«NJ .Vi' • * - mt M m "U, nt. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON,JULY 16, 1904. VOL XVII. NO. 34. 1 kin______________________________________________ '*>'.■ ................................ . DEVELOPMENT IS RETARDED at which much was accomplished A. B. PARKER FOR PRESIDENT has made him more popular and WATER RIGHTS RESPECTED •ttif. * he * ' J- Ï »or*,, ------------------ A ■ g, HARNEY S , COUNTY IS HANDICAPPED "a* THE GOVERNMENT. Bl Acres of Our Best Vacant myw ■p Awaiting Investigation •■An Injustice to Section. for the good of the association. The proposition to amend th« constitution, «0 that the business of tbe association might be handled by an executive committee was passed without any dissention The affairs of the association are now under the control of this com­ mittee which will greatly expedite matters and more can be accom­ plished. Especally in respect to urgent business which need fre­ quent and quick action, in this move a benefit. In future business will be attended to immediately and not neglected. This executive committee con­ sists of President W. B. Johnsen, Vice President John Farre, Secre­ tary Archie McGowan, E. P. Syl­ vester, Paul Blume and F. S. Mil­ ler. A committee visited the county court, which was in session at the same time, and after discussing the matter of a standing reward for stock thieves, the court raised the present standing reward from $250 to $500 and the association cut the amount of its standing reward for the arrest and conviction of persons caught stealing stock belonging to its members from $750 to $500, leaving the reward the same as it was formerly. The matter of offering a reward by the association was a serious one, as sotnegof the members favor­ ed cutting it out entirely, while others considered it of much impor­ tance to keep the standing reward, provided the assessments did not fall too heavy upon its members. From expressions of various stock­ men after the meeting we learn that the present plan is very satis­ factory and that those who attend­ ed the meeting are very much en- courag6d as to the success of the association and the benefits to be derived from such a body. The success and good of suih an association depends entirely upon its membership and the interest taken. We are glad to note that a better feeling now is shown and it is hoped much good can be ac- camplished by the association in the future. confidently assert that he will I e elected. HENRY Q. DAVIS OF WEST VIRGINIA FOR VlcE-PRESIEENT. Democrats Have a Gold Standard Banner Bearer, but Platform la Silent on Question of Money. -------- Alton B. Parker of New York for There are few places in Eastern president. 2. Oregon, or the west for that matter, Such was the outcome of the all- that are attracting more attention than the great Harney Valley. In­ night session of the Democratic national convention, its conclusion i'. O14 quiriea are corning in by every ’Un., mail from every point of the com- being arrived at after a night of fiery oratory from orators who had put and practically all wanting to before had no opportunity to speak locate on land. » t,j as well aB from orators worn with Conditions are such at the pre­ sent time that few of these inquir­ the session’s work, the noise of ies can be answered encouragingly wearied spectators in an overcrowd­ The present uncertainty 'of things ed hall and the usual demonstra­ will not permit men who have an tions for candidates when their interest in advancing this section, names were mentioned. IF, who desire its development/and But one ballot was required settlement to conscientiously ad­ when the climax was reached. vise settlers to come and take up That one ballot carried with it such 3 force that the switching of votes % their homes, as much of-’our best land is held up at present by the started and ended in the unani­ g0V*nH*ent and Carey selections mous selection of the New Yorker. and not *pen for entry. The platform which was adopted The Wmes-Herald is informed by the convention waB silent on the by the ofii cials at the land office money question and after Judge have received inquiries Parker had been aprised of hie 01 pn»;. from people in Eastern states desir­ nomination he sent a telegram to > ail 5 ing large bodies of land—that is 40 the convention as follows: If »1»' or more families who want to take “Hon. Wm. F. Sheehan: I regard the gold standard as firmly and udw “ adjoining homesteads. We have esid^ justthe land desired but notin any irrevocably established and shall ElMp shape for entry and these people of act accordingly, if the action of the convention today shall tie ratified oourae’eannot be given what they by the people. As the platform is want. ’ These instances are frequent »rifene- silent on the subject my views oriti: '■ and inersly show what Harney Val- should be made known to the con­ ley would be if not handicapped. Tbt French-Glenn Co. is getting vention and if it proves to be un­ Cft; satisfactory to the