galaxy, and a galaxy of ruffians Tttti NkW YORK V\ ORI ») i is called a horde, ami a horde of The tickets are now made up rubbish is called a heap, and a SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1904. | heap of oxen is called a drove, and the most interesting Presi­ (and a drove of blackguards is dential campaign the United 8UB8CKI PTION RATK8: i called a congregation, and a con- States has ever known since i860 One Year........................... 12.00 And it is the most Six Months....................... 1.00 |gregation of engineers is called a has begun. Three Months .. ............................. 75 important, too. corps, and a corps of robbersis Which will it be, Parker and i called a band, and a band of JULIAN BY 1Cl> — — — — Manager Davis or Ro«i3evelt and Fair­ locusts is called a swarm, and a banks? Nobody knows yet, but swarin of people is called a OFFICIAI. DIRECTORY The Thrice-a-Week World will crowd, anil a miscellaneous crowd STATS—OHSGUN ’. tell you promptly, fully and truth­ of city folks is called the public.— U.S. Senators 4 J. H Mitchel fully every movement of a hot and I (.'. W. Fulton. Silk Bulletin. |J. N. Williamson, thrilling campaign. The real Congregameli............. • ■ I Altorif) < leñera) A. M. Crawford. newspaper now prints facts rather Governor Geo. E Chainberlain. According to a paragraph that •ucretary ui State F. 1 . Duubar. than hope», and it has always been Treasurer C. H. Moore. is going the rouncs of the press, Bupt. Public Instruction, J. H. Ackerman. the effort of The Thrice-a-Week •tale Printer J. R. Whitney a Japanese auction is conducted » K. H. Bean. World to tell the thing that has Supreme Judges .> C. Wolverton on very different lines from » F. A. Moore happened exactly as it happened. in this country. There is NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Thus) ou can judge for yourself auctioneer and DiBtr'ci Judge Geo. K. Davia screeching and form your opinion. Diatrirt Attorney J W McCuHoch bidders do not yell out tl Deputy Dist Atty .... CH Leonard There is also a great war going instead, the article ti Circuit Court meefu the Third Monday in offers, on in the East, where The World April and Fourth Monday in October. sold is exhibited, and then has a brilliant staff of correspond­ Joint-Rcpreaentative?.......................... .J Lriitz bids are marked on pieces of pa- Joint-Senator .............. J. L. Hand ents in the field, and their reports per and put into a box. The ii u- COUNTY—HARNEY I are found regularly in the columns ctioneer examines the slips and Cuonty Judge H. C. I.evens of The Thrice-a-Week World. < I. ik S hih Mothersheud the highest-bid takes the lot. If J M Dalton Treasurer The Thrice-a-Week World’s Surveyor . F M Jordan Rherilt Tom Allen it only were the custom in this regular subscription price is only AHKCHNOr J. E. Roggan M E Rigby country for spielers, shouters anti School Superintendent J A Vest Stuck IiiHpector $1.00 per year, and this pays for ('oii)in iHbionerH .... »CT Miller barkers to write their remarks on /W i. Best 156 papers. We offer this un­ pieces of paper and distribute County Court meets the first Wednesday in equalled newspaper and The January, March. May, July, September and them among the crowtl! Times-Herald together one year Novem her. HARNEY V. K. LAND OFFICB: foe $2.50. Editors are far braver than I Register Wm Farre The regular subscription price Beoeii ei .................... a w < towan soldiers, although they get much of the two papers is $3. CITY. —BURNS’ less credit for reckless daring. . ..Dr. J. W. Geary. Mayor, H W Miller The editor of the Jacksonville