* Tiro» fie raid | ULATION OF 18 COUNTY. BEK 3 1904. s ,’S. i See Gemberling's ad. Horton’s for Christmas presents. A McKenzie is up from Narrows. Julian George spent a few days in Price \\ ithers is over from Har­ in our city this week. ney. Order groceries from the Miller Are you going to the Railroad if so do & Thompson closing out stock. not forget the O. C. Co. A. E. Brown has been here the Wm. Dunn, the old pioneer, was past week visiting his family, He seen on our streets yesterday. reports his stock doing well. Tlie O. C. Co. know no competition, the old reliable. Mrs. J. T. Garret has returned from a visit to her parents at On­ tario. J. C. Beatty and Elmer Carlson are in from their homes in the south­ ern part of the county. N. Brown, the pioneer merchant, has returned to San Francisco to spend the winter. Hay for sale—250 tons in quant­ ities to suit. Write to or iuquire of Fred Otlev, Lawen, Oregon. The farmers of thia section have been improving the time during the fine weather and much plowing has been done. BROWN’S THE SATISFACTORY STORE BROWN’S NEW FALL COODS ELEGANT IN STYLE--BEALTIFLL IN DESIGN—MODERATE IN PRICE—REST IN QUALITY Remember Browns Profit Shar­ We can show our patrons this y. ar the most complete line of goods ever handled ing Plan. Secure your coupon with R. J. Williams is improving from every cash purchase. Mintor and dmiynt at, JdMt taté- ^fart art Atrt his attack of typhoid fever. LADIES’ READY TO WEAR GARMENTS-New in every particular. Waller Gray accompanied by Osborne and Acme mowers at Hie O. dtirt Ato of ^3urn¿ his wife and little daughter, was in FURS FOR WINTER WEATHER -We ujill be able to shocu yoa a nits« C. Co. get their prices. it rfníty see the city last Saturday. line of Furs shortly. 9)^9^ C^at. Wihon. J I’. Dickenson was a business See the line of good substantial '—Lr- CMtU. JÍ. Jitvtnt 1904, in a suit wherein Free! Free!—Handsome China­ Auemus horses. ture and the various districts Louis Woldenberg, was plaintiff and ware absolutely free. We are still Id see him before placing Y'ou should call and get prices at Christian Berg was defendant, said de­ re. v giving tickets on Chinaware for cash Miller and Thompson’s—closing cree being based upon ai.d in conformity s | purchases only. We now have irry Cary has disposed of hi« out prices that cannot be equaled witli a mandate of the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon in the above men­ a large supply an hand. Take a eats in tbe saloon business at elsewhere. tioned suit, and in which decree tlie un­ peep in our windows. — Lunaburg en to bis partner, Llo>d John- Fancy Creamery butter at the dersigned was duly appointed Receiver X Dalton. Harry is now employed in City Meat Market 75 cents per roll. of the partnership property hereinafter I. L. Sitz store. The Times-Herald 1« desirous of Also vinegar, cider. Front quar­ described, and as such Receiver was therein ordered and directed to sell veO. C. Co. have just received ten_ of finding out the total amount of ters sold for 4 cents per pound. said partnership property and apply the ||¡r|ü >ads of good«, comisting of Bain and grain raised in Harney County this Quite a number of our young proceeds in tlie manner Bet fortli in said ona wagons, barb wire, blacksmith season and has sent out inquiries Decree. ; furniture, nails, ccal oil, sugar, for that purpose. It would be con­ people accompanied the Presbyter­ Now, therefore, I, Sam Mothershead, ' U and White Rose flour. sidered a favor if anyone knowing ian Sunday School choir over to tiie duly appointed, qualified and acting Be sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing. mesA Shieldsis in the city from the average yield per acre would Ilarney yesterday afternoon to at­ Receiver of the partnership proportv of tlie firm of Woldenberg A Berg do here­ Also a full stock of Disc and Tooth Harrows and Seeders tend the entertainmeut. J. *" 'home on Silvei creek and ex- report to us. by give notice that I will on ’ ijts to take his departure in a few Tom Jenkins of the sheep firm of Monday, tlie 