VOL. XVIII. AND JURY BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, APRIL S, 1905 RECOMMENDS We respectfully submit this as HARNEY A LAND OE SUNSHINE return to Hood River. He went our final report and ask to be dis- out to the front, Saturday, says the , charged. Democrat, accompanied by several Í AUTHORITIES TO REGULATE ITS I. M. Davis, Foreman SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES FOR contractors and with them went OWN AFFAIRS. C. S. Johnson over the extentici: survey from RAISING FRUIT E. E. Purington Tipton to Middle Fork. O. J. Darst The contractors are preparing ««aloa Leas Than Three Dava aad bul Muih Activity Shu*a in the Line of Hartl' bids and have been given ten days W. E. Smith One True Bill Returned--Surrest« cattare and Agrkaltare—Sacttoa to Joe Clark ■ to file the same. This done ami an Some laprsveaeal«. Belar Watched by Railroad«. R. Hankins, Jr. acceptance, Mr. West says work he grand jury empannelled at With the advent of good weather will at once be put under way. N I CARPENTER, C isuuk . A C. WELCOME, Assr. C ahiiiek . OVER MILLION AND HAIp ARES IS First National Bank TRANSFERRED OF BURNS, ORECON. Ierre Territory added Io th« Bure« land District From Laketie«- ton«enitnl For People ol that Section. À General Hankins Business Transacted. Warrant óougtlt at tA* marketprtca. The following Washington dis­ WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. patch, under date of March 31, ap­ the people of this section are again I >1 RFX ’TOUS That Tkkling in the Throat ftaal report on Wednesday forenoon, peared in last Saturday’s Oregon­ The Daily East Oregonian says: active in farm work and improving N. U. Carpenter, C. Cummins. John D. Paly, .1. W. Geary, H. M. Horton, C. A. Haines. haing in session only a little over Simultaneously with the withdraw­ yaids, gardens and orchard«. The One minute after taking One ian: Thomas Davi». days. It found very little to I al of the Northern Pacific survey­ people are taking an exceptional Minute Cough Cure that tickling I “The President today signed an ing party from Pendleton the Lew­ interest in horticulture at this par­ in the throat is gone, It acta in the order adding south half of Malheur gakmand its attention that was of iston Tribune announces the with­ ticular time which will show results throat—not the stomach, Harin- and Harney Counties to the Burns J ■■Eportanee which, certainly speaks drawal of the O. R. & N. survey­ in a very short time. The fact less—good for children. A L Spof- I land district. This territory is j «¡tell for Harney county. It made ing party under engineer Klipel that Harney county must now look t'oid, postmaster at Chester, Mich, now a part of Lakeview district,but gtvera' recommendations that are from the Clearwater district tribu­ to her owe resources to supply the ¡says: "Our little girl was uncon­ is found to he more accessible to of interest to the general public tary to Lewiston. fruit for home consumption is real­ scious from strangulation during a burns than Lakeview. Residents ■and others of a minor nature. The question now is: “Is there ized and has caused many to turn ! sudden attack of croup. Three doses of southeastern Oregon asked for ai It put it up to the city authori­ any significance in these maneu­ their attention to this particular of One Minute Cough Cure half an . change. ties to work out the matter of re­ vers? Has any understanding been branch. Those who have made a hour apart speedily cured her. I “The Land Office had received I ! ONTARIO OREGON. gulating certain offenses that are reached by which these great sys­ study of fruit trees consider Har­ cannot praise One Minute Cough many complaints from settlers in lIntoi1est Paid on Time Deposits. considered a menace to the moral tems will not invade each other's ney Valiev has exceptional advan­ Cure too much for what it has done extreme Southeastern Oregon be­ , welfare of society and the good re­ territory? If not, why this simul­ tages in this respect. They assert i in our family.” It always gives re­ We Solicit Your Banking Business. cause of tbe long journey they had pate of the city. This action is, I taneous action in two distant points, that the high altitude is beneficial lief '■¡old by Burns druggists. to -make to reach the Lakeview STOCKHOLDERS: —M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, F. II Test, perhaps, just as well, for under ex­ and where each company’s survey- n one respect at least: Pests that Land Office, and when special I c. E. Kenyon, II. