others, no matter how small you really know yourself to be. When £hf íimrs-^eraíd. a stranger drops in, jolly him, tell THE NEW YORK WOR! D The tickets are now $1000 Reward! XtX"- THE BURNS FURNITURE CO, w made up and the most interesting Is ¿it the Old Stand selling cheaper than you can run the risk o laying it down here irom any catalogue house in America. Presi­ him this is th«- greatest town on dential campaign the United I^aye» Burna daily for Ontario eaith, and it is Don’t «liscourage Y States has ever known since i860 at 6:30 a in. Arrives at Burns dai­ SUBSCRIPTION KATES him by speaking ill of your has begun. And it is the most <2.00 ly from Ontario at 5 p in. Oue Year neighbors. Lead him to believe 1.0U Hix Mouths important, too. . .75 that he lias at last struck a place The only through passeug« r and Three Mouths Which will it be, Parker and » where white people live. Don't transfer route from Burns tu th, Davis or Roosei elt and Fair­ >1 a»»g««r .il MAN KYKD railroad. knock. Help yourself along by banks' .Nobody knows yet, but becoming popular, and push your Firet-claH« accommodations, antj Th«- Hariit v < utility I Ive Stuck Asaoclation The Thrice-a-Week World will will pu} Hvt Hundred Dollar» Reward for the OFFICIAL DIRECTORY friends with you. It’s dead easy. anou World to tell the thing that has underthe Mine con ­ make others believe he w.is the * K. H. Beau ditions for horses .5 < . Wolverton F u;.rume Judge» happened exactly as it happened. branded horseshoe only man in town who knew any­ » F. A. Moore baron both or either Thus you can judge for yourself jaw recordeti in » NINTH JI’DK I AL DIHTKHT. CT ROSSMA N N ’H thing. You can’t climb the lad-1 touutiea. Range, Harney, Lake and Diifrl« * Judge (■«■<> E.lJa'i» der of success by treading on and form your opinion. ! FATENT WRITING RIM; rook Counties. Jiairift Attorney J W MrCullo« h Horses ventedwhen There is also a great war going D« ;tut.', Dial Atty ....... C H Leonard i , other people’s corns. Keep off bold. Horses »old T'HE most important improve- Kitchen*Furnishing mill he one of our specialties, and your kitch­ to pa»» through this < irr uit t'ourt meet» the Third Momiay in on in the East, where The World the corns and don’t knock. 1 ment of the age in the art of section will be re­ April Hiin«iay in October. ported in this paper. ' has a brilliant staff of correspond­ en mill be ready to go into and cook a meal If not ■- p<>. i -« t . p'eis write pr telephone |>enuiansbip makes the poor writer J LHHz Join! Ri prtM-iHa!I ve lilt- 1;; I!' raid, Main 324, Burns, Ore. ents in the field, and their reports J L. Kami Joi nt He n at or a splendid penman in a few weeks flor mill the Parlor, Bedroom and Hall be overlooked in any detail. W. W BROWN, Fife Otegou. Ye editor has been suffering for Icier leinri.s. Burn», horses. Pt' on lvftsti? by the use of this ring. Endorsed are found regularly in the columns <•<»• NTY HAMMY : tie. can !•_ sHitiv on either hip; eat marks erop ' some time from a severe att.uk .'■'»»ahu» ;(orkn ---* rudV 1uaPre|by prominent College President» and split in left ear, ” -------- of The Thrice-a- Week World. II < . L« v«-n» • uufil) Judge under bit in right. . and Boards of Education in Europe Ham Muth«T»b»-H underbits in each ear; al»o soin | sorted sizes sent post paid for .tl.