-SH The Tixues-fierald. Swifta’ Premium Heine at the FOR SALE. Mrs Chas Roper was over from “BROWN’S” “BROWN’S” "THE SATISFACTORY STORE” City Meat Market. Harney Wednesday. The brown thoroughbred Jack. Mrs E. J. Newell and eon Tod Osborne sad Acme mowers at the O. ' Broady ’14 hands high,can be seen JAS THE LARGEST CIBCÜLATION OF were up from Narrows Wednesday C. Co. get their pricee. at the D. M. McMenamv ranch one ANY NEWSPAPER IN THISCOUN'TY. David Craddock was a business mile from Burns. Can be purchased James Mahon aud wife were over from Anderson valley a few days visitor from Silvies Wednesday. by cash or good note If not sold be I this week. SATl’RDAY. APRIL 1 1Mb. Fresh oysters at the City Meat fore, he will make the stand at this Miss Delta Dillard has closed Market 85 cents per can. ranch for the season beginning her school on Silver creek and is down April the 20. John Wintermeier was Local News. I again at home. from Silvies Wednesday on busi- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Rev A. J. Irwin arrived home I ness. Want some garden seeds free? fXITKD STATES I.AS1> OFKh K. Thursday from a trip to I.awen See Geer A’ Cumpiins’ ad. Thos Sagers has taken a position Bums, Oregon, March 11. iso... i Notice le hereby given that the following and other points. , with John Gemberling in the named settler baa Sled notice ul hla intention Dr. W.C. Brown, Dentist. Office to make final proof tn support of hie < lann . .1 ' New spring hats have been re­ jewelry store. that said proof will be made l.etorc the K . al­ upstairs in Veogtly building t and Receiver, at Burns. Oieyou. on April 11 ceived, also late samples for tailor via: Thomas K Arnold. Ttevisee oi Arllnti Frank Johnson and wife left the IS06. Fred Oakerman and B. Patou, deceased. II. E. So 12:10. for the sK‘ . made clothing—MrsC A Byrd. SW"i Sec SI, r. S . K. st E . I Ota i and first of the week for their home at visitors to r>ur city the st', SWSec 6. r. .'1 S . K Ifc.W M lie names the following wllnesse. to prof, Prineville. T J Shields was over from Silver, week hla coutluuous residence upou and cultivation | of said laud, via: James c Hartlelt. Oscar , creek this week taking back a load G. I- Hembree, the Riley mer­ Arnold, I., l HradHehl. Wesley Miller, all. Mis M Horton is over from bin­ of seed grain upon his return home. chant, was a visitor to our city la-t rtrewaey. Oregon. W m . P a K kb , Kegiatcr. mond the guest of Mr ami Mrs Drop in and get a big glass of Saturday and Sunday. Arthur Horton. that fine Harney Valley B-jwing J M Merritt and family have NOTICE OE SALE. Some fine singing and a good Co. beer at the new beer hall and again moved to their ranch home long laugh fo> all who take in The saloon. on Silver creek after spending the In the County Court of Harney County, Mikado Friday night. Oregon. ► Don’t neglect cutting out Geer A winter here. C. A. gwoek, plaintiff j G. W. Clevenger A Co haB VS Cummins ad this week for it may Commissioner Miller came up A. J. Gardner, defendant) bought the business of the Burns not appear again and you want from I.awen last Saturday on court Notice is hereby given, that pursuant Furniture Co. and yesterday mov­ those garden seeds. business. He was accompanied to an execution issued from the office of ed the stock. the County Clerk of Harney County, Trading Stamps given by Loyd Johnsou. ♦25,000 to loan on first class, Oregon on the 4th day of March 1905, New Spring and Summer styles Agents lor McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. first mortgages on improved farm Florence Porter left yesterday commanding me to levy upon and sell ladies’ tine custom made cloth suits property—apply to N. U. Carpen- on No. 6 for Hailey, where she will the hereinafter described real proper!}* Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. — Mrs Charles Wilson, agent Chas ter. Burns, Ore. spend the summer with her sister. to satisfy a judgment rendered in the A. Stevens A Bros. above named court for the sum of $50 00 R H Brown is over from Diamond ! —Huntington Herald. and costs taxed at $15 00 and ordering Chas Wilson is now sole proprie­ having couie in to look after some ♦25,000 to loan on first class, the sale of the property herein attached, tor of the blacksmith shop on main business connected with the estate first mortgages on improved farm in favor of the plaintiff C. A. Sweek and 6treet having bought out the inter­ defendant A. J. Gardner, in an of the late Wm Phelps. property—apply to N. U. Carpen­ against est of Geo Ashton. action therein pending wherein the said i ter. Burns, Ore. Alfalfa seed, Alsike clover seed, C. A. Sweek was plaintiff aud .