TBE BURNS FURNITURE CO THF- NEW YORK WORt I) •’Straiig«', ” fai«t tini with tr» atrong « igar ui'-'ice'.- ly. ••Wbut h .-ii.u^e?” «Hkc.1 thè wan witb tho t “I watt ti.iuHH.g ot a fri ud ot mina wbocL.ini- ub-'olutilv perfcct t -| “Always writcs, i ■ ver ai¡ s iuk huo eever g i ■ ■ f •. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1901 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Oue Year Hix Months .. 'three Months campaign Is at the Old Stand selling cheaper than you can run the risk ol laying it down here from any catalogue house in America. United the States has ever known since i860 And it is the most has begun. important, too. The man witli thv n.< ei.-chuum pi» • Which will it he, Parker and «lniok l..s l.i ad. or Roosevelt and Fair- Davis ;;&d. ‘‘Wbat il" yr>u tbink Ot it?” 1 ‘‘Ili.ci tly L uì . v.Lai tothu:.. «>f it banks? Nlobody knows yet, but He's j. ■ ,j i.> i -' ■ .uh that I know cf, mal x » r « v. v• t . ......... licatea that he The Thrice-a-Week World will «s vi-1«' fi.r a record.” —CJiicegv teli you promptly, fully and truth­ P.wl fully every movement of a hot and I’rell. ’ er Off. thrilling campaign. The real . u New nanip A turn: newspaper now prints facts rather b 1, I11 Horace »hire vlllag, nt the top of than hopes, and it has always been Walpole'H p'li 1. ing tier first the world." ¡1 . ns.m upon the the effort of The Thrice-a-Week friendly tnli if family of nn <>M v lower. World to tell the thing that has v. as at bom«', one of Only the fill happened exactly as it happened. the girls beh:; r :.! i nt on a visit to the v ! ■ had been married Thus you can judge for yourself ether Ki ' during the | t win' r. Naturally the and form your opinion. talk till in il ■ :he «laughters. There is also a great war going “Yes.” M I 1! fnii.er; "Mary made I bit I dun’ know's I'll out real w< i on in the East, where The World Kitchen Furnishing twill he one of our specialties, and your kitch­ „■lb off. There’s a ever war young r : 1 eonilii here steady has a brilliant staff of correspond­ en mill be ready to go into and cook a meal ■ :ri he's no further ents in the field, and their reports now for 1 on y< an you.”— flor twill the Parlor, Bedroom and Hall be overlooked in any detail. V.,1'1 1, are found regularly in the columns We buy as cheap as anyone and will sell as cheap as anyone, there- lore, our prices must, and will be right. A call will convince you. 8TATK—OKKGON : . U.S. Senators dential "That ’e v. bt I he eaya. ’ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ?• I ..4 J. Congressmen................ Attorney General .... A. M. Crawford. Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain. beerei ary oi Stale F. I . lumbar. Treasurer C. 8. Moore. Supt. Public Instruction. J. H. Ackvrman. State Printer .. J. K. Whitney. Supreme Judge« i K. S. Bean. ./ (J. Wolverton > F. A. Moore NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. D’s:riel Judge District Attorney Deputy Dist Atty Geo. E. Davis J w McCulloch ..... ..... C II Leonard Circuit Court meets the Third Mouday in April and Fourth Monday in October. Joint Representative................................. J L3itz Joint-Senator ................ J L. Rand Cuonty Judge ....... Cl.Tk Treasurer Surveyor Sheriff . AsSCBSur School Superi plein lent. I The tickets are now made up and the most interesting Presi­ Many New Lineswill be added as soon as teams can get but. H. C. Levons Sain Mothershead J M I laiton FM Jordan Tom Allen J. E. Loggan M E Rigby J A Vest .... IC T Miller (W L Best of The Thrice-a-Week World. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $i.oo per year, and this pays for 156 papers. equalled County Court met is the first Wednesday in January, March. May, July, «September am! November. We offer this newspaper Titnes-1 lerakl together for $2.50. HAKNKY U. H CITY. Chairs $1 and up, Hockers, |2 and up, Iron beds $5 75 and up, Ladies Desks |8 up Music cabinets $5 up, The Spring beds $4 up, Extension Tables (good ones) at $7 75, up one year Mattresses, excelsior, wool, and floss, $2 50, up price The regular subscription of the two papers is $3. Register Receiver un­ and I Animal Peculiarities. BURNS LODGE No 47 A. O. U. W. Meers every second and fourth Friday. A. < . Welcome, M. W. <’. N. Cochran, Recorder. ORDER of wahaington . Meets every first hik I third Friday, in Brown all. ’ . P. Rutherford, Presidon Pearl Vulgamore, Secretary. C wi ig e;. SYLVIA REBEKAH DEGREE No.43. Meetsevery I h I hik I 3d Wednesday. Flora Ilagey, N. G. G. Smith, Rec. Hec’y. If a female fox (vixen) gets caught in a steel trap and Is discovered by the male «■ fox dog, it is said be inva­ riably kills her, nlthough I have not heard It stated that the vixen would kjll the dog fox or another vixen or the male another male. If a cow becomes Impaled on a fenc* and groans with pain, tlie whole herd instantly rush wildly to the spot, tight and apparently do their best to destroy her ff not beaten off. A hog confined with others In a peD breaks out and on being returned to the pen Is nt once set mioii and bitten by the others. Why, with all the instinct animals possess, Is the desire so strong to In- Jure or destroy rather thnn to help or rescue?—New York Sun. CXlall Paper 13 eents ingle ? oil and UP. A MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT connection where we will make you anything from a wooden knitting needle to “double­ deck” wood rack. Call! Never too busy to every days a full and truthful re­ talk or furnish estimates. S. W. MILLER, Journal stories and co«»«- pages and other good things mt’ke it a very NOTARY PUBLIC. Burns, - Oregon. clean and bright from A to Z and W. .1. COLEMAN, six months, $2.25; three B urns , - O regon . Office !u Citizens Bank Building. $1-25. Semi-weekly, year, $1.50. 104 issues, one W. L. MARSDEN, JOHN W. GEARY MARSDEN & GEARY. The issues of tne BURNS, C'bicago- Phone No. SO l’ortl nd Special 12:35 a. ir. «lesti« in tl prise and i fttent $4.00 Semi-Weekly’ The Masher I iocs your sister know i Weekly........... ' I am out here waiting for her? The Boy -Oh, yes! She gave me a Jenny to tell her who you luiut If It's tough the rest Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 Collections promptly made. as will 'ave a chance of getting p. m. l»d c Dreg START A BUSINK S OF YOUB 8 p ui OWN. I All sailing dates sub jcct to change. 4 p. Bl. For San Francisco every 5 days. I----------- ('olumbl. River Our new hook entitled “ 40 M oney 8 p. in SteamerN. M aking I deas ” is worth its weight in | Ex Sun ' To Astoria ano Way- gold to every man who wants to start a ) Landings. , . . . . 10 p. w. legitimate, paying mail order tusiness. I___ ___ It tells yon what to do and bow to do i Wlllanrtt« Hirer. Oregon City, New­ it successfully. Send us 50c today! 6 a. berg, Salem ami Way and we will send you the book, and a Exce Landings. valuable nn i th v loarnai on ■ veai free U enti r > I’t m.isni' , . <.. i,«>x 73, Willamette A lamhlll < a. tn. H er > n L as r , nx Teu-day Tuhrd'v & Sat. Forest Reserve Scrip 6 a. tn For Sale Thurs A Sat B urns . 