i q - BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JANUAR Y 7 VOL. XVIII. LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLED. courage and sublime CATTLEMEN FAVOR LEASE for delegates to attend the National Livestock Convention which meets bravery. What, Port Arthur has JOHN D. DALY. P kkh N. U. CARPENTER, C ashskr , in Denver next month. Secretary cost in human life and in money, Sylvia R D. No 43, I O. O. FRANK R.COFFIN, V uk P ues . A. C. WELCOME, Assr. C ashieh . COUNTY ASSOCIATION GOES A. L. Wigle was chosen to repre ­ of this city installed officers last RUSSIANS SURRENDER TO PREVENT no estimate ot even approximate CROOK RECORD FOR LAW. sent the association and use his Wednesday evening at their hall. correctness can be made. The FURI HER SLAUGHTER. best efforts in furthering the inter­ The ceremonies were witnessed by | losses have been appalling. It has ests of Crook county’s stockmen. been reported in some engagements a large crowd of members. P. G. OF BURNS, ORECON. The resignation of J. H. Gray as Flora Hagey acted av installing of­ Accounts oi Corporations. Firms and Individuals Solicited. Generosity Shows by Vietar» la Tb»lr Hour leading up to the capture ot 203- Believe It* Adoption Will End Raoge War --Send Delegate to Attend National 1 Meter hill the attacking force lost treasurer of the association was ac­ ficer The new officers are N. G , of Triumph by Oraatlag Eaty Terme Aiaodatloo it Deaver. To The Heroic Defender*. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. 1 as high as 40 per cent of the force cepted and E. T. Slayton wi s elect­ i Louise Byrd, V. G. Anna Brown, engaged, while the garrison’s losses, ed to fill the vacancy. Treasurer, Lizzie Dalton; Secy, STOCKH0I.DEUSJohn D. Daly, Frank R. Coffin, N. Ü. Carpenter, R. J. The Crook County Cattlemen’s The Boise Statesman of Tuesday of which no word has come, must Williams, J. W. Geary, C. Cummins, H. .M. Horton, C. A. Haines, Win. Alice King; Chaplin. Frank Jack- association has put itself on record Jones, Thomas Davis. morning says: Port Arthur has have been frightful. No More Stomach Troubles. 1 son; Winona Smith and Lizzie surrendered. Exhausted by mouths Statt anti County Warnnh touyki at tkt marketprice. The defense of the position which as having a lease law, believing Dalton, right and left supporters to of almost constant lighting, decima­ fell to her as an heritage after the that in the end a leasing system All stomach trouble is removed Noble Grand; Flora Hagey and This bank is insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary ted by disease and casualties, and Chinese-Japanese war, has cost will adjust the range difficulties and by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Grace Lampsbire, right and left or hold up day or night. hopelessly sealed in its rocky fort­ Russia practically her entire fleet It gives the stomach perfect rest supports to Vice Grand; Clare eventually place a quietus on the ress, the gallant garrison has yield­ in those waters. Her ships lie from bv digesting what you eat without Swain, conductor, 8. L. Bowen, ed to its gallant besiegers and the Port Arthur’s inner basin to Chem­ originating, from a conflicting use the stomach’s aid. The food builds warden, I. G. C. A. Byrd, O. G. end is now written to one of the ulpo, in Korea, and along the by the stockmen of the public up the body, the rest restores the ■ Chip Smith. M. A lexander . P resident . E. II. T est , Cashier most dramatic war incidents of Shang Hung peninsula, battered range, says the Prinevelle Journal. etomach’s to health. Y’ou don’t A banquet followed the installa­ W m . J ones , V ice -P resident C. E. K enyon , Asst. .Cashier A special meeting of the associa ­ modern times. have to diet yourself when taking bulks of once proud vossels, ignom­ tion that was enjoyed by those pre­ \t 7 o’clock Sunday night Gen­ iniously dismantled, are interred tion was held at the court house Kopol Dyspepsia Cure. J. 1). Ers­ sent. This organization is one of eral Nogi, commanding the Japa- in neutral Chinese harbors. »Save last Saturday and the following kine, of Allenville, Mich , says, ‘‘I the most popular social orders in ne-e army of invasion, received the three or four cruisers and some resolutions bearing on that subject suffered Heartburn and stomach our city and has enjoyed a material from General Stoessel a note say­ lesser crafts that lie in the ice adopted: ONTARIO I OREGON • trouble for some time. My sister- increase in the membership during ing that lie found further resistance bound refuge of Vladivostock, not Whereas, under the the present in-law has had the same trouble the past year. The annual reports Interest* I’uid on TimeZUoposits. useless and asking for a meeting to a warship now flies