imes-fierald. ■ ÄRGERT CIRCULATION Swifts’ Premium Hains at the Osborne aud Acme mower* at the 0. C. Co. get their price*. City Meat Market. aprii , i OF ìsav. ♦25,000 to loan on first class, first mortgages on improved farm 1 property—apply to N. U. Carpen- TtmJX»' ovan was down from his i ter. Burns, Ore. ■onotslB ranch this week Wm. Hanley took his departure ' Dr. WH Brown, Dentist. Office f last Tuesday for Portland where he ipatakvtn Yeogtly building. was called on business. He will be Matney was in the city absent an indefinite time. ,y from hie Emigrant Alfalfa seed, Alstke clover seed, e. Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk­ «2 “BROWNS” Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the county treasury for the redemption of all warrants drawn on the Road, Building and General funds and registered up to and including April 1, 1905. In­ terest on the same will cease from Fresh oysters at the City Meat this date. Market 8»'ceuts per can. April 1, 1905. I J. M. D alton , The O-B stage has been arriving late all week caused by the stormv Treasurer of Harney County, Ore. weather and very bad roads. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ♦25,000 to loan on first class, UNITED STATES LAND OFFh E.f Burnt. Oregon, March 11, VAX», t first mortgages on improved farm Notice is hereby given that the following property—apply to N. lT. Carpen­ named settler has filed notiee of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ai d ter Burns, Ore. that said proof will be made before the Register J O Alberson and family were Mrs Robt. Irving, of Harney, was the guest of triends in this city down from Harney Thursday. Thursday and Friday. The O. C. Co. know no competition, Newell Hall was over from Warm the old reliable. Isaac Foster was among the visi­ Springs last Sunday looking after tors from Silver creek this week. some business affaire 8PAPEK IN THIS COUNTY. : kuav . Call tar Ceaatv Warrant. ,ocal News. Messrs Parrish and Beary return­ Miaa Ag nes Ward was the guest ed Thursday from a visit to the lat­ of friends in this city 'I hursday, ter’s ranch bringing back quite a returning to her home at Harney number of valuable specimens to ! add to the bird collection Friday i The city Meat Market will deliv­ 1600 will take 160 acres of good and 10 miles East of Burns It er 50 lbs of ice free with every cash waa a choice claim five years ago. order of beef amounting to $5. The order for beef need not be for one See Lewis delivery, but delivery to suit the Harry Cary, Carl Riley and customer. Chat Arnold came over from Drew- Archie McGowan informs us that eey yeaterday. They report the a recent letter received by him roada in a very bad condition. states that “Grandma” Martin has For aale— A modern five room left SanFrancisco and would spend dwelling, in centre of full block, al) the coming season with his mother enced.¡Rood out buildings. A snap I ill Portland. if taken quick. See M. L. Lewis. The Wm Hanley teams and men J. c. w elconieJr. has purchased are again active this spring clearing the reeid slice property of Mrs Elma Jones ill which she now makes her ilnore 8r°und °f sa«e »»rush and home and will take possession as I seeding a larger acreage than here­ tofore. Mr. Hanley will test the •oon a» she can vacate. sagebrush soil very thoroughly. Will R King, of Ontario, attor- Married—Last Wednesday even­ ney for l’eacock mills of Miltoil in the water suit brought by the mill ing, March 29, at the parlors of the company against the settlers of French Hotel, Henry W Welcome Walla Walla river, is in the citv and and Miss Hattie Bartlett, Rev. today on legal business.—East Ore- A. J. Irwin of the First Presbyter­ ian church performing the cere­ gaaiin. mony. Only a few of the near rela­ The Carter House Barber Shop tives of the contracting parties were at Ontario, Lee Caldwell proprietor, present. Both these young people is one of the most elegant tonsorial are well known in this county, parlors in all Eastern Oregon. Hot where they have resided since child­ and cold baths with a spray bath hood. Mr and Mrs Welcome will connected Lee’s old time friends take up their residence in this city. are invited to call on him while at The Times-Herald joins their Ontario. 