Attorney Sizemore informs us is an average crop and new land THE RACE MEET VERY GOOD the total cost of the trial was a lit­ I will produce 14 or 15 tons. tle over + 1100 to this county which 1 These are figures from the Salt is much less than was anticipated SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1804. (Concluded from first page ) Lake valley the soil of which is on account of the large number of 1 similar to Harney valley with the fared: Hush, by Richardson. I witne„„ Kubpoelll,ed (roIll here. 8UB8CR11 ■TION KATES: J average altitude a little higher Humming Bird by Hardman;! One Year 1 Six Months l.Ou than here. Sleepy Dick, by Bricbcie; Pracpee- A WJ h|i,(. r„(llll lias |„.,.n litte,| Three Months .. . .................................. ,75 Mr. Sturtevant also raised cab- tor. by Wilson The start was good ' up ¡|( |fae court h()U(!e for U|e Bchooj | bage that averaged 240 lbs to the ami Humming Bird 'I '"'superintendent’s office. Papers 4 V hl AN BY II It — — — — MaiiMgor i nn(j books belonging to the office square rod or 38,400 lbs pi r acre arotlt d the turn but upon 1 These figure should forever dis­ into the stretch she begun to slack were moved into the new quarters Through I. S. Geer The Tinies. pel) the delusion that Harney val- her spied noil the other horses the first of the week. The super- Herald has learned considerable closed in and before th«' . post was inteiHlenl will lie at bis office Wed­ Iley is not a farming section. reached Prospector bad passed her I about the Campbell st stem of dit \V bile it is a well known fa. t and lludi moved iq> to second | nesdays and Saturdays of each land farming which is proving 1st after J that the sugar beets of this sec- place The finish was made with I week until November quite successful on the dry lands v. liich he can be found at his office lion have stood 1 much highei the horses in this position, Sleepy each day of the week. Teachers of Colorado, Nebraska and West­ test than any of he older sugai Dick nosing out on the little mare and patrons of our schools are in- ern Kansas. While the informa­ beet sections of tho United States, right at the wile putting her last. yited to call. tion so far is somewhat limited it the farmers have no encourage­ Time, 51(. ■ ■■■ no doubt would be well adapted Job printing—The Times-Herald The next race, mile trot or pace ment to raise them except for r*’! to this section. Mr Campbell Ì stock feed. Just as soon as a for $100, was for Hartley county farm . systematically and with a il by Geo horses. Comet was entered : railroad 1 eat lies us Harney valley view of conserving the rain wa­ will beyond doubt become the llagey; Little Dot, by Phil Smith; ters in the soil until it shall be suf­ most famous beet section of the Lucile, by J. W. Biggs. Lucile ficient supply to keep crops took two straight heats with Little si west with possibly a sugar re- growing through the dry season. Dot taking second money. It was littery located here. a very pretty race and the second 'I’lie following paragraph is The Times-Herald will take heat quite exciting 21’1 The two quoted from a paper read by 11 this matter up more definitely in favorites fought all round the track W, Campbell before the Colorado The Original Great the near future. and were hub and hub until near Realty Association at Deliver re­ the finish when Little Dot broke cently : losing her first place The first STOCK BUYERS HERE. “Water is not held in the spaces heat was made in 2 5-1 1-5. of the soil but in a form of a film Yesterday’s cards consisted of a The Times-Herald is pleased around each particle. Therefore, to announce the arrival of some i’ mile dash for a purse of +150 and Assisted by the finer the soil is broken up and a mile dash for Harney county i stock buyers. then again made firm the more I I L. 1>. II<>y of the Erye, Bruhu saddle horses for a purse of +75. water it holds, because of the in­ The first race was called off on I Co., of Seattle, is here to buy creased number of particles and a account of one of the horses falling 1 sheep and left today for the Stein consequent increased amount of dead while going to the post. Tho Mountain section in company with entries were- Prospector, by Wil­ surface in each cubic inch of soil. The Jewish Creole 1’. C. Peterson. Mr. Hoy is buy­ son, John 1). Lee, by Brisbois; and This