Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1904)
Mason fruit jars at Voegtly’s. Do you want blacksmith coal? TlieO. C. Co. is headquarters. Dain Hay Bucks at Voegtly’s. Heavy underware at greatly re Carrol Cecil is in town running duced prices—Miller A Thompson. with Bill Ilog-in. Dr. Marsden made a professional Are you going to the Railroad if so do visit to the Izee section the first of not forget the O. C. Co. the week. Chino Burdugo and Buster Cawl- Remember Brown’s Profit Shar field caine in Thursday. ing Plan. Secure your coupon with I The O. C. Co. k now no competition, every cash purchase. Mon- ' the old reliable. Uncle Geo. Duncan, the Court Stenographs, Coleman has Pine” arrived here this week his home at Silver Lake, ine at arrived home from Vale. t •gtly’a our visi- Ion. J. J. .bl.. >r W.C. Ollie' <tairs in VeogUy building . L. Poujada and feaaily are city, tha gnaata of relatives in four choice of any atraw hat for cents—Miller and Thompson. 4 m . Henry Goodlow has ite sick at her borne ley the past week. out been in the lie O. O. Co. are always right as to jes and quality, don’t forget this an you are arranging to place you, ing orders. fudge Geo. E. Davie arrived here t evening from his home at Can- 3 City and will eonvenc jrt next Monday. circuit )o you waat to bay your good» right, o get the pries* of ths O. < «n.. r the largeat bnyers, and tie closest lets, best quality. the week on N first Big of bars Golden land business. Star soap at 5 cents per bar for cash at Luna- buzg & Dalton’s. Mrs. W. T. Hill and family have Luuaburg A Dalton are now pr<- moved to this city for the winter. red to redeem their ( liinawan They occupy the Sheldon residence. kata having just received a arp- You should call and get pricee at pply of beautiful Chinaware, Miller and Thompson’s—closing Supt. Rigby and father have g.m< out prices that cannot be equaled the fornrar’e ranch near l»o_' elsewhere. ouirtaln toatayafew day» They The ideal weather of the past few Il do some ehooting at the hike- days has brought in a number of fore retnrning. yisitors from the neighboring towns For 8aie—My ranch with all to attend the races. ock, hay and machinery T. im- Lost—Bunch of keys between liewtion Hudspath bridge and Burns. Find er please return them to Miller & Mas. S. H askell , Burns •he Thompson store and receive reward. friend of Sam Lyestesday from Ml m*an come» here if ,ie him. We will sell you anything in the line of farming machinery at prices and terms that defy competition. Please call and get prices and terms Geer & Cummins. L M. Brown of the firm of N." Brown A Sons took his departure Tuesday via Canyon for San Fran cisco where he goes on business for the firm. He expects to be absent a day or two in six weeks or two months. the week tak- I For Sale— A 3.J inch wagon, a londay for the set of double harness and a work mfeotnpany with mare and colt. Inquire of E. N. the sheep Nelson, the watchmaker. received ten ing of Bain and Wire, blacksmith ecal oil, sugar, ■Fur A letter from Frank Gowan to his father announces that he had spent just 50 cents for meals dur ing hie trip from Ontario to Wash ington, I). C., and itemizes the ac- count. He was four days and four nights on the train. Frank cer- tainly holds the record. HARNEV COUNTY FRUIT. BROWN’S THE SATISFACTORY STORE BROWN’S *éoo it Coffee CONTEST NOTICE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITED STATES LANDOFFK Ej Burns, Oregon, September 30,1904.j Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make proof in support of his’elaim, ami said proof will be made before the Register and Re celver, at Burns, Oregon, on October 31, 1901, viz: H. E. No. 1022, of David Richardson, for the S'-, SEG. NW'. BE' ,, SW', NE‘ „ Lee. 28, T •2? 8.. R 32J a E , W. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Bunyard, Alonzo K. Richardson, Charles Crawford and James B. Buckland, all of Harney, Oregon W m . F arre , Register. ¿ooa. Us is ¡nest deUetPus Agents for McCall Bazar’Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. t/ BURNS, OREGON PLOWS! PLOWS! VOEGTLY’S The best mouldboard plow is the JOHN DEERE PLOW. The fruit display being arranged by I S. Geer, mentioned of which was made in these columns a few NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION weeks ago, is growing and is now a UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,) Burns Oregon, September 7,1904.1 very creditable one for this section, Notice is hereby given that Mtiroellus B. Mr. Geer is doing good work but Hayes of Lawen, Oregon, H rs filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-land finds a shortage of vessels in which to claim No. 308, for the SE'< SE‘4, ^cc 22, and », See. 27, T. 24 8„ R. 32 E., A . M., before the preserve and display the fruit NE' Register and Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on the 21st day of October, 1901 Tbe Times-Herald suggests that Friday, He name» the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation oi said Be sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing the citizens, or the Board of Trade land William T. III11, of Lawen, Oregon, Hen ry I). Goodlow, of Harney, Oregon, David N. donate sufficient money to secure Cutter son and Charles Miller, of Lawen,Oregon W m F akke , Register. Also a full stock of Disc and Tooth Harrows and Seeders the necessary vessles to place this fruit. If anyone has large glass vases aud are sufficiently interested NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. in this matter it would be appreci FOR THE MAN AND THE WOMAN UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I Burns, Oregon, September 7, 1904,1 ated if they were brought in. Fruit WHO KNOW Notice is hereby given that Mary C. Hill, of and candy jars are too small—iti Lawen, Oregon, has filed notice of intention to There’s no light rille like the Marlin .22 repeater, for either target make proof ou her deBert-land claim No. 301, fact it would take an opening like a for the NW' i Sec. 33, T. 23 S., R. 32«2 E. W. M., shooting or small game, because it. has Marlin accuracy. If you shoot before.the Register and Receiverat Burns, Ore this ineana «‘verything. The »Solid Top, with its wall of metal always be wash tub or barrel to admit some gon, on Thursday, the 20th day of October, 1904. tween you and the cartridge, and the Side Ejector are She names the’ following witnesses to prove of the pears and apples. Mr. theeomplete irrigation and reclamation Of said sj -..-= s =^ original Marlin features, which make it the safest to land: Marcellus B. Hayes and Linley B. Haies, handle as well us tho surest. It shoots short, long and in stone oi Lawen, Oregon. Henry D. (¡oodlow anti Geer has fruit stored long-rifle cartridges without any change. Joseph L. Turner, of Harney, Osegon. churns and jars awaiting the find W. m . F arre , Register. The Marlin 16-gauge Shotguns are the smallest and lightest re peating guns manufactured. A new, well balanced gun of great ing of suitable transparent recepti- accuracy. Handl» < stiff load« safely and well. cles. H’» ;/- ili about ami particular repeating riße or uhotfivn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ‘needs you have. (>ur latest t'ataloyue 300 illustrations— An inventory of the fruit now on dial oar JZrperience I'ook, that fells what M iHLlNd are UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ) cluing the world over, ft ve. J or 8 stamps postage. Burns, Oregon, September 7, 1904.{ hand, made by The Time--Herald Notice is hereby given that W’lliam T. Hill, Ttie MARLIN FIRE ARHS CO. Lawen, Oregon, has filed notice of intention this morning follows: Apple», A of 42 Willow St. New Haven. Corn to make proof on his desert-hind claim No. 301, the SW?4 Sec. 33, T. 23 S., R. 3.% E W. M.. Venator; apples, pears, Joe Rector; for before tlie Register and Register and Receiver Burns, Oregon, on Thursday, the 20th day of apples, pears, peaches, plums, nec at October, 19 JI. names the following witnesses to prove tarines, Adam George; apples, the He complete irrigation and reclamation of said Marcellus B. Hayes and Linley B. Hayes, crabapples, plums. Mrs S L Bowen; land: of Lawen, Oregon, Henry D. Goodlow, Joseph plums. H. E. Thompson; grapes, L. Turner, of Harney, Oregon. W m F ar re . Register. apples plums, cherries, I. S. Geer; Will deliver choice steaks, apricots, Mrs Trisch; pears, plutns, roasts, boiling meat'-', veal, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION C. Cummins; pears, Geo Sizemore; etc- at your door daily in any UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, l cucumbers, C. A. Sweek. The Burns, Ore., September 19.1904. \ Times-Herald invites people to call Notice is hereby given that the following quantity desired. named settler has filed notice of his intention and see this fruit and comparé it to make proof in support of his claim and that paid proof will be maae beiorethe Register and with fruit from the Snake river, Receiver nt Burns Oregon, on Octol>er26, 1904, II E. No. 1059 of James S. P Withers, for John Day, or any other section. viz: the W'- 8Wl4, Sec 26, K.% SE'4. Sec. 27 T. 23 8 , We can “coon ’em all” so far. R. 32’aE.,W. M. A private letter from Bend states that the superintendent of one of the big irrigation concerns over there was enroute to this place to Miller. Burns, buy horses. He will want big work horses and we advise raisers acknowledges to see him. from Frank P. Judge Miller and wife haye re n, D. C. It turned from Malheur county where . card showing the judge attended court. They ■f the capitol brought Borne of the prize winning fruit in from Ontario, pears raised r the manage- by Dr. Pngueand apples from C. A Co., is one W. Malletts. The fruit can be seen resorts in the at the bank. Morg Brown arrived here this liquors and card tables week from Lake county and will Ntice of Appintment of Administrator». again take up his residence in this In the Matter