1 many friends in extending con­ Married — Wednesday, March 29, gratulations. at Narrows, Mr. Richard Haines A letter from Henry Hamilton and Mrs Myrtle Curtis, Justice! to Fred I.unaburg. dated at John Gerald Griffin performing the cere­ Day March 27, states that Wm. mony. The contracting parties are Phelps died iu that place on the well known residents of that section I date of the letter and would be and have a host of friends who join buried at Canyon City the day The Ti mes-Herald in extending! following. Deceased was an old congratulations. Here’s to you | time resilient of the Stein Mountain Dick. Frank Johnson and family ar­ rived here from Westfall last Fri­ day evening and spent the week visiting in this city at the home of C. E. MiTheeters and other rela­ tives. Frank informs us he sold his stock at a good figure and after visiting here a short time will go to his old home in Prineville 1 action therein pending wherein the said A. E. Brown and wife were in the j A. Sweek was plaintiff and ^aid A. .1. city a few days this week purchas­ Gardner defendant,which said judgment ing supplies. They have again re­ was duly docketed on the 3rd day of March 1005, therefore I, the undersigned turned to their ranch as Mr. Brown Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon, in wished to get everything in readi­ obedience to the commands of said ness for the lambing season which Execution, will on Monday the 3rd day ' of April 1905, ut the Court House door soon begins. in me the vivy City or of dui Burnsv^iarnev County, | ' in iiwv jparuev vounvy, 1 is not the clothes that makes | Oregon, oiler for sale at public vendure the man, but gee, don't they help, to the highest bidder for cash all the though We ll take your measure r‘^bt title and interest of defendant A. Trading Stamps given Agents tor McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. VOEGTLY’S PLOWS! The best mouldboard plow is the JOHN DEERE PhOW. The best disc plow is the ENECIA-HANCOCK PLOW A full stock at C. H. Voegtly’s. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Died—At the family home in thia city, Sunday, March ?<>, Otis, the 15 year-old son of Mrs K J Winters, after a long illness Otis was bon: in this citv and bail spent his entire life her* where he was well liked by his little playmates for his brightness He bad l>een suf­ fering from heart t-onble for more ll’ith a wondrous showing of fresh Spring than a year and i. * condition hail Goods in every department, we are [better been critical for - one time. The prepared than ever to cater to yoar wants. funeral services were conducted , our line of Summer Dress Goods, Allover 1 aces, Tursdav afternoon 1 ■■■ Rev A. J lr- | win of th* first Pre vterian church broideries. Corset cover Embroidery, Ribbons and The in tlier a..-I -'stars have the immings. You will find them to be the most com- deep sy mpalhy "f »l.«-ir fri. nds in this vicinity ete and down-to-date stock in the city Standard Merchandise OL’R PRICES ARE RIGHT ON ALL LINES. bls continuous residence ujmhi and cultivation Jones and Sant Motbersheail | of said land, viz J. 1*. Rector, Lloyd Johnson, Receiver, defendants. W. A. fattersrtn, Walter Clark, all of l.awen, Notice is hereby given that pursuant Oregon. W m . F a it re . Register. to an Execution in foreclosure issued from the above Court on the 11th day of March A. I). 1905 in a suit in said NOTIC E FOR IT Bl JC ATION court wherein Chao F. McKinney and UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, f James A. Sparrow were plaintiffs and Burns Oregon, March 6, 1906. i Noth e is hereby given that the following Louis Wouldenlierg Sr. ami Minnie settler hag tiled notice <>f his intention Woldenberg his wife, Alma Jones and named to make final proof in support oi liis claim,and that said proof u ill he made before the Register Sam Motherohead, receiver, were defen­ and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, April 11, dants, and wherein plaintiffs recovered viz: II E. No. 1103, of Solomon A. Gibson, for thi‘ Lots 7, S, Sec. 23, Lots I tttul Sec. 2G. T. 25 a judgment against defend ints Louis S , R 32’> I . W. M. names the following witnesses to pi<»vv Woldenberg Sr. and Minnie Woldenberg his lie continuous residence upon and i ultivation his wife, for the sum of Three Thousand of said land, viz Newt Hoover, Thomas M Gibson, Fred Otlejr, Jr., John Oard, all of Law. Dollars, principal sum, $448 8b accrued en. Oregon. W m I wtitr. Register. interest, 10 per cunt interest on said principal sum from Aug. 29, 1904, $190 attorneys fee4, $25 50 coats and disburse­ ments, U|>on which judgment there was paid the sum of $2143.09 on Feb 25, 1905, and w herein the defendant Alma Jones recovered against tbe defendants Louie Wohlenlierg Sr and Minnie Woldenlx-rg his wife a judgment for the sum of $2500 00 principal, $388 11 accrued inter­ est, 8 per cent interest on said principal sum from (let. ♦>, 1904, and for the further sum of $•►! 