<£hc ®imc5-Jiera(d. ■ o a fir». c/Ul. <;f■ iü the fi.ld THE first grass i4bi «Kwy p b..i* of being one of his In I pr .dut rs in the next year 8ATUBD4Y. JULY 9, I > n»> A’ H. Huntir glon, has linen • . , art I ihe jury re­ turned "v ■ -for the plaint if!'in SCIfOOL SPORTS AND SOCIETY. lhe sn ■!■:• e iuuty against A. his Ij.indenien, A newly elected director of the] II. Ii ntii.2 m • A. I. !. . i EJeetwood, D, Pendleton public school, says: I du not like football and do not Cartwright, H DulTy, J. T. Eyfer tliii k that it should be «auctioned and J. W. 1 i ■ ■ r. assessing the T be attorney h by the board. If tfie boys will play, damages at in the*cns' i r T. C. Green of let them do it outside of the author ity of the district, and then th” i'orll. u i .n -Jisiriut Attorney Sam management will rot be held re- Whit- foi I'. ula ntilT. and John L. Bponsible for injuriefl received by the Rand, b I, .V ore, William Smith ..• Strayer for the de­ I >y ■’ I like the gymnasium, and (Ums: fendants 1 id lliink it is a fine thing for the When the verdiot liecame gener­ h udentB if they are not allowed to ' urprise w . ih ex­ overdo themselves in the work. ally Kiiov. ' quai era that the Under proper management the pressed in gymnasium is an excellent thing for bond mien in ill civnl case should the young ‘indent. And I IHfr the be held » e,,m,trf> '•■ tor a defalca- ihe .i iu.1 of lhe crimi­ debating society, but 1 do not like iion v .'I' hii nal case i.st ax Sheriff limit« too much Hoeial life aixl too many night doings. The young pupils, iiigtju th juy ratoroi-il a verdict both boys and girls, need al) the erf not It IB I i lilt the case eleep they can get while going to school, and it is not Lest for them will be nppoaleU to the supreme to be up at social functions throe or oouri., ult o.ojg!| at tlm pressnt writ­ ing the n u s try papers have not more times a week. This mar, is jiltt right. A tevon been lik'd ... I FAT 75 able amount of athletic amusement I in the public schools, as well as in ' i)i j Land Alfalfa. higher institutioiiH of learning, may j be well, hut the tendency in both 1 Dry -h.i ! lifa seems sure to be school« and oolleges, the former a dominant factor in solving the aping the Litter, is toward too much prxiiilum oi producing more hav, sport; that is, it is coming to he along of stock ma le the in tin thing, th” chief ob­ from year to y.... r, in the North ject of an education. I’ow <• . i»,lrv irci.rding to a The “social life” of young pupils statement of “.Jii.i” White as au­ attending common and high schools thority I'li. dry land alfalfa will is even worse. After the days grow on mui.t < f th dry hills .of study .iii.1 play and work, the place this country,- without irrigation,” for Hchool children, even tho high aid Mr. White while in town one school and academy children and ■ lay llii- week. “I sowed a pound youths, is nt home and nt an early of this drv-laud alfalfa seed late hour in bed. This may be a little this spring for experiment. Not- old fir h med, (mt it is a word in j witlmHnding t he se ■ 1 being sown favor of a fimhon that should never I loo Fate—after the heavyj’anie were go out. over—h up .nd is growing Schools are running entirely too bi tter Hr ! tilt leipatsd. This al­ much to formal game contest, juven­ falfa will . > n length of four ile HiiHal functions, and making feet, and two tons of it is worth creatures out of children that they three-ton» nMirrifatetl or wet land should lint be. alfalfa.*! This director—his name is Smith .Ill till- k '■ : I ‘ Sr , , huwcu sowed and bo has five children in school— ib.nit !- o 1 ' this alfalfa early is just right. Would there were in th'- i pi 1 Ii..- hill land north more such duectora mid parents.— of town, .1 r |'ii it as growing PorlL nd Journal iilmodt - w di - hop vines. It le expt ; id tl t within another year lheiii will I,-' « great dull of this A movement in under way to H(- kind of h . -i vn —North Powder cure from the next legiehitiirentl.it Citizen. Hillary law, which shall definitely establish t lie l uiiipeiiHiilioii of state Cliin.i T' Iris opened a restau­ officials and do away with the fee system Koth republican «id deni- rant and 6 J rv m ihe rear of tho He ha i bread, pie cake, ouratH were pledged by the party Windsor doiq limit ■ tor aiile. platform« of the e.alnpaign of 1902, Price For Steer, 3 1-2 Cents. Cows. 2 Cent and Bulls 2 Ceots--The Entire Herd Shipped to Seattle. The first drove of grass beef ship­ ped out this season arrived from Camas Prairie last evening, and was sent over the W. * S\V‘-4- and WL. SE'a Sbclion 17, eendition«, and one of the most in- Township 25 8., Rang« 28 H., by Jjbby ' teresting of these thathas evnr been J. Mulloy Conlestee, in which it i.