Recorder, V I Hopkins TrenNiirer, J W Bev edge (ill.) Journal recently took 400 Maridinl, (C E Mcl’heeters > J C Foley Coli nel I men : children to the St. Louis Fair. | Simon J.ewis, lG W Clevenger He had no assistance, managed IN Meetings of the Council every Second anti the whole bunch himself and Fourth Wednesday. brought them back without losing Nothing is omitted that concerns a single head not even his own. HOC! KT IE8. What soldier would dare ¡in ad- the interest of buyers and sellers in the live stock, grain, provisions, venture like that. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, 1. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday | produce and financial markets— 7 3() pm. J. W. Buchanan, N. G. E. o. Jackson, Secretary. The Congregational Cadet i the quotations are comprehensive, Corps of Eureka, Cal., has set I and are in every way reliable. BURNS LODGE NO. 97, A. F. A M., Meets every Saturday evening In Masonic The Journal in addition carries plans on foot to combine healthful Hall. J. c. Wsloomt Jr, w. m . F. 8. Reider,Secretary. every days a full and truthful re­ exercise and secure profitable port of tne world’s news and pre­ training, experience and know­ INLAND LODGE NO. 70 K. of P. sents many special features of deep Meets every Thursday evening In the Brown ledge, by marching, too strong, Hall. ’ H. M. Horton, C. C. interest to the average reader. L. M . Brown. K. IL 8. to Portland next June to attend The Jouanal ’ s woman’s page, the the Lewis and Clark Centennial. BURNS LODGE No 47 A. O. U. W. illustrate«! sportlang news page, President Goode will present the Meer« every second au-’ fourth Friday. A. U. Welcome, M.W. Journal stories a ’ nd comic pages boys with a handsome silk banner N. Coch ran, Recorder. and other good things mcke it a commemorative of their visit.* ORDER OF WAS HINGTON. very popular family newspaper, Meets every first and third Friday, in Brown clean and bright from A to Z and Hall. c. P. Rutherford, Presidon A complete showing of the in­ Pearl Vulgamore, Secretary. year’s eml to year’s end. dustrial conditions surrounding Daily, one year by mail, $4; HURNS CHAPTER NO. 40,0. E. S. the Indian students at the Oregon Mvel» every ihtiiik I anil fourth Mondays. In six months, $2.25; three months, Maeonlc Hull. Eunice E. Thompson, W. M. Indian schools will ligure in the Delnora Gowan, Secretary. Governments exhibits at the $1-25. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one SYLVIA REBEKAH DEGREE No.43. Lewis and Clark Exposition. Meet»every tat and 3d Wednesday. year, $1.50. Flora llagvy, N. G. C G. Smith, Ree. Sec’y. Weekly, $1. The issues of the One of the logs used in the Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journ­ construction of the forestry build­ HARNEY VALLEY CAMP No 3M1, W. of|W. news Recta every first and acconti Tuesday. ing at the Lewis and Clark Ex­ al also contain the market <’. W. McClain, Com. W. A. Gowan, Clerk. and all of the features of the Daily position weighed twenty-seven Journal. tons. The Times-Herald clubs with 1 the Journal at the following rates An interesting collection of old for both papers: mining implements will form a The Review is glad that hog part of Oregon's exhibit at the Semi-Weekly’........................ 2.50 killing has commenced, because, Lewis and Clark. Centennial. She iiines-ïwafd. 1 r ex; r jp Bu ex^ lent •rej. e w |°eA erie i th« , se a are ■ ,y V pugg has i !by rego 'OID I ron e wo >g ex k fa rally •Ip ca , und» will I en ted or by uestio in th □tie an le “le er of i I J. A y wor • exhit t to b< ind all appe I y’a exh ibest f to ex« well. , and ^tld f I OC • I Onta"io-Bar. stQ9e hin,: THE BURNS FURNITURE CO., w.c.»rw. »*«»«» Is at the Old Stand selling cheaper than you can run the risk ol laying it down here trom any catalogue house in America. 