1 I 1 % * he ïimrs-Muraid. SATURDAY. JULY 2. 1D04 SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Oue Year .. |2.0U Six Mouths ................................................. 1.00 Three Month«.................................................. 75 JULIAN KYKI> — — — — Manager OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE—OREGON : t J. H Mitchel < C. W. Fulton. I J. N. Williamson, Congressmen................ • • f Attorney General....... .... A. M. <’ raw ford. Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain. IM crei h rj <>i ."tute F. 1 . Duubar. Treasurer C. 8. Moore. blip». Public Instruction. J. H. Ackerman. State Printer J. K. Whitney. U.S. Senators .............. where— in the law in medical Devine services the *hird and fourth practice, in the counting room, to Sundays of each month at 11 a. 111. run great railroad systems and and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at build iinim n .<• public works. The ' 10 a. m. every Sabbath morning. .people who pay $10,000, $25,000 Preaching services at the Baptist and $50,000 a year salary are church every let and 2nd Sundays, morning and evening. Sunday looking for him. school every Sunday at 11 a. m. The people want him for judge prayer meeting every Thursday in the courts, for members of con­ »¡veiling. 1 gress, senator and president and the nicest girl in the world wants him to be her husband.—Selected cTHE BURNS FURNITURE CO •y 1. C. IMO. .MANAGER Is ¿it the Old Stand selling cheaper I than you can run the risk ot laying it down here irom any catalogue house in America. We buy as cheap as anyone and will sell ¿is cheap as anyone, there­ The Oregon Daily Journal. fore, our prices must, and wili be Nothing is omitted that concerns A call will convince’ you. the interest of buyers and sellers right. READ THE MARKET NEWS — IN '''ft hi. 4 $1000 Reward’ ..LU... MMSI Wl<<« ' it.f. "t:i. lelthi. ■ qnRsli rii ... I' I' leit hip; horsea iun. 'S ahuulder j P linre. Hurns, rallie JI’ <■ i iieetHfc^ I I.......... Holet ou left lu|i. ,uat, 'J* j '.i:l.................. brand«?* «tille W II Ma>held. Bums «alile, EXalth.,,,. Ki,|e, i .irk eroi« alni apllt in left im Uü, m rtglit : bora«« EX left ahuulder. ** I JWEhow u lliirney, cuttle US I . ...p TOII null ■ ,iunniu»1 on cither hip: mark, under hili ill l.i . : U’.Klcl bit ill ri i- •. ‘ ; h:i, Venator, horses one of the war«! I for couvic ......... non ( of iiiiv per war« I « »r the i lie arrest «i i' ni at»«l <«>'..- ; \ - <1 . ol.en right hip; son or persons who kill, steal or n inf | I p i; . • . r r i iglu t ri, |lftr bë. ol iheA....... ' Jin.Xi otters mi ii.blitioual reward of T ao J li . . .I front lv „„.I Fifty Vlltv I «iliais. ol’.niK. « . B JollS-O'. I n »¡id W. ... • ■ t A ki hie Mi 1 «i wan , Hec’y, Burns, Oregon. The 1 ’ortland Journal says; It is not easy to overestimate the importance nor to measure the UKASOS AND 1«. O. ADDBSSS OF MEMIICIIK $500 Additional Reward. fruitful consequences which will In addition to the How to Portland from the estab­ above* I offer I' mi O in the live stock, grain, provisions, under the same con a K. 8. Bean. lishment here of a great meat Ontario-Burns ditioiiN for horses Supreme Ju«!ge« . .> C. Wolverton produce and financial markets— brunded horseshoe 1 ) F. A. Moore bar on bothcreither' ; packing plant. But the benefit the quotations are comprehensive, jaw recorded in s NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Stage bine count ies. Range, which Portland will realize is only llarney, lake ami Distrj« I Jmlge ........... M.D. C lifford and are in every way reliable. A 'rook Counties. DlBtrii t Attorney ................. Win Miller incidental compared with the even Horses ventedu hen The Journal in addition carries sold. Horses sold ( Ireuit Court meets the Third Monday in greater benefits that will flow to to pass through this April and Fourth Monday in October. every days a full and truthful re­ Kitchen furnishing mill he one of our specialties, and your kitch section will l«e re­ Leuyes Burns daily for Outjis ever the cluster of states which would ported in this paper. Joint Representative............................ E. H. Test port of tne world’s news and pre­ If not so rep«»ne«1. please write or ti l hone at 6:30 a tn. Arrives at Burntj, .similar will be ready to go into and cook a meal ,er Joint-Senator . . ................ J L. Rand naturally lie tributary to the en­ The Tim« s-llerald. Main Burns. < • sents many special features of deep | W. W. BROWN, File < n. from Ontario at 5 p m. 1V terprise and whose stockmen COUNTY—HARNEY ! Nor will the Parlor, Bedroom and Hall be overlooked in any detail. Feter Clemens, Burns, horses. I*c o: 'vftsti interest to the average reader. tie: cattle same on either hip; eai in;.: ks crop H.C. Lèvent) would find here their readiest and Cuonty Judge and split in left car, swallow fork ai.