-aid A. J. Adam George is selling school Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk- Messrs Drinkwater A Clay are Gardner defendant,which said judgment furniture and the various districts eystan alfalfa seed, Red clover seed the proprietors of a blacksmith and- was duly docketed on the 3rd day of should eee him before placing March 1905, therefore 1, the undersigned Call and examine and get pricee — repair shop in lfrewsey. They de­ Sheriff* of Harney County, Oregon, in orders. Geer A Cummins. sire a share of the public patronage. obedience to the commands of said Born—To Mr anil Mrs A. K. | District Attorney McCulloch has The O. V. Co. have just received ten Execution, will on Mouday the 8th day of May 1905, at the Court House door Hurdisty on Trout creek, April 3, a returned to Vale after looking after arluads of goods, consisting of Bain and at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. of said day 6 pound girl. Dr Marsden was the | Winona wagons, barb wire, blacksmith the interests of the state at the coal, furniture, nails, coal oil, sugar, in the City of Burns, Harney County. attending physician. , present term of court. Oregon, offer for sale at public ventlure meats and White Rose flour. ♦GOO will take 160 acres of good | to the highest bidder for cash all the For sale—Two lots 100x100, The Harney Valley Brewing Co. right title and interest of defendant A and 10 miles East of Burns ~ It small house partly furnished, wood opened up its new beer hall aud J. Gardner in and to the following de­ was a choice claim five years ago. shed and well. Good garden. A saloon last Saturday. Geo. Waters, scribed real property towit: The South See Lewis. bargin. Terms, see M. L. I,ewis. general manager is in charge with West quarter of the South West quarter of Section 16, Tp. 22, South, Range 32 Dr Marsden went to see Ben Some of the best talent to be had Frank Brittingham as assistant E. W. M. in Harney County, Oregon, to Craddock while on a visit to Silvies 1 in Eastern Oregon will take part in satisfy said judgment, interest, costs ami ’ Tie not the clothes that makes Be sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing. the first of the week and reports the comic opera at Locher’s hall accruing costs. the man, but gee, don’t they help, TOM AI.1.EX, him improving. Friday night. Be sure to see it. though We’ll take your measure Sheriff of llarnev County Oregon. Also a full stock of Disc and Tooth Harrows and Seeders. Rev. A. B. Minaker, the new Beuneuibei it is for a good cause. and guarantee satisfaction.— pastor of the Baptist church in this S S Williams, the O-B stage man Schwartz and Budelman. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION citv, informes up he has purchased was looking after his interests here SHEHIEE’S SALE. Alfred Marshall was up from I the largest of the Elma Jones cot­ a few days this week. He reports t'NITKIt STATIC- I.AXtl Of Hl K. I BuriiR. Oregon, Mitrcli -JO, I'.Kt». j tages on the hill and will make his the roads in a very bad condition, NafYows Thursday. He brought in I h the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- Notice is hereby given 1 lint Hie following a handsome bald beaded eagle that 1 goti for the County of Hartley. nnine«l settler lint* flletl notice of his intention permanent home in this city. to make iintil proof in supporl of his claim, ami LEWIS A GARRETT, I’ropte. but with good weather they were was needed by the taxidermist to Chas. F. McKinney and James | that Haiti proof will be made before the Register A. Sparrow, plaintiffs, iiik I Receiverat Burns, Oregon, on April Henry Hamilton arrived here improving. complete a beautiful group I'm., viz II E No. Illi, of John I On for the vs Special attention giren \ w t \ \\ , - 11 I - i i , from John bay Wednesday. He ' Louis Woldenberg Sr., Minnie J NF.'