the Russian conditions where every one has free and was not able to eat for six ' of the officers shows the lodge to be We Solicit Yost» Banking Business. ■ arrange terms of capitulation. The cross in the waters of tho northern access to the public land for graz­ weeks. She lived entirely on hot in a good healthy condition. in’1“ was simple and direot and the orient. ing purposes, the grass on said water. After taking two bottles of STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, E. 11 Test, Japanese general immediately And Japan, too, has had her ranges has become depleted an»j de­ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she was en­ Paul De Laney, whose real name 1 c- E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. named commissioners to confer losses in the long drawn out opera­ stroyed to that extent whereby the tirely cured She now eats heartily is W S McCurley, was united in with representatives of the Russian tions and is in good health, I am glad :o -owo owoowo oeo ♦ «jacxxja-'.jai.'- oecx» • number of stock has become so di ­ Mines have struck from marriage last week to Miss Della com manlier They met at noon Admiral Togo’s fleet list many fine minished that by the pas-ing of to say Kodol gave me instant re­ Connel, of Reno, Nevada. The Munday to arrange the conditions ships and smaller vessels since the control of said ranges into hands of lief” sold by Burns' Druggists. marriage took place at Klamath of surrender. The nature of the morning of February 8 when he bona fide settlers it would be im­ Falls, Judge Benson performing the terms agreed upon is uot yet known, hurled his fleet at the Russian Bhips proved to that extent that one-thir»l w. W. Brown of Fife, is at work ceremony.—Prineville Journal. HOWARD SEBREE, P resident w . R SEBREE, V ice -P resident yy R. A. COWDEN, CASHIER but dispatches from Tokio indicate in Port Arthur’s roadstead. more stock could be pastured on I on an irrigation project which, when completed, will bring a couple of that they will be of the most mag­ The siege of Port Arthur properly the same, and Speedy Relief. thousand acres lying east of Buck nanimous character. Whereas, that inasmuch as there dates from May 27, when after en­ The Emperor of Japan himself, gaging the first army landed by the is at the present time a feeling and ; mountain under water. He is mak A salve that heals without a scar through the chief of the imperial Japanese at Pitsewo Stoessel was difference between the owners of the I ing arrangements to begin work on is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve staff, has given to the public his forced back from the neck of the different kinds of stock, such as ■ a large scale early in the spring No remedy effects such speedy re­ expression that General Stoessel Kwantung peninsula. The Japan­ cattle and sheep, we deem it advis­ | when a dam will be constructed to lief. It draws out intlamation, has rendered “commendable service ese landing was begun on May 5 able for the government to adopt a hold the waters of one of the neigh­ soothes, cools and heals all cuts, A General Banking Business Transacted to his country in the midst of diffi­ and the Russian commander elected leaBe law, and that the government boring lakes and drain it into anot­ burns and bruises. A sure cure for culties" and that it is his wish that to give battle at his northernmost have full control of the public rang­ her which will be used for a storage Piles and skin diseases DeWitt’s CORRESPONDENCE INVITED “military honors be shown him ” line of defense. The engagement es and lease to each and every ac­ reservoir. The scope of the work is is the only genuine Witch Hazel Beware of counterfeits, A dispatch from Tokio quotes was a severe one and the Russians tual settler certain parts of tha graz­ such as will require many months Salve. military opinion as believing the were driven back the the first of ing lands, Therefore, be it to complete, but when finished will they are dangerous. Sold by Burns’ Resolved: That it is the Concen­ be tiie means of reclaiming some of Druggists entire garrison will be allowed to the main defenses of the position. inarch out under arms and may be A few days later, on Mav 30, the sus opinion of this Association that the best land in southeastern Crook 11 Y'. Blackwell, the cattle and sent to Russia on parole. Japanese occupied Dalny, and on it would be to the stockman of county. He expects to spend in the Late dispatches from Japan have June 15-16, General Stakelberg, Crook County, Oregon, to have a neighborhood of $10,000 on the pro­ horse buyer, of Burns, arrived in OF PIIILftSELMHA Monument yesterday. Be has just shown that the gallant defense of advancing to the relief of Port lease law, and we herewith instruct ject.