*1 VOL. XVII. >---- 4 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 5, 1904. NO. 50. « -— -------------------------- w----------------------------------- — SENATOR FULTON VISITS US purpose. Senator Fulton made an VERY HAPPY SOCIAL EYENT than by the people of Burns. 'If COUNTY COURT IN SESSION spoke in high terms of the refine ­ JOHN D. DAI.Y. Puts N. V. CARPENTER, C ashmb , excellent address from a republican FRANK R. COFFIN, V ick P hkh A. C. WELCOME, A sst . C asiiikh . ment and beauty of our ladies; of point of view and held his audience MONDAY CONFERRING well throughout the discourse. He RECEPTION AND BANQUET TENDERED their excellent appearance and ALL THE OFFICERS ARE PRESENT general bearing He gave a word AT SESSION. CONSTITUENTS. SENATOR FULTON. • is not an eloquent, polished speaker, picture of his impression of this but one who impresses his hearers OF BURNS, OREGON. beautiful valley as he viewed it with earnestness and forceful logic. Tax Roll for 1403 Exomioed and Sheriff Is Accounts of Corporations, Firms and individuals Solicited. while coming in from the moult- , r» the Silvias Irrigation Project The gentleman is very pleasant to A Most Esjoyable tod Successful Affair 2 beat la the West aad Will Use Ordered to Collect Delinquent Aller tains on tbe north; of the impor­ Conducted by The Ladles of Büros meet, amiable and approachable. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. (iivlng Proper Notice. His Influence to Further It. --(lue»! Well Pleased. tance of its development and set­ He made friends with all whom he S tockhoi . dbhh John I). Daly, Frank B. Coffin, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. tlement; of what it could and would County court convened Wednes­ United States Senator Charles W. met and impressed them as a con­ \\ Ilhams, J. W. Deary, C. Cummins. H . M. Horton, C. A. Haines. IF111. One of the happiest and most be. Senator Fulton stated that we scientious servant with a desire to Jones, Thomas Davie. day with Judge Levens, Commis­ Fulton, like all others who visit this serve the people of Oregon to the successful social events in the his­ are not the only people interested •Statu anti County ‘Warrants bought at tho marttt prico. great valley, was completely capti­ best of his ability. tory of Burns was the reception and in the development of this great sioners Miller and Best and other otlicers being present. Win. Miller This bank Is insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary vated by its magnificence. Sena­ and promising section, but that it When seen directly after the banquet tendered Senator Charles or hold up day or night. tor Fulton spent last Monday in speaking at his hotel he again ex­ W. Fulton by the ladies last Mon­ was a matter of importance to the has been employed as county attor­ ney and is serving in that capacity this city meeting the people and in­ pressed his appreciation of the peo­ day afternoon at the I. O. O. F. whole state. He enlarged upon the importance of irrigation and the at this term. Following business quiring into our needs and desires. ple of Harney county and of his hall. The affair was conducted in ultimate result of bringing this had been disposed of up to noon •'».o-oaooeo os <■><»>«■>♦<■»#«■> <-»ar> nso to * interest in their welfare. If the His only regret was his inability to a very elaborate and tasteful man ­ large body of land under cultiva­ yesterday, the proceeding after that M. A lbxandkk , 1’ uesidknt . E. II. T est , Cashier people desire to enlist his services W m . J ones , VtCK-l’HBstDKNT. C. E. K snvox , Asst. Cashier make a longer stay in order that he in anything of interest or toward ner without a hitch in the arrange­ tion, He assured the banqueters | time will be found on page two: In the mutter of the delinquent of hie sincere interest in this section might visit other portions of the the development of Harney county ments. The hall and tablas were beauti ­ tax roll for the year 1903, the total and his earnest desire to serve his county and get a better idea of its he desires they should write him. fully decorated with bunting, flow ­ sum of the roll aggregates $65,565.- constituents in the best possible wonderful resources. ers and vines. The table decora­ 87. It appearing that the sheriff Senator Fulton was met at Sil- manner. ONTARIO » OREGON • WORK ON SUMPTER VALLEY. tions were nice with as mall Ameri­ The distinguished gentleman had collected $60,566 61 and turned vies by Hon. C. W. I’arrish and Interest PaidkoniTimeZDeposits». can Hag tied with red, white and was charmed with his reception the amount over to the treasurer. Judge Miller. The gentleman was Joseph A. West, chief engineer of blue ribbon were placed at each That he had allowed as the 3 per certainly formed a good impression much pleased with his warm recep­ the Sumpter Valley railroad, was We Solicit Yoar Banking Business. tion by the people of Harney coun­ in Canyon last Saturday, says the plate. The distinguished visitor of our people. Great credit is due cent rebate on taxes collected prior STOCKHOLDERS: —M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. 