—— ! Old Capt. Lousy who was with tion toward making it not only a Do you want blacksmith coal? Ti e O. C. Co. is headquarters. Gen Frank Wheaton during the go but a big success. Such an Modoc war, being stationed at Fort Chas. King and wife are in the attraction must be given every Warner and did service as scout SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1W4. city from their ranch east of Har ­ consideration. and interpreter, is thinking of go­ ney. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ing to Fort Bidwell to spend the C. T. Miller spent the past few MORE RAILROAD NEWS. Oue Year ............. ............... I2.0U winter where his young son is at­ days in the city attending to hie Six Mouths l.ou tending school. Capt Louey is an Three Months ... ........................... 75 From all reports and from o (fi­ duties as commissioner Indian of more tha i average intel­ Mrs. A Venator has been in ligence and has done much for hiB dal information, it seems limi .IILIAN BYHI) — — — Manager there is no reasonable doubt hut from her home on Crane creek the tribe in late years The old fellow past week having come over to get ie getting along in years and almost The Times-Herald has a deep what the Sumpter Valley railroad some dental work done blind. He was wounded three will next year be extended many interest in the development of well ’ times during the Modoc war and A. W. Hurlburt, one of the 1 miles south of 'Tipton through the Harney county. It believes this John Day country, probably on to known stockmen of the lake sec- should be rewarded for his services section has superior advantages Canyon City and probably beyond tion, was transacting business in to the whites during bin younger days. over many that aie better known that point, sake the Baker City this city the first of the week By going to the famous Belshaw ! Mrs Maude Cardwell has been and so situated that their natural Democrat. Giadnig was done orchard on the Jonn Day and tak­ quite sick the past week at the this season for a few miles south resources are brought to public­ ' of Tipton and material has been home of her parents in this city. ing a variety, you may pick your attention without particular effort. purchased lor construction work, She is improving at this time we own fall and winter apples for the It therefore desires to further the price of 25 cents a box. Come all I which will proceed in the early are informed. — enough to supply all of Harney interests of this big valley and its spring. The Sumpter Valley W. E. Burke was in from his big valley. people by making as good an ex­ J railroad is, and always has been, a land holdings a few days this week Job printing—The Times-Herald hibit at the Lewis and Clark fair friend ot Baker City, and its oper­ He did not give The Times-Herald any information regarding the ation has been one of the largest next year as possible. The time work. is short in which to secure such , factors in the building up of Baker N. II. Carpenter of the I irst The Lone Star products and other resources as City ami the extension of its trade, National Bank has been visiting RESTAURANT may be had for the purpose and various parts of the county leaving High School Literary Society. Ciiina George, Proprietor. gel in shape for the occasion. here Wednesday. He is expected Cor. Main and B Streets. Prompted by this motive a re­ The high school Literary hoc i ley home today. MEflLiS AT AULi |HOURS presentative visited the county I met again Friday afternoon. After D. N. Turner und non Elmer court yesterday to ascertain what the Principal had made remarks were in on land business Wednes- Bakery in eonneetion. steps were contemplated by that the bueineee was transacted The day. Eliner was navigating with A Specialty of Short Orders. body toward making an appro­ constitution and bylaws were read the aid of crutches having broken Table furnished with everything priation to help defray the ex­ ' and adopted and a name for the hie toes a couple of weeks ago by a the market affords Your patron­ pense of securing and maintaining ¡society was decided upon, which is horse falling on his foot. He did age solicited. a creditable exhibit of our pro­ to be Harney County High School his own surgery he says. ducts and secure the views of the I Literary Society. C. F McKinney and W. E. Trisch Following the business transac- left Thursday for the lakes with officials upon the nature of the THS I ONLY EXCLUSIVE I lions was the following program: display. ovoj sufficient ammunition to slaughter »ntl Judge Levens and Commis- Po,’8> Ked, White and Blue, Schoo] a six horse load of game. No late Lea Robinson reports have been received from sinners Best and Miller all favor-[ Recitation, IN BURNS Essay, Mabel Cross the front, therefore the casualty ed the proposition and were de- Reading, Curtis Smith “ Walk-Over ” Shoes list will notappear. sirous of co-operating, •vith the Debate: "Resolve that Grain is sold everywhere at