ïhc Jimc5-lirra(d ship does not al way» «ignif) GET EXPERIMENT .STATIONS I fi iendslup. (live Yeur Stomach A Rest. feel that KodnfCure deserves all the ---------- commendation that can be given it Your food must be properly di- it saved the life of our little girl •‘The second blow makes the pested and assimilated to be of any when she was three years old Sin OREGON GREAT FIELD FOR the first is well ElSTFRN value to you. If your stomach is is now six we have kept it for her IRRIGATION weak or diseased take Kodol Dys­ constantly, but of course she only placed âATCKDAY APRIL *. I** fray,” but nut it St!B8CKIPTION KATK.' STABLE, pepsia Cure. It digests what you lakes it now when anything di.-a- eat and gives the stomach a rest, grees with her.” Sold by Burns cradle and the grave. Acliog lor the Dcpartmeal of Africaners enabling it to recuperate, take on Druggists. “Evert thing comes to the man Main St., Burns, Oiegon Prof. . Fortier Mikee studs of the new life and grow strung again. who waits,” except that for which Eastern Oregon Section. Horses receive the best of u, ■ M aaatrer •ll 1.1 % N NV M D Kodol cures »our stomach, gas, blo­ Men’« wear cleaned and repaired he wait». ating, heart palpitation and all dig ­ from experienced hands ban Prof Samuel Fortier, who by piece or month at th« Hill resi­ “A fool i< never wrong; "tew of HO* TO OBTAIN OUI AOt. charge of the irrigation and drain­ estive disorders. L. A. Sopher. of dence.— Mrs Moon. Elegant |»etu Livery turnce«. 1 us are. age investigations in the Pacific Little Rock, Ky., writes us: “We “Ni ■ fool is like an old fool” in For sudden strong effort or se­ f Cuting Parties Accommodated 4 states, acting under the directions vere trial, eat meat; for long con­ the tolls of a woman. — - of the Department of Agriculture at Horses Bought and Sold. “He who hesitates” when lying tinued effort, for endurance, eat Washington, was in Portland the REVISED TABLE OF INFORMATION. • cereals; after exhausting tnenlal “is lost.” first of this week on his way to “Until a man iii !• a wife lie is Berkeley, Cal . where he makes his lalior, eat )<»lk of eggs; after ex­ The follow Ing table has been compiled after careful ami thorough investiga- i only half;” thereafter he is less. headquarter». Prof Fortier liad ¡ tion of ad records and statistic» obtainable and gives actual resource { llame) hausted physical labor, drink in­ Literary Digest. been investigating conditions in county, every item ot which can be proven : fused tea; for pure brain stimulant, Number, Car , Wts. lbs. Eastern Oregon as regards irriga 80 2,400,000 drink coffee; for paleness, eat Wool clip annually, Barney county. . 100,000 480 6,<100,(W lion. Sheep ahippe I annually ........ ................... Jean meat and spinach; to make Woolless Sheep Imported . 25,000 1081 25,000,000 Yt.aiii.ik> an' Two year-olds in quantities to suit The investigation of Prof. Fortier Cattle shipped annually.......................................... grey brain matter, eat eggs, beans, lnO 3,360,000 4,000 Horses and mules -hipped annually ............ of the climate and soil conditions of 7,. an ‘' ” Ranch 'nd 100 2.500,000 and oats; for sound sleep eat on­ Some »nolle»« sheep have been Merchandise »dipped into merchants Eastern Oregon regarding irrigation I O/7.S- desiring should inq, 'e 100 2,500,000 Merchandise shipped direct to ranchers ions and garlic. newly brought to this country, says ar« the first scientific researches of Stock salt ami sulphur 2(10,000 10 F H H iteli, Assistant the ..................................... By follow ing the above precepts the Washington Post. They are this nature that have ever been at­ Stage freight at 3 cents per pound.......................... 120,000 ti til trill furnish laid down to the National Pro­ fawn colored, somewhat resembling tempted by lit« government in thi- Local. HAUL. as lo prices tinti trill sell same- motion of Health club by Dr. J. Jersey cattle in hue, and quite stut« It is the result of a request Luinlier sold annually, feet............... ......................... . 2,100,000 small, not exceeding 1*8) pounds STOCK CO. 3,000 li S. King here today, you will matle by Governor Chamberlain to Fuel wood sold annuall, cords..................................... 