-i al­ invented is thd Dr. W bite Electric leged that Libby J. Mulloy has totally Comb, patented Jan. 1, 99 These abandoned said entry and lias not resid­ ed upon or improved said entry for more wonderful Combs positively cure than six months next prior hereto, and dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and there are now noimprovements thereon, nervous headaches, and when used and that said alleged atiHcnce was not with Dr. White’s Electric Hair duo to her employment in the Army, i Brush are po 'lively guaranteed Navy or Marine Corpsof the U. S., said I parties are hereby notified to appear, to maki straight Lair curly in 2” Thousands of these j respond and offer evidence touching said ' Jays tin e, allegation at 10 o’clock a. in. on June |( jectlie j c<'mbs have been sold in^ 15th, 1904 before the Register and Re-' ' . . , ,,,,(| • . .. ,, - , a. . , , rtM. the v,;.:ons ett: '- ■ ! tb i nimi, mill ceiver at the LTnited States Land Olli e in Burns, Oregon. lhe demand is constantly inereas- The said contestant having, in a pre-, ing. Our agents are rapidly Le­ per affidavit, filed Slay 7, 1904 sot forth coming rich idling these combs, facts which show that after dus dilli-' positively hi 11 on sight. Send gence personal service of this notice can ‘ gizH ;;5c Indies' not be made, it is hereby ordered and 1 directed that such notice be^ivon by due i'9b<‘ (bait pric: w ilie v ' 111 and proper publication. | trocucing them.) 1 be D. White W m . F akkk , I The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Register, j Ue(.atur. In . J5FTB T X- V ' , ' V.l rKT-T—- ------ We are sole agents for the W B Con the most oeriect fitting corset m^tde. Misses and Infant’s Dresses. □ents Furai oiling Goods Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, _____________________ _____ 1 ----- ---^-------- ------------ 1 REVISED TABLE O We still have a large line of ladfe Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits,K monits, Dress Skirts and DjJ Goods to select from INFORMATION The following table has been compiled afit r careful r .1 thorough lion of ad records and statistics obtainable and gives actual resource county, every item of which can bo proven : Number, t ar , Wool clip annually, Harney county. .. 101,000 Sheep shippe I annually......... ........... 25,000 Cattle shipped annually............................ 4,000 Horses and mules shipped annually. ... Merchandise sdipped into merchants........ Merchandise shipped direct to ranchers a Stock salt and sulphur Stage freight at 3 cents per pound............. * investiga* f Harney The haying «eison s new on Wts. lbs. 2,400,000 5,600,000 25,000,000 3,360,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 200,000 120,1X10 Buy where you can buy most for your money, in and Lt us figuri on ' o; r bill and we guarai send you away gatif fit. i. LIK'AI. HAU*.. Lumber sold annually, feet.......................... Fuel wood sold annuall, cords............................ Fence postH sold annually, .... ..................... t 2,100,0001 3,000 5,000 1 • rASHENUKIU Ain MAIL. .$ 6,000 . IS,000 10,000 Passengers by stage annually, 600 at $10......... Passenger« by private conveyances, 1,800 Mail eoutracis LIVE STOCK. Number of sheep owned in Harney county..................... Number of sheep summered in Harm v county............. Number of cattle owned in Harnev county ......... Tons ot hay grown annually in Harney, over . . Tons of hay grown annually, in a radius of 30 mile of Burna .... : »0,000 . . 550,000 . 200,000 . . 150,000 . 50,000 AllKA OF LAND IN IIAK.NEY COVXTY. Area of land, acres ................... 6,385,000 Surveyed......... ................... .................................... ..................... 3,170,480 :X Unsurvayed.............. ................................................ ..... .3,214,520 Of above amount 556,324 acres are in forest re-erie ami Carey «elections. Appropriatwl .................................... ...................................... 1,108,261 Tillable, assessed.............................. ... .... .......... ................. 71,101 Nontillahle, uBsesaed....................... ‘ ............. ............. 