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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
• ’Jai- VOL. XVIII ’• and ■ nt BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY.OREGON, FEBRUARY MO. i4. 1 made a excellent profit from hie 50 STATE CATTLE ARE THRIVING QnFAa of zm««n T1 L. _ 1 land . a would • • up an ox team and drive across the \’EI0 THREAT HAD EFFECT acres corn. r The plains. You can walk: you can have grown good wheat, but Mr. JOHN l> PALY. Pana N. U. CARPENTER, C abuur , ride a bicycle all the way or drive ME DIRECTIONS FOR EMERGENCY Vogel figures that his profits were FRANK K.COFFIN, Vics Puns. A. C. WELCOME, A sst . C asiiikb . CONTRAST WITH CONDITIONS IN OTHER iu a carriage; you can go to New greater on corn and cattle. TREATMENT GIVEN. STATES SHARP York and take a sailing vessel and GENERAL APPROPRIATION BILL MAY Along the line of the O. R. & N. BE APPROVED NOW. go ‘round the Horn; vou can take Co. Col Judson has experimented a steamer and cross the isthmus by eep all 'Wouaas Vary Class, But da not with corn in different localities and OF BURNS, OREGON. Billiard* and laid, Calurosa la Oregon, rail then by steamer, you can wait Wa*b.loo Much, as lbat Preveáis finds that it makes better feed for Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. Governor Chamberlain In Fairly Well Satin Create Havoc Else*h«re--Loss has until the canal is built, go down Healing by Oruaulalloa. cattle than alfalfa. Cattle fattened Bed With Amended Heanure--Tbe Baco Vary Light Here. the Mississippi river taking a t sual Closing Scene. on this corn are in good condition WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. ive us simple rules for treating (0 gbip to any market. They stand S tockhoi . dbhs John 1). Daly, Frank K. Coffin, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. While in nearly all the stock- steamer at New Orleans and come cuts, wounds and the many injuri- the trip better than the range cattle raising states of the west the loss all the way by water, yet a great - Governor Chamberlain's veto Williams, J. W. Gearv, C. Cummins, H. M. Horton, C. A. Haines, Jones, Thomas Davis. s that happen to ‘ our horses and , and brin _ the , .1 ’ prices on the on account of a severe winter his many get on the cars taking either threat message to the Senate had attle.” 1 a first or second class ticket and in the salutary effect of securing the eastern market, while range cattle been greater than usual, in Oregon and County Warranto touydt at th* martrotyric*. The writer is not a graduate of a will not. Grass-fed cattle never the range cattle have waxed fat on three days be here. Some come by abolshmeut of the emergency clause This hank is insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary veterinary school, but he has read bring the top price except the Canadian Pacific; some by the from the general appropriation the the abundant bunch grass, reliev or hold up day or night. the standard works on veterinary choicest and these are few. Great Northern: some by the North measure, and while the Chief Ex ing the stockmen of heavy feeding practice and will comply with the and reducing the percentage of loss ern Pacific; some by the Union ecutive has five days itt which to above request, so far as is possible to almost nothing. This is the con Pacific, and others by the Southern is not believed that he will dis Children Users of Tobacco. within the limit of a brief article. dition as C. J. Millis. livestock Pacific. As to the rates, that will approve. It was passed sufficiently M. A i .KXAM ikh , l'llKOIDKNT. In the case of barb-wire cuts we E. H. T est , Cashier depend on just how you come The [early in the afternoon that he might " M. Josas, V kx -P kksidknt . Evidently there is a slight diff agent for the O. R. & N., finds it* various ticket agents in your city C. E. Kus vos, Aset. Cashier find it necessary sometimes to cut veto if he so d< sired, but following and leads him to remark: ‘Oregon away ragged bits of skin and erence between the habits of school for climate and favorable livestock can give you special information, its passage the Governor indicated children along the southern Atlan tieeh. Wash the wound well with that he was fairly satisfied, since conditions against the whole world ” as the rates on railroads vary. a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid tic coast and those of the cultured Had you been here before the his principal objection bail been In Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, or creolin, and be sure to wash the West. At least such is undoubted ONTARIO * OREGON legislature adjourned you could done away with New Mexico and even as far south skin for quite a little way above the ly the opinion