11. Test, ty, their hospitality and sociability. Grant County News. Mr. West was taken completely by surprise the various committies in charge of to March 16 the sum of $1211.74. C. E. Kenyon, II. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William 4b While he made a political address bad started on a trip to Burns, go­ when be was escorted to tho door the reception and banquet for its and that the roll disclosed as double Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. on Monday evening,Senator Fulton ing from Prairie City to the head of by Hon I. S. Geer and there met fine success. It was, without ex­ and void assessments the sum of '*> Issues all forms of sound life insurance at the lowest rales. Dur policies it his duty to visit this section in The apparent combination of the 5 guarantee after three payments are made the demand is constantly increas­ ! dered paid. order to see conditions regarding buyers has led the growers to talk Farewell.” I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of the contract Covers were laid for one hundred The petition of Jasper Davis and ing. Our agents are rapidly be ­ II. A paid up policy. . our irrigation projects and feel the of pooling their stock and sending Ilf. Loan or cash surrender value. public pulse on the proposition of out for buyers to come in and bid guests and a more happy or con­ coming rich Belling these combs 16 householders to change the coun­ Unexcelled as a dividend payer. forest reserve—especially the graz­ on the whole lot or any part of it- genial company could not be tound They positively sell on sight. Send ty road was found defective and IN FA’.STZGM TE BEFORE YOU' INSURE. failed to give the court jurisdiction, ing privileges The pooling of the wool clip by in Harney county. The places for sample. Men’s size 35c, ladies’ Sherman & Harmon, R. II. Benedict, ' Senator Fulton expressed him­ sheepmen in different parts of the were assigned by the ladies without 50c — (half price while we are in- i it was therefore denied. General Agents. District .Manager. MaripiarnjBlilg., II. A. Dillard, Agent. self as unalterably opposed to the west has proved eminently satisfac­ confusion although the prearranged trocucing them.) The I)r. White I Portland, Or, Burns, Or. Mrs. Leslie Vanderpool is recov­ preposition of leasing the public tory, and the cattlemen are think­ plan was not followed. Senator The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., ering from a recent illness at the range land, but with forest reserves ing strongly of following that plan. Fulton was placed at the head of Decatur, Ill. i home of her mother in Lakeview.— he said some means must be found There has been only a few small the table with Mrs Wm Miller at by which allotments may be equit­ sales of cattle in that section in the his right and Judge Miller at his THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE , Herald. able adjusted. He believed the past two years. The going price , left. Mrs. Marsden occupied the COMPANY, of Bridgeport, t’onn., Hugh Witzell arrived here Sat­ range in forest reserves should be at present is $13 for yearlings, $20 seat next to Mrs. Miller. The has appointed M. L. Lewis, their ...AND... allotted to herds and flocks domi­ for two-year-olds and $26 for threes. tables were laden with viands of agent for Harney County. This | urday from Tonopah, where he went ciled in the immediate vicinity These prices and the growers of Har­ various kinds and served most old reliable Company makes all to look for a location. His wife is During the course kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers. al the home of her parent, Jack It would not be necessary for the ney county consider ridiculously , charmingly. Affords the people of Fast and Central Oregon nil the opportunity of a owner to reside there particularly, low when the fact is considered I the toastmistress offered a toast to Corner posts Vases and Urns, out Hampton of Summer Lake They first class modern Business College, It is a home institution covering “ Our Representatives in Congress ” but his stock should be kept there that beef is still as high as ever.— every course involved in Business College work Its rates are the same of pure refined Zink, which is one will return to Tonopah soon.