(X) bherid regular subscription price is only Chair« $1 and up, Rocker«, *2 and up, J. E IxiKKHfi brand' d bar T on right ribs; earmark, unde A pm BP'»r M F. Rigby and as we are now convalescent, $1.00 per y ear, and this pays for H« buoi Kuporilifeii'leiif half crop in left ear. single sample 25c. When ordering J A V«»t will doubtless forego the idea of Hloejt I liapefftor Iron beds $."> 75 and up, Ladies Desks |s Up J.H Bunyard. Burns, cattle, 7 ou left hip; ear GT.Miller • ummivaionera marks, t top off left ear, swallow fork in right. a single ring, state whether for man, 156 papers. We offer this un ­ |W I. Beat Mu-ic cabinets 15 up, Spring beds #1 up, paying her old home an extended J I’ Wit!.« rs, Hari cy, horses, cuinbiued TJP woman, or child. equalled newspaper ami The ou left shoulder cuttle, half ciicle cross ou • utility Court meets the flrat Wrdneiaiay In either hip: earmarks, upperbit in right ear,un- PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. Extension Tables (good ones) at i~ 75, up “Of all sad things of tongue January, March, May, July, September and visit. j derbit in left. Times-Herald together one year No. 11« S. Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA. Noven I ht . or pen, the saddest are these” — Mattresses, excelsior, wool, and Hoss, 42 50, up 1 Martin Bros.. Burns, cattle, double dot hori /ontal bar on either hip: earmarks, upperbit iu for $2.50. HAMMY I M. I.AND oFFI' Y 1 t ear, t k in left, wattle ou right I that bloomin’ neuralgia with its l he regular subscription price le N "11 right silly Win Fuir«- o L .'liiiigledt < kvt. r.uriis, horses, on Jef | i A W Gowan forked pains a shootin’ through a of the two papers is $3. bhuuldi'r; < ui! «.:. right side and hip; ear I I I Y HIRNS' murks, crop .'if light car, erop and under half fellow’s teeth and making him SATURDAY. APRIL », 1». We buy as cheap as anyone and will sell as cheap as anyone, there­ fore, our prices must, and will be right. /Xcall will convince you. Many New Lines will be added as soon as teams can get out. Dr I. w. Geary. rt W Miller V I flopkiiix J W Hr ve«ig« <' E M< Phe< terw J <’ Foley Simon Lew If G W < levengcr Mealing» of the Council every Fourth Wri|m*»«lay PIONEER WHITE LEAD Bureaus $8 and READ THE MARKET NEWS upward. Fold­ ing Iron Beds The Oregon Daily Journal. and Couches low as $1 1.50 wish lie could use cuss i Maritas words, are the worst. almost Pioneer. IN e<«»n«l ami Be it remembered that on this, [the 8th day of Match, 1905, at Nothing is omitted that «'on« erns tin- interest of buyers and selleis Portland, Oregon, the hills are greening, and for weeks the sky has been HARNEY LGIH.F NO. 77, 1.0 (J If. vfectN at O jHi kMoii, hecrelary. 1 almons and hi «- perfect a the blue. in tin- live stock, grain, provisions The Japanese plums pillars of delicate white and of produce and financial markets— [ the quotations are comprehensive, and are in every way reliable. I perfume, and hum with bees. !Jonquils and daffodils are in full Hl HNS LODGE No. 17, A E. A M, Mert» every Hatunlay evening in Mummie Utili < . < il in ut i lira. W M W ' McK innry, HecrHary. i glory, and violets are 'File Journal in addition carries every days a full and truthful re­ to be had INCANII I.OIIOK NO. 70 K nil’. M«-«-t» « vt-ry Thur« that ami third Friday, hi Hniwn Hall < . I* kutherfor«!, Frvaldon Pearl Vulgamore, Heeretary. The buds of has passed willow out of the silver into the hills the the hazel, gold. maple, HIIUNH < II a I-TKK so <0,0. K H. M«-«‘l» «•very «•■• «»n«l »n«l fourlli M«» ii > < nttle brande«! SS, erop and uu ■«• "bn it. left «ar, uiuler halt crop in right; also j ' ntt il . ....... it ribs, | '■ "ii «-io h ear. wattle on chin Lead». I uih ! bell collar. 