11 wav a tnD* utK^mt.rtable f Jonev. twit then be tarmi „r fv«. New York JoarnaL O regon . Preaching s»rvb , s at the Baptist church every 1st are! 2nd Sunday», GEO. S. SIZEMORE, funrwing and evening. Sunday ATTORNEY, school every Sondby ¥.» tl a. in. I prayer iiuetiug every Thursday B, kn '.................................... O hegon < ,'llrr.iun«. Lan.l bn.iu»w, al„j Re,| I »veiling ►•«tatomeswr p»«ntHvaUeì»ded lo" DeWitt’s S» Salve KODOL «’>• wonderful aVUVl/ «• gnjjjng somany stckpso?l»»J and weak people strong by giving tj to to bodies l II of the nourishment that II * talned tn the food they eat. oalr. J1.00 Stu holdlnt iH tuoM*« Ms»« which sells for 50c. ? to B. c. ».»in < tt. Burns Druggists. 60 YEAR! EXPERIENCÍ W D Harney, Burns, horses, bell A on left stifle «ttle, same on left hip; mark, crop off and 4 p. m. ' •pltt In right ear, swallow fork in left; cattle, Except LA on left hip; mark, swallow fork in both ears! J c Creasman, Burns, cattle, JY combined on Sunday. «‘nd Silt“ n k‘ft'>; ni*rk' Cr°P *"d *“ rl»htMr ihoulderFk’ í'ar^<>w,’ I10™®». *>« C' on the left efl shoukir’1’’ h<’r”’" br*"ded cv on 4:30 p m c«ttle, « on leftjhlp and Except mhLuU.Ikley’ ,kwi rlb.8, n,arli> smooth crop in each ear, bell Sunday. wattle; horses, 41 on leit stifle. M’ antkd --T rustworthy min and women to travil.and advertise for old »stabiiabed ;hon»e of solid fiocanial atanding. Salary. 1780 a year and ex- p«n»»i, all payahi» in caah. No eaovae- aiag required Give references and en- eloa» »elf addressed .«’amped envelope. Addrasa Manager. 345 Caxton Bldg I Cbieago. w d 4 I RAUB n* Distato., CoevRioHTSS*^, v vr v haw. Burns, cattle Braud G8 on light . earmarks square crop iu both ears with Portland Corvallis Tuesday ,* 'H' iiulerbit in left, also crop and underbit in right and Way-Landings. Thurs A B ■nd upper half crop in left; horses G S on right • • Sat. " houldcr. H Kelley. Burns, horse brand circle ft, also F * "MAKES PROPER DICT* to ej 1 of all nervous strain (InO the heart a full, free and untraaaw action, nourishes the nervous sy»t»» ■ feeds the brain. A Egll, Egll, horses, .« on left stitie; cattle,.« on right tup; mark, upper half crop off right ear. J W Biggs, Burns, horses, OK ou left stifle. H B Simmons, Narrows, horses,THI.combin- binedon left stifle; cattle, circle U on left ribs- mark crop and under half crop in left ear, un ilcrbit iu right, dewlap nuder throat. J«>el II Howard, Burns, horses, bar 11 on left le’ft"mr^nr«,0" "-k. crop off H. B. Compson- 'b» hai d; I i*t app /s ex Burm, tn addition loth« alwive 1 offer V-oO under the same rou- «litioiiH for horses branded horseshoe baron both or either jaw recordeft in H counties. Range, Harney, l ake and Crook Counties. Horses ventedwhen sold. Horses sold ”1 most important ja to pass through this ment of the age ■ short over slope in each ear jughandle ami dewlap. you gel it. „ n . F (i Smith,"Burns, horses, quarter cfrcJe M on W I’ * G). I orllaitl right him! leg and left shoulder; cattle, quarter • ’ •* - circles on either hip; earmara, crop oil rhtH Suca•• • • * ••••••••• • • ••• ear, sj»lit in under side of left; twof A E Young. Burns, h.i,« .* OT1 ttI,d J-.connected doubler: «!•<> lwot <>u led shur1 J~‘i Ge, rocking chair on left hip; ..„..iiWrK, right car drooped down, left cut slop­ ing towards held on upper side; wattle on lef •*THB BtUOKST SENHATIOS KVKIAV side of neck; ail animals dehorned. C 1’ Rutherfurd, Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left side; earmark, under half crop right ear; horses bar 2 on left shoulder. Thus Wingfield, Burns, horses, ® (chainlink) on left shoulder; cattle, same on.left side; mark crop off' left ear, short overslope in right. Apparatu» John Craddock, Silvios, horses, S-S on the left shoulder; cattle, S-S on right side; mark, crop The smalleRt Stereoscop? with the stroi off'right ear, swallow fork in left, c’ewlap on optical effect Hlglilj liidshed in dfffereil brisket. ors with rich gold mid silver d W E Smith, Binns, cuttle, XI on right side: (mountings). Including .'0 V. F. Phot< Views of art (genre!. 