1 Leayes Burns d»n,, at 6:30 am. Arri^|(*l ly from Ontario at -, | “I1 a | The only through ,, transfer route froill ¡."M railroad. We buyaseneap buy as cheap as anyone duu and will sell as cheap as anyone, there- tort1, our prices must, and will be right. A call will convince you. Kitchan Furnishing mill be one of our specialties, and your kjtch- er cu ill be ready to go into and cook a meal Nor mill the Parlor, Bedroom and Hall be overlooked in any detail. Chairs $1 and up, Rocker», 12 »nd up, Iron beds $5 75 »nd up, Ladie» Desks IB up Music cabinets $5 up, Spring beds $ t up, Extension Tables (good ones) at 17 75, up Mattresses, excelsior, woo), and A osh , $2 50, up owing to the liberality of Otto Shultz, we have been living high on spareribs, sausage, etc., the past week. Jefferson Review. 'l’his is one of the kind of items that makes a self respecting pub­ lisher ashamed of the business in which he is engaged, It cheap­ ens the newspaper fraternity in the estimation of the people, and injures the business of publishers who are conducting their affairs on a decent and dignified basis. It is on a par with the“cordwood,” “turnips,” and “patched-panls” jokes that have been going the rounds of the country press for the last roo years. The editors who write such stuff imagine they are saying something witty.— Dallas Observer. Several large rose beds have been laid out in the Lewis and Clark Centennial grounds and the roses iire now in full bloom. A MANLFACTLRINO DEPARTMENT io connection where we will make you anything from a wooden knitting needle to “double- deck” wood rack. Call! Never too busy to talk or furnish estimates. FURNITURE COMPANY. S. W. MILLER, NOTARY PUBLIC. - - Oregon. „OREGON W. J. COLEMAN, S hortline *»> union P acific Stenographer and Notary Public B urns , - O regon . Office in Citin-ns Hank Building. MARSDEN & GEARY. ■lepar« rar Physicians and Surgeons. B urns , Phone No. to Sewing Machines at factory price with freight added. The White, Blue Diamond and the Vassar, all carrying a full guarantee.—at the Burns Furniture Company store. 8 p Bl Burns, Oregon. 1 Our new book entitled “ 40 M onet 8 p. m. «'•lawbla Hirer 4 p. m. Steaaere ' M aking I deas " is worth its weight in Ex 8un. To Astoria and Way- Except Saturd'y . gold to every man who wants to start a Lai.dings. 10 p. nr. legitimate, paying mail order lusineis. It tells you wliat to do and how to do WlUaaetta River. it successfully Send us 50c today b a. m. Oregon City New­ berg, Salem and Way and we will send von the book, and a Except Landing». Sunday. valuable m. • i y lou.nai -n • vea> free Office one door north of French Hotel B urns , O regon . Religious Services. J. W BIGGS, Rev A J. Irwin will preach at Harney the 2ml Sunday of each month nt Ila. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 p. m. D a Y t ON BIGGS , U enti itv I’t in.miii' Biggs A Biggs li EH >\ L.V « v< . i»vx 73, ' INN ATTORNEYS - AT- LAW, H I RNS, ---- ---- — ---- OREGON. Practice in all the courts of Ore. Collections promptly made. A little girl was looking at a Sunday school at Harney the picture of a number of ships when first Sunday of each month at 111 G. A.RkMSoLn «. W. PAkBiaa she exclaimed: “See what a o ’ clock a m. On the second, third PARRISH & REMBOLD. fl«xk of ships!” We corrected Attorneys-at-Law, her by saying that a (lock of ships ami fourth Sunday of each month Burna land Canyon City.) Oregon. at 3 o’elixk p m Preaching ser­ was « ailed a fleet, and a fleet of Aill practice in the courts of Harney and vie«* • vt rv “«•<•« io| Simdiiv at 8 p tn. • rant tuuntlea and in the aupreme court «M the «tafe. ami ali»o in L. s !an«l office. sheep is called a Hock. And here we may add, for the At th«* Presbyterian church <’li;u>«. 