5th day .of December 1904, r ... ......... Ed. Jordan met with a serious s for Rocky Ford, Colorado, in the City ot Burns, Ilarney County, Jenkins Bros, is over from his LIQUOR L1CBN8B PETITION ¡gain take up hie duties as book- accident last Monday night at his Stein Mountain home. Tom is in­ Oregon offer for sale, and sell nt public per and stenographer with a home near Lawen. lie stepped clined to be on the sick list and is auction for cash, to tlie highest bidder, We the undersigned legal voters of out of the door of his house and the at the hour of 1 o’clock 1’. M. at the Lake l’recinct, State of Oregon, respect a there. court house door the real property here­ fully petition tlie lien County Court of step being frosty lie slipped and here to consult a physician. Tobe Duncan came in from fell, breaking his left arm just We will sell you anything in the inafter described, and immediately Ilarney County, State of Oregon to grant thereafter, and before the hour of 4 License to Sidney Comegys to sell aio last night and is at present ! above the wrist. He came to line of farming machinery at prices o’clock I’. M. at the Brewery building a Spirituous, Malt aud \Tn us Liquor« in ' guest of his daughter, Mr«. | Burns and Dr. Burrows reduced and terms that defy competition. on said lot 6 the personal property here­ less quantities than one gallon in Lake , >mer Reed. Mr Duncan informs the fracture. Please call and gel prices and terms inafter decribed, to wit: Precinct Harney County, State of Ore J that he is now in the sheep busi- Geer A Cummins. Lots one, two, three and six of block gon, ¡ton. for the period of three months, as • E. N. Nelson, of the Jewelry firm Forty-three of the city of Burns, Ilarney in duty bound we shall ever pray. 38 and ia pleased with the pre- I • Albert Shaw, one of the most County, of Haines A Nelson, has returned Oregon, together with the Names Names it outlook for good price next I • home from a business visit to the persistent and entergetic gardtiers Brewery building, cellar, granary, stable C T Simmons T •< Devine ring. D li Baker 'John Day section. While absent of BurnB, ha« presented this office ice house and all other buildings, struc­ I) T N'utta ii At old Jorgensen Stand R A Smitli The Carter House Barber Shop he d isposed of his cattle at a very with a beet which tipped the scales tures or improvements situated then:- J Ivy .Mail orders receive prompt attention. Edward Anderson • Ontario, Lae Caldwell proprietor, ! good figure. He is now at his place at 14 pounds. It# too large to hang I on, Brewery well, one 12 horse power Jphn Satories . vertical engine used in connection with Frank Caw I field F X Hackman one of the most elegant tonsorial of business and prepared to attend on our Christmas tree. Win. A Johnson said Brewery building together will all John Marshall . glors in all Western Oregon Hot to any repair work in his line. W V Maupin Geer ACummins have received an shafting, pulleys, fixtures, pump steam Wm C Matney ..... >d cold bathe with a sprav bath kettle, piping, machinery, tools, scales, W C Lynch Drs. Marsden A Geary last Mon­ elegant line of chinaware, glassware equipments and apparatuses, malt bin Scott CattcrHon Harvey .Muller Jesse Woodcock ? Jmnected. Lee’ sold time friends water sets, wine sets, vases, etc. day performed an operation upon and kiln, everything used in connection C A Haines. jre invited to eall on him while at Chas. Miles, amputating the second These goods are the finest ever dis­ with said Brewery plant more fully de- Notice is hereby given that on T uch - I Ontario. played in this city and must l.e scribed in "Exhibit B” of the plaintiff’s day, the 6 th day of Dece niter 1904, the \ finger of his left hand. The opera­ complaint, refered to and used as a ba­ undersigned will apply to the County ; T. J. SbMds brought one of his tion is said to be a very neat piece seen to be appreciated. sis in said decree, also the cooperage Court oi the State of Oregon for Harney Jttle danfbtors over from Silver of surgery and the young man con­ We are informed that Ira Clark, used in connection therewith and con­ county, for the license mentioned in the Ireek last Wednesday for tnedicel siders himself lucky at saving bis a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, sisting of lieer kegs, tubs, tanks, casks, foregoing petition. treatment. It was feared the child arm and life. The finger was the . suffered a stroke of paralysis at barrels, hoops, bungs and other article«, SIDNEY COMEHYS. £iad typhoid fever, but as yet the one pricked by the barbed wire and Harney last Friday evening. He also all corks, bottles, bottle boxes bottle Horses kept by Ihr day, 4 aee is not tor enough developed to caused the liloodpoisoning. He is has recovered somewhat at this cases, cork machine, truck, loop wire, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. locks and other articles useil in connec­ week or'month. now doing well at the County Hos ­ ¿iesure. She is at the home of Mrs. writting. UNITED ST ITKH I.AND OFFICE. j tion with the "Bottling Department” of Bunin. Oregon, November 2, 1904.1 pital. |d. A. Fry. Notice In hereby given Hint the following The new seats and other furniture "«id brewery and I more fully set forth in named FIRST CLASS LIVERY TLRNOLTS. settler ha»< fil< «1 notice of liik intention iff to make final j»roof in aopport of his claim, ami for the Harney County High School said “Exhibit B." that said proof will be ma-m a milk wagon to up to date gallary ou’fit. Part of this new apparatus arrived last night rind Me will soon be as well zoTxrrx fbllzs will not I» forgotten. Many useful equiptwd for the picture business as n will find at our store, sucli M anyon** on the coast. 11« has r and square knit shawls and underskirts, always given satisfaction to his pa­ ackets. White and mottled all wool blankets, trons, but will be even better. n. hosiery and Handkerchiefs, Children’s Hats, Some very creditable sn 1 hand­ and infant’s knit Jackets Hoods. some Christmas present displays EMEMBER OUR GROCERIES. CHARTE & BUDEUÍAN, Burns, Oregon I Special Attention Given i to Conducting Funerals I I Burnì Oregon, November 3, 11XM. t UNITED STATER LAND OFFICE, I It hereby given that charles T. Miller, tain section, has been in this city of Notice Burns, Ore., November 2, 1904.1 Lawen, Oregon, has filed notice of Intention to make proof on his L- i .> U. VJ .■» £]jp ■ • Arthur Claypool, i’lavnool «11 ii.. nameshe «.«»«. a * tin. f.»ll«.ia-ir all of Lawen. Lawen, Oreeon Oregon he following witnesses to prove W m F a rhe , Register. his continuous residence upon and cultivation •w of said land, viz John R. Jenkins, John W. Davies, of Smith, Ore made t>efore the Regis ter and Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on Decem­ ber 22, 1904, vis H. E No. 1016. of William A < atterson for Lota % io, 11 and 12, Bor. 20, and LoU 1. 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6. rtec 29, T. 2ft K , R ® E He names the following wftneMes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Newt. Hower. L. B Kayes. J L. Bltz and Geo W Luce, al) of Lawen. ore gon. W«. F arrr Register. NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. THE TIMES-HERALD Thi* is the time of year to look for winter comforts, so call at th' Burns Furniture Co's store and leave your order for a couch of any pattern or style Gives all the local news The Lone Star RESTAURANT are now exhibited by various deal­ Lung Sing ers in Burn, The people ot this Bakery and Laundry. MEADS AT Abb HOURS »octi >n are fortunate in finding Fresh Bread, Pies, su< b a variety from which to choose. Bakery in eonneetion. Sme very artistic window dis­ Cakes & Cookies A Specialty of Short Orders. plays are made by the City Drug always on hand. Table furnished with everything Store. Geer A Cummin«. The Wel­ come Pharmacy. SAB Cash Store, Welcome A Vo?gtly building, west the market afford« Your patron­ age solicited. I Gemberling and Haines A Neleon. of Triech A Donegan's saloon China George, Proprietor. Cor. Main anJ B Streets. »*9 i See Premium offer on Page Four. Job Printing