1‘Rl E ONLY ill mark, split iu right ear, wattle on nose. prepaid in letter form. G Hudspeth, Burns, cattle, scissors on right Sent everywhere AGEN IS W \ \ i RD. side; mark, crop and split in each ear. Simon Lewis, Burns, cattle HL on right side, mark, crop ami underbit in left ear, crop and under half crop off right. FORREST BUILDING John Witzcll. Burns, horses, W bar on right stifle; cattle, diamond bar on left hip; mark; PHILADELPHIA split in each ear, wattle uniter chin. I) M MeMetiatny, Burns, horses, reverse L on left stifle; cattle, f>'.) on left hip: mark, metal tag in each ear With full name aud addres Varien Bros., horses, LF on right st 1 fie; cattle 1.1’ on right hip; mark, crop, upperbit aud uu- derbit In right ear. KODOL digests what you eat J A W illiams, Van, horses, 71 baron stifle; cattle, liar I Lon left ribs; mark, underbit in left ear, under slope in right. KODOL O,“1U4’' purifies, strettito II Elliott, Burns, horsts, H4 combined on left ■ ■ and sweetens the stornici. stifle; cattle, on left side; mark, uuderbit in eHr’ spilt iti lialf lower part lopped cure« Indigestion, dyspepii.u doWn again»! Bide oi head. KODOL all «tomach end bowel trouble us johiiBon, Van, homes, SJ on left shoulder: cattle, bj on leit hip; mark, crop and under accelerates the action of the rv half crop In right ear, uaderblt in left. KODOL trie glands and gives ton» to k C J JoniiBon, Riley, cattle, O tar on left nip; markB, swallow fork tn right ear, split in left. dlgwtlve organa. " ,H Johnson, cattle, J K combined on left hip; 'ludf er'.pTn"l'!■ngllt ,W° ,nd ““'’v' KAnm. rellevea an overworked t'-oto n left stifle; also K on left shoulder. Forest reserve scrip, in tracts of 40 F 8 Miller, Burns, horses, dumb-bell on left Leave acres aid upward, ready for immediate Leave title; carle same on left hip. Kiparia. Snake River. Lewist'n I use and guaranteed. w M Stuart. Burns, cattle, 7 L on right hip 1:20 a tn Riparia to Lewiston. 3:30 am" lark uuderbit In right ear, dewlad ou brisket W ill buy soldiers’ land warrants given ores brand.7 L on left stifie. Put Daily. for serviet*» in all Indian wars ami Mex­ F G Bluwit- A Hon, Burns, cattle 51 ou left hip mark, crop in left under half crop in right ear ican and War ol 1S12 wattle on le.t jaw; "horsee, 61 on left stifle. A N. H oar , E ¡’Sylvester, Burns, cattle C on left^hlp. Huntington, Oregon Roy McGee, Burns, cattle AD connected left A. L CRAIG, At -the I’reshytertan church < 'lias. 11. I A'onmxt. Gen. Pass Ag ’t, Portland. Oregon hip, mark crop off left upper bit iu right ee»: A ttorney - at - i aw . •1« RSRCUHR ShOC Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. P0RT2RR0, OREGON horses, same left shoulder. A. L. MOHLER. President. I Iovine services the third and fourth Careful attention given to CoHer* Frank Mci’lintock, Burns, Me connected on both hips: horses left stifle. lions and Real Estate matters Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. J H Anderson, Monument, cattle a right side and hip- horses X right stifle. Fire Insurance. and 7:30 p ni. fabbath school nt J P Ferre, Burna, cattle JP connected, spear Notary Public head with t V. W. Paaantt first Sunday of each month nt 10 PARRISH & REMBOLD, o'clock a tn. On the second, third Attorney 8-al-Law, Burns (and Canyon City,) Oregon. anil fourth Sunday of each month Alli prarilce In the ,-ourta <>( llam.-v an4 I al 3 o’clock p til. Preaching ser- «raut counties mid in the supreme court »»I i I m > state, and also In U.S. land office. ! vice »very second Sunday at 8 p tn. I J |enth righi: I^rewieyj BRANDS ,,M) F. O. ADDRESS OF MEM HERS. tv A t ampl.ell, Narrows, horses, NCcombined on left KlK.ul.l, cattle, |IU.