4„ IM VOL. XVII. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, JULY NO. 3S. MBFUL HARNEY VALLEY would gladly take up the station A POOR BUSINESS POLICY native pheasant or ruffed grouse— MALHEUR HAS ORGANIZED council. When you have a trouble­ Closed from November 1 of each some plant, or pests that you X. V. CARPENTER, C ash urn, year to August 1 of the following LE FROM A DISTANCE SEE would exterminate communicate \ ('. WELCOME, A sst . C ashikr . SHOULD REPAIR THE ROAD AND SIDE vear. Prairie chicken closed from A LOCAL IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION IS GREAT SECTION with the station. WALKS NOW IN USE. November 15, of each year to Aug­ WITH ENTHUSIASN. “There are unmistakable evi- ust 15 of the following year. Bob nences that Harnev valley is rapid­ White quail—closed until October OF BURNS, OREGON. —Pref. X B. Horner of the Oregoo Agricultural ly passing from a pastural to an The Opening of New Streets Should be 15, 1905; then closed between Dec­ Will Co-Operate With ■ •• Mr. Whistler stated that it hud ner owns some very valuable land Germany; and that with transpor­ left in bad shape on account of lack The production of the above last in this ¡valley and last Sunday ac- tation Harney valley promises of funds. There are streets, too, Saturday night try the Georgia not yet been determined whether feOHMMied by C. A. Swaek, visited better than Salt Lake valley did at that have been ordered open long Harper Co. was exceptionally good the reservoir would be located in it alkingof this section and the same stage of cultivation. It since on which no work whatever and brought forth very favorable Harper Basin or Little Valley, the it bi lilies to The Times-Her­ seems as if the various classes of has been done. comment from those who witnessed formation of the ground was now fit io ald math, Prof Horner said: soil should be analyzed; and that The road from the foot of the it. Hazel Kirke is not new by any being tested, work having been be­ the HOWARD SEBREE, PR...0.KT b. f. wh|TE( Vk,.Pr,km„ “Leet Friday afternoon, our experiments might be carried on by grade north of Foley's blacksmith means, but never grows old to those gun that morning, to see which s poor W. R. SEBREE, C hur driver h ailed the coach on the local gardners in a small way to shop to the grade leading in from who appreciate a good drama and site would prove the most desirable. a fe« — Ei,^|g**faiii, that we might see Burns, ascertain the quality and the grade the mill ¡8 almost impassible in the Georgia Harper Co. can play it. The proposed district, which em­ ,r*.j>riHiant with its red roofs, delicious j of sugar beets raised on the various the spring and f irmere coming in Major Harper as Dunstin Kirke cap­ braces about 100,000 acres would gardens and everlasting windmills, soile. Then the attention of cap­ from that direction have repeatedly tivated the audience from the start. be covered with two largo canals of aid f^i eye slyly stole away— ital could be called to these facte, and constantly made complaints His build and make-up were per­ about equal size. One on the north hen or ®*xty wiles or more—over a mantle it seems to me. with satisfactory and ask why it is not attended to. fect and he seemed well suited for side of the Malheur river, which therfori of carist which the driver called results. They are always answered that lack the part. Miss Harper as Hazel would water a small portion of Harney \ alley. A sheet of water was, of course, exceptionally fine Lower Bully creek and Lower Wil­ “The sugar beet industry has of funds prevents it. /ft A General Banking Business transacted PLY u «> fc»fu rther side arose like a ’ been especially mentioned, because It has been proposed to change and Joe Detrick as Pitticus played low creek and all the land of the AX w PHIL« Bri«® of quivering gray, and this experience has shown that no other the road or grade and bring it in in his usual way in comedy—just Dead Ox Flat country. The other CORRESPONDENCE INVITED — was tbe A cycle of industry in the inland empire has over the hill, doing away with much right. The support all round was canal would be taken out on the .