— Prineville Review INCORPORATED 1847. returned from Walla Walla, Wash., Stoessel and his men has nowhere Arthur army, was defeated by Gen­ our delegates to the National Live­ Issues all forms of sound life insurance at the lowest rates. < Hi r polices 1... . given a finer appreciation than eral Oku at the battles of Wafangau stock Association to use their best Rev. G. W. Black of the Baptist where he disposed of a bunch of guarantee after three payments are made I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of the contract. efforts to get that body to indorse a church at Fallon, arrived in Reno horses which he bought in the in the land of his foes, and it is and the Telissu. II. A paid up policy. III. Iatan or cash surrender value. more than likely that Japan will With Togo’s ships lying 'like lease law for the benefit of the bona yesterday and will spend several Long Creek country.—Monument Unexcelled as a.dividend payer. embrace the opportunity to show watchdog« around Port Arthur’s fide settlers and residents of the days here visiting. He says that Enterprise. /Nl'EST/GATE HEFORE FOIL TMiTRE. her magnanimity and admiration seaward side and Nogi advancing county in which the land is situated the people of Fallon are building a Sherman A Harmon, R. H. Benedict, of the gallantry of the Port Arthur slowly but relentlessly by land, the that they wish to lease under cer­ new church and that when finished Order groceries from the Miller General Agents. District Manager. defender- by allowing them all the famous stronghold was under siege tain rules and regulations of the U. it will be the largest and most ar­ A Thompson closing out stock. Marquam^Bldg., H. A. Dillard, Agent. Portland, Or, Burns, Or. tistic place of worship in that por­ honors which war permits a victor­ aud from then until General Sloes- S. Government. The matter of favoring the pas­ tion of the State. It will be of WANTED— Agents, Hustlers’ ious army to bestow upon the van­ sei, on New Year’s day, sought quished. terms of capitulation, the operations sage of a lease law. was given a brick and will be fitted up in a very Salesmen, Clerks and everybody The siege and the defense of the have been marked by almost cease­ thorough discussion. Some of the pretty manner.—Reno Journal. who wants to enjoy a good hearty Russian stronghold in the far east less fighting, bombardments by the prominent sheepmen nf this county laugh to send 50c for “Tins to Eastern Oregon is white. Western Agents.” Worth $50 to any per­ ...AND... have been marked by bravery, gal­ fleet alternating with desperate were there and their opinions asked lantry and desperation unequalled attacks by land or assults by the for and given a hearing while the . Oregon is wet; all the same good son who pells goods for a living. in modern warfare and hardly ex­ combined naval and military forces. ideas regarding the adoption of such for next summer. If not satisfactory your money ceeded in military history. When StoesBel and the remnent a measure were not altogether har­ All over Oregon the people are back. Circular lor stamp. The Affords the people of East and (’entrai Oregon all the opportunity of a The story of the operations of hier devoted gairison marched monious the association itself stool confident of good times in 1905; and Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca­ first claw modern Business College. It is h home institution covering every course involved in Businemi College work Its rates are tin* same around Port Arthur is one of re- out of Port Arthur the flag of the strongly in favor of urging a pas­ so will give the new year a glad tur, III. us charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students udmitUd sage of some act which would work peated fighting, both by land and rising sun will once more float from at any time. Instruction at the College or bv mail. During the summer greeting month« the College will conduct a sea, of the most desperate and the ramparts of the position Japan out to a satisfactory conclusion the The harder the winter east, the thrilling character. Isolated in­ won when she first sent her new difficulty which it is endeavoring to greater will be the number of people ummer ormal chool stances of heroism that would have fleet,to give battle and drove China overcome. The association has tak­ there who will want to hit the Ore­ en a firm and decided stai d on the set the world ringing under less ■ from the seas. For teachers and others who desire a reviewing or prepamtorv course. range question and its adeption of gon trail next summer. For «peeimens of ;>en work, and full information on Bii-in—s College sub­ o. rwheltuing circumstances have ject.