- Nc combined ou left Hhoulder; mark, Upper half crop In left ear. Job" Hmo, Burns, horses,211 on left shoulder; < attic, 2lt on right hip or side: mark, crop off eacli ear, hole in right. : M™ 1 litiglict, Warm Springs, cattle, ear lock on leftside; mark, wattle under chin. Jolin Hipsman, Burns, horses, OJ on the left shoulder; cattle. OJ on right side; mark, spilt In left ear, two unoerblts in right. Sam King, Burns, cattle, 87on left hip; mark U nion P acific Physicians and Surgeons. the Journal at the following rates S. 8. WILLIAMS, Gen Mp LILIPUT STERIOSCOPE GO OREGON S hort iiNF Stenographer ami Notary Public months, Semi-Weekly and eekly Journ­ unds - - popular family newspaper, year’s end to year’s end. Daily, one year by mail, $4; First-class accon^ good eating stations at distances along the ruule"" The Harney County Live Stuck Association will pay Five Hundred Dollars Reward for the nml conviction of nnv person or persons who kill, steal or drive oir any horses, mules or cattle belonging to any member of the A Mod • tion. The ('ountv Court also offers an addi tior a reward of Five Hundred Dollars. W. B J ohnson . Fres A rchie M< G owan , Sec’y, Burns, Oregon. =- LILTFVT COlapsabl© Fockt Stereoscope The Jouanal’s woman’s page, the al also contain the market news Office at residence. and all of the features of the Daily Journal. ■lp cil FURNITURE coupany BURNS illustrated sportlang news page. eekly, $1. fa, ally 8 port of tne world’s news and pre­ sents many special features of deep interest to the average reader. The only through transfer route frouj ¡C railroad. P1ONEEK WHITE . LEAD IN in the live stock, grain, provisions, .Taller—T«.e rules of this prison allot, 1 • «lay’s recreation every year to prison produce and financial markets— ers, end it's your turn tomorrow. the quotations are comprehensive, Convict- -All right, boss. If you don', and are in every way reliable. nil nd, I’d like a nice cross country run with The Journal in addition carries I Leayea Burna , at 6:30 a m. Arrive,s‘' ly from Onturio at 5 ;............................ Bureaus $8 and READ THE MARKET NEWS upward. Fold­ ing Iron Beds The Oregon Daily Journal. and Couches Nothing is omitted that concerns low as $1 1.50 the interest of buyers and sellets HAKNKY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday 7,30pm. J. W. Buchanan, N. G. F. (). Jackson, Secretary. Ontario^ Stage UjB W. C. BY RD, MANAGER stifle W H Mayfield. Burns cattle, EX either hip er side, mark crop and split iu left ear under Slope in right; horses EX left shoulder. J W Shown Harney, rattle U8 left,hip mark crop and two splits in right ear: horses LS left stifle. D H Smyth. Smith, cattie triangle, bare, HB contiected, CC any place; horses same Frank Matnev, Burns, cattie, quarter circle DUmoud on either hip; mark, under halterop in left, ..pH' i under bit in right: horses same on left hind leg. Sdentine Jtmertaa ..re two very finely pref*’’ skeletons of big snak«>s In the al museum in Washington, snd making them ready for l'xl,'w'!l1" , utmost pains were taken to pro* the cartilaginous extremltle’ of ribs, which with ordinary ,r'’* j1' are lost. Witbout these little P of cartilage the serpent » skel't«* hardly be said to !*• cvtni1' '• ' tnurh aa they are the feet upu" "»jd the reptile walks, as It Wen , a snake walks on the end» ■’* ■ end In that manner achieve« t,on- iiu tb» Some big serpents, howwrr. ■ boa» anti pythons, real!? '-1'* legs, though lhe.V are quite re ry. Pythons, you know a-* " ers, crushing their prey n ' . . ^»r They have no poison gl.ti«“ y ran bite terrifically wit'-' ,! . teeth, which turn Inward II so that a pitson once have little chance of dir- --- self save by chopping off the I