WILL THE RAILROAD EXTEND ■UMKO BANKER SAYS COLUMBIA F SOUTHERN WILL NOT. « Cssvstts & Eastdrn the Road That Will First in the Desrhutes Country --That is Lo|kal Road. millions of orasshoppers . PROCLAMATION. Grasshoppers by the millions are appearing in Home localities in Morrow county, says the Heppner Gazette. They have settled in great numbers in the Sand Hollow country, where they are doing con­ siderable damage. They are do­ ing the most damage to alfalfa and the hay crop, and in some places are taking gardens. The first crop of alfalfa which was immense, has practically all been saved, but it is feared that very little of the second crop can be saved, owing to the ravages of the millions of these insects that have been congregating in the al­ falfa fields. At Hynd Bros’, big ranch in Sand Hollow, they are so thick in the alfalfa that in the even­ ing after the insects go to roost on the beads of the alfalfa plant they can be scooped up by ihe gallon by taking a coal oil can or bucket and striking through the grass. It is only the work of a short time to till a gunny sack. Some of them caught this way are being fed to bogs. Along Willow creek, where there are many alfalfa fields, the grass­ hoppers are numerous and doing considerable damage; in some places they are attacking wheat fields but are not doing much dam­ age, owing to the fact that the grain is nearing maturity and is getting hard. However, they are stripping the green leaves from the stalks. In the wheat belt they have not appeared in sufficient numbers to cause any alarm and the damage to the wheat crop will be of little consequence. Whereas, there was submitted to the electors of the state at the last general election as required by law, an initia­ tive petition for a Local Option I.iquor Law; And, whereas,on the2 4thday of June, 1904, the Secretary af State in my pres­ ence as Governor of the State of Oregon, did canvass the votes given for said law ; And, whereas, it was ascertained and determined upon such canvass that there were 43316 votes cast for said I-ocal Option Liquor I.aw, and 40198 votes casts against the same, and that the ■aid law received an affirmative major­ ity of the total number of effective votes cast thereon an Special Attention to Wool Grading and Bal­ ing for Eastern Shipments. Dealers in Blacksmith Cea), Flour, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Sulpher, Wool and grain sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts ... Represents the.... Stock Yards uiith all the Liatest and Best Facilities for Handling Stock Home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. Mark Goods Care of “S. W. Co.” T- G. CONDON,! manager Bu n., Oregon. OFFICE WITH BIGGS & BIGGS. Corner South of Lunabueg & Dalton's. THE CARTER HOUSE. Job printing—The TimeH-IIerald WILSON &. ASHTON, AnERICAN PLAN SUCCESSORS TO TUPKER 4 WILSON ONTARIO, OREGON. Fire-Proof, Modern, Blacksmithing and Elegant Horseshoeiug. Rates $2.00 and $2 50 per day. Wagon Work. All Outside Rooms— Near Depot This modern new l otel was only recently opened to the public. Harney County people will be always welcome and courteously cared for. A first-class bar in connection. ,r ; Main St LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. ALL WORK GUAR* AN TEED. Burns, Oregon. 1 ... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. ¡ I fine Wine . Liq :ors and Cigars i Agents for Maryland CJub Wb 5ki| I I BAILEY, proprietor. And every article is guaran* teed. CLUB ROOM? IN CONNECTION Come in—take a look at a beautiful display of EVERYHIING H'ST-CLASS. | £ Courteous and obli^io^ Mixologist?- JEWELRY If you want the very beat values for your money LEWIS & McGEE, Propts New and Elegant Livery Turnouts Complete. Fresh Teams Horses boarded by the day, week or month. Special care given all stock THAT’S ALL City Drug Store’ Having n wly furnished several comfort b1* rooms for the occurance of private patienis, I desite to an­ nounce that I am ready to receive surgical <>r medical case1 on reasonable terms. Pleasant Quarters provided for Obstetrical Cases. EXPERIENCED NORSES IN ATTENDANCE Burns, Oregu... BUY HERE H: M. HORTON Harney County Hospital ( has. E. McPheeters, Propt. On the counter you will also find catalog illus­ trating thousands of useful and practical Gems Special accommodations for Commercial Men Mian St., Bums. Oregon. URNS MILLING CO. HORTON 4. SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding,* Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawm ll to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. tm-tutuntutuuf n THE WELCOME PHARMACY K * -ps> V 'lvti mg tt at ca be fot nd in a first- clissunJ up-to-date Drug More. O.i< St<”c is modern and our Labran ly comp! ie- W • : District of Oregon forwarded to the not Believe General Lami Office an Washing enter this vallev ton swamp land list No. 82, re­ to Yaquima bay, j questing patent from the united that I be road to will be tied up whether Corvallis t Eastern or States for 92’378 acres of swamp some concern absorbing that line. ■ ]and lying within the boundaries of He thinks the Oregon Water Power ' the Klamath Reservation, and in- A- Railroad Company, which is ex- eluding the lands allotted to the tending trolley lines through the Indians The state’s claim to the country southeastward from Port- lands was based upon the conten- 1 land, is building too solidly and tion that they were swamp in char ■ expensively for mere trollv traffic, acter at the date of the swamp land ■ and that it may soon be found that 1 grant to the state in 1860, which powerful railroad interests are be­ contention is proven by the evi­ hind it and will push it over into dence submitted and returns of the the Bend country, probably absorb­ United States surveyors This evi­ ing the Corvr.llis A Eastern as an dence has been eoneeed through­ incident. The Corvallis A Eastern, out the controversy on which about 113,000,000 bad Furniture cheaper than ever be­ been spent, was bought by Ham­ fore in this town. We bought mond for »100,000. Morris A Wbiteheid paid about 1300,0UO for right and will sell right. The very the Oregon City trolly line under nicest in Lace and Muslin Cur­ forclosure sale and the property has tains. Ladies, call and inspect. quadrupled in valu<5 since We can please you in both style then The Shaniko banker is a and price. Bureaus, Chiffoniers, relative of W. H. Hurlburt, presi­ Sideboards, Iron Beds, and in fact dent of the Oregon Water Power A everything in our line—Burns, Furniture Co. Railway Company. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. All kinds of Ff«sh Vegetables in Season, ■nil diiite advance. Mr Hurlburt does ■ I I I I I | | Flour He is Prepared to fill orders for Anything in his Line. t — COMMISSION Grain, Provisions and Peed a Specialty. FRENCH-GLENN LIVE STOCK CO & û roceries, JONES LEVER BINDER The Only Blnler wlfh a Fjy Wheel. Harvesting nachines SELL SOLELY ON THEIR MERITS. THE .1 NES CHAIN MOWER. — Not because they have once served someone’s ‘•Grandad,” but for what they’ll do for you. —Not because the price is lowest (they cost more to make than any other) but because they “fill the bill.” They have roused the bitterest opposition from competitors. You’ll see the reason »shy if j ou but try them. They are thoroughly up-to-date and practical farm imple­ ments from tongue to tire save time save money save work and worry. Come in and look them over—’twill pay you to be posted. Binders, Howers, Hay Rakes, Sickle Grinders, hInder Twine. O* M- VOEGTL.Y Bums, Oxeg'orx, THE JONES HAY RAKE. Sole A^ent for Harney Comity. Have Largest Assostment of Prescription Drugs In the Interior. We compound and dispense medi cine with scietific ACCURACY AND SKILL. And we guarantee every article that goes out of our store. When in need of any­ thing in our line don’t fail to call as you will get your money's worty. mrnuxnuxmnnwaxttmnxttuaa tr.tuun^cr: HOPKINS