1 Sylvcst'T initli, Narrows, horses. H Son right If your local deal er dues nut car­ I < all it-\ ' ar, •■arrnurk, uiuler half crop and rdin.ioYvi slope in each ear jughandle and ry it write to us and we will see that dewlap you get it. F <, smith, Burns, horses, quarter circle S on | tight hind b g und left shoulder; cattle, quarter W P. Fuller A Co. Portland -dr« !• - either hit«: earinarK, crop off right ■ ar, spin in under »Me of left; two dewlap». A I Young. I;iirn>, horses, Y on left leg and .1 < «•"it:., i ■-d on right shoulder; also boot on ¡• it bhou -I- i : eattle, rocking chair on left hip; • •Himiiik. ii d«t ear drooped down, left cutslop- iiiu towards head on upjierside; wattle on lef sideof neck; all animals dehorned. “TI1K hio « e > t sensation everywhere ” c I’ Rutherford, Burns, rattle, bar 2 on left ': !tI 1 'Tk. n mier half crop rigid ear; horse» bur 2 on left shoulder. I 1 Ims \\ in,-field, Burns, horses, ° (chaiulink) ’u d« r . < uttle, same on.left side,mark crop od left ear, short overslope in right. John Criuldei k, SilvieB, horses, S-S on the left - Oil i lght aide; mark, crop -■ '• swidluw fork In left, < ww lap uu The »nialleat Stere<.»coTi? with the strongest bri6kei. K optical effect Highly nni»hed in different col­ u 1 “■'b. Buns, eattle, Xi on right side: or» with rich gold ami silver decoration» (mounting»). I nt-hiding -’0 V. I', i’hotographr. niHtk. apiil in tight ear, wattle on nose. View» of art (genre). BRI E ONLY »1.1ML ‘' 11 •■! ’th, Bui • S. < titlie. st issors on right Seut every where prepaid in letter form. side, murk. < rop and split in each ear. AGENTS WANTED. >ini"ii l ewis. Burns, eattle SL on right side • pa i nndi-rl.it in hit ear, crop and I uiuler hull crop off right. '■dm w ■ i Burns, horaea, W bar on light can-, diaimm.l bar on left hip; mark PHILADELPHIA split in -a« h cur. wattle unuer chili. D M .•!rMvnamy, Burns, horses, reverse Lou ' cit stit!'-: < attic. •• • on left hip: mark, metal tag ' Hl CH h vat W ith mH name aud addrva Varien Br«.h , ixurseB. LF uu rigid »title; cattle 11 ' t ip; mark-, crop, npperbit and uu- derbit iu right ear. I J A \\ .1 liiims, Van, horses, 71 bar on stifle;! KODOL digests what you eat. ARRIVE eft riba; mark, underbit in left I ear, uiuler slope in right. from H I 111"!’, Bun s horsts, Hl combined on left KODOL °lMnMS> purifies, strengthens s !-• . ( attb-. _ on |< ft hid«.; mark', underbit in .. ■ ■ and sweetens the stomach. r|Rh’ car, e-ft split in half lower part lopped •ioW n against aide of hea«l. ‘ KODOL eurM lndtielllon' dyspepsia, and ’ •< Johns««n Van. horses, «fj on leftBhoulder; | ■ all stomach end bowel trouble«. ' " ' •'J b 11 bip; mark, t rot, ami under half crop in right ear, uuderbit in left. 1 15 a. tn KODOL wocaleretes the action of the gas- I ar on left nil. mui k-, allow forg in rigjlt eafi gplU Ju kft p i- ■— ■ trio glands and gives tone to the u ' ” ■' Httle. J K combined on left bin-' digMtlva organs. ' 111 ■ ^ht eat, two »plitB ami under null crop in Jeff. KODOL reH«VM an overworked stomach ' > ra », M ■ of all nervous strain gives te COMPANY very popular family