« SE>,. and Lot < . I. T. • ■ .It. ' . I - Mr and Mrs I H Holland took Lewis Stanclift has returned here Woldenberg his wife, Alina I to transcient castoni and W M. had gotten that far with his friend, their departure last Tuesday for the He names the following witnesses to prove freight teams. after an absence of several years Jones and Sam Mothers head | his continuous residence upon and cultivation Wm. Phelps, en route to the rail­ Alvord ranch where they will visit and is visiting with his parents, Receiver, defendants. of said land, viz I. I*. Rector, Lloyd Johnson, Notice is hereby given that pursuant W A. < attersan, Walter ( lark, all of I.awen, road when the latter died. Henry a short time. Mies Gladys re­ /torses kept by the day, Mr and Mrs Geo. Stanclift. When | to an Execution in foreclosure issued Oregon. W m . E ahick . Register. says the man suffered very much mained here with Mrs Gould, not week or month. asked where he name from he said from the above Court on the 11th day and that had he known bis serious desiring to miss her school work. everywhere. Ì of March A. I). 1905 in a suit in said condition would not have attempt­ UBS! CLASS LIVLRY IIRNOI IS. court wherein Chas F. McKinney and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION J L Parrish, the John Day mer ­ John Decudress who was former ­ James A. Sparrow were plaintiffs and ed the journey. Henry states that t’NITKI» STATES LAND OFFICE, f Burud Oregon, March 6, l'J05.i deceased had been told by his phy­ ly a resident of this county, but chant, accompanied by bis wife, ar­ Louis Wouldenherg Sr. ami Minnie Hay and 'drain always Notice id hereby given that the following- i Woldenberg his wife, Alina Jones and rived in this city Thursday noon. who removed with his family to nanied settler has tiled notice of hid intention sician two weeks before that he on hand. to make line I proof in support of hl*.« la I in, and Mr Parrish expects to remain here Sam Mothershead, receiver, were defen that KHiil proof will he made before the Register should go to the hospital at once I California some years ago, has re- I dants, and wherein plaintiffs recovered and Receiver, al Burns, Oregon, April II, I'm., Your patronage solicited. II E. No. llhJ.of Solomon A. Gibson, (or and is eorry there was any delay. turned to the Drewsey section we several days visiting his father a judgment against defend mts Louis viz; 7, s. Her. Lots 1 aiol '. Sec. ’Ji, T. • are informed by Milt Davis, to re- Hon. C W Parrish, his brother Woldenlierg Sr. and Minnie Woldenberg S the R Lots 32«, E . W M South Main St . Burn-1, prove Sam, and friends. his wife, for the sum of Three Thousand his continuous residence upon and < ulti v at ion of a letter from “Uncle” George »aid hind, viz Nenl Hoover, I I ioiiihm M Thos Wingfield informs us he re­ Dollars, principal sum, $448 80 accrued <*( (iibaon, Fred Utley. Jr . John oard. all of l aw. L. M. Brown, of the firm of N. Dunean in which he states he interest, 10 per cent interest on said en. Oregon. ceived a letter this week from his \\ m EtRKir. Regiater. would starton a return trip to this Brown, A Sons, took his departure son, Sam, at Tonopah, stating that principal sum from Aug. 29, 1904, $190 attorneys fees, $25 50 costs and disburse ­ last Monday for San Francisco to city about the 4th or 5th of this the other son George was down with ments, upon which judgment there was month. During bis recent visit be absent an indefinite time. Hie smallpox and had been quarantin­ paid the sum of $2143.09 on Feb 25, 1905, NI:U AND ACCI RAIL HAY SCALES here he found a very large bone father, who spent the winter in San ed. Geo Wingfield is credited with and wherein the defendant Alma Jones IN CONNECTION Willi BARN near the lakes and left it with Francisco, had been sick for the making a million dollars in the recovered against the defendants Louis Iæon wished past two months and Wolden'oerg Sr and Minnie Woldenberg Hon. C W Parrish Since then past few years in that big mining his wife a judgment for the sum of Mr. Dunean has found it to be the to see how he was progressing, camp. $2500 00 principal, $388 11 accrued inter­ Mr. Brown ’ s thigh bone of Condon’s Willamette therefore went to him. Commissioner Best, who whs in est, 8 per cent interest on said principal condition is not reported serious, ox. From the nixe of the bone to attend the adjourned meeting of sum from Oct. 6, 1994, and for the further found it is considered the bovine however, and bis many friends sum of $64 50 principal, $2 90 interest. court last week, moved bis family $170 00 attorney fee, and $7 00 costs and here need feel no anxiety. was at ’.east seVe-i feet high out to the ranch upon his return disbursement«, which said judgments Saturday. The family had been were each duly enrolled and docketed In residing in this city since last fall, the Clerk’s office of «aid court in said ” i V where the children had been i Mend­ county ou the 15th day ot Oct. 1904, and and wherein it »as further ordered and •J 'TV ing school. Mrs Best did not ac­ decreed that the Mortgage of plaintiffs ¿ J, • l NITXII -I VI KH I INK <>> H< I company them home toil left on Chas. F. McKinney and James A Spar­ Burnii (iri-gon, Mm« li I*. !'