of one of the teachers as Texas, the slaughter of range perhaps have gotten in on one of Senator Farrar, chairman of the lntvcest Paid on Time Deposit». wound. Keep the animal in a dry, now taking examination here. She cattle by the recent blizzard was the various grafts and made a good ways and means committee, made W« Solicit Yosr Banking Business. well beded box stall if the wound is ! Miss Cordelia Hall, now teach frightful. Only meager reports thing. the motion to cut out the clause, is on the lower part of the leg, as ing east of Weston, and a recent When you get here you may be showing that the Lurried conferance STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. II Test, have reached Mr. Millis concerning c. E. Kenyon, IL _______ _ of Abner Robbins, William the dew,on the grass in the morn arrival from North Carolina a little surprised—most eastern between Republican leaders and Alexander, __ Estate this disaster. Secretary Bolton, of In conversing with Superinten Miller. Erank R Coffin, Tiros Turnbull. ing will prevent healing. A simple people are Y’ou will find folks the Governor had some effect. Welles today about her exper- the Oklahoma Sanitary Board, es and lots of them, and they look just dressing twice a day with the car- dent ? There is no doubt I lie bill would <jeV- <*•«> •> • timates the losses in Western Okla bolic acid or crealin lotion will ef- it*'?6 88 8 ',eac^ler t-'at Miss like other people and on an average | have been vetoed had it gone to the homa, Western Kansas and the feet a cure in a few weeks. Ial1 8lated lhat in the 1,l8t 8choo> know about as much as anybody. Governor in its original stat« No For clean, deep cuts oti the fleshy 8*le tau^l't’ there she bad >0 pupils, Panhandle at 50,000 head This When all you people are dodg ! one cared to take chances an that does not include the losses sustain HOWARD SEBREE. PRESIDENT W. R S EBRE E. VICE-PRESIDENT parts of the body it is sometimes all white children, and that every ed during the first blizzard of more ing blizzards in the winter and hot kind of trouble, consequently the yy R. A COWDEN. CASHIER ■iighl9 in the summer, we are hav necessary to do some sewing. This one of the number was a user of than three weeks ago. bill was amended. Reports is best trusted to your family doc tobacco. This waB true of the girls from Texas are very discouraging ing pleasant weather. The Telegram says regarding the as well as the boye, the former tor if you have no veternarian, as closing hours of the session: the range cattle there being unused Immense Emigration to Oregon sewing horse flesh requires a wider using the tobacco as a snuff, while to intense cold, and as a result they 1 Then was re-enaeted the old, old the latter chewed and smoked. “land” with your stitches than a story of the legislative exodus from died by the hundreds. In Wyo Because of the fact that in former the Capitol City, At the depot a * farmer will usally take, and if ths Great difficulty was encountered by ming and Montana the losses will CALDWELL, IDAHO years colonists rates from Missouri special train stood in waiting, and stitching is not done well it is the young school ma’am in keeping be heavy. better not done at all We once the floor of her room clean because So far, Mr. Millis says, the losses and Mississippi Valiev points to the shortly before 9 o’clock a quorum of Y A General Banking Business Transacted had good results in closing a of the filthy practice.—East Ore in Oregon have been almost nothing. Pacific Coast have been made ef both houses were on board and gonian. very bad cut on the hip of a mare, CORREbl-ONUENCE INVITED Range conditions have been favora fective February 15, large numbers speeding toward Portland Those by shaving the hair for a distance ble. A few days of cold weathtr of people expect to take advantage who lingered behind saw a lonely The Sunshine of Spring of three inches on each side of the without snow storms did but little of the rates at that date this year ami desolate sight in the halls, wound and dragging the cut togeth damage. The winter throughout The result has been unprecedented where but an hour before there had The Salve that cures without a inquiry, disclosing that had the been the closing scene of the bienni er with a heavy surgeon’s plaster scar is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the stock sections of Oregon has latee gone into force on the same al drain 1 The seat where once sat The after treatment consisted in the Cuis, Bui us, Dolls, Drulses ituu been open and mild.. Ramre cattle have been fed very little, less than application of the carbolic lotion der way at the end of this week a ln^b>egrint',|fc>eUuTtll8M1i>rM Piles disappear before the use of for several years past. In