— Lake as charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students ndmittbd and called upon Thornton Williams of the elementar)’ or virgin metals, view Examiner. and taxes should be collected in Prineville Journal. at any time. Instruction at the College or by mail. During the Hummer to respond. Mr. Williams responed the same as gold and silver, and is the county wherein they graze. months the College will conduct a in a very interesting manner paying indestructable and cannot be affect­ A heavy Load. ■The gentleman was very favora­ PAIR 0FP1CIAL AT ST LOUIS. a r.ice tribute to the guest of honor. ed by the climatic 'conditions. bly impressed with the irrigation To lift that load off the stomach possibilities in Harney county and Iorwis and Clark Exposition ac- . "The pioneer” was responded to by These monuments are cheajier by­ For teachers and other» who desire a reviewing or preparatory course. take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Il Mrs. J. W. Geary; “ Our Relations stated it was one of the best, if not, tivities have been transferred to St. half than any kind of stone, For apecitnens of pen work, and full information on Business College sub­ digests what you eat. Sour stomach, ■ with the Coast," by Judge Miller jects, address superior to any other project in the Ixtuis. With the arrival at the more beautiful in design and can­ State In his opinion the project in point of President H. W. Goode, a i was good. He took occasion to not be broken. Mr. Lewis desires belching, gas on stomach and al) Klamath county was just about large percentage of tbs working [ compare our resources with those all who are contemplating the pur­ disorders of the stomach that are parallel with that of Silvies valley force will be there. Besides Mr. of Western Oregon and pointed out chase of anything in this line to curable, are instantly relieved and permanently cured by the use of with the advantage in our favor if Goode, T. B. Wilcox and J. C. Ains­ - the mutual benefits by close rela­ call on him at the office of Biggs A’ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure S P Storrs, any. While the reclamation ser- worth, of the executive committee. tionship with the coast, also the Biggs, and see designs sample of 1 a druggist at 297 Mein street. New I loyalty of Eastern Oregon to the material and price. yice of the government has aband-. General Counsel Dan Malarkey will Britain, Conn, says: “Kodol dys­ oned this project for the present, meet with the official party for the state in general; of its future great­ pepsia cure is giving such universal ness and benefit to the more thick ­ Senator Fulton assured The Times- purpose of inquiring into tbe legal­ Studebaker Wagons, .Hacks 1 satisfaction and is so surely becom­ Herald that he would certainly ity of all transactions. After the ly settled sections of uur west where Carriages, Buggies and Buckboarjls ing the positive relief and subse­ TRISCO A DONEGAN, Proprietor«. take the matter up immediately reports of Director of Exhibits H. they have the benefit of transporta­ are arriving now and selling as fast quent cure for this distressing ail­ With a view to having it pushed to E. Dosch and Director of Concess­ tion and navigation, but need the completion. Tn this he knew he ions John A. Wakefield have been products of the great inland empire as we can get them in. We have ment, 1 feel that I am always sure would have the earnest and able beard, action will be taken in the an*I th“ trade of tls people. Judge two ear loads of these goods here to satisfy and gratify my customers ny recommending it to them. I Tlxls He®.c3.q.ixeixtexs. support of the entire Oregon dele­ matter of finally securing desirable Miller pointed out the Importance and in trains. The best stock of write this to show how well the re­ Wagons and Vehicles ever brought exhibits as well as entertainments of bringing the now latent resources gation. With such men as these idealizing the capabilities of this and textures for the “Trail.” With of Eastern Oregon to high develop­ to Burns. Call and look at goods medy is spoken of here ” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was discovered Election to supjtort many thousand the Missouri "Pike” at their dis­ ment and its effect on the coast. even if you do not desire to buy at the present time. Geer A Cummins after years of scientific experiments S people and make homes on every posal. President Goode and his Hon. 1. S. Geer made 3 few remarks and will positively cure all stomach when called upon. These remarks 1160 acres of this of this great staff will be able to select some of Job printing—The Times-Herald trouble* Sold by Burns Druggists fvalley. we certainly have bright the most attractive Midway featur­ were in most part personal and en­ livened things up somewhat Hon. r prospects for early development. es extant. Senator Fulton has the distinc- Before returning to Portland Mr. A W. Gowan responded to tbe Gocde will meet with the United , toast “Our Guest” in a fitting man­ r tion of being the first United States The Finest of All States Government Imard relative ner. Mr. Gowan has known Sena­ I Senator to visit Harney county. I The people certainly appreciate the to the Government's participation tor Fulton for many years and paid him high tribute Before resuming fact and made it a red letter day in the Exposition. his seat Mr Gowan complimented in tbe history of our thriving little the ladies for the excellent manner city. Realizing the importance Tbs little eon of Mr. and Mr» in which they conducted the recep­ and influença of such a distinguish­ For Sale Italy at A. W. Gowan was quite sick the tion. Hs then called upon Hem tor ed visitor our people exerted them­ fore part of the week —Herald. Fulton selves to make it plsasanl and one The gentleman reoj>onde