newspaper, clean and bright from A to Z and tliiough the stems like reader. The Jouanal’s woman’s page, the little leaves. crumpled Ulall Paper» 13 eents nd up. cm qle rc A MANUFACTURING DEPAItTMENT connection where we will make you anything from a wooden knitting needle to “double­ deck" wood rack. Call! Never too busy to talk or furnish estimates. port of tile world’s news and pre­ on the streets for the asking— 'i' M» UNION PACIFIC Depart far TIME HCIIKPILKH From H»utmgtoii Ore Semi-Weekly and eekly Journ­ Chicago- Salt Lake,Denver, Ft. HIRNS, OREGON. al also contain the market news Ojlire at residence. I'hont No. SO Port) ml Worth, Omaha. Kan in white and the Oregon currant Special saa City. St. Louis. and all of the features of the Daily in pink, and I saw two little red 12:35 Chicago and East. Journal. a. ir. i butterflies fluttering around each T I’LL • I ID I E No H, ., W of W U.S. Brownton I. E. Hibbard The Times-IIeral.l «bibs with «itliei like flakes of bui tiing gold, Med»every fourth 1 iir«dny I I ildi.'ifi I iron nton. Atlantic Salt Lake,Denver.Et. Martba Dalton, <• M It is said that we shall pay for the Journal at the following rates Ion«- W biting, i It rk Express Worth. Omaha. Kan I II-’. XT I STH. 2:10 saa City, «St. Louis this with rain til the middle of for both papers: Office tirat door eaat <»f The (Ttiz«*ua Bank. ’ii'l.-r; i uirk.ii|,,H rh«lI< r.>|, liil»it«'«r. .. .$4.00 Chicago and Fast. p tn Daily................ Bums. Oregon. July. Let us wait til the middle -’B'.n lelUhoul.lvr; Now that eastern Oregon lias !•' 1«U' . i «He; murk, ei..|. „n Semi-Weekly each ear, hole hi right. 1 .. 25° of July. Besides, it is woitli it. Walk? Walla, Lewis­ P2:35 1 St. Paul been helped by the state in tlie Ms 1 N I lughet, Warm Springs, cattle, ear ... 2.25 Weekly .......... ton, Spokane, Minne ­ E st Mail 1”« k "ii n tt side; mark, w attic under chiu. Moreover, wretched are they I J"bn Hip>mau, Burns, horaee, OJ on the left apolis, St. Paul, Du­ a. m. «onsti 11« lion of the portage road, W. C. BROWN, ' .-mnl« i «an ... oj ,,n right »ide; mark, split in who always see the shadow in luth Milwaukee, Chi­ right. let eastern Oregon help hei self by the sunshine, and no sooner smell cago and East DEKTIST. ~ ■ ««tie, S7..n left bin; u.lrk ■ • h ear, QJ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. building hei own boat lines for lhe rose than they hunt for a « an­ Bl'HNS, O kegon . 1 ......... - -- ■, ,E on leftBtiHe; «-..tie t the upper river. The same in ker in it. The whole duty of a OCEAN und KlVER Sí IIEIH LE • - ■ h!|. mn.k. n..|.erb«lf< ropoff rl«litrar. ( MH ce upstair» in Voegtly Building. J W Bi „«, Hur«.», lu>r«e«, «.It ou |tf. «mie. domitable spirit which organized man is to live aright, and to live From Portland have come. The wiki syringa is the I aright is to drink life’s gladness (•pen Rivei association tail organ­ and to brave the sorrows with the ize the farmers ami build a line of same Tulin« •ss of joy and of «’oui - farmers’ boats to handle the 1<>O5 age. and «allied crop of Wm. MILLER. to completion wheat, hay and fruit of the Inland Empiie. i d can lea« li ibis Even ••duty" may be a mistake. attorney at law START A Bl SINE S OF YOUR 1 8 p ui OWN THORN TON WILLIAMS. I Small i apt- It is sail to think of many who tusk. It will have pushed aside .Nature’s cup AITORNF\-AT-1 A XV. not require a huge capitalization of gladness for “duty’s” sake and to st.u t a line of bnats between I been sorry for it all their lives, Lewiston and the pottage. farmer s along this. the rivet C. E. S. Wood The That isteniorse can do ill th I'acilic Monthly for April. Aside from icdming freight rates on products boat lint- would yield a handsome If railroads can make 500 percent profit from Portland, on the Lewiston to .utu.il ci st of It.msporting freight, smell the eo- \N BIGG.