5si;,751 Improved, not patented....................... 102,845 Susceptible In irrigation under IL S. Geological rvi vi f Silvies Valley 231,600 reservoir cast of Silvies River north of Malhi in,L:i '■ printing at reason­ Early Risers are uni qualii-il Sold flat Hillary bill was introduced al able prices. by Burns’ Druggists. the lust regular session and was supported by nil of fhe democratic WANTED— Agents, Hustlers, v Pltoi^.A.MATlyN. members nod many of the republi­ Salesmen, Clerks and everybody cans, but failed to Ire come n law. Bin’ a W tu n I. liter« wS" aubaiitted tn the who wants to enjoy a good hearty i A ’ Under the existing system the electora of Uiu l. -, . I tlu Inni general N laugh to send 50c for “Tips to! emolument of the state officials are election a r ■. mr it by law, an initia­ i I ■ it Option Liquor Agents.” Worth $50 to any per­ very Urge and fur in excess of the tive |jeü’i<«l son who sells good h for a living. La» ; value of t he services rendered The And, when ,n tl <■.’ Itb'lav of .fune, If not satisfactory your money secretary of Hate’s oilice is popular- I af C ; back. Circular for stamp. The ly reputed to be worth from $li.OTt) e«<4 k.iD » * .4 «¿AbiklUjiOrwgsn, They are Right diu s Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca­ to $20.000 n year, ami other ofltclaig 'Od canv^i ’ i : »'ten for said law ; And, wl»>'t' as, , » «eiertwined and tur, 111. of the Htate government receive . ■ L ,. , . 1 deteniff — i-. ’ A-fl * tq V.r ',h “ canvass that compensation that ih nearly ,,r|( tlieri W'le ..¿6v„tv. ca.-t/o, said Local quite Hi exce««ive — Portland Jmir- > ' »|,tT 1 * |u ■ l* 1 liv, Iflid <”19.4 Votes , nal ca ts r - ”le, : nd Hint the i so el Inu A-e-.iv.il' ah eftirinative major- , ¡'y ot .......... al aaaibui of cUucLivu votes Judge (. .ode of Virginia tells ”1 ea l ih-’i .‘ii .a.! it't’ ,1 to Is- coiinhxl I miller ti e I \ N . a ■' of 1 iw ; an inte view In* had with Judah Now. Tbv- 'I'ur L. Geo. E. t'hainlier- Benjamin when the latter wan Co : “I And Thedford'» BUrk-Dn»tight f .. [Ill'n, aS ■ e State of Oregon. a »nod nw'dicine for liumr reiary i>f war. i mi | fader llcnved miv -on after he had up nt in obediem U 'J of an Act eu flUO with It is all ti e n <»d- are n lawyer, are you*not?” ask'd title! • In ini',iin.: effective the klwe I take'-MRS. < AKOUNB martin , Partearshurir. w. Va. I Benjamin. Mr. Goode »nawivr- lint ul ive h Mr d .p ■ o.iJnin pniviaion» of If your liver dowi not act r»v - ' • gon, io ____ <1 régulât- situ re a |uu kag<< of Tnedford’h the secretary asked ‘‘What do you j iug eh« ti'i.n ili -re., dei ami [nwvUiìng bIa< k«Draught and take a d< -w* e ill- aider iler a i large feetT fee?” "Well, lip * | t n *l e - ' \ tonight. lliis preat family •f.H oi the provision« medicine frees the ooefltipated in the mountains, where I live, if n|e((jd«'A t.T' \ vol Erbrr.a y 24.I9Û3, bowvb. stir» up the torpid liver » ht»rt I thiji proclama* lawyer gits $5w tny practice <•( < »re^tì for /.»»- f. tl Option Liquor nev«. A torpid liver invites Ibis; If a client itotnea te j I uv w;. 4 ; I. has I k e^4*ml the whole colda, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner <*f sick- tit agalnat «aiti I aku I I charge him a good ; nnìubrr my < I mws andcxaitiigion. Weak kid­ Optiiui tàqiivc At w. 8 vote*, ¿.a If he corne» »round toi rein.”■ neys result in Bright's disease umi thal «UÌ4 I o . u n Liquor Law which claims as many victims bother me 1 charge him h refrevher. I rfinvÌNtHÌ an t.f nth» majority <4 the as consumption. A 2Ao»ut If lit ,-..no - t<> lia»« «orne work | parkRtf** <4 Theilford's B“ k »‘tal ipv ’ • ‘ - rii«t on Rìid Praught should aiwax 4 <1 in«, on the caee i charge bim n ( moiHiirt* i »•ntitlò io Ix» rounted in the bouse reminder ami when the case i« con- under |hv rn»v«!*»onv <4 hw, ami thai ••! »»rd TV Drauirht fair liver *»id i-.»ral <•! 'I.m l iquor U* »hall Ite cludt d I charge him a finisher Rtaints and four«1 !»■« I» In fot! f rr. n ! 1 effe t a« thè u*- WUXI AM < MeheM. HL III» >f t':<- lite Gl il troni tlie >•»*.“( tlib Pv <$.i 3riTi«b. ì TN I A I matiila tanchvr Ibid « printing— i He Fimes-Ilerald stjle upon pp¡k allori. Ä4 trv»m tbt nmallest lovket pkture up io ;n B y t-y fiq^lied in AriMo Platino or on any of the Afoencsh pap-rs. ry opposite First N.iio a! Ba ik ‘ THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the loca news Piccolo*and Banci Supplier s- l -« t^teOBATCVT or e r & COMPANY, CHICAGO.