of the Estate of B. F, section. Morg informs us he has Ansmus, Deceased. us Belshaw been sick almost the entire time Notice is hereby given that the under Dav and tak- I since he left here in July, He con- signed II. R . Sitz and Maida K . Ans- •y pick your templates going into the chicken mils have been duly appointed, respec apples for the business. There is a good opening tively, administrator and administratrix of the Estate of B. F. Ansmus deceased, X. Come all for it. by the County Court of tne State of Ore all of Harney W. H. Hogan has been here for gon for the County of Harney and have the past few days renewing acquai qualified. All peisons having claims ldwell expect ntances and making new friends. against said estate are hereby notified to the outside. This is Bill’s first visit for three present the same, with proper vouchers verified as by law required, to tbe Jheur county years and his old time friends are and said K. R. Sitz at bis residence near naturally pleased to see him. Bill some land Lawen, Harney Co. Oregon or to Par ranch in shape has grown some since moving to rish A Remiiold the attorneys for said IPs where they Albany and now does not have to estate at their office in Burns. Oregon stand broad side in order to make within six months from the date fiere- a shadow. He reports Mrs. Hogan of. again here enjoying good health Dated and first published Sept. 17th 1904. of fruit from It. R. Sitz. Administrator. McKanlass and his company He presented Maida K. Ansmus. Administratrix gave a j>erformance at Ixcher's hall some Belshaw Thursday evening to a large house won all his cus- EXECUTRIX NOTICE Belshaw informs Those attending pronounced the some of these show very good, especially the In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Roberteon, Iteceased. here this Fall. specialties by McKanlass. They appear again tonight and of after- Notice is hereby Riven to the creditors Intosh, of Grant' noons at the race com th« Me of the above entitled e.tite, that the re Thursday ac- Kanlass glee club render some lde« undersigned wm ou tl>e >>tli day of Sqe tember 1904 appointed, by the .Indirect wife and they vocal selections. the County Court of Harney Connty. from his'' Mr and Mrs. Wm. J P. Rector came in Oregon, executrix of the last Will and McIntosh is over to Crow Camp home yesterday, He Testimony of Joseph Robertson, deceas octing the teachers brought over some fruit to add to ed. All ¡.ereon* holding claims against week and incidentally the display heing prepared by 1:8 ■booting at the lakes I Geer His pears and apples com said estate may present them properly verified, at the oflice of Bigge A Bigg« arrange it. Tbe annual pare favorably with some of the attorneys at law Boms Oregon, within 1 be held in Grant prize winning fruit brought in from six months of the date of this notice. 13. 14, 15, according to the Ontario exhibit. In fait th» Dated September 10, 1904. trrmilla E RolierVon. me which Prof. Me Harney valley fruit has the advant- Executrix. I age in size. ed us. ferait reserve scrip Kbas and upward, le use and Milt Modi, one of the I*. L S. Co foreman of the ranches in the southern part of the county, was here the first of the week. He was over to make a drive of beef that had been gathered in this section. United States Land Office, ( Burns, Oregon, Aug. 30, 1904) A sufficient contest affidavit having thoseV been filed in this office by Grant Kester- Osborne and Acme mowers at the O. ‘son, contestant, against homestead entry R. R. Sitz the breeder of C. Co. get their prices. famous Short Horn cattle, is Up No 1855, made February 25, 1903, for Nh. SW’4 and W._, SEl4, Section 17, Men and boy’s wool bats cheap— from his ranch near Lawen. Township 25 S., Range 28 E. by Libby Miller A Thompson. Adam George is selling Bohool J. Mtilloy, Contest»«, in which It is al Born—To Mr. and Mrs J. O\ furniture and the various districts leged that said Libby J. Mulloy has should see him before placing totally abandoned said entry and has Calfield Monday, Sept 26, a son. not resided upon or improved said entry orders, Order groceries from the Miller for more than six months next prior Mrs Rose McGrath left Tuesday hereto and there are now no improve it Thompson closing out stock. morning for Baker City where she ments thereon, and that said alleged B. W. Hamilton and family are will yisit with relatives for a short absence from the said land was not due again occupying their residenoe in time before taking her final depar to her employment in the Army, Navy, ture for her home in Kansas City, or Marine Corps of the United States as in this city. k Mo. it p I 1 \ cl IV 3U1U1VI >111 WX I a private soldier, j » officer, seaman, or Mrs. C. W. Jones has been visit- it- H. Y. Blackwell has returned\“,arine> durin« the tim® ®f f war, said ing her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Wel- from Lake county where he drove parties are hereby notified to appear, come Jr. the