«i square The Jouanal’s woman’s page, the I F 8 Rieder Clerk under bit iu right. Burns KA Miller best market. Treasurer .................... The movement in M Fenwick, Burns, horses, double dot vertic­ purveyor ....... illustrated ^sportlang news page, j al baron left shoulder, cattle. Lon right hip: railroad . Tom Allen itself is tremendously significant Sheriff earmarks, two underbits in each ear; also some It court Assessor J. E. Loggan Journal stories and comic pages: branded bar T on right ribs; earmark, under J C Bartlett of a grow th in the right direction School Superi p ten «lent modntion^i^^^^" Rockers. |2 and up. Chairs $1 and up, half crop iu left ear. . Newt Hoover Stock I nsnector [ and other good things ntvke it a ... I R J WHIianih and a full appreciation of the fact commissioners J H Bunyard, Burns, cattle, 7 ou left hip; ear­ good «biting stations at conveni i C T Miller Iron beds $5 75 and up. Ladies Desks $8 up marks, rop off left ear, swallow fork iu right. very popular family newspaper, J r 1 rs, llarney, horses, combined TJP I distaile» s along tho route. County Court me< la the flrat Wednesday In that it is neither business sense nor Spring beds $ 1 up, Music cabinets |5 up. on leu snoulder; cattle, half oiicle cross on | clean and bright from A to Z and January, March, May, July, September ami good judgment to ship the raw either hip: earmarks, upperbit iu right ar, un­ c S. S. V» ILL1AMS, G.tn, M Extension Tables (good ones) at $7 75, up derbit in left. Nove rnber. year’s end to year’s end. Martin Bros., Burns, cattle, double .lot hurl product several thousand miles to Drewséy, Ore, HARNKV VI.■ H. LAND IlffICK: Mattresbes, excelsior, wool, am! floss,' $2 50, up zontul bat on either hip: earmarks, upperbit in Daily, one year by mail, $4; right ear, swallow fork in left, wattle «m right Wm Far re a market and then return it here six months, $2.25; three menths, Register jaw; also some branded circle N on right si«ie L. Weidenberg Jr., Agent, ................. Chas. Newell in its finished state when all the Receiver O L Shingledecker. Burns, horses, on Jef Burns, Orn CITY.—BURNS’ shoulder; cattle, 5 on rigiit side and hip: car $1-25. marks, crop off right ear, crop ami under half work might just as well be done ....... Dr J. W. Geary. M ftyor, crop off left. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one L. Weidenberg Jr. Recorder, at home. Fred Denstedt, Burns, horses, FD on the left W. A. Gowan. TrcHHiircr, shoulder; cattle FD on left side; earmark, un­ year, $1.50. D. Jameson. M andini, der half crop in each ear. Yet the movement is not a whit [Ham Mothershea«!, Weekly, $1. The issues of tne R J Williams, Riley, horses, < P on ; , 'eft Councilmen ■; F. O. Jackson, in advance of the time. There shoulder; cattle, CB ou left hip: earmarks, « rop | Simon Lewis, Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journ-I off left ear, under half crop off right, wattle nn I G. W. <'levenger. der chin; also cattle branded SS, « rop ami un has long been need of it and the j PATENT WRITING IUN«. derbit in lefi ear, under ball crop in right: uls«« al also contain the market news Meetings of the Council every Second and cattle JT ou left ribs, crop and split in left car. logic of events has inevitably led Fourth Wednesday. under half crop in right. and all of the features of the Daily T'lIE most impi tn this direction until in the full­ II II Elliott, Narrows, horses, 'I he 'iiibin« «lon left stifle; rattle Th combined on 1« i: hip: « nr Journal. n ot ' f the age in the art mark, upper slope on each ear. wattle on ( bin ness of time the thing is to be and bell collar. pi : m: i.ip makes the ]>oor wri The Times-Herald clubs with I realized The great stockraising I Sylvester Smith, Narrows, horses. II Son right a spl. ii iid pt nman in a few leg; cattle V bar, earmark, under half rropand the Journal at the following rates UJ&H Paper 13 eents a short over slope in curb ear jughaiidle and by the use of this ring. Endo country lies directly back of us ex­ dewlap. HARNK.y LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. for both papers: single «oil and UP. by pri mintnt College Presi P G Smith, Burns, horses, quarter circle S on Meet« at Odd Fellow« Hull, every Saturday tending to the crest of the Rocky 7.30 pm. J. W. Buchanan, N. G. $4.00 right hind leg and left shouhfer; cattle, quartci and l:< arT < i Education in Eu Daily,.............. A MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT in circles on either hip; earmaiK, ciop oil right F. <>. Jackson, Seercturv. mountains. So long as there is and Anieriea. Sample dozen ear, split in under side of left; two dewlaps. 