«, Religious Strike*. Biggs «K- O regon DAI ton higgs Biggs LAW, Rev A .1 Irwin will preach al H HN8, — — — — ORKIION Harney the 2nd Sunday of each I’rai tif-u in all lite court* of Orc month at Ila. 111. and 7:301», tn. Collection* promptly made Sabbath schisil every ■>;ibbath nt 2 p. tu. Sundiiv .«ehiHil ul llnrnev the per «cut and then make first Smela« of each month at 10 On the second, third too pei ,enl profit for the pro- o'el«K'k a ill ami fourth Snuda« of radi month inoteis of such an enterprise at «i'clock p in Preaching ser­ i 1st < >1 egonian. vice • very »«■«•oiiil Sunday «t > i> tn. opei.itive line of boats «an reduce rates Bl HNS, j grown in the ltd.mil Empire such co-operative profit. (Illire one door north of French Hotel |< h > ATTORNEYS Forest Reserve Scrip For Sale RlMMoLl' I <\4lr« 141*« .»ou«. . Kate* mailer ' . fi J'on F’W Pile». Ourn•« Sor«». ,’™'"’«" V on ’ ■ 3:30 p ni Monday W, ,1. & E rid ay. Burns Druggists. . ■ l Willamette ltiv*r. 6 a. m 4 30 p m hip. ra Tue»«lay Portland Corvallis Tuesday uuderb and up, Thur» A ami Way Landings Thur» •honluer. >1 kellev Sat Sat. <»n left st ill | i ^P atents a Ta*DC MARKS OCSIBRB C opyrights A c . Anyone »aadtn< a akMch and de«ori>h^a way aulafclv aacertain our opinion free whatber an mveiaon la pmb«bly patentable, f ovini vaici* • Uou» «tfìctlrconfldaniW. HandlK“ lt Qv '■ ' "r." left an .attla tn U* ■ matkiwunn27 W»a*«a4 «Yottaa wtfftnvt i »..nu.lerl.ira Da rat A W • rg : Bui u », cattle three angles oi rij.: ip mark < rop ..rf t>a< h ear; horse* i ne brand « m I right »title. W. PABaiAN DeWitts K» Salea hwand rafe to L C. B« VITI 4 CO, U1UM, ” Bone», bell A on left »tin« P -"»rk. . rop of! and «»«ii ■» rork In loll; «attle !.■ I,,,., mark,«»allow fork Iu both ear»' » • in. I li - .«llle. JY.ornl.lne.lou 3 •rk npaudMItlnrataS 1 30 p m P k " ' ' ' i «"1'. « on ieft.hlp and ' ‘ . II ' ‘■othr'rop Except «•111................. lert .title in t ai li car w Sunday W à KTBD T ri STWIIRTIIV MFS «M «»■tW to irastband airert -e t >r 1 cut tok* 1 *ti bm I ■ «Landing ••alary 47>O a y, ar and 1 x pen.«« »II payable io ea»h N a •isg rt^mred Gt.e referee ■ • sn •lue. »elf »ddrested .'ampi d » ut . p- \ddr... Managrr 355 Calteli K 1. Cbicaav Bouta* aalr, tl.OO Six holdln* 2K tinxa U m trial Maa, «rktok aalt* for (Oa. “'-H- ' " k s"rr""’. Boraea, tare on tlialaft H. B. Compson talnad ------ In th. food thoy aat. J->el II Howard, Burn»,borra, tar U aato* .............../• - I p. m. •Ip I l "n Except Sunday. turret renrrve wcrip, ill tracts ot 40 Leave Leave acre- an I upward, ready fur immédiat* PARRISH \ KtMBOLD, Hnake River Lewi-t D Riparia, iiaa and guaranteed. 1 20 a in Kiparia to Lewiston. > .