XVII. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER i, 1904. SURVEYORS STILL AT WORK for use of schools nor for repairs or THE RACE MEET VERY GOOD furnishing schoolhouses, nor iu pay­ JOHN I» DALY. Piu s dace. It takes study and system­ A. C. WELCOME, A sst . C ashier . ing interest or principal on bonds I FRANK R.COFFIN, V ice C ues atic work to make good crops in PUSHING ON TOWARD BURNS, THE issued by the diet.—(Code, section HEAVY TRACK AN IMPEDIMENT TO ED IN THIS SECTION any country, and therefore few have RECORD BREAKINO. 3.372,—)” TERMINAL POINT made a complete success so far. SATISFATORY. In connection with the above I The matter of furnishing flour for OF BURNS, OREGON. have written to State Superinten­ the local consumption is quite an Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. was dent J. H. Ackerman, who indorses No Races Monday on Account ol Downpour Better Prices Later With item and is now commanding seri­ The Sampler Valley Railroad Company --Attendance not up Io Former Instrumental in Opening the Blue the above section and requests me Fleld-An Buyers in The ous attention of farmere of Harney WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Years--Some (food Cards. Mountain Forest Reserve. to enforce the law to the letter. EMart Made to Get Them. county who have been in the habit S tock not.DKKs lohn D. Daly, Frank R. Cotliu, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. Regarding the above I will say, of paying out hard cash for the pro­ An almost continuous downpour Williams, J. W. Geury, C. Cummins, II. M. Horton, C. A. Haines. Win . Chief Engineer West, of the Sum ­ The Times-Herald has been duct of some other section. The for the protection of our schools 1 Jones, Thomas Davis. ad with inquiries during the success of this season can be follow­ pter Valley railway, was out to Tip­ intend to hold trustees responsible of ram Sunday and Monday pre­ State and County Warrant] at it. market price. vented the races beginning on the week in regard to the cattle situ­ ed each succeeding year with like ton Wednesday, beyond which for all money apportioned, and to date scheduled. As a consequence This bank is insured and w ill be reimbursed for any loss by burglary ation Particulars have been ask­ results, if the ground is properly point he has a couple of surveying strictly enforce the law in support or hold up day or night. the cards are one day later than ed regarding the supposed buyers’ cultivated. crews in the field, carefully select­ of the salary and interests of our advertised. trust and if it were possible to get The gentleman who made above ing a route to John Day country, teachers. The racing has been very good outside buyers in here, if the pros­ remark states that our foothill land If any repairs, furnishings or and endeavoring to find a feasible but owing to the rains the track is • ■'M*>owo owo- pects wera favorable for a better is certainly the best for wheat «■> owo-owo -r»«r> r»o» grade into the Quartzburg mining other features are necessary special heavy and the time made corres­ price later, etc. Others have asked growing—especially winter wheat— X M. A lexander , P hksident . F IL T est , Cashier « tax can and should be voted. district. Mr. West announces to C. E. K enyon , Asst. Cashier ’ pondingly slow. The attendance " W m . J ones , V ick -P hehidknt . if it would be business to sell al the and backs his judgment with many M. E Rigby, the Sumpter Miner that no exten­ prevailing prices now offered ’’atner instances and statistics that show School Superintendent. has been smaller than in former sion will be built beyond Tipton years, and the conflicting dates of than carry the stock over. the advantages of these rolling or this year. other meetings has prevented a Just why these men have asked Horse Heaven on the John Day. sidehill lands. It was largely, if not mainly, large number of fast horses from I for such information The Times- lnterest PaidvonlTimo* OREGON. Deposits. < ONTARIO The fact that fruit grown on the through the personal efforts of Chief being here to compete for the SlPf[ Herald does not know. 1 bis great bench land almost always escapes Engineer West that the recent The discovery by the driver of purses. Steenf.- religious weekly is no better posted the heavy spring frosts shows one withdrawal of a large area ot timber Kitchen’s California mine stage of Tuesday afternoon the firstrace on the cattle market than a majori­ advantage; the thaws and freezes We Solicit Yost* Banking Business. « land was ordered from the Blue a caynse with saddle turned and j mile and repeat was quite inter­ ty of these individuals and in fact of winter that proye detrimental to Mountain forest reserve Mr. West bridle with broken reins, has called esting. , '•• h J| not so well. Three horses were entered: winter wheat on the lower level went to Washington on such a mis­ attention to the fact that horse hea­ Monte Christo, by Lee Caldwell; Buyers are now writing here for lands does not effect the bench land, sion, presenting to the administra­ ven is not over 100 miles from Humming Bird, by Geo. Brisbois; information and asking for prices. in that the water does not collect tion the fact that the withdrawal of Sumpter The last cayuse is ques­ Gray Dandy, by Henry Richard­ STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, E. H. Test, ’ They are given the prevailing prices on the surface to freeze and kill out C. E. Kenyon, II. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William > a tremendous acreage made impos­ tion, which from the nature of its son. Gray Dandy took the first and there i- 11 a pUBBllHIlfcjr Ul of ÖUU1V some the grain. He gave as instances I 1 Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. sible the extension of the Sumpter equipment belonged apparently to two brats, Humming Bird Becond. 1-Ajj coming this month, although this the wheat, lands of the upper Col­ Valley railway through the John a range rider, bears evidence of hav­ Time, 25 25.5. There was a kick J PURI is not definite and cattle raisers are umbia where most of the wheat Day country and on to Burns, the ing been out in tile woods for per-1 made by the rider of Humming Bird HOWARD SEBREE, PRESIDENT W. R SEBREE, VICE-PRESIDENT o ¡AM nil asked not ito depend upon it. If grown in Oregon is raised and terminal point named in the com­ hapB a month. No range riders are | after the first heat, claiming foul, R. A COWDEN, C ashier A any buyers do come we will certain­ where crops never fail. pany’s articles of incorporation. nearer Sumpter than the Grand j but the judges did not see it that V A ly give our readers such informa­ The altitude, of course, is some­ The Oregon congressional delegation V Rounde valley, so that the presump­ way. ■ A tion at the earliest possible moment. what lower, but nevertheless they heard Mr. West’s plea and offered to tion is strong that the lost equine is j The socond race, | mile dash for V A We fine that some are awaiting have frosts with almost the same use its influence with the department V far from home. A Harney county saddle horses was < o.pj the return of Wm. Hanley as the ■ regularity as here and with more of the interior, provided the rail­ Sam Stott relat?s to the Sumpter run for the money. The riders A ’»•••J report is current that he will raise disastrous results. Vegetation way company could and would give Miner a weird and wonderful tale of were vaqueroes with big saddles V A V the prestnt price $1 per head upon grown in the higher altitudes assurances that the John Day and a horse heaven on the middle fork and there was no fancy riding. A V his return. Upon investigation stand harder frosts because of the Burns extension would be built. A General Banking Business Transacted of the John Day river. Stampede- The boys sat down in the saddles, A The Times Herald finds no authori-1 general nature of things. TbiB is a Mr West evidently made good, be­ ed horses from all parts of Oregon, i gave the horses their heads and CORRESPONDENCE INVITED «R^Kfich a statement. well known fact. cause it is a matter of record that said Stott, head invariably for the quirted from the word go. No kick Other bi.v-r- claim that the P. Men who have been making a all the members of the Oregon dele­ country. Lost cayuces are found was coming after this race for the L.8.OC [prices are not justified by scientific study of the soil and cli­ gation exerted their influence to­ without fail, and the attractions of] let and that the company matic conditions of this valley ail ward bringing about the throwing the place to homeless horses is al riders didn't try any foul play. ^only a few choice bunches. agree on this and some experiments open of various townships describ­ most canny. Sfolt saftt that was Five horses entered: Respond, by W. M Stewart; Foxy Jim, by Clay > assert that the P. L. S are now being made in a small way ed by Mr. West. because horse heaven is located on Clemens; Big Bill, by I! Ricliar- n advantage in that they that shows every indication of veri­ Sternnous opposition to Mr. Wests the Middle Fork. He pointed out son; For Sale, by Harry McClain; the stock tc market more fying these theories. OF PHILADELPHIA petition was met with from Secre­ that paleontologists from dozens of; Pat, by Lee Thornburg. Foxy Jim INCORPORATED I847. nd get the stuff there in The Times-Herald is confident tary Hitchcock, who, according to big eastern universities have visit­ won, I’at second. Issues all f.irms ol sound life insurance at the lowest rales. ()ur policies dition an account of their that enough wheat can be raised by reliable information, was forced to ed the place and made startling •S guarantee after three payments are made Wednesday’s card consisted of a ure en route. The Times- next year to supply the local mar­ accede to the delegation’s demand discoveries, bearing out the horso I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of the contract. 