citizens in this matter all realizing / ' a ' Ex-county Judge Rutherford ar More Important to the Develop­ Ibe same price. the importance of making the ex­ ment of of Harney County than rived here today with the nursey h hibit in an attractive way, but Livestock.” stock ordered by the people of this they were not certain as to their Those on the affirmative were, section from the Salem nursery dur­ authority to make such appropri­ Neil Smith, Harry Withers, Frank ing the summer. Judge will spend ALL THE LATEST ation the law not being entirely’ ¡Thompson and Raymond Sizemore. some lime in this section looking STYLES. clear on that subject. Those on the negative were, Ivan after some business and yieting old time friends. BOOT and SHOE The plan for raising funds for i Jftc^8on. 1 Henry Dalton, Harry’ such a purpose is considered the i all(l I Mason Smith. The Repairing. tinti». most equitable, as the burden ju,'8es decided in favor of the nega­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tive. would be rather heavy for what I UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I Following this was a bo I o by Burns Oregon, November 3, 19044 few individuals that would take Notice is hereby given that Charles T. Miller» Opposit First National Byrd King, and the last on the pro­ of Lawen, Oregon, nas filed notice of intention I Bank. the matter up to maintain by pub­ « make proof on his desert-land ciaiin No. AsH, gram was the song America, by the to for the E‘a of Hec. 30, T. 23 8.. R. 34 E., W. M., lic contributions. We are very school. before the Register and Receiver at Burns, Or­ M. egon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, sparcely settled and many do not 1904. ' He naineslthe following witnesses to prove ttunuti; the complete irrigation and reclamation of said realize the importance of advertis­ Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. land: J. L. Sitz, J. P. Rector, L. B. Hayes and Arthur Claypool, all of Lawen, Oregon. ing our county at the fair. Our W m F arre , Register. All delinquent taxes on the 1903 isolation makes it the more im­ FRANK A. COLE, Propt. perative that we should take ad- r<»H «Hl be advertised and property NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION. sold oh by law required if not paid vantage of the opportunity to UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, | First Class, Well Appointed House. Burns. Oregon, November 2, 1904.» show the outside world that Har- by November 15. Notice is hereby given that the following- Tom Allen, named settler has filed notice of his intention Centrally located, well furnished tables, coniforta- ney county is one of the greatest! to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register Sheriff. rooms. Rates, Meals 25 cents, Rooms^o sections of the West where agri­ and Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on December 9, 1904, viz: H. E. No. 1425, of John Davies, for the cent, Single Beds 2^ cents. cultural pursuits can be followed W‘. SW‘L NE*4 SW‘i, SE' i NW'; Sec. 21, T. 29 LOCAL AND PERSONAL S . R. at E.. w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove with success. «Just make The Cottage your headquarters his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John R. Jenkins, John Hughes The court desired more definite Mason fruit jars at Voegtly’s. Jones, Thomas E. Jenkins, of Smith, Oregon, George Waters, of Burns, Oregon. Main St., Burns, Oregon information regaiding the privi­ W m . F arrk , Register. J. 11. Neal is in the city from hie leges of county courts in such home at Happy Valiev. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION matters and also ascertain, if pos- | Remember Brown’s Profit Shar­ sible, how other counties were We the undersigned legal voters of proceeding and if the various coun­ ing Plan Secure your coupon with Lake l’recinct, Stale of Oregon, respect every cash purchase ties of the state were considering fully petition the lion County Court of the proposition of appropriating, A. S Swain occupied a seat Oil Harney County, State of Oregon to grant License to Sidney Comegys to sell an exhibit money to maintain i... _____ _ at I'h® P|atform Monday night. He a Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquors in the Lewis and Clark fair. In or­ failed to express hie political belief? less quantities than one gallon in Lake Precinct Harney County, State of Ore der that the court might act with thoroughly. gon. for the period of three months, Gentlemen ’ ? clothing denned mid intelligence in the matter a plan in duty bound we shall ever pray. was i adopted to correspond with r<’P"ir’''1 "l" reasonable price Call Names Names several counties in this state and at the Sarah I). Hill residence in C T Simmons T G Devine D T Nntta D B Balter also to write the attorney general South Burn? J Ivy R A Smith regarding the matter of appropri-j Mrs. Mrs E P. Reynolds, of Silvios John Satories Edward Anderson ating county