fr Oe Jimrs ^rratd. SATURDAY. JANUARY M, IX». BUBHCKIPTION RATKH: Oue Year Hix .Mouth* Three Month* -------- -- - 1 1 N ........................... 75 - good a price as tho American bred horse “As soon as th« contracts are a warded iv> • - ' • ■ ti >g a horde of buy, rs to invade th« local horse market,'’a well known dealer said yesterday ' Th« government wants 1000 horses for the use of the army in the Philippines and about the only place to get them is i Oregon and Washington range, llors-s are worth 11 these days and contractors find ' it lh«) ' ill have to | fair price or go further east in v event transportation will lie l.e figured in.”—P-mo rat MAKE COIMA RESPONSIBLE Bil l. SOON TO BE INTRODUCED IN THE LEGISLATURE. Sheepmen Propose to Stop Sheep In Central Oregon Slaughter by This Out. The Windsor, under the manage­ ment of C. B. Smith A Co., is one of the most popular resorts in the interim. Finest of liquors and cigars, billiards and card .able« and expert mixologists. of Tonic to the System upon the system is mild, pleasan and harmless. Bob Moore, of La- Fayette, Ind says. “No use talking, DeWitt’s Little Early Risers do their work. Al! other pills I have used gripe and make me sick in the stomach and never cures me De­ Witt’s Little Early Risers proved to be the long sought relief. They are simply perrect.” Persons traveling find I.islle Early Risers the most reliable remedy to carry with them Sold by Burns Druggists. HE’D F’JFLC-JJXJ T LIVERY, FEED AND SALE i STABLE. BRENTON'A CILBERT. Propts.l Main St., Burna, Oregon. For liver trouble« and constipa­ Horses receive the best of care tion there is nothing better than Sheepmen of the State of Ore­ DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the from experienced hands. 'Die trucking horses used by a gon are interested in a bill soon famous little Pills. They do not Elegant Netu Livery turnouts. big sugar refining firm in Brook­ to be introduced into the Legisla­ weaken the stomach. Their action Cuting Parties Accommodated. lyn are such line, big. sleek-look­ ture at present session by Repre­ sentative Steiner, of Klamath Horses Bought and Sold. ing animals their passage County providing for the payment through the street attracts atten­ REVISED TABLE OF INFORMATION. of sheepow ners, who have their tion, anil horsemen generally he- Wll.l. MAKE MONEY. Hoiks slaugtered by unknown lieve that the cost ot keeping The following table has been compiled after careful and thorough investiga- persons, by the county in which tion of a.l records and statistics obtainable and gives actual resource f llarney them in such condition must be A feature of the Treasury depart­ county, every item of which can be proven : the killing occurs. considerably above the average, Number, Car , Wts. lbs. ment exhibit in the Gov«rnm<-lit 80 2,400,000 In this way it is believed that Wool clip annually, Harney county. . That is not the case, however, building at the Lewis and Clark »100,000 4*0 5,600,000 Sheep shippe : annually......... .............. for in the stable of the firm an ex­ Exposition nil) be a mint in full interest will be aroused and the Cuttie shipped annually....................................... . 25,000 1000 25,000,000 periment of mixing molasses with operation wlure souvenir medals i perpetrators of any more such Horses and mules shipped annually............... 4,000 160 3,360,000 Yearlingsan: Two-year-olds in quantities to suit. too 2,500,OUO Merchandise »dipped into merchant. the feed has been made, and the will be turned out every day in- outrages will lie brought to jus­ The bulls can be seen at the.’ P” Ranch, and 100 2,500,000 Merchandise shipped direct to ranchers plan has been found to be not only of gold and silver coins tice. This move is calculated to persons desiring to purchase should inquire 200,000 10 Stock salt and sulphur The mint will show all the visi­ make those persons who are let- Stage freight at 3 cents per pound..................... extremely economical, but also of 120,000 0 ¡here of F. II. Hoicell, Assistant to the Gen­ exceptional value in producing tors the various step« require!.1 in j I hargic in the matter of sheep kill­ eral Manager, who will furnish informa­ LOCAL HALL. nourishment. It costs only 34 the production of coins, except the j ing, taking no part on eithei side, Lumber «old annually, feet............................................. 9 100,000 tion as t prices and will sell the same 3,000 cents a day to feed these tine hors­ assaying and refining The plant . willing to lend their aid in giving Fuel wool sold annual), cords......................................... FRENCH-GLENN LIVE STOCK CO. 5,000 Fence posts sold annually............................................ es which rang!' from 1700 to 1800 will consist of .i full set of minting | j evidence when possible, that will PASHE.NGKKB AND MAIL. pounds in weight. This, accord­ machinery manufactured ut the | result in stamping the evil out. Philadelphia mint, and designed Passengers by stage annually, 600 at f 10...................... I 6,000 ing to experts, is from 20 to 27 During tiff' past year it is esti- Passenger! by private conveyances, 1,800.......... . .. 18,000 ultimately for use at the New Den­ . . 10,000 Mail contracts ....................................................................... per cent < heaper than the old sys­ ver Mint.. T he medals turm d out i mated that in Crook County alone tem of mainlining the stock on will be of an artistic design ami the I I there have been slaughtered sheep LIVE STOCK. oats ami hay entirely. . . .300,000 Î visitor may -<•.• ovary step of manu­ worth about .'fijooo. Fred Smith, Number of sheep owned in Harney county. .. 550,000 Number of sheep summered in Harney county ................ This is what the sugar refinery facture from the time the piece of the victim of the latest depreda­ Number of cattle owned in Harney county.................. 200,000 A. E. YOUNG. Propt. . . 150,000 horses eat: In the morning they metal is plnci-d in H e machine un­ tions m Crook County has al­ I one of hay grown annually in Harney, over 50,000 Tons of hay grown annually, in a radius of 30 mile of Burns get a quart anil a half of Lillian til it is thrown out on till' table and ways been a law abiding stock- AKKA OF LAND IN HAKNKY COUNTY. cornmeal, a quart of wheat bran, wrapped in tissue paper for him to man of Crook County, whose .. 6.385,000 Area of land, acre.............................. ........................................... seven pounds of cut hay and a carry home ns a souvenir. -beep were slaughtered on land Surveyed......................................... .. .4,8.»5,3(>5 ....................................... Alongside of tho mint exhibit 1,649,635 quart and a half of sugar-house lie had leased from the govern­ Uneurvayeil....................... ....................... ........................... <>f above amount 5511,324 acres are in furest reserve and Carey selections. syrup w hich remains after all pos­ will he the display of tho Bureau of ment, and the killing was entirely \ ppropriate’l 1,108,261 Tillable, assessed................................................................. 71,101 sible crystallization of sugar has Engraving ami Printing, which not without excuse of any sort. CORNED-BEEF, Nontillable, assessed............ 586,751 currency only prints all tho paper taken place. 102,845 It is recognized that the moun­ Improved, not patented.......................... of the country, but prints ito post­ Susceptible to irrigation under U. S. Geological survey of Silver Cicek BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. At noon each horse gets foui I reservoir.................................................................................................................... 336.000 age ami revenue stamps as well. tains of Harney, Malheur and I arey selections, approved ...................................................................................... 9,000 or five quarts of oats, and the This too will he an active Home Sugar-Cured, Crook Counties harbor some per­ Road Companies Land...................................................................................... 44,000 night ration is the same as that in for a printing press will be continu­ sons who are not lawabiding in Appropriated................................................................................................................ 95.000 Susceptible to irrigation..................................................................... .. 876,000 the morning, except that live p-ls. ously operated, illustrating the met any «ense. They came to East- Tillable bench land above irrigation line, over..................................... 150,000 of loose hay is placed in the stall hod by which the Government has lt you hare. Our latest Catalogue— 300 illustrations— Optician ed, shows that during the year membership and provided an open sheep killing m three adjoining Jeweler. I oar Experience Book, that tells what M AELITA are doing the world over, free for 3 stamps postage. Etigiiivcr. just closed 8656 persons visited door through which th« i li I roads of counties, now brings ILirney in as THE MARLIN FIRE ARHS CO. the exhibit in the Union Depot the country might