> Thnes-T 4 - 1 J Are you going to the Railroad if so do vXaXQ 1 no, forijet the O C. Co. THE LAMMT ever pray. Names. Mrs. Fred Haines and little “ Names- Charles I.erOy daughter spent several days the Lou J. Bosenbe-g Geo. A. Smyth Jr. Hr. 1». B. Cute past week in thus city. Dave Buehanon John Smyth J. H. McMullen, the photogra­ John Gates Chas Turin r Jpati Redon pher, wishes to inform his friends F. 8. Redon J. E. Carlson and patrons that his gallery will J. Lorenzana G. A. Sebring Ed Carlson hereafter be closed on Sunday. Amaek Rileraf John Zaet E. A. Brown is in thU week tak- 8am Bickley. ing iu the holiday festivities and \Notice is hereby given that on Satur day, the 28 day ot January 1905, the visiting his family- undersigned will apply to the County- For sale—Two lots 100x100, Court of the state of Oregon for Harney small house partly furnished, wood County, for the license mentioned in the shed and well. Good garden. A foregoing petition.SCHUBNER BROS. “BROWN’S” “THE SATISFACTORY STORE” “BROWN’S” BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR 1905 We are going to make 1905 our Banner a ear and will offer you the best induce ments to trade with us Coinineucing Jtinuary 2n. ot hers S2 (>1) a nd none less 1 han S 1 50—the whole lot must Mrs. C. A. Byrd has received a Egli was over from his stock new consignment of fall and winter go at $1 00 per pair. - th at Wagoulire to spend Cbrist- hats. i with his family. I have the Zigenfus property to ieO. 2 s J. W. Biggs arrived home Tues- line of farming machinery at prices DeLentman, nona wagons, barb wire, blacksmith see 9, tp 19, r 25. 160 acres .......... . . . d, furniture, nails, ccal oil, sugar, | day from Canyon City, He was and terms that defy competition. Finn. Lillian, N1^, sec 36 tp 35’.,. r 320 acres......................................... •ate and White Rose flour. | accompan¡ed by Mrs. M . D. Clif- Please call and get prices and terms FitzGerald. M, SW.4, sec 5, tp 24, r 160 acres. .. .................................. FitzGerald, M, EJa 8E%, see 32, tp 21. Mrs. C. A. Bonnett accompanied *ford. The lady started on her re­ Geer A Cummins. and E’2 N E‘, see 5, tp 22, r 35, 117 acres FitzGerald, M, lot 5, block 8, Burns her brother in-law Marcellus ; - turn t0 Canyon the following day. The W. N. Jorgensen stock will Holmes, Webster, E’a sec 36. tp 2>. r 31, 320 acres .................. ........... mnett, come in from Crane creek ¡ Mrs Chas., lot 1, block 27, Burns Sewing Machines at factory price be sold out during the holidays Johnson, J. S.,S’2 S’2, sec 21. tp 20, r :t5, e,first of the week They have I with freight added. The White, at bed rock prices It consists of Lavery, 160 acres....... . ............................................. ’ll. Frank, W’.. W2, sec 21, tp r88 «•irned home. watches, jewelry, optical goods, etc, Lars l«o acres.‘ . Blue Diamond and the Vassar, all Have tlie , McCoy, J««hn, NW' 4 s W4 , SW'4 NW , aud and can be found at Haines & Nel­ lots 3 and 4, sec 29, tp 26 r 31, 113 acres n «r / wagon at i | Ottr rying a full guarantee. — at the le Burns Meat Mará,.. |( Ilian, Ben F . E1., NW 1 I and I L 8W* i son’s. . New sec 30 tp 24 r 35, 160 acres.......................... >ur home and take your orders —*| Burns Furniture Company store. Pacific Live Stock Co., Lota 3 and 4, sec 7, 18, r 32, 55acres. E' , BE1 4, sec \ tp 18, Two small blazeB have been re-\ i \ tp Hon. >» . _ , MorrlW,;.. The Burns Furniture Company Addition to Burns .... The Windsor, under the manage­ Sweitzer. The Carter House Barber Shop have recently added some new and N. D„ lots 7 and 8, block 15 in Burns . ....................................... 