«y- x- « k - ~----------------- —— enclosed the scene re- raised the valuation of land and grading along the Hat below. This above the average with Glenn Har­ south side of the river and would JMMbg the wall of the gods: and increased the wealth of the country would perhaps meet with general per as Sir Rodney, McDonald play­ follow along the foot hills terminat­ ■BWtbled beholder reverently faster than has this industry. But approval if it would be done. Some­ ing the part of Carringford, with ing at Snake river near the mouth J^^^ed, “If One did this al! in wheat,hay, oats and barley and thing certainly should be done Jjlifi Mrs. McDonald as Mercy. Miss L of the Owyhee river. It is estimat- »■■■«■«» LLMM MHTiini WynuIXWANiT fflMDANY land lying witlnn tnc proposes ui; I .. «*r I*»4 -w L am • • - Ml ■ ' I ! vegevaurce oi played Dolly well. BlTWVwx» w-«,----- --- .. garded as not fully acclimated are road, but is it necessary to open C ; trict, cannot be utilized on account bad be ¡labored a whole month?” Hazel Kirke is one of the best street in order to accomplish this? Issues all forms of sounil life insurance at the lowert rales. Our policies also awaiting cultivation in a soil of some of it being bad land, while &K ^ll the best th ings get into guarantee after three payments are mailo The streets north and south of C bills put on by this company and ■ some is too high to be watered and much of which is thirsting for run ­ I. Automatic extended insurance tor tlm f.ice of the contract. jHKifeo I aui not surprised that a are now open and have excellent one that is well liked by all our the rest includes the river bed. II A paid up policy. *0 pretty, so rich, so protnis- ning streams and spreading water. people- HI. Loan or cash surrender value. wagon roads along each which There is now about 15,000 acres in Bhe new west has been over- With growing fields the whistle of Unexcelled as 11 dividend payer. The Two Orphans tonight prom­ would not cost the city or property cultivation in the district, most of y those who make the books the locomotive is assured. /.VrE»T//,'.lTF HKh'ORK I'OII IWI’ItE. ises to be fine and the company “Your altitude is high, your at­ owners one-fifth the amount as op­ will be seen to good advantage. which has not a sufficient water ngly a little later I assumed Sherman >1 Harmon, II. II Benedict, mosphere light and dry, your cli­ ening a new street. General Agents. Distiicl Manager. supply, and it is the desire of the le of student and engaged It will be costumed historically Maripiam^Bldg., II. A. Dillard, Agent The writer will wager that he d, Judge Sweek, to give me mate bracing, your life strenuous. Portland, Or, Burns, Or. correct and has several very thrill­ government that this land come in could get nine-tenths of the proper ­ to the association. The reservoir al sermon upon the gran- Hence we find that students from ing scenes, It deserves a good ty owners in Burns to sign a remon­ will hold two years’ supply of wat­ the county illustrated with this locality are quick to think. any new house, and will certainly be appre­ er ample to meet all necessary de­ iews which he announced They stand well in their classes; strance against opening ciated. street at this time, but the same mands during twoyeirs of drought. arriage sped from point to and attain responsible poaitions, the cross Mr. Blanchard in the course of A thunder shower Wednesday _____ the largest valley in Oregon. soon after graduation. President number would ask that ...AND... his remarks said: “You have as >pened to be the day of j Gatch and the faculty of the Oreg­ walks and squares on the main evening made things cooler. business streets and on those streets , fair a valley as can bo found in any aarmons, so he did not show me the on Agricultural College are pleased Quite a number of our ranchers that are most used tie put in at with the quality of students you , section of the United States.” Mr |HKB>ower, the stacking of hay are well along with their haying least passible condition. have sent us; hence you can under ­ Fowler, president of the Salt River or the queer antics of the buckaroo. I A (lord« the people of East h nd (’enttnl Oregon nil the opportunity of n The Times-Herald believes in while others have not commenced. Valley Water Users’ association,al­ first elasM modern Business College. It is n home inslitution covering ■■■■I gently led me into continu stand why we want more of the every course involved in Bunine«« College work. Il« rales are the same kind. And it is very gratifying improvement and will ever be ready so paid a glowing tribute to I his lo­ •d Mirprisee of a milder sort. HHCliHrged elHewliere and the methods are the same. Slu lents admitted NOTICE. to champion progression, but feels nt anv time. Inutruction id the College or by mail. During the summer that the attendance the coming cality on account of its beaut.» and “Almost