funds for such pur- who has been visiting her daughter, Frank Cawltield F X llsekman Wm. A Johnson poses. The correspondence will Mrs R. A. Miller, left for her home John Marshall Wm C Matuey W V Maupin be conducted by individuals who thia morning Scott Patterson W C Lynch are interested in our making an Harvey Muller H. M. HORTON, Propt. Sheriff Allen han been absent the Jesse Woodcock exhibit at the fair and will be com­ pant two week a delivering ballot C A llaines. Notice is hereby given that on Tues- pared and considered by the court boxen in the remote precinct? for .lay, the fl th day o( December 11MM, the at a meeting set for Tuesday, the election next Tuesday undersigned will apply to the County December 6. Court of the State of Oregon for Harney You should csll ar.d get price? at county, for the license mentioned in the The Times-Herald suggests Miller and Thompson’s—closing foregoing petition. that those interested who are per­ out prices that SIDNEY COMEGYS. sonally acquainted with county elsewhere. R. R SITZ, Lawen, Oregon otlicet s of other counties of Ore­ LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. M. V Smith nod R R Siti were gon write for such information conspiclous at the political rally and submit it to our county court Monday night, but. neither were To the Honorable County Court of Har­ ney county, Oregon: on the above date. Bulls ready for service, the get of called U|H>n to speak ïht ®inws-gnaftl. f BUYERS r ha and.... OF every description, see GEER & CUMMINS. WE LEAD IN > SHOE STORE None Better. ! and STOCK. r: James Smith Drugs t Hedicines Prescriptions Everything IT PAYS TO TRADE AT I OVERLAND HOTEL 1r LUWBER6 & bflLTON'5 Where one can find a fine assortment of EVERYTHING j OurlFall and Winter Clothing Were selected with a view to Comfort and Reasonable prices :. &ROCERIES with Quality *1... C.-* —--- !J---- e.!__ 1-^ _IJ __ AU­ the first consideration, but sold on the 'S I r iowest margin. Cet our prices. We Have the Reputation of Carrying the BEST ASSORTMENT BEST QUALITY : THF CITY DRUG STORE. .1 I m ^xpecti[,4 a lot of fine Wat< b?s a od som? cf the latest Creations io Jewelry. Bet’er k?ep i.our eye oo ibi? BILLS FOR SALE ! space. Breeder of Pure Bates Short Korn Cattle. We, the undersigned legal vo’ers of Lake precinct, county of Harney, state of Oregon, most respectfully peti­ While it is to be regretted that tion your honorable court to grant a li­ considerable taxes have become cense to C, A. Haines to sell spiritous, Certified copy of pedigree delinquent on the iyoj roll, it is malt and vinous liquors in qnantitiea given with each purchase. lest than one gallon in said precinct for nevci'heless a good showing for a period of six months as in duty bound this o.clion considering the back­ we ever pray. ward stock market. Not many I R J Williams was again in Geo W Caw I field II. D. Goodlow I Km Baker Erank CawltleM i ounties have less than $3536 de­ city this week. He came over 1. G Manpin linquent taxes in this state. By bring grain to the mill and informs W J Dunn PG Dervin D I* Kutta referring to the court proceedings ulis hie family will not l>e able to I. Hembree W V Maupin on the first page the reader may move in to their city home for a J 1 Cavender Win C Matnov week or more yet. Jess Cox E O Shipp learn just the exact amount col­ James Simmon. John Satoriee The Times-Herald force wan lected. etc. Dr J E Graves John Marshall treated to some fine eider by their C W Corl F W Turner old triend and standby. Chas Bel- Notice is hereby given that on Tues­ JOHN GE1HERLINO Those interested in the plan of shew, this week He is certainly a day, the flth day of December IM04, the mounting and exhibiting the game Optician friend to the occupants of this shack umler-igmsl will apply to tike County Jeweler. birds and animals of Harney coun­ wbo are al ways given a tip when Court of the State of Oregon for Harney Engntwr. ty are now in correspondence with anything exceptionally good is in county, for the license mentioned in the Fine Watch Repairing A Spe­ foregoing petition. Geer ¿Cummins have received an elegant line of chinaware, glassware water sets, wine sets, vises, etc. These goods are the tine.a ev >r dis­ played in this citv and must be seen to be appreciated. taxidermists and securing infortna- sight at hie fruit store Jeweler and Optician. Waterloo Prince 174,184 A IIAI5KS cialty. Buywi Utah, W ing fix" more tbi grades delivery grown, ers aud and co that the in the w world, in the li the ti mt get Mid prices. Furti now in pound- Four the Hot and im out Ea sheep, have ar the cou it is fm impose' they wi annouc they w breedei find th to suit sheep < Five ling e* weeks I nd it some < holdin culls o time i sheepi down, eider* tendei and 8| possit ex per men < Th< • WHO KNOW "r.r-Ml Klàrll. ix " ; t "*** W]thont ,nd ,he B*''- **««• «w “ih- -"i »-« ana U îiTÜ r* K' ‘ ,n ■*** "■ * y» >th>-frn •> f"' „WIH^ JMR ?ARlJN rme ARHS CO. Ne* Haven. Conn. 4 will ths« »tai den