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William isting circumstances little could be ore were actually invading territory ftre 8U frequent in lower altitudes The new law which make« sheep­ Agent H. T Bennett, after investi­ Miller, Frank R. Collin, Thos. Turnbull Mcomplisbed in the way of perma­ tributary to the other?” and cause so much damage to fruit, men pay part of their taxes in gation, recommended that the low­ '<•00 <*oa> <->•<-■ oao ♦ -^aaoo ■ot'OOO 000 a.» nent reform by taking such mat­ It has been thought all along by will not material ly interfere in counties into which they take their er end of these counties he added to ters into the courts. The matter business men, and those in touch Harney valley, at least they will flocks for summer range, is not be­ the Burns land district, a procla­ ia certainly within the power of the with the railroad situation, that be much easier handled than in ing leceived with very much favor mation to that effect was drawn. .1^ city council to do as they see fit. these surveying parties were bluffs, sections where they have such a in any of the counties affected. It It was shown that almost all roads HOWARD SEBREE , PRESIDENT W.R SE BRE E . VlCE-PHE SIDE NT '.The reeomendation to make a possibly being made by the North­ etart. will take probably a thousand dol­ in that section lead to Bums, while yy R. A COWDEN, CASHIER naw road district of Drewsey and ern Pacific upon the O. R, dr N. Another advantage noted by lars a year of taxes from Wheeler travel to Lakeview is at all times Pine Creek precincts will also meet I and vice versa The withdrawal those with experience is that trees county and as much from Gilliam, difficult and in winter almost im­ V V with the approval of the county of the two parties at the same time m$y be planted much closer to­ and turn the same over to Grant I possible.” V court, as it has already been con- lends color to the conclusion and gether than in a majority of fruit and Crook, which will give nothing This is a change that has long V aid ered by tbat body, but since the I Pendleton business men who had sections on account of the great in return. As in the past no effort been desired by the people living v CALDWELL, IDAHO funds for this season s work has al- hoped for fruition from the eurvey- amount of sun shine that blesses will be made by local officials within the territory transferred. v - i*adv been apportioned and ar- jng being done out of I'endleton, this particular region. Thia being where sheep front other counties The matter has been under consid­ V A General Banking Business Transacted zinged it will not likely be taken |iave abOut decided that the play the case those contemplating set­ are shot, to punish the shooters — eration for some time but hail Up before next ,>anuary. ja over, the curtain down and lights ting out nn orchard may use the Fossil Journal. never been put before the authori­ W CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ■Former grand juries have recom- out jn tbB railroad tneatre of the most favored spot and devote prac­ ties at Washington in such shape V mended that the fire proof vault in ¡nlauj empire, at least for this sea- tically one-half the amount of land Cattlemen of this neighborhood as to bring about the desired change tbe clerk’s office be enlarged suffi- 80n. for the purpose than is usually are now busy moving their cattle until Mr. Bennett’s report which dent to hold all the records. This At Lewiston the O. R. 18,7. finaneial condition is favorable to j formance. season being quite the reverse, Lake where they have been fed hay trict and will he the means of Issues all form« of -olimi life iuauiaocs ut Iti» ln«e-t rales. Olli policies making such an improvement at The O. R. A N. crew which has consequently the farmers are plant­ during the past winter, and moved bringing yiiaruiitee after three payments are made much more business to once 1 he I imes-Herald hopes the been working in the vicinity of ing with a view to determining the to the green meadows of Klamath I. Automatic extended insurance (or the face of itie contract this city, The urea that has been fl II. A paid up policy. coart will see fit to act upon this Mohler in the Lewiston country, beet method under such conditions. j marsh where the beef cattle of this Ill Loan or casti surrender value. added embraces 5,541,000 acres nf recommendation at an early date. has retreated toward Portland, and Since the capacity of the local i section are fattened for market.— Unexcelled as a dividend payer. land. The report of the grand jury the Marion crew working toward flouring mill has been increased the ¡■Silver Lake Oregonian. /A TAsi /t.'I/ i.' HKi-'oith: roti ixm iu:. The transferring of records, etc,, follows: I the mouth of Birch creek in this demand for good wheat has been a Sherman A Ihiruioti, It. II Benedict, from the Lakeview land office will ; ! General Agents. Uistiict Manages. In the Circuit Court of the State of j vicinity, has likewise vanished. A factor in increasing the acreage of Are you going to the Railroad if so do be done at once nnd the people liv­ Maripiamlllldg., II. A, llillard, Agent Co. -Oregon, for Harney county. few stakes marking an imaginary this particular cereal and has open­ not forgot the O. Portland, Or, ¡turns, Or. ing in southern Harney and Mal­ In the matter of the final report of line of survey are now all that re­ ed up the possibilitj’ of Harney l heur counties will timi it much Egthe grand jury for the April, 1905, main of a dream of branch lines county furnishing sufficient for more convenient tn attend to hind A-term of the above court: that has recently brightened the local demand. This is quite an ! matter.