same line, firm condition de Sinking, Fxcells ing mutton, stock sheep and feed ­ Sleepy Dick, by Hardman. The creases the size of the pores in the ers. horses were given in charge of the Dancing Great soil and thereby increases the John Hendrickson of Salt Lake starters and before Prospector, with power of capilary attraction and Our Fun Unlimit d causes the moisture to move fast­ is also here after sheep and left Chester Smith up, bad gone 100 yards from the grand stand he sud ­ And are the Chnipion Cake! er in the soil to the rootlets which Mondav for the Stein mountain denly fell, catching the rider’s leg ranges in company with J. F. Ma ­ Walkers are taking this moisture most under him. Ches held the horse hon. rapidly during extremely heated mc K a NUASS challenges the C. II. Brown, a horse buyer from struggling until help reached periods. It is during these ex­ him and he was released from his world as the Gre t st Sweet I treme heated conditions that the from Boise, Idaho, is here want­ dangerous position. 'I’lie horse Sieger, Violinist, Cornetist, plant grows the most rapidly if ing 200 head of range horses. died without ever regaining his Banjo King, Musical Phenomenon These gentlemen are not giv­ feet and later investigation by I)r. there is plenty of available mois­ ing out their prices, at least to Burrow showed the animal had Comedian and Dancer. ture. So it is during the same newspaper men, but The Times- died from heart failure. periods of high temperature that Herald is informed the sheep buy­ Lee Caldwell had been training the plant is d.imaged most if these ers are offering very satisfactory Prospector and stated that he had little rootlets cannot find and take prices and it is l bought many shown no signs of the disease and in all the moisture that is need- 1» I thousand head will be sold. This was apparently in fine shape. He ; will have a tendency to ease the had just remarked to the owner Mi Geel has written for deli- I . . present stringency in money mat­ that the horse was in shape to nite information on the subject. ; IT PAYS TO TRADE AT ters and as soon as cattle begin make the race of his life. When I i'his io the shape of some books moving briskly times will tin- the rider mounted the horse seemed t writtten by Mr. Campbell which full of life and spirit and his sud­ prove. gives details of his farming den death was must unexpected. FRANK A. COLE, Propt. “I Don’t Know” was the real Should it appear that the Camp­ CAREY ACT YET IN FORCE. First Glass, Well Appointed House. Where one can find a fina assortment cf name of this horse and lie had a bell system would be as success­ track, famous record on the western ful here as it has pi oven in the Centrally located, well furnished tables, comforta- A Salem special the Oregonian horse i : above named states, the matter says: Contrary to the general be­ Wilson did not want the rooms. Rates, Meals 25 cents, Rooms 50 known here, as he feared other £ will be taken up by men interest­ lief, the light of the state to select cent, Single Beds 2? cents. stables would notenter against him. ed ir. the development of Harney arid land under the terms of the The horse was 11 years old. Some I Just make Ths Cottage your headquarters county and thorough experiments Carey act did not expire by limita­ speculation as to the cause of his will be made. The Times-Her tion on August IS, and the applica­ death was indulged tn before the Main St., Burns, Oregon aid will have more to say regard­ tion of the state for 11,760 acres tc animal was examined by the phy­ ing this at a latter date when lie ri claimed by the Squaw Creek sician. Some claimed the horse i Irrigation Company will yetbecon- had been “doped,” others that. more is known. SUMMER DRY GOODS. FURNISHINGS ¡cidered. 