11. I xMviimxi. benefit of the foreigner who is Barn», Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, mastering th«* intricacies of our IVvim* services the third ami fourth ( ’arcftil attention given to Colle«- language, that a flock of wolves Sundays of each month at It a. m. lions ami Kcal Estate matters is called a pack, and a pack of aml7 3ay at 11 a. ni. B uri »», ....................... O regon partridges is called a covey, and prayer meeting every Thurs«lay i ’<»lire.• ionIjintl bu»inev. and Kral a covey of beauties is called a evening F-tate matter i roiui tlv aUendrd u> All sailing dates sub­ ject to change. For San Francisco 4 p. Hl. every 5 days. I ATTORNEY—AT-I.AW. I ¡Forest Reserve Scrip For Sale Wlllaaettr a Taahlll 7 am. River. Teusday Oregon City, Dayton Tuhrd'v and Way-Landings A Sat. “• »»RQUSR «,0» POST2«»0 OREGON taEM J W Bigge, Burn., hone., OR on left .tide, Mnedon".“0,”'iiar™tW‘!?™e';THLeonibii>. caule. Mrui* o’,” un'h,',' "*••• bt" A »“ >•" Min» .boul2irk’K‘rro,r* ho"“*»*»c O» lb. left left ■houl^er1^'bUrl“* hur*’ branded CV on 4:30 p m Except Sunday. ».ttle; horaeVi/M^a; 3:30 p m Monday Wed. A Friday. A N. H oar . Huntington. Oregon _ „ A. L. CRAIG, Gen. P rm . Ag’t, Portland. Oregon A. L. MOHLER. President. “ angle, on right’htp*r“n,J,r,a *’"rn* 2*’Ile tbree "«raez.a.nebr.n/^,»'» ¿rop 017 «»ch ear; men abi .jTertl.f f,,”’ :kMM of ,ohd fioc.nnl »Und,ng S.l.ry.«7R0ayt.r.^ laa wliaoM «Xarza. w •• a ntifle HnierML ' asa rl«bt b?.,b eari w”h ’■ “,o F Mid- «'mi'on 1ienh‘,I1d’,mb **n 00 1,r» mark und.rbitB|nr?f,Jht,lt1*'J I‘.on ’’•«b’ bin horae brand 71. on 'ifftitTe’."*'’1*'1 UD br"k*‘ mark, crop *n'i|^,lnnd',rnM*',1a »i on left bip «•«I.on,. , hor.«,h&‘i,on‘r|^li1^«bl aar t ’’»»Iveater. Burin, cattla c on laft bln Key McGee. Burn., e.tti. A d T.«^ «, raark crop off left upper bit In right ea- bor,„. ,.me |„. thonld„ «*■ «»VLy P arted -T rustworthy P atents O opyr 'Ô ht » â* loop below Y> RRin« Tai.une’ aiio * J (J making bar Eon left «b“"der «*1%° mafk1.“*: ‘’•T1* bite in left an.l cne“in Haht ii? . Iwo «hder- iueachear. *“’'Dr,«nt, alao two underbite 6 a. m.| WlllfiBttt« Rlv«r. 4:30 p m Tuesday porl|and forralli» 7 nesday T*1«r* A and Way Landing« Thur» A uuderbit in left also :hter h*,f ™p« Sat. w B. C. Satin < Ok Of . Bums Druggist». '«b ««. bell Me conneet.d on TMAKES PROMU DKT« PLEASING^ tonel j Sunday, For«*»t resvrve »crip, in tract» of 40 Leave acre« aa*l upward, ready for immediate Leave Riparia. ama» ri ,», Lewist’n use and guaranteed. 1:20 am Riparia to Lewiston 8:30 a m Will buv -ul I era* land warrants given Daily. Dail/. for aervices in all Indian wars ann Mei- ican and War of IS12 H. B. Compson* Rae. which aem for SOe. OCEAN and RIVER SCHEDULE Vraa Partlaud .. II 2____ -that K0D0L oleanM». purlfles, strto|te Hi —- and «wsetens the stomia That ton tottlM eaW. *1.00 Slxa holdln» 2M !»