every farmhouse is sur- months the College will conduct a this is not the proper move at this Tn the Matter of the Estate of David productiveness when reclaimed by year from Harney will far exceed ramded by trees and shrubs—and time with the preBent financial con ­ the attendance of the past. ” irrigation, and urged the necessity •JI bate fine thrifty gardens. From! Cary, Deceased—Notice of Final ummer ormal chool dition of our city. of accepting government aid. Wy*«*ervation8 you are going to Account. A committee of 17 was appointed A. L. Hunter returned last night For teacher« and other« who deni re a reviewing or preparatory coiir«e. Notice is hereby giyen to all make a decided success of farming For Rpecimena of pen work, and full iniormiition oil B iihîiivhh College «ob­ Game Law. creditors, heirs and other persons to formulate aiticles of incorpora­ X-jMUgaee a most decided change in from a trip to Shaniko. When go­ jects. addresn interested in the estate of David tion. See full committee is as tbia «action and climatic conditions ing out Sunday afternoon he was In our last issue we published a ZsÆ. 2EZ. ZPrln.., are certainly more favorable, since caught in a cloudburst a few miles Cary, Deceased, that I, the under­ follows: J. S Smith, Vale, chair­ I a** Belds of grain, thrifty young this side of Forest’s. The two synopsis of the game laws of this administrator of said estate, did, on man; J. R. Blackaby.C W. Mallett. Bums, Oie&on. Btate which we thought pertained orchards and exceptionally fine gar« storms, one moving down the Des­ July 6 1904, file my final account E H. Test, 0. E Belding, Ontario; to this county. Upon invesMgation s, it* der.S growing on spots where 15 chutes and the other down Crooked, therein: and the »th day of August, F. M. Vines, Fred Gillman, W. G we were in error and hasten to cor­ 5 year* ago it was considered folly to joined forces there and the road 1904 at the hour of 10 o’clock A M Thompson, M G. Hope, N C. Long, rect it so our local sports may know attempt farming. was hub deep with water in a few at the county court office, in the T W. Hollidav, Vale; N W. Met- just what the law is as applied to “Yee. you certainly have a bright minutes.—Bend Bulletin. ST Court House in the city of Burns calf,Arcadia, C. C. Hunt, Nyssa; this county: ¡dono!» future. Your only drawback be­ Or-gon, has been set, by order of E. F. Pratt, Owyhee and L Me- IveaW Deer ami antelope closed from TRISCII r other fiesh of such animals ■ people in the east could real- whom it has cured of indigestion, for the purpose of sale, barter, ex­ ^hat you have here—if they dyspepsia and stomach troubles << The Finest of All change nr trade, except upon per­ d but know what a great val- generally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure mission from the state game and rfp'i have awaiting development digests what you eat. It is pleas­ foiestry warden. Ire they could find home«—your, ant, palatable and streng'hening Ducks, Geese, Swan —Limit 100( illation would increase ten, yee in one week and not more than 50 My fold in a short time Mieses. Myrtle and Villa Living- in one day for one man. Season Fer Site Oily at Another thing I wish to say in eton were over from Willow creek cloned from March 1 to September line: Your farmers here of Tueedav Mieses Maude and Has­ 1 of each year. Hunting of wild rse have to contend with the el Boyce accompanied them home geese is prohibited at all times on lenities common to new coun- for a visit and will take part in the any island or sandbar on which ti and would no doubt appreciate entertainment in the Willow creek wild yeese habitually rent or rooet rmatiou. especially in regard to school hone* thia evening, the occa­ Pheasants (except native phea lit pests, in fact, plant pests in sion being the close of school in »ant or ruffed grouse) and quail fluents, Burns, Ore. beral The Corvallia Experiment that district. (except Bob White)—cloeed at *11 Ilion is constantly making ex- Roth> id Bros . Distributers. Portland, < »regno. Sorosis Underskirts at Brown's. times Sagehen. sagecock, grouse timeout along this line and First National Bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK | first hatlonal Bank | CALDWELL, IDAHO | | EE_____ CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL N S Bums, S Oregon. Wiens. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables Club Rooms in Connection ? THE TIMES-HERALD MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Gives all the local news Hotel Burns Bar a Job Printing