1'hnl the right to select Caldwell had given him a ‘'shot” I land under the Carey act Iris not to make him run, claiming the old We Have the Fiputation of Carrying the File record kept by Jake Wel­ expired and will not expire at any fellow was a “fiend.” The loss of come for the Government Weath­ time now fixed is declared in a this valuable horse was a hard er Bureau shows the precipitation letter received today from Acting blow to Frank Wilson and is de­ A brand new stock of prescription drugs, since last November to have been Secretary of the Interior Thomas plored by all. more than 15 inches. This re­ Ryan. A special race of 350 yards was strictly f esh and of the best quality and The Carey net was passed by arranged for the purae and Monte cord does not include the humidi­ more on the way. * fOÍTABEES- rD-Zù-XJTOW ty during the month of May List (’engross in I891 giving to each Cristo was entered in place of A splendid lot of the and there is a possibility of more ! state the right to secure 1,000,000 I’rospeotor. Monte took the race acres of arid land by reclaiming it. with Sleepy Dick a close second. rain before the end of twelve Many people who secured contracts There were four entries in the months. with the state for the reclamation saddle horse race: Solo Best, .by Heretofore this valle) has been | of land believed the terms of the A full stock of'everything in the drug line. James Buckland; Respond, by credited by government statistics act provided for a limitation of ten Stewart; Pat, by Thornburg; with but 8 inches of precipitation years in its operation, and such I n) < x*eclii a lot if fite Barbwire, by Lute Mace. Respond per annum. The past season was declared to be its provisions was almost left at the post blit his H. M. HORTON, Propt. would indicate a most favorable when the State Legislature passed rider decided to give the other aod s id f tte change in climatic conditions a law in I'.Htl accepting the grant horses a chase anywav, but he was C eations Jewell J. which will certainly be of benefit made by the Carey act. The same at no time near the money. Solo to the farmers of this country. view was at first entertained by Best came under the wire first with Bet er i- eye on ibis Such conditions are encouraging. officers of the State Land Depart­ Barbwire second. This race was ment. but when the Squaw Creek played quite freely bv local sports Irrigation Company tiled an appli­ who were willing to back their space. SUGAR BEETS 21 TONS PER ACRE cation for a contract for the recla­ R SITZ, Lawen, Oregon favorites mation of 11,766 acres of land in The attendance yesterd y was a-em.Toexlirxg'. Joe Sturici ant Raises an Excellent Criaik county, northwest of Bend, greatly increased and today shows Crop-■-Cabbage Over N Tons. Clerk G. G. Brown began to inves­ evidence of a record breaker. A Jeweler nod Optician. tigate the status of the law. large crowd attended th? dance Bulls ready fur service, the get of One of the finest crops of sugar last night which was a decided beets ever beheld was raised by CAI TIE SAIE IN GRANT. social success Joe Sturtevant al his mill just al'.-vv th'* citv which is conclu­ COLWELL GETS SIX YEAR. It N and R 1< Stanfield arrivati Certified copy of pedigree sive • t ilil><>« •! Ce-Partaenbip. country, where they have purchas­ years imprisonment in the peni­ Tl.e Times-Herald has been much interested in this industry ed a fine hand of steers. which they tentiary as a result of the verdict oil Notice i« hereby given that the ami is much pleased to find the will drive to their Butter creek manslaughter for the killing of > parinership heretofore existing Warren Curtis b'-tw-en Mi-C. M Dibble ami N experiment such a success. At ranches and feed for the winter market. It is understood that they Those who have returned from .A. Dibble, iimler the name of Dell the rate usually paid per ton for paid *2 60 per hundred for the A ale state that the utifortun tc sugar beets this crop would give btouth Fork cattle, but their band ■nan was still insane when taken to! Dibble is this day dieeolvsd. BRENTON een People from tie country will find Elegant Kctu I ¡very *■ 'nooft- Erurraver. consulting statistics of the sugar for not only Pacific coast hut east­ cleared of the charge and was a the Collage i nic» homelike place Fine Watch Repairing A Spe­ Outing Parties Rcccmmodated. beet industry we find that 18 tons ern markets also—Blue Mt Eagle free man. to stop while in I he city. cialty. ¡¿lie ïiuics-MktaÎd F FOR see M’KANLASS GEER & CUMMINS. WE LEAD IN and STOCK. Sept. 28=29, Oct. I ™E OVERLAND HOTEL LUNfiBERG & DflLTON'5 EVERYTHING Seasonable goods always on hand for inspection NEW TRIMMINGS, LACES and RIBBONS JUST ARRIVED ! BEST ASSORTMENT $ BEST QUALITY FINEST (ANDIES AND GUMS. THF CITY DRUG STORE. 4 Wdt< b?s latest ? io -ep our BULLS FOR SALE Breeder of Pure Bates Short Horn Cattle. Waterloo Prince 174,184 * Horses Bought and Sold