50 principal, $2 90 interest« $170 00 attorney fee, and $7 OO costs and disbursements, which said judgments were each duly enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s office of said court in said NOTICE FOR i’UBI.K ATION. county on the 15th day ot Oct. 1901, am! and wherein it was further ordered and UNITED SI KTES I \ ND OF II' I i deireed that the Mortgage of plaintiffs Bums Or«’gon, M bh h ", J'«o.’»,i Notice is hereby given Ihat the following Chas. F. McKinney and Jamea A Spar­ named settler has filed notice of h ih Intention row and the mortgage of Defendant Alma to make final proof in Mippo'tof hi«« lain». and that said proof will be made la-fore th«- Register Jones each be foreclosed and that the an«l Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on April • property hereinafter described, Ireing a 1906, viz li E 1112,of < 'grvneoT < nr> for I be NW. NE1., l ots 2, 4 7,* 'J ai.d 10, Fee. I ■. I portion of tbe mortgaged properly in­ a . - . R .a E . W M names the following wilt»« s—s to prov<- volved in sai«l suit, be sold in the order his lie « ontlnuous residence uja>n sn«l < «> 1 tl • ation mentioned in said decree and applied in of said land, viz J F It«-« tor. I.bird lolihsoti W A t atterson, Walter < lark, all ot I mw » ii , satisfaction of the judgments herein­ Oregon W m F arkf , Register above mentioned in the order ami to the extent mentioned in eaid decree , There­ fore pursuant to the commands of said NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. w rit. UNITED STATES I.AMD <>FFI< F.r I, Tom Allen, tbe undersigned Sheriff liurna, Oregon. March 11, i of Harney County, Oregon, w dl on Mon­ Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named wilier has filed notlry ot hit intention day the 10day of April A. D. 1905, offer to make final proof in <*n|.p«»rt M bi« • lalrn.atid for sale at the court house door in the that said proof will *»e made iwforr the Register Receiver, ;»t Burn«. Oregon, on April II. < ity of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, an«! 1M6, vli'-ll F. No lUSl.of T horn no F Arnoht at public vendue to the highest bidder for for the F.’> ‘»I F.',, **e« . 7. T Zl M . R M E . W M He name» the following wIlro-M«« loprove cash in hand all of the right, title and hla « ontluuoua reaid' n- • upon and rujti\allot» of said land via: Jamr* <’ Bartlett, ow< ar inter«-t off defendant« Louis Weiden­ Arnold, L < Bradfield, Util» Miller all of berg Sr. and Minnie Woldenberg. his Drewaey Oregon WM Fl RMS, Reglafer wife, io and to the following d«‘»crii>ed mortgaged property, to-wit: first IxMa 4, 5 and 6 of Blork 42 of tbe second addi­ tion ot Burns ; Secood South half of Ix»t ilk Lime Stir 2 in f>l«x k 5 ou what is known as “Main *treet’ in said City U Burns together with the bnildingR and improvements China George, Proprietor. thereon. Third Ixda 7 and 8 aod east Cor. Main and B Street«, 2D feet of IxAs I and 2 of Block 29 of tbe let a^idition tot)*ecityuf Burns • «gather Menus at auu hours with the dwelling boeee and improve-1 menta theieoo, that being the order in Bakery in connection which raid property waa dei reed by ti»w court to p«e euki to satisfy said jodg A Specialty »1 Short Orders. mente accruing interest, < oMs and» Table furnished with everything erning cuets I th* market afford* Your patron­ IhiUd Marcfi 11, I1KI6 age eelioted. T<»M Aid LN, Sheriff Horses kept by the day, week or\nionth. FIIIST£CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay and ¿rain always on hand. Your patronage solicited. .Smith Main St , Burns, Oregon. Attention Given :♦ Special to Conducting Funerals i NEW AND ACCURATE IIAY SCALES I IN CONNECTION Mi 111 BARN a - THE WINDSOR ."‘T*‘ ■ :■ •'i ' :'ê -i \ , “A « RESTAURANT Agents for SC HM ä SUI. BURNS, OREGON. and guarantee satisfaction.- J-<;ardneH» and to U.e following «m- a , , ,, , scribed real property towit: I he South •Schwartz and Budelman. We,t qoartor o( the Soutll We8t qn.,rter Al Cote was in from liis Warm of Section IB, Tp. 22, South, Range 32 Be sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing. Springs ranch a tew days this week, E’ M . ‘n. "“n,ey Y°“nty’ °re8°"- . . , satisfy said judgmeut, luterest, costs an«l after some tarir. machinery anil mu iuing «usts. Also a full stock of Disc and Tooth Harrows and Seeders. TOM ALLEN, making some purchases preparatory Sheriff of Harney County Oregon. to the spring farming. He left for NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION home Thursday. SHERIFF’S SALE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFP K, ( Road Master Hoover, of the sec­ Burns, Oregon, March 20, 1905.i Notice Is betel') given that the following ond district, spent several days in hi the Circuit Court of the State of Ore* named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim, and our city- this week He has already gon for the County of Hartley. Hint said proot will be mnd«« before the Register F. McKinney and Jauies ’ I ami Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on April done some road work in his dis­ i Chaw. I hg , viz II E. No. 1114. of John I . Cary for A. Sparrow, plaintiffs, NWVi NW '>"• 1 ■ I ■ I I l . 