«<» Noti«*«* is liertby k ! v «* ii that the following last Saturday's stage to visit her row and the mortgage of Defendant Alma name«! settler hns filed notb e of h'* Intention father in Idaho Jones each be foreclosed and that the to make final proof In support«*! hit* lalni. nn*i that mhk I proof will I h » Diade In-foie tlx Itexliter I We sell the famous BURNS, OREGON VOEGTLY’S PLOWS! The best mouldboard plow is the JOHN DEERE PLOW. The best disc plow is the ENECIA-HANCOCK PLOW A full stock at C. H. Voegtly’s. - BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. ■ : Special Attention ¡Given to Conducting Funerals ! ♦ ♦ :♦ ^THE WINDSOR property hereinafter degcribed. being a Receiver at Burnii, Oregon. <»n April.’.. Burns Meat Market, corner Main portion of the mortgaged property in­ and I’Hii. viz II. E 111-’, of» ar*-io »• I for the Ne' NK‘.. I.o»a J. t, « 7. ■» ‘»an« in. sec. I’». 1 Bt We are now prepared tn fur­ volved in said suit, be sold in the order A. R « K . W. M names the following w.i«.<» to pro\- nish all kinds nf Sausages, in quan­ mentioned in said decree and applied in bin He « oritlnuoud ________ r_____ reeiden« « upon and tilth ati«*u of said land, viz J I' lte«tor. Lloyd Johnaon, satisfaction of the judgments herein ­ tities to suit. We butcher onl.v W A < al tersoti, Walter * lark, all of LffWffii. ¡choice heef. pork ami mutton. Our above mentioned in the order and to the « iretron. W m . F ar R k , Register. extent mentioned in said decree; There­ 1 meat« ate slaughtered and cut up fore pursuant to the commands of said Our • writ» Whether you can obtain stylish and down-to- I by experienced butchers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Sausages are clean, wholesome pro- I, Torn Allan, the undersigned Sheriff date dry goods, call on us and w« w ill convince I perly seasoned f>y an experienced oi Harney County, Oregon, will on M »n- t xiTr.i»-Tiriw I ANnorrn k ., Burnì. (>rr. vlx || K Nio 1 r I <*f I the very finest grades. room and slaughte :i bouse open for al public vendue to the highest bidder for for 1! the H • » KS, >er. 7.T ’ hi« rontinnoos r*-«id',n« •- up inspection. Give i < a call and cash in band all of the right, title and of «aid Isnd tlx: Jam«*- • intereet of defendants Louis Wolden- Arnold, L. < Bradfield, W«-t learn pricea. Oregon l«rg Sr. aud Minnie Wuldenberg, his IF IN DOUBT Swiss and Muslin Embroideries. Allover Swiss Embroideries. Corset Cover Embroideries. FRUIT—I will quote fruit as JOHN STOOTMAN SHOES . For Lalies and CNidren BEST ON EARTH. SC3M2 & BDAN. o |t. < Intar o very tine per in d. E’t ipor- alec! prune«. 2* ’2"" |«iui>d barrel 4 c*f.l |«*r |*oun«l Evapor- a ted raaplx-rnea (brek» ri) 10 cent« w w Pa remain, apple«, very fine per bol »1 2" I will trade prune»» for a hors» or a colt of any age that will make a 1400 horse M B. SF»erman. Payette, Idaho 4, 5 and 6 of Block 42 oi the aeeund addi­ tion of Burna; Second KouUi hall of Lit 2 in Block 5 on what h known a** Main street” in and lit) of Burns together with th»- L iildingff and improvement« thereon. Third 1/4« 7 and 8 and east 2U feet of l>4s I and 2 of Block 29 of th« lai additK-n tn thee ity of linrnn together with the dwelling house an*f improve.. merit« tin-.«<»•, bwing ll*e order in which «aid ¡»r r*rty wm le<*rwd by the o-wrt to t»e «old to sati«fy said jndg meni« a • m .g ir.terewt, cowl« and a- < ruing coats iHtrd March II. 1405 T<»M Bber< CJrOcz>cl Ik-ips to while away the long winter evenings We have a nice variety by the best authors. Wa Fa Kai. i r A Felton, Prop« wife, in and to the following d«*«cril’ed Free delivery, mortgaged property, to-wit : F irst lx»ts LACES ANO RIBBONS ill Endless Varieties follows for cash F Ginghams, Percales, and pretty Walstings--- Evaporate« I prui»«*- We have many patterns to choose from. box Cantu p»-r u ■ : : THE WELCOME PHARMACY The I.one Mar RESTAURANT :: :: China < »••‘•rge, Proprietor. Cor. Main nr»«J B **tr«**f“. i: ii MEAbS «T Abb HOURS Bakery in eonneetion A Specialty tf Start Ordern. Tabi» furnished with everything the market afford« Your patron- ■ga solicited cmtiumœnann;: t THE TIMES-HERALD