* [W LAWS ARE NOW READY er-master shall be appointed, to TO START fATE IRRIGAI ION CODE NOW PORTAGE IN PRINTER’S HANDS tide for 1’ladag Water and Arid Land New Department—An Engineer and Commission to Oovern pared at the direction of the ae..n irrigation Commission and be submitted to the legislature f adoption at its next regular ision a new code of laws govern- the taking of water from moun­ tain streams of this state and the distribution over arid or semi-arid lÁnds, has been formulateti. Hon. Morris Bein, of the United States Reclamation Service, has been in­ strumental in the formulation of this code, which is known to have the thorough indorsement of those * the head of the National irriga­ tion movement. It was compiled at Pendleton, but the first proof sheets to be issued are now in Port- land. ■ Assisting Mr. Bein in preparing the code were Hon. T. G. Hailey, president or the Oregon State Com­ mission, and Hon. J, T. Whistler, engineer in charge of the reclama­ tion work in Oregon. This irriga­ tion code was compiled not only With a view to remedying the defects in Oregon laws, but is easily appli­ cable to all the arid and semi-arid states of the west. ■The new irrigation code takes the control of irrigation, waters, lands •txi construction out of the hands of individuals, the county district rjMnd state authorities in which it is Know vested, and puts it in the hands of a state engineer, who is appointed by the Governor and KBbnfirmed by the Senate, and a State Water Commission, the mem- bers of which are electod by popu- ^'Jar vote. The provision is made Kwr dividing the state into what »hall be known as water divisions, anti a Water Commissioner, to ser­ ve four years, shall be elected by Kne votes of each division. I The Water Commission shall be Plio supreme tribunal in all matters ertaining to irrigation except here a question of law or equity |l involved, when the case can be ppealed to the courts of the state, ho State Engineer shall be presi­ dent of the State Water Commission. | The state Engineer shall serve ¡¿for a term of six years, at a salary f $3000 per year, all necessary ex- ¡ense, $1800 for an assistant, and 000 per year for incidentals, taking $0800 in all for this office, e will have an office in the State apito! at Salem, and must keep 1 the records of the irrigation latter in the state. His work ill be manifold, and he must de- ote his entire time to it As soon b he is appointed he must make a Good For Children. 'sonal survey of all streams, beds, steel couches, etc.—Burns itches and sources of water supply The pleasant to take and harm­ Furniture Co ti the state, taking data as to the less One Minute Cough Cure gives lount, etc. He will then make a fecord of Ihe appropriated and un­ instant relief in all cases of Cough, appropriated waters within the Croupe and LaGrippe because it doeB not pass immediately into the ■tat”. As soon as this has been done, stomach, but takes effect right at l is to furnish the Attorney-Gen­ the seal of the trouble. It draws ii) with a list of all the nnappro out the infiamation, heals and tinted water, and the Attorney- soothes and cures permanently by ■neral is instructed to commence enabling the lungs to contribute IRE SOLD/ It at once to quiet the title to Atiis pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues appropriated water ami vest it in re ■ w B slate This removes the rights Sold by Burns Druggists. in the various counties A A Neat Capture. hi Jul" of fees to •>“ charged by b state engineer for his service is W. E Jordan, of Burns, ami ■ ^bo provided, wilh a vow to mak- Berry Givens of Hot Springs, Idaho J ¡ng the office seif-sustaining ■No irrigation scheme can be un- were arrested here Saturday even Hbtaken without lir-t eonaalting ing by Marshal Hannon on the the state engineer, stating facts charge of horse stealing Jordan is f»r the construe | every and ropers in Idaho he having won article is »n of the «am- All right, title guaran­ the bucking and roping contest at M equity to miv WWteT within the teed. late shall come from the state en- the Idaho state fair two years ag ■ The boys had 26 head of horses li.eer and water commission The Come in- take a look at a in their possession and ¡1 different lere fill < g of appropriation, as is beautiful display of ow legal, is done away with T<> brands. JEWELRY Givens has confessed. The com­ josecute these cases the amount of On the counter you will plaint was sworn out by John T. also find catalo« illus­ 5000 is appropriated on the adop- Shea of Jordan Valley and the hor­ trating iion of the code. thousands ses all came from there — Hunting of useful Prevision for the dividing of the ton Herald. and |ta'• in o water division is made, practical Gems but the number of divisions is not Free! Free!—HamLome China­ ecified, but is left to the legisla­ ware absolutely free We are still re. giving tickets on Chinaware for cash If you want th« Each divison shall have a water purchases ooly. We now have, very be at value« c rmtuisoner, who •■hall serve al the a large supply on hand. Take al for your money rate of »10 per day actually devoted peep in our windows.—Lunaburg BUY HER.E to the business, but not to exceed o $1,500 _ given away for sio.k and agricultural 3KI -------- _ Provisions and exhibits at Baker City, Oregon, from October i i to 15 inclusive. , For further particulars address ' S. O. CORREl L, Secy. ‘ Peed a Specialty. | He is Pn pared to fill orders | for Anything in his Line. All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. Main Str> Durkheiiner Building. Yearlings and Two*year>olds in quantities to suit. 77?