the feed before noted, the wound healed al large movement of homeseekers. [ was vacant. Every desk was burs this salve as enow before the sun INCORPORATED 1847. pens cattle are getting in good con most without a scar. However, the Passenger Association and the floor littered. shine of spring. Miss H. M. Mid IsniieH all forma of sound life insurance at tlia lowest rates. <hlr policies dition for an early market, which The most dangerous wound is The cleaning out process bad be fixed the date for this year March 1 guarantee after three payments are made dleton, Thebes, III. says: “I was promises to open with very brisk made by a nail in the foot, and the to May 15, and the immigrants will gun the day before. From the seriously afflicted with a fever sore treatment should be prompt and that was very painful. DeWitt’s prices controlling. not Ingin to arrive in Oregon in time that Sitz, of Malheur and “1 have never seen the stock con thorough. Enlarge the hole made Witch Hazel Salve cured me in large numbeis for more than a fort Harney, packed up the state’s by the nail, cutting it down to tbs less than a week.” Get the genuine ditions when it was more favorable night donations until the small hours of to the raiser than at present,” said quick to allow blood and pus to Sold by Burns" Druggists. Southern lines are understood to the night before, the lmlIn had re Mr. Millis. “The losses will be escape. A smith’s shoeing knife is have been responsible for the later sounded with noises of packing up very small, while the price is gradu best for this, but I have often used I. Automatic extended insurance for tlie (ace of the contract date of inaugurating the rates for Great bales and boxes of the state’s Dr. Brownton sent to Walla Wal ally getting better. There are II. A paid up policy. a pocket knife. While spirits of III. Loan or cash surrender value. la for seed wheat aufiicient to try more cattle being fattened through this season that have been proven books and paraphernalia went out turpentine is almost the standard Unexcelled uh a dividend payer, an experiment. The seed is of the out Oregon this winter lhat during beneficial in bringing new people and away. Verily naught but the remedy in such cases, we prefer a /.v feat / g . i th umore foil iwre . o iling, the desks and the floor re to the sparsely settled districts of Macaroni variety, and it is claimed any other year, and I believe the 10 per cent solution of carbolic Cl IIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE Sherman & Harmon, K. 11. Benedict, the Northwest. It was asserted mained. for it that it will thrive on dry feeders will make big profits.” General Agents. District Manage acid. This is double the strength that in former years, ...AND... since the one Marquam^Bldg., II. A. Dillaril, Agent ground or where the total annual Mr. Millis expects to leave in a used on flesh, and after the first wav rates have been instituted for lliirna. Or. Fresh choice creameay better— application reduce it to 5 per cent precipitation is 10 inches.—Prairie few days on his regular spring in certain periods of the fall and full weight—75 a loll nt the City spection trip, and will carefully in A bit of oakum or tow may be City Miner. spring, the movement of February Meal Market. AHoiiln lit« people ni Eant mxl Central Oregon all the opportunity of a vestigate the livestock conditions placed in the hole, but it must be came when the California tourist tiiHt rhiMH modern BtinlneHM College. It ia a home inatitution covering Studebaker Wagons, ¿Hacks throughout <)regon.—Telegram. The <>,(-. <’o. know no cninptililion, removed at least twice a day and »•very roiirne involved in Buaineaa College work Ila rntvH are the Harm* business is at its heaviest, thereby the old reliable. hh charged elsewhere and the method» are the Maine. Stu I cii I h adinittt d the wound wet with carbolic lotion. Carriages, Buggies and Buckboards interfering regular traffic, besides nt uny linn*. I nutruction nt the College or hv mail. Dming the summer inontlm the College w Td condm l a While any wound on an animal are arriving now and selling as fast Me Wanted lnformatlon---And (lot it. overcrowding trains.