5,000 in weight. Some sheep weigh over Fence posts sold annually............................................ live to be too years old. At any Secretary Wilson, of the Department 100 pounds. i - assesgxus and mail . of Agriculture, that the irrigation rate, the doctor says so. says a These animals are of a very f 6,000 Passengers by stage annually, rUMJ at |10................... conditions of Oregon b:- investigat­ Chicago special of recent date. is,ooo Passengers by private conveyances, 1,800....... peculiar breed, wbish is known no­ ed by the govern merit “T he first 33 years of man’s 10,000 Mail contraéis ............................................................. where except in Barbados«, It The purpose of Prof. Fortier's vis­ life is for growth,” he declared. LIVE STOCK. fl . E. YOUNG, Propt. was from these islands that the ‘•The breast bone, which at the .|H:cimens imported by the govern­ it to thi- state was to prepare and Number of «beep owned in Harneycounty................... ... .300,000 .. 550,000 33d year is composed of three ment Were obtained. The general outline the work to be done by Prof x in .her of sheep summered in Harney county .............. ......... 200,000 A. B. Stover, of the Cniversity of Number of cattle owned in Harnev county bones, then consolidate into one, •relief is that the variety was origi­ Ions ol hay grown annually in Harney, over ....... . . . 150,000 California, who has been assigned I one of hay grown annually, in a radius of 30 mile of Burns . 50,000 ending the [growth period, The nally brought to Barbadoes from to Oregon for this coming summer. AKEA or LAND IN H A H SKY COUNTY. next 33 years is for work, The Africa, but nobody knows with Mr. Stover is professor of irrigation Area of land, acre» ................................................... ... I'. 1185,000 remaining period is for the enjoy­ certainty. Though lacking wool, at the University. He will spend Surveyed......... .......................................................... ................................ I,*35, 165 they have’very superior meat, it is ment of the fruits of labor. irvayad .................................................... ............................ i, ; the entire summer making trips of above amount '> ><¡,324 acres are in forest reserve and Carey selections “Many persons who get stout said through th« arid sections of this Appropriated 1,108,261 T-Bone steak 2 pounds, cut short.................. Th« imported specimens have at their qotli year think they are 71,101 state and studying ‘.he different Tillable, assessed...................................................................................... Loin, Porterhouse and rib steak, 2'a pounds Nontillahle, assessed.................................................................................... 5sti’751 been placed on th« Arlington farm in line shape. It is a mistaken Round Hteak 3 pounds • ................ conditions. He will also conduct Improved, not patented.................................................................... 102'845 conducted by th« department of Chuck or shoulder 3l# pouuds idea. Stoutness at ;o is a sign of experiments In the fall he will go to susceptible to irrigation under U. S. < leologicul survey of Silver Creek agriculture, across the Potomac reservoir...................................... .. 336,000 Brisket ami n«ck boil ti pounds................ Washington where he will compile < 'arey selections, approved old age as inu< li as gray hair. ....................................... •1,000 from the city of Wi shington. An Rib boil 5 pounds ................................... ................ ................... 11 report of hie observations and ’’-•ad Companies I.ami 44,000 When it is noticed the diet should Flank boil 4 pounds......................................... effort will Im made to find out -ed.................. ............................................ 115,000 S,M, .to irrigation ................................................... Rump boil 4 pounds ..................................... lx- cut down one third. The ideal what the sheep are good for. and experiments. .. 870,000 If the report of Prof. Stover is Tillable bench land above irrigat on line, over.............. '....................... 