<••>■ O regon . ATTORNER AT LAW. THORNTON WILLIAMS. KODOL digests what you Mt . a ; Ollice upstairs in Voegtly Building. N eaHll 71 ,l“r on «'id*: cattle, bar IL on left ribs; mark, unde."bit in left ear, under slope in right. Chicago- Portl nd Special 12:35 a. rr. OREGON. Office first door west of Bank. (’ne of Many. = LILTFUT COlapsabl© Pock T»» Salt Lake,Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan 1 KODOL cure» tndlgestlon, dyspepi» sas City, St. LouiB <-a' dlgaxttva organs. I Hibbard & Brownton, h;rrk'S”?,S Atlantic Salt Lake,Denver.Ft, KODOL relieves an overworked iron* Express Worth, Omaha. Kan­ .3:35 I lEN’ITS’l'S. — of all nervous strain (Imi 2:10 sas City, St. Louis p m. Office Hr.t door east of The CiiIsens Bank. the heart a full, free and untnaa» p m Chicago and Fani. Burns. Oregon. action, nourishes the nervous lyilr o feeds the brain. St. Pau) Walla Walla, Lewis­ KODOL *•,h9 *onderful re™edi J1! E at Mail ton, Spokane, Minne­ Î 12:35 making »o many slckpeo»ba tettwrMKass* - ■ 1 45 apolis, St. Paul, Du­ ! a. m. and weak people alrong by giving W K 1 »ho»hlder/r.ttr«O’o?on,,^!:?.r?r' Oj tbe luth Milwaukee, Chi- left ear, l'wo underbid“|"*r^l*“: ,u»rk-"P“'In bodies all of the nourishment that 11 • 1 oago r.nd East. talned In the food they eat. BURNS, Office at resiih nee. Wm. MILLER, Up-to-date iuh printing at reason­ able prices. TIMK BCHKDULkM 1 ARRIVE From Huntinftoa Ore from * W. C. BROWN, DH1TTIST. 1 ’ RO F ESS ION A L C A RDS. BtiriiJ In additlou to th«a above 1 offer |5 q 0 uwt A under the same cou ditiona for horaea branded horseshoe baron both or either jaw recorded in M OKO smyv S counties. Range, A'l’fc’Xi'i* u Hurney, Lake and \rook Count lea. Horses ventedwhen sold. Horses sold to puss lit roti kb this suction will he re­ ported in thia paper. If not reported, plea ««write or telephone The Time®Herald. Slain 824, Burna, Orc. W. W BROWN, Fife Oregon. Feter Clemens, Burna, horaea, PC on leftati* fie: cattle same ou either hip; eat marks crop and split in left car, swallow fork audaquare under bit in right. M Fenwick, Burns, horses, double dot vertie al baron left shoulder, cattle. L ou right hip earmarks, two underbits iu each ear; also sum branded bar T on right ribs; earmark, unfit half crop in left ear. J H Bunyard, Burns, cattie, 7 on left hip; ear marks, crop off left ear, swallow fork in right. J P Withers, Harney, horses, combined TJP on left shoulder; cattle, half circle cross ou either hip: eurmarks. upperbit iu right ear, un­ derbit in left. Martin Bros,, Burns, cattle, double dot hori zontal bat on either hip; earmarks, upperbit in right ear, swallow fork iu left, wattle ou right jaw; also some branded circle N on right side O L Shingledecker, Burns, horses, 5 on lef shoulder; cattle, <5 on right side and hip; ear marks, crop off right ear, crop and under half crop off left. Fred Denstcdt, Burns, horses, FD ou the left shoulder; cattle Fl) on left side; earmark, uu- crfdited der half crop In each ear. R J Williams, Riley, horses, CB on the left »ouïe. shoulder; cattle, CB on left hip; earmarks, crop off left ear, under half crop oft right, wattle un­ The c der chin; also cattle branded SB, crop and un­ derbit in left ear, under hair crop in right; also from tb< cattle JT on left ribs, crop and split in left ear. Is Absnlutely PURE b under half crop in right. pose of H if Elliott, Narrow s, horses, Th combined on will OUTWEAR alhfo left stifle; cattle Th com Dined on left hip; ear­ an exhi mark, upper slope on eat h ear. watils on chin Lend-. and bell collar. LewiB a // your local flail, r Sylvester Smith, Narrows, horses. Htion right Thi» fu leg; cattle V bar, earmark, under half crop and ry it write to us and «■, short over slope in each ear Jughandle and disposa dewlap. you yet it. P G Smith, Burns, horses, quarter circle 8 on right hind leg and left shoulder; cattle, quarter W. P. Fuller A Co. Portia for the circles on either hip; earmark, crop off right pense i . . ..................................... ear, split in under side of left; two dewlaps. of the A E Young. Burns, horses, Y