20 37 t, Ontario, Lee Caldwell proprietor, attractive designs to their stock of ment of C. B. Smith A Co., is one Shehlon. Ralph, lot 5, block 16, Burns II NO Waters, Robt., lots 7 and 8, block 61 in one of the most elegant tonsorial iron beds, and at prices that are of the most popular resorts in the Burns ....................................................... 4 12 Kegler, Mrs. W. G., NW. see 16, tp 26 r irlors in all Eastern Oregon. Hot sure to appeal to the house furnish­ interioi. Finest of liquors and 31, 160 acres....................... 7 :w He sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing'. Owner, lot 3, block 29. Norton's cigars, billiards and card tables Unknown Addition to Harney.......................... nd cold bathe with a spray bath er. Call and inspect. 1 36 Unknown Owner, lot 4, bloc k 29, Norton’s and expert mixologists. Addition to Harney.... ' 13<> mnected. Lee’s old time friends Also a full stock of Disc and Tooth Harrows and Seeders. Andon Wednesday, the 1st davo,' February. \ Hl.". Lester Hamilton and wife spent ' Mt 1.... I. .. a ... < * al fili» the hour hour nf of 111 io o’clock tn, of Baid . dav, re invited to call on him while at Clarnece Drinkwater has been in' l'.'u.», at my office in the court house, in said county a part of the holiday vacation in ntario. state, I will sell at public auction for cash, the city from Lawen the past few and 1 lie above described real estate, to the person this city visiting relatives and w lio otters to pay the said delinquent taxes, days, taking in the New Year ball Studebaker Wagons, Hacks friends. Lester is teaching at penalties, interest and accruing costs, and take a certificate of Rale at the lowest rate of inter arriagee, Buggies and Buckboards Lawen and we are pleased to learn last night and expects to return est. A. K COLEMAN. Propt, ToM ALLEN, I home today. Scott Catterson ac­ re arriving now and selling as fast is giving excellent satisfaction. .Sheriff of Harney County. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing companied him up and also parti-i — 8 we can get them in. We have - -------------------------- — Notice — Parties knowing them ­ cipated in the holiday festivities. ¡vo car loads of these goods here Hot aud Cold Baths I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nd in trains. . The best stock of selves indebted to the undereigned Married—At the home of the I UNITED-STATES LAND OFFICE, 1 Latest Art oí Massaging. Vagons and Vehicles ever brought are requested to call at the office groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Burns, Oregon, December 15, liKM.I Notice is hereby given that Mary Griffin, oi Your patronage solicited. Located in of C. H. Leonard and settle either i Burns. Call and look at goods W. Hamilton, in I his city, Wednes­ Narrows. Oregon, has filed notice of Intent!« n make proof on her desert-land claim No. 317, Post oilice block. ven if you do not desire to buy at. by cash or note before January 1st day evening, Dec. 28, Mr. Bert to for the Lot« 4, 6,10, II, Bae. 7, Lot I.Sec. 8, T. 2ft S., It. 32 E., W. M.. before the Register ami he present time. Geer A Cummins 1905. Bnrtis, • Oregon. Hamilton and Pearl Seliul. Justice Receiver at Hums. Oregon, on Saturday, the 28th «lay of January, 19)5. H. C. L evens . Jameson performing the ceremony. She names the following witnesses to prove A crew of men is now engaged in\ At old Jorgensen Stand * the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Alfred Marshall,Columbus Beary,Gerald fringing the wire to connect the Leon Brown received a letter Only the relatives of the contract­ Urlffin, of Narrows, Oregon, William’ll. Car .Mail orders receive prompt attention. Ianley home ranch with the O. O. from i an old time friend last even­ ing parlies and a few friends were penter, of Burns, Oregon.W m F arke , Register. The Lone Star distance of About 30 miles, by j ing which stated the writer was present. The young couple are I RESTAURANT phone. The poles are all in place sending i him a valuable Christmas well known "in this county, the | China George, Proprietor. bride being the daughter of Mr and Lung Sing nd the work is progressing quite | present Leon inferred from the Cor. Main and B St red h . apidly, The Times-Herald is in- letter I that it was a diamond pin, Mrs D. IL Smyth, the pioneers bakery and Laundry. ex ­ We join their many friends in MEflus nr nun hours ormed it is the intention to con- but I upon opening the package he Fresh Bread, Pies, tect all the ranches and feeding found I a dime pasted to a paper and tending congratulation Bakery in connection. 'rounds with the home ranch by a i very ordinary steel pin, such as Cakes & Cookies GARRETT, I’ropts. A Specialty of Short Orders. >y ’pnone. This move should he are used by the ladies every day, Comparative showing of ilie always on hand. Table furnished with everything Special attention given bllowed by ojjier ranchmen of this stuck through the paper beneath First National Bank of Burns for lotion. to transcient castoni and. Welcome A Vojgtly building, west the market afl'oids. Your patron ­ ! It was reallv a ‘‘dime and pin.” the past three years: freight teams. Depoalta. Cash on hand. of Trisch A Donegan’s saloon. age solicited. itt ) I Save your Trading Stamps. They’re as. good as gold BURNS. OREGON. PLOWS! VOEGTLY’S The best mouldboard plow is the JOHN DEERE PLOW. The best disc plow is the ENECIA-HANCOCK PLOW A full stock at C. H. Voegtly’s. CALDWELL BARBER SHOP. * Haines & Nelson Watchmakers ad Opticians Watch Repairing a Specialty. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Dec. 31, *02 . . Dec. 31, 03 . . Dec. 30, ’04 < 94,520 47 |31.GIG 68 .. 118,123 63 37,52418 128,605 30 53,949 60 N. U. CARPENTER, Cashier. DISSOLUTION NOTICE UR GREAT be inaugurated Monday. Positively reatest bargains in Dry Goods, Men’s* Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes and ishings ever offered. UY OOW! eneral Merchandise Notice is hereby given that the co-partgership compo*fd of George W Watters, Thomas and John R Jenkins and heretofore engagedin the sheep shearing business, under the firm name and style of Waters and Jenkin* Brothers, has been dis­ solved by mutual consent of all par­ ties: the said Georg* W Waters retiring, and the s-id John R Jen­ kins and Thomas Jenkins continu­ ing the business under the firm ’ name of Jenkins I roiherv. All ac- counts due the nld firm. and nil in- dehtednesw of the old firm, will l»e paid ty the r»w firm. George W Waters lohn It. Jenkit ». Thom * Jenkin*. Call Far Cosati barríala. Notice i* hereby giver, that there are fund* in the county treasurer for th* redemption of all warranta drawn on the gerieral furol register­ ed prior to May 5, 1904. lutei est on »»me will cease from thia data J. M DALTON Treasurer Dec 10,1904. Horses kept by I he day, week or month. Burns Meat Market FIRST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay and grain always oa, hand. Corner Main and I! Sts. KAISER & FELTON, Propts Pork, Bologna, Veinna and Liver Sausages a specialty. ♦ ♦ "l _* In : • 'ii SOLD BY QUARTER u JL-l Your Patronage Solicited. I I Your patronage solicited. South Main St., Burna, Oregon. Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN FREE DELIVERY THE URNS HOTEL THE TIMES-HERALD H. E. THOMPSON, Propr. Reasonable Rates, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatn ent. Special Accommodations Traveling Men. for the Gives all the local news See Premium offer on Page Four. F1KST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Your Patronage Solicited, Job Printing