«. Bfcomes now the grf.nd jury, duly horizon of both Lewiston and item and will leave many dollars Conditions have changed since ■nil regularly empannelled in the Pendleton, at home to be distributed among ...AND... the former land districts ivere above court, and makes this its fin­ the various farmers that has here­ drawn making it necessary to put al report: tofore been sent out for this staple. WILL SHEAR 100,000 SHEEP. this territory in the Burns land When your head aches, there “» We have been in session three , .Should crops be an average this district i'he benefits to be derived is a storm in the nervous sys ­ Atlonls the |n <»ple «4 East ami Central Oregon all the op|»<»iimnl\ of a days. during which time we have M. B Gwinn, secretary-treasurer season it will demonstrate the pos­ tem. centering in the brain. from such a change, the mutter of first (*I> inh iiHiealH of the people of the ter habitual drunkards, has lieen. and Fraser and his brigade of wool This is quite well known to out­ not contain opium, morphine, rilorv added. Js being committed within the cor- stevedores are figuring on a busy side pci pie who are looking for chloral,cocaine or similar drugs “Sink headache 1« hereditary In my ¿»orate limits of the city of Burns, season —Ontario Argus. such sections As indy one test family My father nufl ' -I great Sewing Machines nt factory price end for many year» J !■ \e had ■ We have made no investigation of --------------------- has ts-en rna.le of tl,i« particular deal, RpeiH that were so wv»-r* that I wai with freight ndded. The White unable to attend to my tnuHnoM affaire ■ these charges for the reason that we Vktory White Bronze Monuments product it i« natural that lhese peo for a day or fo at a tine . During a Blue Diamond nnd the X assar, all very «ever*» attack of headache. I took ■ believe it to be the duty of the city pie want further tests in order to J>r Mik-«* Antl-Paln J’ i II r a» <1 thv-y carrying a full guarantee—at the relieved me ulrnoet Immediately Hinco ■ of Burns to regulate and prohibit Tha local agent, M. L Lewis, has find if such a percentage can l>e then I take them when I f*-A I tlie »pell Burns Furniture Company store coming on and it «top* It at once I such misdemeanors; and for the just received notice from The relied upon a« the regular order of JOHN J V ER I MS’ Pres. fl. B. Eng Co.. South Bend. Ind. l>o you want to buy your go«»!« right, 1 further reason that the Honorable Monumental Bronze Co, of Bridge- things or not Dr. Mile«* Anti-Pain Pill« are «old by if no g»*t th« price« of the <>. < '. < ‘o. who your druggist. who will guarantee that Chancey Cummins, mayor of the port. Conn, that M hite Bronze has The Times-Herald would urge the ftr»t package will benefit. If it are the larg»**t buyer«, and the cloeeet fall« he will return your money. town of’Burns, has lieen before this l*en «’»rded two medals, viz: the importance of this particular 25 «••Iler«, b< «t qiialitv doses. 25 cent«. Never «old In bulk. grand jury, and informs us thsl the, Class No 194. Art Work in Zink branch of husband y. Each should Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Alfalfa at Ge*r *V ('iiminina present city council of the town of ‘“J »OMarble, Stone and make an effort to prow some sugar ... x»-«-i a«-. ...----- • - Metal Monuments beets this season \ close watch Burn«, will use every means tn its White Bronze was in direct should be kept on . .ndilions, soil, power to regulate arid prohibit the competition with the great Marble the amount of water, etc . in order offenses complained of. The Finest of All •< We desire to recommend to the and Granite Quarries of the world to determine Ih- f>e«t results after county court that the voting pre- and won all the honors. Such suc­ the season is over hi I tests made ■ .nets < f Drewsey and Pine Creek cess speaks volutnn« fo» White from various set i us. Fbe far­ aid ■e set off into a road district, and a Bronze as the only Monuments mers of Harriet ■ . inly n very material!« in l.r.nging a*>out ipervnor l>e appointed to look af­ without a competitor. desired cha .gi« in this gr< al isolal- ter tbe mads in said district. Far Sale Italy aL We find that tbe vault in tbe The Carter House Barber ‘"¡bop ed section if they will Iml just get erk's office is too small to hold all at Ontario, f^e Caldwell proprietor, to work the records, and also find that tbe is one of the most elegant tonsorial St'll'TLR VALUT HifN'MIS < oncrete floor io the county jail is parlors in all Eastern Oregon. Hot in l.ad condition, end that there is and cold baths with a spray bath Chief Engineer Joseph A. Wert, flqents, Burns, Ore. need of a waler closet in the county connected Lae a old time friend» of the Sumpter Valiev railroad, to call on hitn ahilo at are invited . til. to ell of which we call the at «as io Halter City Monday on hie Kutbci'd Broa , Distributer» Portland, Oregon Ontario lection of the county court. this term of court banded in its railroad bllfp ends as usual . ? • à 7 ? à a • 3 • ? ? 5 e A A A À first national Bank A A A A X J Í PLNN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Of PflllAMLMIIA « 8 R 4 « CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGI Headache CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, - - Oregon. ILzIctl-o Tixio ZZca