majority I re­ DEM ita large land holdings on the Blit- quest you to decline the nomina­ sen in ’readiness for colonization, tion for me at once, so that another but this : not yet in shape for set- may be nominated before adjourn­ tlMMttt. The company is spend- ment. fa money in dredging the (Signed) “A. B. P arker .” >d when completed will be This caused much excitement e finest bodies ever put on and it was thought for a time that iet. The Times-Hera'.d is there would be a split. However, informed that’the French- this was not to be the case and ople have their plans all after much firev oratory participat­ and as soon as the land ed in by Senator Williams, of Miss it In the right condition tbe settle- issippi, W. J. Brvan, Senator Till­ reent will follow quickly. man and others it was decided to It ia an injustice to this section send a reply to Judge Parker. The for tbe government to keep the land Malheur Irrigation. telegram read: tied Up and prevent the settlement “The platform adopted by this Mr. Will R. King the well known ;Aredevelopment of the great Har­ ney Valley with its opportunities lawyer and editor of Ontario, who convention is silent on the question and possibilities. The big 60,000 was in the city yesterday is quite of the monetary standard because it is not regarded by us as a pos­ acre tract withdrawn awaiting ac- iiuu enthusiastic over the prospects of sible issue in this campaign and ■■Wofficials to report favorably or unfavorably upon the proposed the development of tbe agricultural only campaign issues were mention­ reolamation bv the Harney Valley resourses of Malheur county. He ed in the platform. Therefore there Improvement Co. under the Carey says there is not a richer or better is nothing in the views expressed Aol and the many thousands acres county in the entire state, and Mr. by you in the telegram just receiv­ withdrawn from entry bv the gov­ King ought to know, says the Dem­ ed which would preclude a man entertaining them from accepting a ernment awaiting an investigation ocrat. of the proposed bi Ivies Valley res­ Speaking of the government irri­ nomination on said platform.” Ex Senator Henry G. Davis, of ervoir, are the best vacant land in gation works in progress there, Mr. this valley. In fact there is very King said that the government en­ West Virginia, was nominated for little desirable government land gineers are at work in a systematic Vice-President by the Demecratic outride these where settlers could manner and are testing the bed National Convention, which then take UP lands in any great quanti­ rock with diamond drills in order adjourned. (.Ubers in tbe race were ex-Senat- to be fully and thoroughly posted ty- Could the government know of in regard to the sub soils as a guide or Turner, of Washington; Con­ such a condition and the desire of to the most scientific surface work gressman Williams, of Illinois, and so many to come here and make in the erection of reservoirs and ¡ex Senator Harris, of Kansas. Mr their homes, it might possibly has­ ditches. Mr. King added that in a Davis won ei-silv on the first ballot. ten matters. If they could be few days there would be a general Ex-Senator Turner, the choice of H.» made to realize that at least 200 meeting of the people at which I the West, was only third in tbe race. applications for homesteads could there is little doubt that the con I The vote stood: *r» 654 and would have been entered for tracts with th-* government will be I Davis.................. a* Williams................................ ...165 lands within the preset.t temporary fully ratified. [ Turner................................. 100 withdrawal this season, it would Nil Harris....................... .... 58 then begin to see tbe importance of Ed Caldwell, Miss Myrtle Living- Although it appears there was a« eithdl taking up the reclamation of : stone and Ernest Cannon were over considerable rumbliug and dissatis­ tbolttii'l or allow private enter- from Willow creek Monday to at­ faction at first over the fact that irtO*0 ta'te tbe iuatter up tend the celebration.—Long Creek Judge Parker failed to express him­ -There are people who think the ; Light. self before he was nominated, it was development of this section at a found that be watt much admired gjlMlstill and interpret it as being the Burns Druggists and considered tbe logical candi­ Jg*|*ral and that it is because of date by all. Such men as Hearst of merit. Such is not the case, ask the readers of this paper who and Bryan have pledged their sup­ BKwever. and investigation of tbe are suffering with indigestion or port and the nominee is said to be dyspeptia to call on them at or.ee will disclose tbe fact that it government that is retarding and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspep- anxious to enter a vigorous cam- .jjOdevelopment of Harney Valley. sia Cure. If you knew the value poign The leaders claim the platform ^Kt as soon as the government de of this remedy a« we know it. you on the matter of reclamation would not suffer another day was silent on the money question go forward at a rapid rate. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ie a thorou­ simply because it was not an issue (gh digestant and tissue building of this campaign, therefore Judge HbARD STILL REMAINS AT SlttW- tonic as well. ", It is coJorsed per­ Parker’s views were not asked or sonally by hundreds of people expected to make any difference in ---------- the campaign. Coast) Live Steck Associative whom it has cured of indigestion, Newspa per comment is of course dvspepsia and stomach trouble« El Makes Change* is Constitution generally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure divided. Republican sheets claim An adjourned meeting of the digests what you eat. It is pleas­ that a mistake has been made and jarney County Live Stock Associ- ant, palatable and strengthening that the nominee has !o«t the con­ fidence of big financiers while the lion was held at the court house democratic organs assert that hie Wanted — An apprentice in the 1st Saturday afternoon, preaided independent and couragerm» course Wilson A Ashton blacksmith shop. ter by President W, B. Johnson, r GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CONPEI. NEW FAIR ASSOCIATION. I I OR JOHN I). DALY', P hbb FRANK R. COFFOi, V ick P iikh N. U. CARPENTER, C ashhui , A. C. WELCOME, A sst , ( ashikr . First National Bank ASK SUCH SACRIFICE. At a meeting held at the law OF BURNS, OREGON. offices of Biggs A- Biggs last Satur­ Chief Newell Made Such Bapreaaloa Recently i Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. day afternoon for the purpose of To (lathering nt Ontario--Demand« WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Are Easily Complied With. forming a permanent fair associa-1 tiou, a committee was appointed to STocKHDi.intns — John I). Daly, Frank R. Cotflo, N. U, Carpenter, R. J. Judge Miller was present at tbe solicit stock and another to look Williams, J. W. Geary, C. Cummins, H. M. Horton, C. A. Haines, Win. Jones, Thomas Davis. up available sites for grounds irrigation meeting rectnlly held in where a long lease could be secured Ontario, at which Chief Newell of anti County Warrant! ionyAt at Mo markotprioo. or a tract purchased for the purpos­ the reclamation service, John T. I his bank is Insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary Whistler and other engineers of the es. or hold up day or night. Geological Bervice participated and These committees will report at a meeting to be held this evening offered suggestions in regard to the at which time the organization is government taking up the reclama­ • •’»o <**•<■> <-»•«■> xiao <■»•<■> expected to be taken up in earnest tion of land in Malheur county. X Ai. A lexander , 1' iikhidknt . E. H. T est , Cashier * JudgefMiller sayB the government provided sufficient encouragement V W m . J ones , V ick -P resident . C. E. K enyon , Aset. Cashier . officials are very reasonable in their is given. It- is the intention of those inter­ demands and suggestions, but Im- ested to incorporate for at least $2,- I pressed the people with the fact 000 and if proper grounds can be that immediate action upon their ONTARIO » OREGON • bought at a reasonable figure the : part was necessrry in order to se­ cure government aid, as there were stock will he larger. Interest Paidton TimeZUeposits. The Times-Herald has not been other available sites ready and the We Solieit Yosr Banking Business. able to learn just what has been ac­ I people anxious to get the govern- complished toward the desired end, ' inent’s aid, STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm. Jones, E. H. Test, Chief Newell stated that the gov­ g C. ] E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William but. knows that two or more sites are under consideration and will be ernment was ready to take up their I Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. considered at the meeting this proposition provided the people evening There should be an in­ gave the proper encouragement and terest taken in this enterprise by desired it. He stated most em­ the stockmen of this ooutuy, as it phatically that one individual could get water for only 160 acres. This would be of much benefit. HOWARD SEBREE, PnMie B. F. WHITE, V ici P miimnt W. R. SEBREE, CaaMM The Times-Herald would sug­ did not mean that land owners gest that the fair be strictly fur would be compelled to dispose of Harnev county in every respect, their land, but tbe law has such Encourage home pruij^plion, not provision. The gentleman also only in tbe way of farti» produce, stated that the W. V. & C. M. W. but stock as well, Let a speed pro- R Co. has dignified its willingness gram be arranged particularly for to come in on the agreement. This CALDWELL, IDAHO would show that gome provision Harney county stock. can be made whereby this part of A General Banking Business Transacted the law can be arranged. Populist Ticket in the