« hulls can be seen at the “P” Ranch, and persons desiring to purchase should inquire there of F. 11. lioicell, Assistant to the Gen­ eral Manager, who will furnish informa­ tion as t prices and will sell the same I M. L. LEW IS ! jHRHNSlJRÄNCEj FRENCH-GLENN LIVE STOCK CO. » I ». • SHANIKO WAREHOUSE COMPANY^, General Storage, Forwarding Sh.an.lkc, Oregon & COMMISSION I ... Represents the.... ji Home Insurance Co., of New York, « ft <$ X ® « ! rt WILSON & ASHTON, SUCCESSORS TO TUPKER <1 WILSOiM. Blacksmithing and llorseshoeiug. Dealers in Blacksmith Ceal, Flour, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Hulpher, Wool aud grain sacks and Twin«, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides aud Pelts Wagon Work. Stoek Yards uiith ah the Uatest and Best Facilities for Handling Stock. ALLWORKCUAR- ANTEED. Burns, Oregon. Mark Goods (’are of “8. W. Co.” T. G. CONDON. iDanager. Harney County Hospital THE CARTER HOUSE. AF1ER1CAN PLAN ONTARIO. OREGON. Modern, Bat ns, Oregon. Corner South of Lunaburg & Dalton’s. Special Attention to Wool Grading and Bal­ ing for Eastern Shipments. Fire-Proof, 7 " æ i®®®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®®®®®’i >- 8 Firoproof building 100x600 feet, 150 feet two stories in height. Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OFFICE WITH BIOOS & BIOUS. MERCHANTS Having n wly furnished several comfortable rooms for the occupance of private patients, I desire to an­ nounce that I am ready to receive surgical or medical caseson reasonable terms. Elegant. R^tes $2.00 and $2 50 per day. All Outside Rooms— Near Depot Pleasant Quarters provided for Obstetrical Cases. This modern new hotel was only recently opened to the public. Harney County people will be always welcome and courteously cared for. A first-class bar in connection. EXPERIENCED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. (’has. E. McPheeters, Propt. A Burns, Oregu... THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON A. SAYER, Propts. ! : Rough and Dressed Lumber, 5flM BRILEY, proprietor, fine Wines, Liq'ors and Cigars flints for Club Wb:<;ki| CLUB ROOM? IN CONNECTION . i Rustic, Flooring, Mould.ng, Finishing Lumber. | EVERYTHING Fl ^T CLASS Courteous and oblitjipt} flixolotji>b. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good ^oad. Lumber Yard in Burns. The While Front Livery Stable LEWIS & McGEE, Propts. : Fresh Teams New and Elegant Livery Turnouts Complete. Horse« boarded by the day. week or month. Special care given all stock Special accommodations for Commercial Men Cor. First and B Sts., Bums. Oregon. Just Arriwd Two large new show cases and they are loaded down with new goods. We have a new and f esh H i Supply of TOILET ARTICLES i Buy none but the best «Urk which is aiwaiH the ceeape«t OREGON NURSERY CO Call and Inspect them. THE WELCOME PHARMACY Growers of Reliabl Nu'sery Stick SALEM, OREGON. HOPKINS • k true to lals-l ami in good order when delivered, else w. will refund money or re­ place free of cost. Manufacturers and dealers in SADDLES and HARNESS. Nnraeries nt Salem, Oregon. Los Angle« California, North Yakima. W ehingtoti Stor k for this «ection brought from North Yakima. Bridles, Spurs, Whips, Robes: Rope.«, Etc. CEO. MICKEY, Agent. Correspondence solicited, Burns^jDiegnu.-i. a. Í HUSTON’S IS THE PLAC ROAD serve at $4 per day payable by the county in which hoserves. He will have charge of ditches, headgales, CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION WILL etc. SOON BE SET. All United States Government I undertakings are given precedence over all others, no matter of what Opta River Association Makes Final Ar­ rangements for Actual Work--State kind or description. Funds Soon Available. The unit of measure prescribed by the new code is one cubic foot of According to the Oregonian a water per second to every 70 acres meeting was recently’ held at Port­ of land u ider irrigation. The exclusive use of an irrigation land in the office of J. N. Teal be­ ditch is prohibited, and every one tween- State Treasurer Moore and has the right to compel an irriga­ Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar, tion company to furnish him with represnting the State Portage Road water at bo much for storage and Commission, and Mr. Teal, the le­ gal representative, and Mr. Hawks, conveyance. The right to tax the land in the the engineer of the Open River As­ water divisions for the maintenance sociation, and at this meeting the of these officers and enforcement of final arrangement« concerning the the law is also made poramount to right of way for the Portage Road all other claims except legal taxa- were practically’ settled. The right of way through the re­ ation. The sum of $40,000 is appropriat­ stricted districts at the ends of the ed to prosecute his work at once, proposed line have been secured by and shall be paid back to the state agreement witli the O. R. A N., and wilh the exception of one strip, all by special taxation. of the right of way through the re­ The text of the code will soon be printed and each member of the maining portion of the district has Legislature will be furnished with a been acquired. The one exception copy before the next meeting of the is practically settled, however, and the agreement will be signed as soon State Legislature. as the person owning the land can conveniently come to Portland to Pill Pleasures. sign the papers. If you ever took DeWitt’s Little At the conclusion < f the meeting. Early Risers for billiousness or con­ Mr. Teal announced that the engi­ stipation you know what pill plea­ neers would be sent to The Dalles sure is These famous little pills immediately, where they would be­ cleanse the liver and rid the system gin at once to survey the route pro­ of all bile without prcducing un­ posed and secured for the Portage pleasant effects. They do not gripe, Road The line will be staked out sicken or weaken, but pleasant give as soon as possible m order that the tone and slrenght to the tissues and contractors wishing to bid on the organs of the stomach, liver and construction work can have the bowels. Sold by Burns Druggists. grades and figures from ’ which to calculate the cost of the work. Ship 100 cars of Sheep Soon. As soon a the surveyors have completed their work the bids will A hundred cars of Spring Oregon be advertised for and construction lambs will soon be on their way to will be commenced as soon as the Omaha oyer the O. R. & N via the contracts can be let. D.