8 » II A paid up policy. nds that the company has ket with Hour and hopes our land by President Roosevelt himself, heaven theory. Fossilized remains ! g mile dash free for all for a purse III. Loan or cash surrender value. onsiderable stock and are owners will get to work. There is whose evident desire was to placate of three and twotoed horses were of $125, and a .J mile dash for Har­ Unexcelled as a dividend payor. |he market for more. This no danger of flooding the market the people of Oregon and pour balm found. This means that prehistoric ney county maidens for a purse of INVESTIGATE HEFOIIE 1011 I NSV It I'. foifo fopaying $13 for yearlings. $20 and reducing the price of grain. upon many political wounds inflict­ horseH inhabited the spot many $75. Sherman A Harmon, R. IL Benedict, you eat In the first race there were four General Agents. District Manager. for tiros and $2(5 for threes. These We never have had too much grain ed on influential Webfoot republca- millions of years ago. Horses, it MarquamJJlldg., II. A. Dillard, Agent ^TBill continue for the next and are not likely to for some time. ns by the honorable secretary of the will be remembered, began life some entriep: Baby May, bv Frank Hard­ rifles, Portland, Or, Burns, Or. man; Humming Bird, by Brisbois, the s:::.iÄ nHse or until the company Good prices will prevail. interior, whose bitter policy against few million before history began to Prospector, by Frank Wilson, Gray all gathered. Oregon and Oregonions is undoubt­ be written, with three toes, instead Dandy, by H. Richardson, The nd bon'jH ¡that date the company will edly due to the feud existing be­ of hoofs. A million or so years > action:« the market as this will be A WONDERFUL INVENTION. tween himself and Congressman later they eveloped into two-toed horses got away badly and Gray 1 Dandy was left at the post. Baby diive for the season. Binger Herman. brutes. The hoof age is compartiv- May came under the wire first with It is interesting to note that for ­ o are willing to take the ...AND... Mr. We3t enlisted the support of ely recent. In the light of Stott’H ices should therefore gather tunes are frequently made by the Gifl’ord Pinchot, chief of the forestry hypothesis, the cayuse found yes­ Humming Bird a close second. k before the time expires, invention of articles of minor im­ division of the Interior department terday was undoubtedly headed for Time, 38|. Some dissatisfiction apparent combination of portance. Many of the more pop­ whose representations, and the rep­ the middle fork, perhaps to visit the was expressed at the fesult of this Affords the people of Rast and Central Oregon all the opportunity of n ay interfere with prices to ular devices are those designed to resentations of Mr. West to the grave of his two-toed ancestors of race on account of the start but the lirst class modern Business College, Il is H home institution covering benefit people and meet popular judges decided the race as the extent but if the sellers every course involved in Business College work Ils rail s ate the s unn Oregon delegation, resulted in Pres­ the Fliocene age. Being hamperd as charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Student 4 admitted combine and will stand by conditions, and one of the most in­ ident Roosevelt taking the matter with a saddle on his belly instead horses came under the wire. Con­ nt any time. Instruction nt the College or liv mail. During the summer siderable money was placed on ement the buyers’ trust teresting of these thathas ever been out of the hands of Secretary Hitch­ of back, he failed to make good. months the College will condui t a invented is thd Dr. White Electric Prosjiector by local Hports and of terfere in the least. The cock and ordering a big area of land The animal is emacitated, docile, ' course they were sore. to get the market price is Comb> Panted Jan. 1, ’99 These ummer ormal chool restored to entry in the Blue Moun­ friendless and forlorn. Hie color The second race was another one igate, pool the stock and I w°nderfo1 Combs positively cure is light bay. He has been turned for blood. Three horses were enter­ For teachers anil others who desire a reviewing or preparatory course. r for , buyers. dandruff, ’ hair foiling 6 out, ’ sick and tain reserve. . For specimens of pen work, and full information on llilsinesH College sub­ Mr. West says that the area so out to pasture to recuperate and ed: Sullivan, by Clay Clemens; are at least 10,000 head of ,iervoU8 and U8eJ jects, address restored was not so Urge as that await the advent of an owner. Hush, by Richardson and Monte this section ready for mar- witb Ur " bite’s Electric Hair petitioned for by him aud recom­ M. Zeigr'bsr, Z=xirx., Christo by Lee Caldwell. They with proper management Brusb are Positively guaranteed YUM* mended