150,000 Bologna sansage 2 pounds ........................... old age is to be lean, spare and whether their moat is sufliciently Amount now covered by Malheur Lake which would be drained and re­ Beef sausage 2*a pounds................................. claim bv holding up water of Silvies River in reseivoir ... 35.0(H) active. Old age, however, loves superior to ordinary mutton to. favorable it is very probable that Water Facilities—Silvies River, Silver creek, McCoy creek, Blilzen River, io d the Government will decide to lo­ fat, while youth detests it. make it worth while to introduce ten smaller streams. cate a permanent station of inves­ Altitnde—1,100 feet—same as Salt Lake Valley. “Oats for children and Indian (the stock tor breeding ip the Mean Temperature—42. tigation in Oregon as it has done corn for adults is almost perfect I I Hited States. Annual precipitation— 12 inches. m other stales. If such is the case Minerals—2,200 pounds of borax mined and hauled by team from Denio, Ore­ food. Meat is only food for se­ the Legislation will be asked to ap- gon, to Winnemucca, Nevada, daily, being all that is developed to speak of. Crops— Wheat, at-, r>e, barley, alfalfa, sugar beets, hops, potatoes ami all vere effort. Too much meat, priate several thousand dollars to kinds of hardy fruits and vegetables. however, causes had temper. T he aid in the work. The Government. nearest approach to a perfect brain 11 is interesting to note that for- 1 agrees to furnish an amount equal I lines are frequently made by the to that appropriated by the legisla­ stimulant is coffee. F0R THE MAN AND THE W0MAN invention of articles of minor ¡in­ ture. This arrangement has been porlnnci'. Many of th« more pop made by the department of Agricul­ WHO KNOW It is unjust to tax industry and ulur devices are those designed to ture with several of the Western There’s no light rifle like the Marlin .22 repeater, for either target pay premium on slothfulness. shooting or small game, because it lias Marlin accuracy. If you shoot benefit people and meet popular States. this nieaiis everything. The Solid Top, with its wall uf metal always be­ Every man or corporation i.'vnd 11 ions, anil one of the most in­ “I tin surprised thill Eastern tween you and the cartridge, and the Side Ejector are which holds a valuable lot oi teresting of these thathas ever been Oregon is j—iS original Marlin features, which make it the safest to not more developed.” '{’here’s many a slip ’twixt” the roc . . 1 0Û .75 One Year ill Month* Three Month« r RENTON & GILBERT, Propts. r FOS be seen at the P to purchase of . to G< ,, Manager, trito informa­ tion the FRENCH-GLENN LIVE MEAT MARKET. I CiTY FfPSh and Salt Meat Always on hand IVTy Pric< For Cash Only. 'Wiil deliver all products. Ice for sale delivered to any part of the city. franchise for speculative pm poses, invented is tlnl Dr. White Electric said Prof. Fortier to the Oregonian and depends on the industiy of Comb, patented Jan. I, ’99These “It is almost, astonishing,” he others to increase the value of his wonderful Combs positively cure continued “that a greater progress property’is an idler in the com dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and in irrigation ha» not been made in munily and should he taxed .is nervous headaches, mid when used this state. I think the possibilities high as the busy industrial bee I "ith Dr. White's Electric Hair offered are wonderful. I had no who tills his sphere with activit) Brush are positively guaranteed idea until I made this trip, of their io m ike straight hair curly in 25 extent. You havo plenty of water, ami 1 reals business forotheis. day» time. Thousands of these the very richest of soil and the cli­ Idle lots in the heal t of the busi I electric combs have been sold in matic conditions could hardly lie ness district ami idle franchises j the various cities of the Union, and improved upon. held for spéculatives purposes ’ tlie demand is constantly increas­ “1 have ordered shipped from should be taxed until the owners ing. Our agents are rapidly be­ Porthind a large galvanized iron would be forced to utilize them coming rich selling those combs. tank, about two b et in diameter, from slicer self protection . T he They positively sell on sight. Send which will be used at Benil to de­ progress of a city should not be for sample