‘>0 a in Attorneys at I aw, Will buy M .Mirra’ lami va art ants given Úai y Daily, Burna tAiul Cau> n l'tl\ Oregon. Aill pra*’tr«> tn the tourt« • •( Harnet mol tor service» in all Inrlian war« ami Max- • rant ewuntlr» «tot tu th«* supreme n.iiri el th«* II au and War of In 12 A N’.H oar , «tau an«! ale«» In I *> i«u«| «»(!,< « Huntington, Oregon A I. CRAIG. < 'lllU*. Il I as»ti:lisl. Gen Pass Ag l. Portland. Oregon <11 RARÇUAft IkM PUV2ANC MIMO* A I l I UM I - A l I I« . A 1. MOHI h : I’ w I «'araful attention given Io I'ollee- G. A At the I’rrstiyterian c hurvh Horus. Rev. A. J Irwin I hu tur. ¡I Devine nervier« the 'bird and fourth wolili ir.Klmg and panting m y out Sumlat» of each month al 11 a m. hut: ami 7 kt p m. Sabl.ath «cbool at • If then* is am iliami' to !xh>m lit a m every Sabbath morning. Don't pull a butltlCM, I hh UII II. I’reaehing servie«-« at the Baptist long I.n e f anti a„.‘ look as though luu ehur« li every 1st ami 2u«l Suntlais, had a »«mi stoma« h. Hold up Morning ami eiemug Sunday ) out head, smile ami l«Hik lot schtKil every Sunday at II a m Bi HV. Iwtter things Hide your little prayer meeting ever» Thursday hammer, and ti y lo -peak well of «veiling AT Columbia River Our in w book «'ntilled '• 40 M onby 8 p. ui SteamerR M akinu Im «- is worth its weight in Ex Sun To Astoria ami Way- Saturd'y Landings. gold to ev«'iy non who wants to start a 10 p. ui. legitunat«', paying mail order lusiness. Willamette River. It tell* yon what to do and how to do Si-mi us 50«* today t! a n> Oregon t’ity New it success full i berg. Salem and Way and we will -end yici t!.i t.ook. »ml a Except Landings. Sunday. valnahle m< , tl « |mi i ai 'ti' yeai free sms , < . .>«iX 73. Willamette A lamhill 7 a. m. River. Teu»day Oregon City. Da\ton Tnhrd'y and Way-Landings A Sat. KODOL *• wonderful remedy that la i ... making so many sick people wall and weak people strong by giving to their bodlee all of the nourishment that to een- ■ . I lli. < oinl.ru •«cirelel uu left rite; : In left rar ’ uu -lerl.ll m right, .lew lap under tirrat All sailing dates sub jcct to change. 4 p. u>. For San Francisco every 5 days. I the heart a full, free and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous «yitam and feeds ths brain. • 'ii;.. urand «• S on - , -p in both «‘»ra n.go i r«»p Hti«l underbit in 1« • h«■-»**• G > on light with right right s !.•••>■'■ brand circle 5, alto F . nl»u K on left »boulder. 1 • -• <• ’•♦ea. dumb bell on left Baine on left hip. n. attle, " - I. ou ... ...... right hip . ht rar. « ar. dew !e a lad .Ad un on brUket hr!-h>t ’ ¿ h«»r»< bran rand 7 1. uu left stifle. Burns canle 51 on left hip •ha', f » "p in righi ear • - • E ! ' * - ester. Bum», cattle C on left hip. i. ’ « - ntt e AD connected left i* t i ! « • upjwr bit in right *•’. hurte». Mine left »humider. J H * M ra' an it- a rights de and hip ho«-*« • X right Btlfle. I i- ip .«nncf red. spear- u ; - • :• hip mark uppkeletoD8 of big snakes iu the Nacse al museum in Washington, and > making them ready for exhibition t* utmost pains ere taken to pr« s< t the cartilaginous extremities f tbs riba, which with ordinary t eatmeit arc lost. Without tlu se I Mie pltdfc of cartilage the serpent’» skeleton ••• hardiy be said to be complett. Inis much as they are the feet uj ti wl sh » the reptile walks, as It were in futí. a snake walks on the end^ of Its riba and io that manner achieve« tlon. Some big serpents, however, like the « • c. EX CD b* r L : B *r boa» sod pythons, really h.ive hind or».« E\ left «ho«¡«1er. legs, though tb rft hip ear self mvs by chopping off the bead of tn left t«4o la . hora* the r l—L F » Milk j w rank 2