—Telegram should be kept clean too much as we can get them in. We have washing prevents healing by break two car loads of these goods here ummer ormal chool The following was received VI Ictory White Bronze Monuments ing dow n the granulations by which and in trains. The best stock of through the mail the olln r day from For Ifarl.prM hih I otluTM who «lenin* a reviewing or preparatory roumr nature fills up wounds and it may Wagons and Vehicles ever brought a friend with a request to publish For Rp» < linens of pen work, hik I full information on Ihiaine^H < olleg»» Miib- The local agent, M. I. Lewis, lias HildreaH cause what is generally called to Burns, ('all and look at goods it: just received notice from The ZvT. ZEZ. ‘ proud flesh.” A little burnt alum even if you do not desire to buy at An Arkansas man recently wrote Monumental Bronze Co, of Bridgt - will remove the latter in most the present time. Geer A Cummins to a friend in Oregon hh follows: port, Conn, that White Bronze Ims ExixrxS, Orogrorx. I cases, or a mere dusting of the “I have read So much about been awarded two medals, viz: Arrangements are being made Oregon I wish yon would give me Class No 194, Art Work in Zink wound with air-slaked lime has cured bad cases of it. Never use for the establishment of a beet some information about tlie state and class No 220 Marble, Stone and hot burning liniments on any sugar colony on the irrigated lands and "what can l>e done there I Metal Monuments [of the Deschutes Irrigation A Power would like to know Low to get wound of man or beast—Ex. White Bronze was in direct I RISCII A DONEGAN, Proprietors company near Bend. A party of there, and at what rate Let me competition with th« great Marble settlers from Alberta. Canada, know by return mail ” and Granite Quarries of the world Oregon Corn-Fed Cattle. Burns, - - Oregon. will take up land and start the in Tiie reply was as follows: As to and won all the honors Such su< in dustry which it is believed will the first question will sav you can Corn-fed cattle can lie raised cess s|>eaks volumns fo* White ZvdZcxlze Tlxis ZZ©sid.q.xxa,rtexc. Oregon, says Al Vogel, a Imalilla prosper immensely as the soil is start a bank, or edit a daily news Bronze as the only Monument* county stockman and farmer. Mr well adapted to that line of pro- paper with telegraphic dispatches without a competitor. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Vogel says the time is not far die- d ice A party of mm has already i from all parts of the world; you Billiard and Pool Tables taut when the beef cattle of Oregon located on land near Bend and a can start a large department store; I*o you want to boy your g<««ls right, will be fattened on corn and that greater area is to be taken by others lie a profeasor in a college; engage if so get the price« of the O. Co. who Club Rooms in Connection. the corn will be grown in Oregon. who will come from Canada this in ail lines of manufacturing, dig are the largest bnyera, and the closest seller*, Iwat quality. gold — either qua Last year Mr. Vogel put in 50 ( spring. — Prineville Journal. lx or placer— raise r attle, sheep horses or hogs, acres of corn on liottoui land. The -------------------- Job printing—The Times Herald , you can buy soup good land and corn was of a northern variety and I Deserved Popularity. raise niellons, frui’ of all kinda. ripened early By the lime the To cure constipation and Li ver grain, hay or onion : fa- a mechanic dry weather set in hie corn was be yond danger from drought and he troubles bv gently moving the bow of any kind, or hold office. In the «.< The Finest of All harvested a good crop. He cut the els and acting as a tonic to the liv latter occupation you will find corn in stalk and put it away for er, take Littie Early Risers. These mure competition ’.han in any of winter use. Taking 35 ordinary Famous Little Pills are mild, plea the otbora—still you will find com cows frotn range, be fed them on sant and harmless, but effective petition in all line- One thing thia corn during the winter and fat and sure. Their universal use for needed here ia a g'-.-l wool <>r coal tened them. The average range many years is a strong guarantee dealer who will give full measure— Far Sale Osly al’ beef cows weighs about 1R* • pounds 1 of their popularity and usefulness in thia line von will have no com petition You might also start a When Mr. Vogel took his corn-fed • Sold by Burns Druggists. saw mill; a salmon euinery . run a cows to market they averaged 1435 pounds He received a quarter of Thia in tlie time of year to look railroad, in fact eng ige in any a rent more per pound for tbeee for winter comforts, eu call at th- business common to countries in a cow« than range cattle or any other Ruma Furniture Co'«. atore and high state of civilization like our« Agents, Burns, Ore As to the second question You cattle were bringing on the Oregon leave your order for a couch of any can do like my father did—hitch market. The result was that be pattern or at vic WOUNDS ON STOCK First National Bank s first national Bank | PFNN MUTUAL COMPANY. I CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S THE CAPITAL SALOON, THE TIIVIES'HERALD MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar Gives all the local news See Premium offer on Page lour Job Printing