Shirt waists at Brown’s OF PAPER IN THIS COUNTY. BDAY. JULY 9 1904. >cal News. it ■ gjt Geer 4 Cummins. *3- Brown, Dentist. Office ji Voegily building. > ■ one of those fine warm “»wers yesterday. E. E. Purrington was down from the mill a short time this week. Kemp Hardesty and wife and Frank Metscham and family cele- brated in Canyon City. Do you want to buy your good» right, if so get the prices of the O. C. Co. who are the largest buyer», aud the closest sellers, best quality. ¡ U. 8. Laud O«c«. Burn». Or«., May 110». LOL «Notice I* hereby riven Dial iu eouipllauie with ibe urovitioua of tbv '‘ougrew .>1 Jun* :i. eulltled “Aa ad (orlile, .leof tiui ber laud, iu ibe Slab-« •>< < »liforui». liieaou, Nevada, and w anhiuatou I'erritory. • u. extend «<1 to all the I-Iil lh- l and siete, l>y m i of .viik-iut « l»»J, William Keemoud.oi Mmilmuuj..uul> o’f Cbebab», slat» of \Va»Ulu»li»u. hn Hied iu ihiBodlee hi, »worn »tateniei for the purchase of the KS SK't Sec. SW ‘, See. Jii, XU1, NE1* of Section Dalia Turner was in from Happy Towuahip No. '-i S.. Hau»»-so.-2s l V will oiler proof to »how lii*t Hie land ».mxlit i, valley this week. more valuable Ur ila Umber er »lone than lor agricultural purpose», anil toeatabllsli hiaclaim lloyou want blacksmith coal? TheO. to »aid land la-fore ibe Regialei and Kei-eiver o( thi, office at Burna. Oreaon, on Tuesday, the .-»all C. Co. is headquarters. day of July, ran lie uames a» witnewe» Jacob L Medcalf, of Monteaano. Waahingion, er»on» clalmlnil adversely Ihe Are you going to the Railroad if so do above-deaertbM laud» ate rv.iaa»ieahl tuth da» not forget the O. C. Co. of July, WM ... L. W m . E akkk , Keaiater. A. K. Richardson and family , n were down to take in the celebra­ Judge Sparrow who haw been out' rusticating in the mountains for tion the 4th. uteftinson is up from some time, has returned liome and Ike Schwartz informs us ho ex­ has a very healthy color at least. pects John Budleman home tomor­ Henry Vulgamore, assisted by row. ill A clue niowera at the O. eir price». Treasurer Dalton and Ex-Treasurer “Mother” Fry is here from Cal­ Irwin informs us the Miller, moved the big county safe ifornia on a visit to her daughters, HU very quietly in our yesterday to The office of the new Mesdames Will Cummins and Geo treasurer. iMK Harney. Fry, Mrs. Fry thinks some of Judge Leyens and commission­ making her home here again. ‘BWR'Feports we infer that the two days’ celebration at Canyon ers Best and Miller accompanied For Sale—My ranch with all City on the 4th and Sth was a grand Road Master Clemens on an in- stock, hay and machinery, Terms specting trip of the new road out given upon application. toward the Horton A Sayer saw head of sheep have M us. S H askell , mill Thursday afternoon. over in Grant County Burns Ore. i W. B. Johnson, president of the , All have been driven R J. Williams was in the city a' Harney County Live Stock Asso- thipped. short lime this week. Bob has got ciation, is over from his Silver I I in for the celebration the habit of coming in 'during *? ’• V creek home to attend a meeting of 1 Cary arranged for the court and no doubt overlooked the the association which is called for >unling of his late father’s fact that anew man took his place this afternoon. / which he is administrator. thi- limo. The Windsor, under the manage­ 11 sell you anything in the Sam Wert, nephew of Joel and ment of C. B. Smith r the purchase of the SW*4 of Section No 22 in Township No. 22 8.. Rango No.2« E . W M,,and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register aud Re­ ceiver of this office at Burns, Oregon, on Tues­ day, the 26th day of July. HMM. She names as witnesses: Mrs E. N. S nilh, of Kldorinio. Kansaa, Geo. F. Salisbarry, of St. Joe Idaho, William Rosmond.of Montesano, Wash­ ington, Jacob I;. Medcalf, of Montesano, Wash­ ington Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested io tile .heir claims iu this office on or before said 26th day of July, 19U4. W m . F ahke , Register BROWN’S THE SATISFACTORY STOfc E” “BROWN’S E V e n e Regis ter and Receiver of this office at it urns, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day of July, 1»4. He names as witnesses: William Rosmond, of Montesano, Washington, Charles White, oi In coma, Washington, George F. Salisburry.of 8t. Joe, Idaho, Delo« Arms, of Tacoma. Washing­ ton. Any and all tenons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office or. or belore said day of July, 1901. W m F a rhe , Register. Trading Stamps Given. Agents for McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. Singer Sewing Machines Sold|¡un Easy Terms. BURNS. OREGON TIMBER LAM) NOTICE. Pierce, state of Washington, has this day til* <1 U. 8. Land OlHce, Burns, Ore., May 11, 1904. past week under the care Alfred Douglas, a young man in this office his sworn statement No 239, for Notice ia hereby given that in compliance the purchase of the EUNWU, SW‘,4 NE>4, NW. with the provisions of the act of Congress of lysioian. He is suffering whose home is in Grass valley, was l-t SEJ-t of Section No. 27 in Township No. 22 8.. June 3, 18<8, entitled “Anact ior the sale of tim- Range No. 28 E., W. M., and will offer proof to lands in the State« of ( alifornia, Oregon, >adly inflamed eye. a caller at this office vesterday in &ow that the land s»»tight is »»ore valuable for bef Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend­ its timber or «tone than »or agricultural pur- ed to the rublic Land States by act of Aug­ Mr poses, and to establish hts claioi to said land ust 4, ail TIMBER LAND NOTICI C. Oo. have just received ten company with Harvev Muller. 1392. Cuddie B. Smith, of El Doiado.coun- belore the Register and Receiver of tliis office ty of Butler, of Kansas, has this day filed >f goods, consisting of Bain and Dougins has l»een v.-orking in this at Burns, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 27th day in this ofliee state her sworn statement No. 234 for of July, 1904. UN1TKD STATES LAND <»1 TH E.f the purchase of the NW tof Section No. 22 in ragons, barb wiie, blacksmith section for some time and was on He names as witnesses: William Ro^mond, of Township Murns Oregon, April 2f» 1901.1 No. 22 S , Range No 2S E,, W. M., Montesano, Washington, Jacobi.. Medcalf, of Notice is lierohy given tpafr iu compliance liture, nails, ccal oil, sugar, will offer pro d to show that the lantl sought his way to his home for a vacation Montesano, Washington, George F. Sslisburry, and with the provisions <»f the art of ( ongreturof is more valuable for its timber < r stone than oi St. Joe, Idaho, Daniel J. O’Brien, of Tacoma, for agricultural purposes, and to establish her June 3, l»7g, entitled “An act lor the sale of d White Rosa flour. \ W ashington. said land before the Register and Re­ limiter lands in the State* of California, Oi^pm Any and all persons claiming adversely the claim to Wiil Cummins and family start ­ of this oftice at Hurns, Oregon, on Tues­ Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extend j’ Hamilton came over from above-described lands arc requested to file their ceiver ed t«» all the Public Utnd States by act of Aug­ day, the 2t»lh day of July, 1904. in this office on or before* the said 27th She names ns witnesses: Jacob I. Medcalf, of ust 4, 1892. John \datns, of Tacoma, County of jd the latter part of last ed for the Deschutes Thursday but claims (lav of July, HMM. Montesano, Washington, William Roaiix nd. of Pierce, State of Washington, has this day filed W m . F arrk , Register. Montesano» Washington, Delos Arms, of Taco­ in thia office his sworn statement No. 231, for id has remained in the city after going a distance out from ma, Washington, George F. Halisburry, of St. the purchase of the N’-i of S' 2 of Section No. 8, in Township No. 21 S., Raugc Nt». 