on left leg and J-i connected on right shoulder; also boot on ——- woods, left shoulder; cattie, rocking chair on left hip; earmark, right ear drooped down, left cut slop­ Ail thi ing towards head on upper side; wattle ou lef " the biggest » enhatpl * »vitiiJS side of neck; all aninyils dehorned. startei C P Rutherford, Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left side; earmark, under half crop right ear; horses oilizei bar 2 on left shoulder. Thos Wingfield, Burns, horses, ° (chainlink) take a ou left shoulder; cattle, same on.left side; mark 1 this mento crop oft left ear, short overalope in right. c Stereoscope Apparates John Craddock, Silvies, horses, 8-8 on the left penmansh ward shoulder; cattle, 8 8 on right side; mark, crop The smallest Btereoseim* with the oft right ear, swallow fork In left, dewlap ou optical effect Highly tiuished In diiMi a splendid niake brisket. r ora with rleli gold und I liver derasS use W.K Smith. Burna, cattle, XI on right side: (mountings). Includlim .uv F. PI.... by the one tl mark, split, in right ear, wattle on nose. View» of art (genre). PHI. E . iXtY u tn pro.nin G Hudspeth, Burns, cattle, scissors on right Sent everywhere prepaid io Mier lorn | ever ! and Board« AGEN1S WAXTEIl. side; mark, crop and split in each ear. Simon Lewis, Burns, cattle SI. on right side, and pare Ame LILIPUT STERIOSCOPE IT mark, crop and underbit in left ear, crop and tion size under halt crop off right. FORREST BUILDING sorted I cond -./ h bn W.!!Ze,1L Burn>. horses. W bar uu right single sam «‘»fie; cattle, diamond bar on left hip; mark; PHILADELPHIA a single rin split in each ear, wattle under chin. uti MeV^,uy’ Bur,‘"» horses, reverse L on woman, or eft stifle; cattle, «9 on left hip: mark, metal tag iu each ear W ith full name aud add res city i v hor,e®’ LK on right stifle; rattle No. all 118 I S. derbl" i W k M«“11 ' ,' r O'’' "P,* rb “ *" d PENN JOHN W . GEARY W.L. MARSDEN, L. Woldenberg Jr„ Agtr. P) ONEEJ -t,1: WHITE LEAD UJall Paper 13 eents single ’ oil and UP. Burns, - ° ADDRESS OE MEMBERS. :................... . Bureaus $8 and READ THE MARKET NEWS upward. Fold­ ing Iron Beds The Oregon Daily Journal. and Couches low as $1 1.50 BURNS 8* 8. WILLIAMS,(5,„ »re».' Sccu Additloni.1 K«ward. Many New Lineswill be added as soon as teams can get but. . First-class accom^ I Sood eating station». at J distances along tlle , The Hurney County Live Stuck Aasueiation will pay Five Hundred Dollar* Reward for the and conviction of mv peraon or peraona who kill, steal or drive ort’ any horaea, niulea or cattle belonging tu any member uf the Aaaoci** tion. The County Court aiao offers an add! tiuiia reward of Five Hundred Dollara. W. B. J ohnson . Pres A rchie M< (low an , Sec’y, Burna, Oregon. BRANDBA N d VOL A right .Id. bea.l with bar'nn.’l’er o'n’lJft [.'nnected, «pear h«lf cr.ip in en< tl ear hlp' m left, - rop and “"de, half (on left hind leg kli * r ht horses same t A Manager of th« Frrlod. Walter Kennedy wrv i* ’b* Eger of n prominent theater in 1^ lent, asking for hi» open '‘H*,, Week in the followingr- p- - . •on,” “Othello,” "Virginia’ “Damon and Pythias, an the «newer; “Waiter K- ‘.T k . Sir: I must *»y that I bar- - t-r 1 I of but two of tin your company. Saw -on v 1* ' u,— ■raaeum here not long l*-'- fake chains, and Othc'.-o tart winter at the opp - . i ¿oe « They eay he ia a g< "d setw* ' « ' care about playing I'T u >*< bouse, as I cater to t! verf 1 ’ g | •edieoem, and‘then I npn f b j would like a show with ah ' 1 want »how» with plenty •nd dancing, aoubrettea anu ■ - . With funny gags That a roe. St Louia OtobwDW** Ag ; |1C - ‘ be j * dt