Men's size 35c, Indies’ termine the rate and amount of held bin k by two 01 three selfish •ll,c — (half price while we are in­ evaporation There will also lie idlers. East Oregonian. troeucing them.) The Dr. White seven or eight additional tanks in ( liegoni.ui. I he Dr White Electric Comb Co., which will be grown sugar beets. Decatur, III. Dirt will be placed in the tanks T he i aide outlook is gradually and beet« . planted During the opening up better than it did last Horn, in Canyon City, to Mr and summer the plants will be watered year, ai rm ding to reports, and Mrs F E Westrrberg, of this city, in different proportions Some of the prosper Is indicate that before March 22. a the plants will receive hardly any pound boy. It in re­ the end of the season growers will ported that he can say papa already, water ami others will be Hooded be paid what is considered by all and he will take up the editorial nearly all the tune In this way a very satisfactory price for their pencil on The Enterprise in a month we can find out the amount of water that «houhi he used in that animals. The majority of the or so. — Monument Enterprise particular vicinity When the tied« two-ye Il-old lleeis was sold Iasi have reached their full growth they year foi not o\ci $19 per head, WANTED— Agents, Hustlers will bo analyzed to ascertain the while cattle men aie now 1 efusing «talesmen Clerks and everybody amount of nutriment they contain $2 2 pel head for then ’'I*'1’1* • i w ho wants to enjoy a good hearty and ns to their purity The largest Should this be the prevailing pine I laugh to send fitte for “Tips to \ egetabirs a I wavs the foi two-) car-olds in the fall, three Agents.” Worth $50 to any per- year olds will command a price ot <>n who sells goods for a living $28 to $30 per head. Hunting If not satisfactory your money buck Circular for stamp. The ton I lei aid. Dr \\ bite electric Comb Co , Deca- tur, 111. “Oppottuml\ knocks once at every m.ui’s door,” but often I’he Burns Furniture Company makes sure the man is out before have recently added some new and knocking attractive designs to their stia'k of “It lakes two to make a qu.ir- iron beds, and at prices that are tel.” Ilow about husband I and sure to iip|>eal to the home furnish­ er C all and inspect. wde who ate one.' handle as weil as the surest. It shouts short, lung and long-rifle cartridges without any change. The Marlin lü-gauge Shotguns are the smallest and lightest re­ peating guns manufactured. A new, well balanced gun uf great accuracy. Handles stiff loads safely and well. B’ i us (dmut any particular repeating rifle or shotgun itt'tls you nave. Our latest Catalogue— 300 illustrations— utuloi'f Experience Book, that tells what MARL1NH are doing th" world over, free for 3 stamps postage. JOHN GEMllEltLING Jeweler. Optician b'-ntr raver. Fine Watch Repairing A Spe­ cialty. THE MARLIN FIRE ARHS CO. 43 Willow St. New Haven. Conn. .. .4. To all our Subscribers! THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER INDIANAPOLIS. IND. The heading Agricultural Journal of the Nation by an able Corps of CUriters The American Farmer is the only Literary Fann Journal published. in the h inis of rural people in every *£•»" of the United State think about aside from the humdrum of routine duties. It It _ , posit n of its own and lias taken the leading place , . ; . • farmer or stockman and his family something to For the next three months, we offer this paper free with “A tool and Ins money aie sili m pitted,” ti lends. when the fool has This is tlie time of year to hsik tor winter comfort», »o call at tir ••Whatever man lias done man Burns Furniture Co’» store and 1 an do” bi tter. leave your order for a couch of any ••Look before )ou leap” out of pattern or st vie the frying pan into the lire. ••Honest) is exact to .1 penny,” 111« Windsor, under thè manage­ but not always to larger amoums. ment of C II Smith A Co, i» >ne ••The be»t things are not «f thè must impalar resoti» in thè bought and sold;” the) are stolen interini. Fuiesl ni liquor» and anil kept. rigar», billi.ird» and card .al-ìo» I “Pity is akin to love,” but kui- and esperi mi »elogiata I I his offer is made to all new subscriber.«, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and between now and April i, |o05. vr—’ vî»