2e, E. W. M.. Joe, Idaho. He wanted to help make a town his team balked and he re­ Any and all persons claiming adversely the and will offer proof toshow that the land sought turned home to get another team above-described lands are requested to file their is more valuable for its timber or alone 1 linn for TIMBER LAND NOTICE. n the 4th. claiu s in this ofliee on or before sat'! 2»>th day agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim and make a new start. You bet to said land before the Register and Keceiverof U. S. I and Office, Burns, Ore., May 11,1904. of July, 1901. sial dance Thursdry night W m . F akkf , Register. this office at Burns, Oregon, on Saturday, the Notice is hereby given that io compliance his fish line wont balk when he guts with 23rd day of July, 1904. the provisions of the act of Congress of. usic furnished by Joe Detrick He names as witnesses: Francis II J. Hickle, June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of tim down there. of Enderlin. N. Dakota, N. A. IHoble, of Silver ber lands In the States of California, Oregon, TIMBER LAM) NOTICE. lenu Harper was largely Creek, Oregon, G. F. Ha4isburrv, of SA. Joe, Nevada and Washington Territory.”as extend­ Idaho, 1». J. O’Brien, of Tacoma, Washington, Mr. nnd Mis Faucet arrived here ed to all ibe Public l.and and most thoioughly Any and all persons claiming adversely the ust 1,1892, Stuart T. Moise, of Joplin, county of aimve-descrilted lands are requested to tile their Notice is hereby given that in compliance from the latter part of last week Jnsper. State of Missouri, has this day filed in 1 by our young people. claims in thia office on or before aaid 23d »lav of with the provisiohtj «»f the act of Congreaaof this office his sworn statement No. 23«, for the IS/«, entitled “ \n act for tii a sale of Um­ July, HMM. Southern Oregon where thev have purchase of the KE’-' of Section No 21 in Town­ June3. W m F a n k e , Register. ship No 22 8., Range \'o. 2x E., W. M., and will ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Georgia Harper Co will pro- Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extend been living for some time. M re. oiler proof to show ihst the Land sought is more ed to all the Public La >d - tates by act of Aug Jnc’e Tom’s Cabin tonight Faucet is a daughter of Mrs Chris valuable for its timber or stone than for agri­ ust 4, 1892, Delos Arms, of Tacoma, county of cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Pierce, Skate of Washington, has this day filed TIMBER LAND NOTICE. mold be greeted with a full Lackman and the letter informs us said land before the Register and Receiver of in office hia sworn statement No. 237, for this office at Bums f icgon, on Wednesday, the the this purchase of the SE14 sw*, See. 23, E1/, NW They will play Hazel Kirke they have returned to make their 27th day of July, 1934. lie names as witnesses: Delos Arms, of Taco­ 5^, NKJ4 SW>4 <4 Section No. 26 in Township No. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,t ma, Washing on, Georg? -. Salisbuny, of Ft. 22 8. Rango No. 28 E . W. M., and wi I offer ow night. Both aro good permanent home here. Burns, Oregon, Kpril 2A, 1901.1 to show that the land sought Is more val­ Frank Joe, Idaho, Nathaniel A. Dibb!°, of Riley, Ore­ proof Notice is hereby, given Unit in compliance uable for its timber or stone thau for agricul ­ gon. JacoD L. Mcdculf, u»f Montcs iuo, Washing­ tural purposes, and to (.stsblish his claim to with lite provision^ of the art of Congress of Hackman also came back. ton. 1 Any and all persons claiming adversely the said land before the Register a’rd Keceiverof June 3, 1878, entitled “An set for the sale of this office at Burns. Oregon, on Wednesday,the limber lands in the Statesof California,Oregon, »1 Cecil, accompanied by his above des ribed lands are requested to file their Chester Smith took bis departure claims in this office on or defore the said 27th 27th day of July, 1901. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend He names as witnesses : William Rosmond.of ed to all the Public Land States by net of Aug lent yesterday in this city, Thursday morning for John Dny day of July, 19(M. Montesano, Washington, JeauetteBeane,of Jop­ nst.4, 1892, Francis B. J. Rickie, ol Enderlin, M m . F arms , Register. lin, Missouri, Jacoh L. Medcnlf, of Monteaano, county of Ransom. State of N. Dako'a, has this cil and the children have where it is reported ho will l>e mar­ Washington, George I'. Salisburry, of St. Joe, •lav tiled iu this office his sworn siui-' uicul No. 232, for the pureliase of the SWof X1 ,df Section Idaho. urned from Portland where ried to Miss Lillie Coleman, Ches, Any aner <»r stone claims in this office on or before said 27th day titan for agricultural purposes, and to cstnbliHh rn La the ranch immediately Monday evening. This is a sur­ United States Land Office, ) his claim to said land before tiie Register and of July, HAM Burns, Oregon, Jone 13, 1904) Receiver of this office at Burns, Oregon, on Sat W m F arrs , Register, t a mule buyer. priseto hi.- many friends . here but Notice is hereby given that in compli­ urday, the 23regon,G. F. Halisburrv, of Ht Joe, Idaho, 1». J O’Brien, of Tacoma, Washington. I their departure some time the less hearty H ire's to y'ou Ches act for the pale of timber lands in the Wiy and all imtsoiis elHlming adveraoly the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and NOTICE OF SUCRI» f-’S SALE. alM»vr-dcs<’rihed latwisnrr requested to tile their tnonth for Portland where Waahingjon Territory, ” as extended to J. C. Bartlett, accompanied by­ claims in this office «in or before iwtid 2!ki dat of July, I9«M. ill reside thu coming winter Miss Miller anil bis two sisters, all the Public l-and States by act of Au­ W m . F aiire , Register. gust 4, 1892, William J. Broadhurst, of Fred Liinabnrtf I'lainlill, 1 ■r that Miss Dora and Jtrhnie Misses Hattie anti Hettie, came M- ircsano, county of Chehali«, State of v». [ ■ve the advantage of first over from Drewsey to help . make Washington, has thi9 day tiled in this Joint McC »y, ilefeiuliiiit,) office his sworn statemeet No. 24.3, for the Notice is hereby given that pnrsnnnt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. pitructors in their music and the e igle scream here ,on the 4lh. purchase of the SWJ4 NWW, Nla SW^, to the term» of »■> execution issncil on UNfTED STATES 1.1 ND Of FICK. t studies. Lee may retmain Mr. Bartlett will likely be one of SE’4 SW’4 of Section No. 27 in Town the 17th day oi June 1104, by F. S. Kehl- Burns, Ore., June 21. l'J 4 | ship No. 22 S., Range No. 28 E., W. M , ilil after the fair this fall be- the teachers in our public school an8. R Taylor took of Burn«, Oregon, N. A. 1 Tibble, of Riley, of A|er rent stead Springer, all of Cord, Oregon. Oregon, Daniel McPherson, of Montesa­ W m . F arrk . Register. spent the day of the 4lh and their departure Thursday for their no, Washington, Geo. F. Salisburry, of per annum; and the further suiu of $20 |ht in a nice grove on Poison home in Marion comity aft.-r a two St. Joe, iditho. attorneys fee» ; for $21 c- »U »nd disburse­ Any and all pvr»ona claiming adverse­ They all report a fine time weeks’ visit with lheir daughter. ly th6 above-described lands are request ments and the co-t.