1 . si vs trict and will soon begin an active NE\ SE',, and lx»t G, S< . I, I '• S . It. ?. 1 , Louis Woldenberg Sr., Minnie ¡* W M . campaign against mud He names the following witnesses to prove VVoldenberg his wile, Alina | perly seasoned by an experience.! sausage maker We Buy for ('ash. therefore we can afford to sell at living prices. Market, sausage room and slaughter house open for inspection. (live us a call and Learn prices. Kaiser «Jr Felton, Props. Free delivery. IO and 15c—none higher- We sell the famous QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. over to attend the funeral of the to an execution issued from the office of the County Clerk of Harney County, late B. R. Witzell. They departed Oregon on the 4th day of March 1905, Singer for home Thursday. I commanding me to levy upon and sell Mrs. B. R. Witzell desires The Itbe hereina,ter de,,cribed re“' l,rol’erl>' t ,. fi i i a i ii tosaiisfv a judgment rendered in the: IHDBB-Herald to express her thanks I above . , . f H named court for the sum of 00 to the many friends both at \\ arm anj COflt8 taxed at $15 00 and ordering ' Springe and Burns for the kind > the sale of the property herein attached, j nesses shown her and her late bus-1 favor of the plaintiff C. A. Sweek and band during his last illness. a«“inst du(euJa,lt A. .1. Gardner, in an Quite an unusal snow storm bordering ou a blizzard visited this section Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, snow falling to a depth of about four inches followed by freezing nights. Although it was severe for this season of the year no material damage was done to stock and it has been beneficial to the range. Fruit trees were quite well advanced toward the budding stage and it may have damaged them, but it cannot be definitely stated to what extent if any, at this time. section and had been suffering from The blustry weather lias stopi>ed cancer of the stomrch Mr Hamil­ spring farming temporarily. ton left here with him last week en Burns Meat Market, corner Main route to the railroad where the B st We are now prepared to fur­ atllicted man would take the train nish all kinds of Sausages, in qnan- for Portland to enter a hospital for titles to suit We butcher only treatment Deceased had many choice beef, pork and ni'ittoii. Our friends in this county wlm will be meat« are slaughtered and cut up shocked to learn of his death, al by experienced butchers Our though not entirely unexpected. Sausages are clean, wholesome |>fo STANDARD PATTERNS “BROWNS” and Receiver, at Burns. Oiegon. on April 11 viz Thomas F. Arnold, Devisee of Arthur Boru in this city March 22, to Mr. 1905, B. Paton, decease«!, H. E. No. 1230. for the >E , ring and Summer styles ey stan alfalfa seed, Red clover seed and Mrs. J. H. Anderson, a bounc­ SWL. See 31, T. 20 S.. R. 34 F . Lots I and J. N.w SE\ NW‘, Sec. 6. T. 21 8.. R 31 E , W M custom made cloth suite . Call and examine and get prices.— ing baby girl. James sa5-s cigars He names the following witnesses to pro\e his continuous residence upon ami cultivation said land, viz James C Bartlett. Oscar arle* Wilson, agent Chan I Geer A Cummins. -Mr* are free now days.—Monument o' Arnold. L. O. Bradfield. Wesley .Miller, all of Drewavy. Oregon. A.8b«> is A Bros. Rev. Peake took bis departure Enterpris. W m F a a Rt. Register. The O. C. Co. have just received ten Aaeeg Amowg those in from the Warm last Monday for the John Day after Spring action to attend the funeral holding a series of meetings in this arloads of goods, consisting of Bain and NOTICE OF SALE. Winona wagons, barb wire, blacksmith )f the late i: R Witzell were J C city for about two weeks. coal, furniture, nails, ccal oil, eugar, In the Comity Court oi llarney County, F.—aiaa and wife. For sale—Two lots 100x100, meats and White Rose flour. Oregon. Adaki George is selling school small house partly furnished, wood ) Ras Lewis and wife were in the C. A. gweek, plaintiff furniture and the various districts • shed and well. Good garden. A city from Warm Springs a few days J. Gardner, defendant) •boold lseo him before placing 1bargin. Terms, see M. L. Lewis. Notice is hereby given, that pursuant the first of the week having come i “THU SATISFACTORY STORE” The brown thoroughbred Jack. ‘ Broady"1 I hand* h irh i'»n be s< so at the 1» M McMan i nv ranch one mile from Burn*. Can l>e purchased by cash or ,•►*) n >te If not sold be­ fore. h<- will make the stand at this ranch for the season beginning ’ April the 2f>. THE TIMES-HERALD I ) I