve builder; it most a necMeity The inconven- nourishes anti strengthens ev­ and Granite Quarries of th" world iences encountered in reaching ery nerve in your body, and and won all the honors. Such site- Harney county has alway» been a creates energy in all the organs. cess speaks volumm* fo* White Nothing will give strength Bronze as the only Monument» drawback to its development, be­ TRISCII A DONEGAN, Proprietors. and vitality as surely and without a competitor. sides seriously interferes with l>i si­ quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. •‘During the past winter I hud two nes« Since th» railroads are in­ atta< ks of which bit me very weak, and in bad condition. I dependent an I show lit it— inclina­ wrs The Carter H oum Barber 8 bop so nervous I could not ►bep. My after trying difTeient remedies, IUC cl I zq Tlxic Hc©,d.q.xxa.xtcxo. tion to build, we should take the wife, at Ontario, Lee < ahi well proprietor, went for a doctor. The doctor was and a neighbor recommended Dr. is one of the most elegant ton-orial next best means to put ' orselves in out. Miles* .Nervi und site brought borne f L. <1 not slept for some time, closer touch with the < ntside world a tmd botth parlors tn all Eastern Oie-gon. Hot h I t*rr. le pal- in my !• -<1 taking a few done* ho will guarantee that tha Ontario tint bottle will benefit If It fails, ho a road : but lb" po ' erful combina­ will refund your money r Heating stoves at Voegtly’« See Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind tions are looking t -where just at Voegtly for testing stoves. present where inva- >n is threatened They cotirider t >is section a cinch and that it a await their a * The Finest of All pleasure In thit about right W" but wait for the IpaM, until some turn i I Of e of the big raiiro i hat will give tberu »1 Thia is possibly at 1 Far Sale Daly at] In the meantime we should h< Ip our­ selves as much as p< - m ‘'I» If an autoruoblb line can !>• made a success in the Bend «ection at all seasons of the year there a Agents, Burns, Ore little doubt but Burns will also be oonnactod with th- outside in a ¡a I similar manner by ueit year First National Bank A General Banking Busnss Trans acid. c I I first national Bank I 5 PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. i You Must CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL N S S THE CAPITAL SALOON, Bums, • • Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection, THE TIMES-HERALD MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar Gives all the local news See Premium offer on Page lour. Printing