at any time be­ one of the chief actors. We Fine Watch Repairing A 42 Willow St. .... New Haven, Conn. would ask where it get its infor ­ cialty. anil registered, in addition to come factors in control of the or­ mation regarding this matter and which there were a great mam ganization if it ever heard of anv sheep kill­ Thi' caltlem >n, horse, mid swine who did not place their name on ing in I larney county. the register. Total cost of opei growers, together with representa­ tives of the allili.iied industries re ­ ating the bureau during the year, Coughs and Colds including the salaries of (icorge fused Io agree to tie1 new constitu­ tion mid withdrew when they con ­ G. Bin el, assistant seci etary, and All roughs, colds and pulmonary Dr. A. I.eRoy, held agent, was sidered its adoption probable, mid complaints that are curable are this afternoon formed a new organ­ Mme than 37,000 ization under the name of "The quickly cured byOm Minute Cough pieces of literature have been American Sn.ek Growers A- soein Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws mailed anil disposed of, 944 letters tion ” out inllainatioii and heals and sent out, and 475 leltns leceived. Roughly speaking the sheep sooths th« atlected parts, strengh- Positive knowledge is had of |8>> growers, commission men nini ens the lungs, wards of pneumonia. peisons whom the organization stock \ ards interests remained with Harmless and pleasant to take. was instrumental in assisting to tlic National Livestock Association Sold by Hurns Druggiata. I'll*» actual growers of a'l .other locate m the state. Altalfa nt tirer A t'uiuiiiins Attentii n is called to tlie fact animals for market have gone with to w associ.iti ’ n. flic deféc ­ | the that thi. exhibit is open even weekday in the year to the in- tion enme alt. r a torrid session. spection of it avelet s and st 1 angci > i \miuis mimi in k \RI OKI) and that counties having the best exhibits and supply ing the most With more than four months reliable literature arc the one* I .■’till rvm it ini ng before the opening U you cannot, it is due to an that are receiving the greatest d tv, June I, exhibits ami ig boom in th« horst' market California has m -nt one car, con­ ITr. Miles' Nervine brings in expedid nil rtly or a* noon »« taining a part of her display in edu- & refreshing sleep, because it th« contracta for furnishing the 1 cation ami social economy, ami soothes the irritation and re­ I m »re are ex|wct»«l in a tew days. Aniiii. i irtny in the Philippines move* the congestion. One car «>f the Idaho » xhibit has It is als,, a nerve builder; it with 1 1M hornen are awarded also been received, unloaded and anil strer strengthens ev­ Word lim been received in Bak«r stored in the European exhibit* nourishes and » ery nerve in your body, and City that lhi'«e contraala will be building, w hile two car* containing creates ene rgv in all the organs. aw.irdnl at Seattle minis time the part of the M if aobuaette ♦ xhibitv Nothing will give strength The litter part of January and Imai .ire vxiHcted in n few d*ia and vit.ili tv a* surelv and ?• M**«ni'hu*«tt* i xliibit« will !.<• «tor- quickly as Dr. Mil 1’ Nervine. home dealers are expecting a reoc­ eil in the European exhi' il* build V) ’’Thirtn*? t) 'Ae past win •r l r.4 twe currence of the palniv days when I ing until th« M w.nehnaettn build­ «»r I n •rtppe i ’ h I ft m* •1 ULI AN li YKI» — — M nntgeir Means and Stamp It CITY MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meat Aways HAMS To all our Subscribers! THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER You Must For the next three months, we offer this paper free with I the English g <»veminent wan bin ing. work on whiet will 1«, begun A ing up horst s for une in the south noon, i* rva«h to receive them cargo of exhibit, for the mine, and African war I metnlnrgy department !« on it. way It was then Hint the drapisecl | from St l.oiua, anil car« containing cay use jumped into favor and i li­ various manufti. iru z exhP-ita are stead of I Yf* ing the scuin of the : reported their wav to the Fair citv horse industry it *«« «Min found that the little Indian ponv was lieet adapted for cavalry |>ur|«ws and consr4 t MM ■ t’iti "»»•!’ n I M ' different rvmedte9. •r Tit- d.'s t 'r was ■ 'r t- -■ Mtnm* "1*^1 l>r I -n- n<»< «!♦ •'• f’MP tim*. nhH Fains in he*4. « irv $ It ■: '* ' " ' * will refund w VruIrrliiU. Vt is »old bv your sra-tw that th« r* vney. r $2.00 * - I his offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones w ho pay up all arrears tnd r n x between new and April 1. 1056- Miles Me 1 k . i 1 C o .. Elkhart. Ind < - I c m 1 I a