-J Oc íimes-Muraíd • «ATURDAY. MAKI H L IW». HCBSI’KIPTION RATKS: Due Year Six Months three Montba .* 1 LIIAN BY KI* •3.00 1 on ......................... 75 — — Maaagar Th - i-a-G i n demand appeals tO rej . alive of the large handlers are anxious to sign the clips fol 1905 delivery. 1 have not known of such general wool contracting in the past five years. “With the demand as strong as it now is, sheep-breeders are of­ fered giltedge prices, and may se­ cure a promise from responsible houses that is the same as money in the bank, for these contracts may be negotiated at the banks and are a basis for loans up to al­ most too per cent of the amount of wool expected to be shorn.” Portland Journal. fl MM of our farmers are prepar­ We are sxixry Lu anuotHnre— ing for spring plowing. W. D. Patch, of Dead Ox Flat, a Sheriff Lawrence took his depar­ great opponent of Bonding the dis­ ture Saturday for Nebraska to bring trict, while crossing a piece of thin to this county J 11 Slattery, who is ice a few days ago fell through and wanted on the charge of the larceny thereby contracted a bad cold Water is such a rarity in that sec- : of several horses th« alledged prop­ lion that when one comes in con­ erty of T I. Arnold Governor tact with it the effects are disas­ Chamberlin has issued requisition trous. The ice was like the opposi­ papers on the Goveuor of Nebraska tion to bonding the district—to thin for Slattery.—Ontario Democrat. lo bear much weight.—Vale Gazetle NOTICE THE CITY MEAT MARKET E. A. YOUNG, Proprietor, Slaughters only the best Beef, Veal, Pork and My meats are clean, cool and wholesome. Mutton. The slaughter house and Market are clean and It is repored that on account of disinfected at all times. I invite the public to in­ the game laws many fine speci­ COLNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS mens of gam e that would other­ The stockholders of the Citizens spect the premises tor themselves. wise be sent in lo be added to the Messrs C F McKinnev and E E Business College are requested to Puirington filed a petition asking turn their stock in to the under­ collection being mounted for the permission to erect n telephone line signed in order that the atlairs of Lewis and Clark fair, are not 25C along the county road from Burns the corporation may be acted upon T-Bone Steak 2 pounds, cut short.................... forthcoming. The Times-Herald to I.aiven and from there to Har­ by the hoard. 25C Loin, Porterhouse and Rib Steaks, JU. pounds wishes to state on authority that H. M. Horton, ney, thence east to the Malheur Portage Road I« Being Built the local association has a permit Treasurer. 25C county line 1’ermissibn was grant­ Round Steak 3 pounds........................................ iro n the state game warden fo r ed. This is a matter that will meet 25C Chuck or Shouhler 3L, pounds............................ this pm pose and those who arc W. F. Nelson, of the firm of Nel­ with public approval on every hand, gathering specimens may feel son 'iig bv School, Kentucky Home thia city for an indefinite period, that variety of food that they were I say. Alice Hamilton beginning Monday evening at the able to get through the haul Baptist church Debate Resolve that the Greeks Ulik DOCTorS PRESCRIPTION «VEN SPECIAL iTTENTION. months without applet table losses. were more civili/ed than the Egvp- Messrs <’ F McKinney and J, E Some losses always occur in ti >us w> re Yllirimitive were Mary Wallace, who left lu re last Satur- th«- wm er. But tliev have been1 Neal, Ned Smith, Harry Ruck, day for the Alvord ranch to secure at a nuuimutn this year, and the 1 Frankie King Negative Henry the elk tendered the Lewis ar.d H. M. HORTON. Propt. situation otlieiwise is sinh »IS as to I telton, Floy Thompson, Ilarry I Clark Fair A sm x-iation : bv Supt issiiic good times to those engag­ \\ itliera, Ada Neal, Willie < iuu Id Gilcrest of th" I’ I.. S t'o. had a ed in that mdii'ti \ Judges decided in favor of the run away oi> the Juniper grade. The team got ft ightened at a snow T - Prues ate medium. This in negative. drift and threw the rig off the grade Hong bv the School, illites owners to sell and buyers ■o buy, and causes a libeial move­ 1 at '1 the - ih . i ... mi. white you Mai The buckboard was completely llendtiitf. Myra King wrecked, but fortunately the occu­ I« here to slay and don’tlorgrt it. ment of livestoi k. German solo. Carl Koch pants escaped seiaius injurv, al­ Uennmbor hi tu when you have “Wool-raiser will tarried though somewhat bruised Tliey iliagr.apliy of Geo \\ ashington on a high title of piovpentv this ex Otlxex I^xxxs Emma Multeri **dked on to tie- Mann I ake ranch Veai Ptob.iblv mm <■ wool has (Ì •ng By School, The gentlrmrn are expected home tl»v remember that the been contracted (or the 190$» hp Home Sweet Home thte evening Hint' Parrish than ever bclote in the history of I Several visitors were present did not accompany the party as M ill tie a home for all. the industry in the northwest.| who were welcomed bv the Societv 1 state,! in .ur last issue. ✓ MY PRICES ARE: FOR CASH ONLY. Will deliver all products after March 15. Ice for sale and delivered to any part of the city W. E. HUSTON Groceries, t Haines & Nelson Provisions Bctaata and Opticians Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. Watch Repairing a Specialty. GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear—Get Prices Burns Meat Market. GIVE HIM A CALL. KAISER & FELTON, Propts. BEEF BOUGHT AND BILLS FOR SALE SOLD BY QUARTER. Breeder of Pure Bates Short Horn Cattle. Waterloo Prince I 74,184 THE OVERLAND HOTEL THE BURN? SANATORIUM MESDAMES FRY & RUSSELL : i We will tell you about the new : Spring and Summer Dry Goods <» : that are arriving next time, but at $ present we want to show you some J new things in Spring Hats for both : straw and felt, lor gentlemen and Spring C aps for the Ladies. You should also ¡(‘member that we are again carrying Butterick Patterns. Uurr £ Dalton. The Largest and Most Complete Stock t t t $ t t i Í t t i Agents for Any Periodical Published. THF CITY DRUG STORE. o- CA.n,i£.iJxrsi Oregon Hotel *