-» nd ex|>enee» of, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. iy was »¡»ent in sports of all Mrs W. E Huston, in this citv. cd to file their claims in this office on or anloponsaid writ of execution, the UNITED STATES LAND <)FFI< E, f before raid ¿4. day of August, 1904. said sums being the amount of a judg­ Barns. Oregon, June?, 1901.i and they had a good supply Mr. Taylor is a successful hop W m F akke , Register. Notice is hereby given that the folhtwlng ment renlertd in the ( ireult Court of named settler has filed notice of his intention i works for display in the grower in that section and has re­ tlie state of Oregon, for the County o( to make final pr«N»í in support «f his »•iairn. and said j»roof will l»e mivhi lælorethe Register jg A basket« dinner was a sided there for the past 19 years Harney, on the 2ktli day of April 1901 in that TIMBER LAND NOTICE an►?< Unit- <1 States I .and Office, | 1 ¡Court wherein Fred l.nnalMirg mat h W‘,. Her M, T. 26 H., R 12 It . W. M Burns, Oregon, June 13, ItKMf I the intention to bave a dance people very sociable, but he had to He nani' R the fidiowing witnesses to prove Notice is her-by given that in compli-' I pl»intifl and John McCoy, defendmt, hit rant I noons resi denn? uj»on and rultivaiion e evening but those looking return home to look after his crops. ance with the provision» of the act of * ' against said defendant John McCoy, of raid laud, vis Adam Georire, llerniaii Ruh, Charles Johnson, ali oí J-awen, Oregon, and \Congress of June 3, 1B7H, entitled “An ' the picnic were unable to get A meeting will l>e held at the * »ctfor tbe sale of timber lands in the i which said judginerit was duty enrolled -ina.ut 14?w!sof Burns, on :nF arkk . Resister. umber. of California, Oregon, Nevada and ; i and docketed in the < 'lerk» ofliee of said \ law office of Biggs fc Riggs for the States Washington Territory,” as extended to County and stale, on the 2nd day of McPheeters. Frank Uel- purpose of ascertaining if it is agr*-e- all thePnMie I and Statts by act of Aug- May 1904, Therefore, I, the undersigned IRR. u«t f, iwr.', IMuM Mcl’ Mon- ,heriff of j|,riiey ( „UIlly oreg„n, hl i and Win McKinney will leave able to form a permanent fair as«o- U-an->, coantr of Chrhalif, State of I ... ... i r •$ t Monday morning for a six ciation. It is proposed to form a Wn-f iug’i.n. has this day Aled in thi. '’bed'em-e to th. (»»tnm.n Is of -m 1 writ, Ilil sworn statement No. 242, for "ill wn Monday, th-l#th day of July t’e outing in tbe Cascade moun- new aneocialion, incorporate and oilice 1« SW^, the • pnrcl ate a boys expect to have tbe t:me the stock association meeting in day. the 24 d tv of Aogn»«, ItOt. real property towit: The N W'4 ofBW1», their lives and are much envied order to have the representative lie names a» wilnetteea: M. V. Smith, SW'i ofMW'4 and lota 3 and 4 of sec­ of Bat ns, Oregon, N. A. Dibble.of Riley, their particular friends who stockmen of the connty p esent If Oregon, William J. Bromi horst, of Mon­ tion 29 in township2b ft. It. 31 B. W. M JOHN UEXBEKLING ve tn remain at home Tbe possible And get them Interested. tesano, Geo. F. Salisbury/-, of 8t. Jue,1 South of Malheur I Ake, in Harney County,Oregon. t> satisfy -aid judgment •lewulci'. Idaho. Opticiuu me»-Herald has offered a leather It is the desire of those interested Any nrd all p> wm claiming ad verve-1 and intern.I, u«ti and a!I accruing L’.r»irf-»i w»r. ly the above described latáis are requee - i eost- tdal for the beet fish story and in tbs project to either boy or lea.e el V» file their claims tn this offic • on or J Fine Watch Rcp.uring A Spe- T<»M ALLEN, ch will try to win it. No doubt! ground where improvements ran be tw-f.-re said 24 day <4 Anirust. 1' Illi« town. W h Itought are arriving now and selling ns fast I right and will wdi rifhk The very as we esn gel them in. We have nievrt in Luce and Muslin Cur­ two car loads of these goods here I Inina. Ladien, call ami inspect, and in trains. TI e Itesi stock of 1 Wa can pleaaa jrou in Imth style Wagons and Vehicles ever brought mi buy al {everything in our Sine.—Burns the |>r<•> ut lime Geer Ar <'uinmins Furniiiir«‘ Un