give West Lakeyiew better drain­ age and improve the sanitary con­ ditions in that part of town. AT PENDIETON RACES! STATE NAV OBTAIN THE LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR SITE. J. D. Heryford Wed*. s »I ; Predaci ti .1 Imparted Comee Prom Wella Walla. The 10 merchants of Pendleton who handle butter for the local re­ tail trade who also distribute to the outlying small towns and to the lumbe, camps, report that dur- i ng'the past year, which has been for them an average'year in this re­ spect, they sold in Umatilla county 85,0Ü0 pound s ot butter which was made outside of this county, says the}‘East rOregonian. Nearly 43 tone of butter sold in one year by the merchants of this town which was made outside of the county. The detailed amounts as reported are as follows: the compilation be­ ing made by reference to their books. There are no widely “esti­ mates” made: One firm imported 16,640 pounds another 10,500; another 6000; an­ other 10,500; another 6000; another 6000; another .'KHKJ; another 40<>0; another 2,000; another 18,720; another 2000; another 2000 another 4000; the tenth 18,720. More butte- is imported from Walla Walla than from any other one point. Portland next, while Strange and mystical are the antics, says the Telegram of the little cherub-god Cupid, who roams unseen through the world, shooting old and young alike with the love­ tipped arrows which unite hearts. His latest accomplishment is the consumation of the marriage of James D. Heryford, cattle king, of Central Oregon, and Mrs. Della M. Lewis, of Lakeview, Or. The love making must have progressed favorably, for it was only last June that James D. Heryford was de­ fending himself in a Buit brought by Mies Birdie McCarty, who charg­ ed breach of promise and seduction. What Mrs. LewiB though of the charges in probably best answered by the wedding which occured last Saturday. It cost James D. Heryford $6000 to soothe the wounded feelings of Miss McCarty, although the jury in the case returned a verdict for $10,- 000. Just what Miss McCarty thinks of the marriage between her old alleged lover and the Oregon woman who thus announced her profound disbelief of all her charges against her new lord and master cannot be ascertained. Mies Mc­ Carty is still Portland but ehe has nothing to say. The marriage is chronicled by the Lakeview Herald, which heads its story with the single word, married, Miss McCarty accused her cavalier of being an ardent lover. James D. Heryford, on the stand in the courtroom, appeard much colder than the famed Clat­ sop clam, with which Judge O’Day compared when speaking before the jury in the first trial. Mrs. Lewis’opinion of him in that re­ spect can probably be summed up, also in the one word, married. Be that as it may. they are really mar­ ried and that, too, barely two months after James D. Heryford paid to Miss Birdie McCarty the $6000 Judge Charles B. Bellinger decreed should lie the damages. The story of the wedding, as print­ ed in the Lakeview Herald is, mod­ est but leaves no doubt as to its authenticity. Following is the ac­ count of the marriage: Last Satuarday evening at 7:30 o’clock, at the brides home on Slash street, Judge B, Daly performed lhe cennony that united in holy bonds of wedlock James D. Hery­ ford and Mrs Della M. I