past week. 500 head of cattle. He informs us respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o’clock a. in. on Adam George, Lawen, Oregon is he is not buying at the present, October 14, 1904. before the Register and preparing to winter 600 head of having just returned a contract Receiver of the United States Land stock—cattle or horses—cheap as which did not suit him. Office in Burns Oregon. Don’t forget the basket dinner The said contestant having, in a pro the cheapest. Oct. 8,—last day of the institute. per affidavit, filed August 30, 1904, set The casing for the experimental Come not only prepared to eat forth facts which show that after due well on the Burke Carey selection hearty and have an old fashioned diligence pe'sonal service of this notice has arrived from the railroad. time, but come loaded down with can not be made, it is hereby ordered roast chicken, cake, pigs feet, or ind directed that such nolice bo given Link Hutton was over from the baked beans. by due and proper publication. Wagontire section a few days the W m . F akke , Register. Messrs R. J. Williams and W. L? st come over from Silver Creek is week with their cattle which re delivered to the P L S. Co. a Alfalfa at Geer A Cumuline. i The best disc plow is the BENECIA-HANCOCK PLOW A full stock at C. H. Voegtly’s Young’s Meat Wagon Haines & Nelson Watchmakers and Opticians tlAVINfi CREWS SUPPLIED He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: Neil McMahon, Joseph Turner, James Turner and William Russell, »11 of Har ney, Oregon. W m . F arre , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFU’K, f Burns, Oregon, September 21, r.MM. < Notice is hereby given that the following- named »ettler ha» filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hl» claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Burn», Oregon, on October 28, 1901, viz: H. E. No. 1243, of Cbarleti B. AusmuR, for the SE'4 'E ». f ots ; •■:. i i . R. 32 E., W. M He name» the following witnesses to prove hi» continuous residence upon and cultivation of raid land, viz; Hertran Ruh, D. H. Graves. J. J. Heinz and Charles T. .Miller, all oi Lawen, Oregon. W m . F arrr , Register. Wagon in Bti ns Sunday Afternoons. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE ONLY EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE IN BURNS None Better ALL THE LATEST STYLES. N.tcr Hornes kept />// the day, week or'.month. FIRST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. Hay and grain always on hand. Special Attention to Conducting Funerals/ NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES. IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. RESTAURANT A Sfuuity af Sbort ttricrv Table furnished with everything tbe market affords Y our patron age solicited. Special attention given to transcient custom and freiÿit teams. Repairing. Opp".(I Bakery in connection LEWIS Ar GARRETT, Propts. BOOT and SHOP The Lone Star MEALS AT AUU HOURS .Mail orders receive prompt attention. Ask for Prices. James Smith China George, Proprietor. Cor. Main and B street*. At old Jorgensen Stand Quarters delivered within five miles of Burns. “Walk Over” Shoes NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. sold everywhere at UNITED »TATE* LANDOFFD E,i the same price. Burn», Oregon, September 22,1904.1 Notice ip hereby given that David N. Turner, Guardian of the Estate of Mice B I urner. In- •aue, of Harney, Oregon, ha« filed notice of in tention to make proof on her deaert-claim No for the Iz.m 1,2, 3 and I an I -W'. NW',. Mec. 5, Lot 4, and 8Wtf NWG, NW. Ser 4, T. 24 R 33 I., W M.. before the Reglater and Receiver, at Burn», Oregon, on W edneaday, tbe 26th «lay of October. 191)4.' Be Barnes the following wltneisea to prove the complete irrigation and rec lamation of sai<! land: William E. Burke, of Harney, Oregon. Elmer A. Turner, of Venator, Oregon. Jamb c. Welcome, Jr., and Henrv C. Levema, of Burna. Oregon W m . F arrr , Register. Watch Repairing a Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION USITKD STATES LAMD OFFICE, > Bum*. Oregon. Heptembet 21, I'jCM.t Matte* !• hereby given tbat Ellen Martin, of Burna, Harney County, Oregon, baa fieri no tice of intention to make proof on her deaert- iau.1 claim No 2»» ter the EG NW\. NE'g HW'4 M.W 31. T 23 8 . u 32 E.. W. M., before the R»-g Inter and Receiver at Burna, on Thurs day. the Z7th day of <>cU»l*r. I‘<M <he name* the following witneaaeg fn prove the complete irrignthm and reelamatten of said land John O. Cnwlfiel«!. Geo f'awlfield, •»»•aae Bunyard and jawiea H Bunjrard, all of Horn«. Oregon. W m F arrb . Register. Farniture chwfp^r than ever The many friends of Father fore i this town. We bought I Doyle, will be pleased to hear < f right and will sell right The very hie recovery from his recent illness nicest in Lace an< i Cur and trust that whatever parish he tains. Ladies, call them— may be assigned to, lie will lie suc Burns Furniture Co cessful — Baker City Herald. li