-. address People of Silver Lake have raised da.irfed by tire generally magnifi- Geer ¿Cummins have received an the resolutions quoted above is, io 3S. jEBig-t>sr, IF’xin.., tho main, an act committed f»»r the a bonus of nearly $400 to induce a elegant line of chinaware, glassware 1 nt conduct of both forces sole purpose of quieting the dis ­ North Dakota, doctor to locate ZES- clxxx S, Oregon. water sets, wine sets, vases, etc. By sea there have been torpedo b ugh mine fields with heroic seen to be appreciated. meeting to some length arid his Eastern Oregon welcomes lots of ¡'«regard to give battle or in wild words met hearty commendation enow. It is good for miners as well • : Tts to escape. TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. Bv land the Japanese have hurl- A WONDERFUL INVENTION He said he spoke for no special in­ of farmers. The Baker City Dem­ terest, neither in favor of the sheep ocrat says that part of the state ! themselves against positions de­ It is interesting to note that for­ men nor the cattlemen, nor d 4 he without snow in winter is like a lated to be impregnable. They X-Calze Tlxis ZZea.d.q,vLa.rtexs. have faced and sealed rocky heights tunes are frequently made by the place one interest above another cow without a tail in fly time ( loaned with batteries and crowd­ ¡invention of articles of minor im- J He spoke solely for the good of the Do you want to boy your goo»Is right, ed w ith defenders, suffering losses , portance. Many of the more pop­ 'community and Crook County and, if so get the prices of the O. Co. who sre the largest bnyers, and the closest that military experts say would ular devices are those designed to be it said, he spoke long and earn­ sellers, best quality. have appalled any European army I beuefit people and meet popular estly in support of any measure in Heating stoves at Voegtly’s. See In the doomed fortress its people . conditions, and one of the moat in­ general which would atop the not­ have lived under a devastating rain teresting of these thathas ever been orious advertising Cruok county Voegtly for heating stoves. < f shell and shrapnel. On scanty invented is thd Dr. White Electric has receive«! lateL through the col­ Heavy underware at greatly re­ rations, besieged on every side, Comb, patented Jan. 1, 99 These umns of the on side press and duced prices—Miller A Thompson knowing that hope of succor or es- wonderful Combs positively cure which, be said, c» ’»Id he nothing ea)»e was vain, the garrison was ‘dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and but a detriment tu he interest* of fought with a stubbornness that nervous headaches, and when used this district. The Finest of All •< “The range troubles must stop" has evoked the admiration of the ■ with Dr W hite’a Electric Hair be said, “ and Die advertising which world. They met the untiring as- Brush are positively guaranteed - tulls of the Japanese with grim to make straight hair curly in 25 thi* county receives in the future valor (hat won even the praise of; days time. Thousands of these must be tbs kind 0 ,t »>11 draw their foe. and the fighting ha- been electric combe have t>eeii sold in •etliers, more sl»x jen .1 I uot waged with a relentlessness that 1 the various cities of the Union, and drive these people a I their inter­ Far Sale Oily at often refused trucss to bury the the demand is constantly increas­ ests to other fields th k county needs more men engag'd in raising ing. Our agents are rapidly be ­ dead and collect the wounded. Over corpse filled trenches men coming rich selling these combs. sto< k. >1 meds more capital to dev­ have fought hand to hand with cold They positively eel) on sight. Send elop it* iodsetriee and r—» nr.-*« and steel and clubbed guns, and at for sample Men’s site 35c, ladies' these <.aa be secured only through short range have hurled at each 50c — (half price while we are in- peaceable methoci* and these inet- Aqents, Barns, Ore other hand grenades filled with trocucing them.) The Dr. White n-xis must and will be enforced" After the adoption of lease law The Dr. While Electric Comb Co., high explosives. Rot be i <1 Bros. Distributer*. Portland, Oregon rwolotioos oominaiioo* »ere made The whole story is one of un- Decatur. Ill. JAPS TAKE PORT ARTHUR daunted First National Bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I Í. | first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO V PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. * CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL N S i ! S THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns. - - Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables Club Rooms in Connection THE TIMES-HERALD MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar Gives all the local news See Premium offer on Page Four Printing