Field. Judge Miller also paid particular CORRESPONDENCE INVITED attention to Mr Newell’B remarks Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, in regard to present water rights for President, and Thom» II. Tib­ The gentleman said that those who bles. of Nebraska, for vice-president, have a sufficient water supply and WWW* were nominated by the populist did not desire to come in under the convention in Springfield. Illinois, government were not compelled to Tuesday. The names of ,William aud that, the goyernment would ro- OF HUWDEIPFIIA V. Allen, of Nebraska, and Samuel 3 A spect suchrights. However, those INCORPORATLD 18.7, W. Williams, of Indiana, were also who had insufficient water would be Issues all forma of Hound life insurance at the lowest rules. Our policies placed before the convention for guarantee after three payments are made required to give up all their rights I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of tlm contract. president’ but before the list of before coming in and accept the II A paid up policy. states had been completed in roll Ill. Loan or cash surrender value. same proposition and pay at the call their names were withdrawn Unexcelled as a dividend payer. rate of those entering government s INVESTIGATE REFORE J'OII INSURE. and Watson was nominated bv land. acclamation. Sherman A Harmon, R. II Benedict, The important part of the matter General Ageuts. Diatiiet Manager. Maripiamjltldg., II. A. Dillard, Agent and upon which he laid special Portland, Or, Hurns, Or. Studebaker Wagons, jHacks, stress, was the organization of ali Carriages, Buggies and liuckboards are arriving now and selling as fast I those desiring to use water from as we can get them in. We have I the Harper basin reservoir, so that two car loads of these goods here ! the government would be able to CITIZENS COLLEGE inslead and in trains. The best stock of deal with the organization, ...ANU... of individuals. Wagons and Vehicles ever brought Judge Miller is of the opinion to Burns. Call and look at goods that there will be very little diffi­ even if you do not desire to buy at culty to get the people of that sec­ the present time. Geer A Cummins. Afford* tlm people of East and Central Oregon all the opportunity of h tion to agree and accept the gov­ firat-cluNK modern Business College. It ¡ h h .home institution covering every course involved in Business College work Ils rates are the Name ernment proposition To read the NOTICE. ns charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students admitted irrigation law one would imagine it at any time. Instruction at the College or bv mail. During the summer inootna the College will conduct a In the Matter of the Estate of David hard for a section where settlement had been made and water rights re ­ Cary, Deceased—Notice of Final ummer ormal chool corded, that it would be almost Account. Notice is beteby giyen to all impossible to comply with the re­ For teachers nnd others who desire a reviewing or preparatory course. For specimens of pen work, and full information on BusineM College sub­ creditors, heirs and other persons quirements of the hc I in order to jects, address interested in the estate of David secure the aid. Such is not the E. Zeig'"b3r, ZE’xin., Cary, Deceased, that I, the under­ case, and the government finds administrator ot said estate, did, on ways to overcome such localities BuraS, - Oxog-orx- !uly —final account where the people are really desirous therein: and the Sth day of August, of such assistance lirvl where ÜW 1904 at the hour of 10 o’clock A M proposed irrigation works are at the county court office, in the feasible. The Times Herald is gratified Court House in the city of Burns I ’ Oregon, has been set, by order of to get definite info'rnaiioi) from a reliable source in regard to the pro ­ the Hun. H C. Levens, County TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. Judge of Harney County Oregon, visions made for those who already as the time and place for heari ng have water rights. This one propo­ objections to said final account. sition has been a great drawback All persons having objections to toward bringing some of the people said final account are required to of Harney valley to a favorable con­ present them on or before said day sideration of the plari for govern­ Liquors Date of first publication July 9th ment aid here. Because the Mal­ 1904. heur project lias been favorably Billiard Fables. reported and will in all probability C. T. C ahy . Administrator in Connection (Concluded on page 2 ) FIRST NATIONAL BARK t 1 /h PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. f I BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S THE'CAPITAL SALOON, Burns, Oregon. Wiens. and Cigars. and Pool Club Rooms «.* The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY THE TIMES-HERALD. Far Sale Daly at Hotel Burns Bar Gives all the local news Agents, Burns, Ore Job Printing £MF“l'oth ; 1 Bro« . Distributers. Portland, Oregon