Can You Eat? She limrs-Srrafd. Will Arrange Space at Fair. now, Lizzie; I’ve forgotten my PORTLAND RAILROADEXTfND boracic acid.” “Oh, Jack don’t J B Taylor, a prominent mer­ Colonel Doscb, director of ex hurry. Just by accident 1 happen chant of Crieainan, Tex , says: ' 1 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER &, 1904. to have a bottle in my pocket.” OFFICIALS DECLARE ROAD WILL BE hibits, has »ent a notice to mer­ could not eat because of a weak LENGTHENED. chant» and manufacturers to the' stomach I lost all strength and rai What is the kiss coming to, any­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .. . • way.” It used to be a compound effect that he will begin alloting i(]uwn jn weight. All that money Oue Year ,2.00 Six Month« „ .................................... | oo BRENTON 4 BERDUCO, Prop| of moon, to make it light; shade, space to ex hi biters on November 1 'could do wan done, but all hope of May Cross Cascades ¡ato bastera Oregon Three Months ... ............. ........... 75 recovery vanished. Hearing of aotue to make it dark; ardor, to make Nest Year—Exact Houle is Not anti it will be wise for those who wonderful cure» effected bv use of it quick; coyness, to make it sl-,w Yet Selected. Horses receive the bes( JULIAN BVKh _ - _ _ Maaager intend to make display to hurry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded and forget fullness of aught else from experienced hands That the Oregon Water Power 4 up. Application blanks may be to try it The fir»l bottle benefitted It would appear that another to make it the success it was. me. and after taking four bottles, 1 Elegant Neat Livery t 1 Railway Company will extend its had at the general offices chapter is to be opened in the Toda)’ the kiss seems to be made am fully restored to my usual stren ­ It is not generally understood, ruling* Parties «ccomn^l ^1 , Estacada line on up the Clackamas puzzling public land adjustments up of c aution, coldness and bor­ apparently, that where no product gth, weight and health.” Kodol Dys- Itiyer, across the Cascades and into acic acid. ‘ Tis it sad world. — Horses Bought and Mi . in ’ that obtain in this state. Gover­ is offered for sale there is no cost pepsiaC'ure digests what you eat and , Eastern Oregon next year is profi­ nor Chamberlain, with his usual Jones in Oregonian cures. Sold by Burns druggists. attached to the exhibit, although table, though the management of the “live” displays, such as machinery intrepidity and aggressiveness in i company denies that definite plans in operation, will be given some Orefuu Needs Io Moke üooe Poids. these matters, hits stepped into the Up-to-date iob printing at reason­ breach, and requests of the depart­ | have yet been made. It is positive- preference over others. able prices. Jam1» W. Abbott, of the good ♦ ment of the Interior an explana­ 1 ly announced that the road will ex­ The cost, in any event, is nomi­ WANTED— Agents, Hustlers, roads division of the United States tion that may tend to simplify the tend next year, says the Telegram. nal. There will be no lighting Department, of agriculture, is at the Salesmen, Clerks and everybody Rumors in circulation to the ef­ charges as the main exhibit build­ situation. Whether correctly or Imperial says the Telegram Mr. who wants to enjoy a good hearty not, the persistent difficulty that Abbott travels all over the West, fect that the company is planning ings will be closed at night, accor­ laugh to send 50c for “Tips to ding to the present plan. Gars will 8. r« is encountered in secured good stimulating interest in the good to run a line up the Santiam River be switched and run into the Agents.” Worth $50 to any per­ by the way of the old military road a fe w title to public lands in Oregon is roads movement, and giving infor­ grounds for $5 a car and rules gov­ son who sells goods for a living. bound to produce an impressjon mation and assistance in the work route, crossing tqe Cascades near erning the charges for power, steam, If not satisfactory your money the Three Sisters and going on to OU wx abroad detrimental to the interest That good roads may be built all Prineville, have been denied by the water connections and gas, will back. Circular for stamp. The t the over Oregon, wiving the farmers a ( of the commonwealth. Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca ­ management when an effort was soon be published and will be mod­ >largì The latest development, as dis­ chance to market their products! made to verify them It has been erate.—Journal. tur, Ill. , best closed by a letter written by the and affording better means of com­ reported in Portland that a survey­ Bro' Governor to the Commissioner of munication throughout the rural ing crew had been seen below the spent th General Land Office, discloses districts, is the object of Mr Abbott toll gate on the eastern slope of the .reek REVISED TABLE OF INFORMATION. He says that the interest is in­ either a broken promise on the mountains surveying a line for tile ) anMtattmtttuttmtnntßtunntnntKtmtimntnmtttmnttnMnjaaaagnnj^inck. creasing in this state in the good Federal Government or such ¡Oregon Water Power & Rail' way The following table has been compiled alter careful and thorough investiga­ road» movement, and points to sev­ i Company. change of policy within less than tion of a,l records and statistics obtainable and gives actual resource- of Harney eral Oregon men who are now F. 8. Morris, one of the manag­ county, every item of which can be proveD: / appear as will prove extremely Number, Cao » , Wts. lbs. working out the good roads pro­ • fl. E. YOUNG. Propt. d e 80 2,400,000 ers of the company, was asked if Wool clip annually, Harney county. . . discouraging to hundreds of peo­ blems for this state. He finds that 480 5,600,000 160,060 Sheep shippe annually ........................................ ple who have purchased state in­ the climate here is favorable to the there was any truth in the state­ Cattle shipped annually...................................... ... 25,000 1000 25,000,000 *gon demnity land in good faith and construction of macadamized roads, ment that a party was trying to Horses and mules shipped annually............... 4,000 160 3,360,000 make a route through the Cascades Merchandise »dipped into merchants............... > hou 2,500,000 100 now find themselves without title. and that on the whole there is a suf­ and he replied that his company Merchandise shipped direct to ranchers 100 2,500,000 ,’ity When this latter fact was first ficient supply of rock for this sort 200,000 10 ......... ............. was not doing any thing of the kind Stock salt and sulphur red 120,000 6 made known the matter was tak­ of road building. This road is best at present, hut he believed that Stage freight at 3 cents per pound..................... iss R en up by Governor Chamberlain, where climatic conditions will al. lumbering companies had surveyors LOCAL HAUL. CORNED-BEEP, criti and an adjustment was suggested low of it, and in Oregon the climate in the field. 2,100,000 Lumber sold annually, feet........................................... t at! 3,000 wood »old annuall, cords ...................................... BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. by the Land Office based upon seems favorable. In the Middle “We do not deny, however,” re­ Fuel 5,000 Fence posts sold annually,............. .............................. .. y he West, where there are heavy frosts a relinquishment of all equity or plied Mr. Morris, “that we will ex­ Home Sagar-Cored tie. PASSKNOKRS AND MAIL. legal right that the state might in winter, causing expansion and tend our lines in the near future. t 6,000 heaving of the road surfaces the Passengers by stage annually, 600 at *10..................... ie O. “We have laid heavy rails on our Passengers by private conveyances, 1,800. .. r.. . . . hold in or pertaining to these 18,000 >ads < difficulties of roadbuilding are 10,000 lands. Proceeding on this under­ greatly increased, while in Oregon ) Estacada line with intention cf car­ Mail contracts..................................................................... ona v ing for heavy traffic on it when we , furl LIVE STOCK. standing, entries have been sought there is no frost to contend with. Home Made Lard ts an' could extend our line, which we in­ Number of sheep owned in Harney county.............................. 300,000 in accordance therewith and the Mr. Abbott finds that this state tend doing next Summer.” and Bacon. Number of sheep summered in Harney county............................................... 550,000 lobl. requirements suggested complied is making commendable progress Number of cattle owned in Harnev county......................................................... 200,000 Beef sold by the quarter and “Mountain rangers and others Tons e fro: ot hay grown annually in Ilaruey, over........... .......................................150,000 with. All this, it is now stated, in the matter of roadbuilding ............. 50,000 have come to us with the informa­ Tons of hay grown annually, in a radius of 30 mile of Burns cut up to suit the customer. :,dav is to no avail, and the old-time Down in Jackson County at present tion that a good pass can be found AREA or LAND IN HARNBY COUNTY. I Mr, complications are in no wise clear­ they are making a lot of fine roads across the mountains by following ar bom Area of land, acres ................................................................................................ 6,385,000 of crushed rock ami in many other ed up. 4,835,365 up the Clackamas River, and I will Surveyed......................................................................................... parts of the state they areacti.e. -ike 8 (Jnsurvayed......................................................................................................... 1,549,635 The history of public land ac­ not say that we may extend our Of above amount 556,324 acres are in forest reserve and Carey selection«. Mr. Abbott believes that the proper Order your Building Material from quisition in Oregon, whether from line along that route next Summer. Appropriated........................................................................ .'.................................. ' 1,108,261 assessed......................................................... ........................................ 71,101 the state of the Federal Govern­ way to build roads is for the State “The situation at present is sim­ Tillable, Non tillable, assesaed................................ .............................................................. 586,751 Legislature to make generous ap­ ply this: We will do nothing this Improved, not patented......................................................................................... 102,845 ment, is a record of complications propriations for the construction of Susceptible to irrigation under U. S. Geological survey of Silver Creek not easily understood, and assurd- thoroughfares, as is done in the Winter, but next Summer we will reservoir.............................................................................................................. 336,000 selections, approved .............................................................. .................... 9,000 ly not to be explained in a couple Eastern states. He says that New send men out to locate extensions Carey Road Companies I .and.......................................................................................... 44,000 to our road. We shall surely ex ­ Appropriated....................... .. ............................................................................ of paragraphs. It so far has not York is talking of appropriating 95,000 Susceptible to irrigation..................................................................................... . . reflected any great degree of $50,000,000 for roaerei Annual precipitation—12 inches. on the part of those who have at a rapid rate where the people are tion of our allowing them terminal Minerals—2,200 pounds of borax mined and hauled by team from Denio, Ore­ to Winnemucca, Nevada, dally, being all that is developed to apeak of. Good Road. A K. RICHARDSON, The every t ight to absolute protection alive to the benefit of good roads. priviliges. They wanted to extend gon, Crops — Wheat, oats, rye, barley, alfalfa, sugar beets, hops, potatoes and all Mr. Abbott will go to Walla in the character of innocent pur­ lines in competition with these now kinds of hardy fruits and vegetable«. Harney, Oregoo. Walla, Wash , November 1, where running out of the city, but we do chasers. In instances absolute in­ will be a good roads convention, not favor such a thing. It is not - --------------- =■ justice without adequate remedy called by Samuel Hill, president of for competiton that we are working; has been wrought, and the deplo­ the Washington Good Roads Asso rable fact remains that there is no ciation. He will deliver an address it is for the development of new immediate prospect of a change to the Washingtonians along the country that will n'id Portland in building up.” h* for the better. lines of good roadbuilding Mr. Morris also stated that lumb­ It should be possible to bring 1 M ermen nre anxious to get a road to this sortof maladministration to an Mr Shilling Fleeted Mayor. the Cascades in the vicinity of the g or tx end. It is a task to which the South Fork of the Santiam River, X hou Minidoka, the new town in Idaho, that the logs could be brought out. Congressional delegation from I uc® this stiite would do well to address is fast assuming metropolitan airs He did not give his opinion regard­ f -y itself with determination. The Many new buildings tire erected ing whnt might be accomplished by i be i underlying causes should be de­ and tliero is a constant arrival of them. 1 ni terminable, and it ought not to be homeseekers tiling on all the avail­ able tracts in the section. Alfalfa al Geer A’ Cumuline. without I he ability of Congression­ At the city election held there al and departmental statesmanship the first of the week, W. N. Shil­ to remove them. There is no ling, formerly of Ontario, was elect­ denying that Oregon has much at ed mayot of the lively burg and be * stake in this matter, and there is can now attach Hon just before no apparent reason why the inter­ his name. We all know in Ontario ests of her citizens—at least so far that W. N will be there with the as they are to be served in equity goods looking for the interests of all "I And Thedford’« meek-Praugkt • rood tnrdloine for liver dl«eaa«. 1 anti justice should not be a con­ the citizens—a second Jim Lackey It enred my -on After he had «p ’nt S100 with doctors It ia *11 the med­ icine I take MRS CAHOLINB sideration of first importance, It in every resfiect —Ontario Argus INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MARTIN. Parkersburg. W Va. is evident that Governor Cham- If your liver dues not art reg­ » HOUâANUL Clkf l> ularly go to your druggist and berlain is doing the best he can The Leading Bqrieultuual Journal of the Nation. Edited ■ ■ ----- / secure a package of Thedford's under the circumstances, It is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve has Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family equally evident that his efforts cured thousands of cnees of Piles. by an able Corps of tUriters medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver should be supported by the earn­ “1 bought De Witt’s Witch Hazel and causes a healthy mvretion The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal published. It fills est co-operation of Congressmen Silvern the recommendation of our of Idle. in the h. nies of rural |>eople in every section of the United States It n i '' >f*ll'"n ° 1,8 °"n anf* ^as ,a*-vrnt dearment, is the name of a new Ere«! Free!—Handsome China BncJtaar of Thedford's Blink Draught should alway- !■> i,pt disease brought on by kissing. ware absolutely free We are still in the Ixaise. So pi evalent is craw craw tn Chi­ giving tickets on Chinaware for cash "1 u-ed The' Draught for liver cago that the board of health has purchases only. We now have blaini* aiul h'uao It ” Wil . 1AM < issued a bulletin telling the public a large supply on hand. Take a Liehead, III. peep in our windows. — Lunaburg what precautions should be taken if kissing must be done. Among A Dalton the recommendations are, “Keep Adam George, Lnwen, Oregon is the lips perfectly clean,” and preparing to winter fiOO head nf Thi» offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old “Wash the lips before kissing stock—cattle or horses—cheap as on«s uho pay up all arrenrs and renew with a solution of boracic acid.” ween now and January l, 1935. the cheapest Great. Can’t you imagine young Order groceries from the Miller Jack Evanston saying goodnight to Liwie Hydepark, “I must go 14 Thompson closing out stock è STABLE, -v —’ THE niVlES-HERAL; Gives all the local news. See Premium offer on Page Four. •• Job Printing. CITY MEAT MARKET' Fresh and Salt Meat Aways on hand HAMS The Harney Saw Mi£ iand Shingle Mill. £ FREE! FREE! To all our Subscribers! THE GREAT AMERICAN FARMER LIVER TROUBLES Until January i, IQ0S. we offer this paper free with THEDh BLACK­ DRAUGHT «