by Mr, Pinchot. There is got awav from the post iri a bunch Studebaker Wagons, 'Hacks, ail be sold at the market 10 mak” straight hair curly tn 25 tfiicnCi SxxxrxS, Oreg-orx. ¡days time. Thousands of these reason, however, to believe that Carriages, Buggies and Buckboards and it was close all the way around when the present temporary Blue mes-Herald has no means electric combs have been sold in Mountain forest reserve is finally are arriving now and selling as fast the turn but upon coming into the Dg what the price will 1.... be —. *-be varions cities of the Union, and made permanent, other tracts will as we can get them in. We have stretch Hush moved up to first i the demand is constantly increas- two car loads of these goods here place and held it to the finish with __^ing therefore will not ven- be eliminated therefrom, so that Our agents are rapidly be ­ and in trains. The best stock of Sullivan a close second. Time, 54i any advice as to holding stock. "Ifc’ J coming rich selling these combs I the original petition of Sumpter Wagons and Vehicles ever brought A match race between Gray |Bnlv would not advise hold­ Valley company will ultimately be They positively sell on sight. Send to Burns. Call and look at goods Dandy and Baby May was the first TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. ing stuff, feeding 15 hay and bor­ for sample. Men’s size 35c, ladies’ I granted. even if you do not desire to buy at race Thursday. The distance was rowing money at 10 percent. j 50c — (half price while we are in- the present time. Geer A Cummins. i mil« and the stakes amounted to WILL ENFORCE THE LAW TO THE LETTER. « $120 aside. Both horses had many IN MORE THAN IRRIGATION /"»cueing them.) The Dr While I The Dr. \\ bite Electric Comb Co., Rememlier Browns Profit Shar­ backers and considerable money Make Tlxis Kead.q_uaiteie. To the trustees of the various Decatur, Ill. ■alley Will Produce With only ing Plan. Secure your coupon with changed hands. Baby May came school Districts of Harney County: under the wire first. Unfall if Properly Tilled. 1 Upon investigation I find that at every cash purchase. The regular card consisted of a THE: MONUMENTAL BRONZE least two thirds of the school dis­ j mile dash free for ail for a purse at this country lacks i- COMPANY, of Bridgeport, Conn., tricts of this county haye been in If you want a good watch or of $150. The following horses en- lltivation instead of lack ofj has appointed M. L. Lewis, their the habit of using money apportion­ Jewelry see Haines A Nelson at the (Continued on page two.) Jon, 'said a prominent man agent for Harney County. This ed from the countr and state funds old Jorgenson stand. ■aeetion to The Times-Herald old reliable Company makes all for repairing, furnishing school in Cte* lher day. The gentleman has kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers, buildings and placing in order 'ime M ■perience in cultivating drv Corner posts Vases and Urns, out »chool grounds, thereby, not onlv The Finest of All , it : land has great confidence in of pure refined Zink, which is one shortening the term of their school, ns" * I ttú rt Lv valley as an agricultural of the elementary or virgin metals, but lessening the salary of their .«ir-D* L He also considers the the same as gold and silver, and is teachers to trustees of such di-tricts farming lands of the valley , indestructable and cannot be ntT-ct- I will quote school law “Sec —32 tt open to entry and that men ed by the climatic conditions. In all districts at least 85 per cent Understand farming would io These monuments are cheaper by tax of the amount recieveil from Far Sale Oaly at H time, demonstrate the fact half than any kind of stone, the five mill school tax and the ir­ a: I*’ I proper cultivation the soil of more beautiful in design and can­ reducible school fund »hall be lection could be made to re- not be broken .Mr. Lewi? desires applied on the teachers’ salaries, | nfficient moisture to insure » al! who are contemplating the pur­ and ro part of said 85 per cent «hall I tiri 1 «• » 4 chase of anything in this line to be applied for fuel, already pre­ Crop every season, f MS* Aqents, Burns, Ore. 'course farming is in its infan- call on him at the office of Biggs A pared for use, expense of lawsuits, «il* I yet here and land owners Biggv, and -ee designs sample of chalk, brooms, blackboards, erasers, lid Bros., Distributers, Portland, Oreg, n rU stoves, or other apparatus necessary taken very little interest in material and get prices. First National Bank X I FIRST NATIONAL BANK | I £ n IT • first national Bank i CALDWELL, IDAHO — i ... A PENH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S THE CAPITAL SALOON Bums, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables Club Rooms in Connection. MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY THE TIMES-HERALD Hotel Burns Bar Gives all the local news Job Printing y