2.50 connection where we will make you anything Semi-Weekly^ here no large packing plant of A E Young. Burns, horses, Y on left leg and - >rt< <1 siz •' si nt post paid forllj BURNS I.L dg E NO. »7, A. F. A M., irom a wooden knitting needle to “ double ­ 2.25 J < connected on right shoulder: also boot mi Weekly.......... ■ mple 2oe. When ord left shoulder; cattle, rocking chair on left hip: dnfl. Meet« every Saturday evening in MaHonic this description the market is' nec­ deck” wood rack. Call! Never too busy to earmark, right ear drooped down, left cut slop­ a «ingle ring, stilts whether forau Hall. J. < . Welcome Jr, W. M. ing towards head on upper side; wattle on lef essarily limited almost exclusively F. 8. Reider, Secretary. ¡alk or furnish estimates. sideof neck; all animals dehorned. woman, or child. C P Rutherford, Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left to the local demand for the pro­ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. side; earmark, under half crop right ear; horses ,-ENN MFCi. SUPPLY CO. INLAND LODGE No. 70 K. of P. bar 2 on left shoulder. duct. The case is analagous to No. 118 S. Fourth Street. PHILA Mceta every 'l l111 ik < 1 ny evening in the Brown rihos Wingfield, Burns, horses, ° (chainlink; | H h . M Horten, < • that of the berry and some of the on left shoulder; cattle, same on.left side; mark L. M Brown, K. R. H. crop of!'left ear, short overslope in right. W. J. COLEMAN, fruit growers who until they es­ John Craddock, Silvies, horses, «<-.S on the left I shoulder; cattle, S-S on right side; mark, crop Stenographer and Notary Public BURNS LODGE No 47 A. O. U. W. tablish canneries, ' were obliged to Ar Great Newspaper. off right car, swallow fork In left, c ewlap on ; brisket. o Meets every second anti fourth Friday B urns , - O regon . de] lend ubon the daily demand A. c. Welcome, M. W. W E Smith, Burns, cattle, X I on right side: Office iu Citizens Bank Building. C. N. Cochran, Recorder. mark, spiit in right ear, wattle on nose. for their products i and could do G Hudspeth, Burns, cattle, scissors on right The Sunday edition of the side; mark, crop ami split in each ear. 9 nothing with the surplus. But j ORDER OF W A.4AINGTON. THORNTON WILLIAMS. marvel Louis Republic is a • Meets ever) tlrsl and third Friday, in Brown I things are different now in that I mark, crop ami umlerbit in left ear, ( rop ami Hall. C. p. Rutherford, Prvslden ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. under halt crop oft' right. modern newspaper enterprise. e Pearl Vulgnmorv, Secretary. John Witzell. Burns, horses, W bar on ugh: respect and as time goes on, no ' The orginization of its news ser­ | stitle: cattle, diamoml bar on left hip; mark; Otlice one door north split in each ear, wattle unuer chin. matter how much the product Is Absnlutely PURE, and HURNS CHAI’TKK NO. 4», O. K. H. vices is world-wide, complete in of French Hotel D M McMenamy, Burps, horses, reverse Lon left stifle; cattle, «■'.) on left hip; mark, metal tag . M icik « \ « r\ nt -coud und fourth Monday«, in may be increased, or how large will OUTWEAR all otta every department; in fact, superi­ in each ear With full name ami ad«ires MiiKoiiir Hall. Eunice E. Thompson, W. M. • B urns , O regon , Dclnora '.¡.» wild , Secretary. Vaden Bros., horses. LF on right stifle; r attle Í9 Leads. the surplus, it will all he taken or to that of any other newspaper. Id* on right hip; mark, crop, upperhit ami u: - O derbit in right ear. O 7/ your local dealt c doe* not car- care of systematically and with a The magazine section is illus- 8YI.VI \ REBEKAH DEGREE. No.48. J. W BIGGS, DALTON BIGGS J A Williams, Van, horses, 71 bar on stifle • rt/ it write to ns and ire will «cetU Meclhtwry I k I unti 3d VVvdneadiiy. cattle, bar II. on left ribs; mark, unde-bit in left fair margin of protit. The same ' trated in daintily tinted colors and ear, under slope in right. Eloru Ihigcy, N. <>. you get it. A It 1C 1 V K Depart for TIME NCH HOULES Biggs & Biggs (’ G. Kniith, Rec. Hec’y. will be true of the packing plant from From Huntington <>rr II Elliott Bums horses, IU eombine.i on lef: 1 splendid half-tone pictures. This ; V» P. Fuller Our new book entitled “ 40 M oney Ex Sun. iT'arar “ •« •><>- ’ "-¿. ‘ «S p ’ o S —----- — and sweetens the in the morning cheerfully and have it for sale. ,J Except B urns , O regon . To Astoria anc Way- M aking I deas '’ is worth its weight in ••alurd’y Sunday. Office first door west of Hauk. Landings. KODOL cures Indigestion, dyspepjU-i^M builds the tire; one who can on «•trie1’. ^n':.“'ImB^h‘iOp^" ----------- all stomach and bowel gold to every man who wants to start a '10 p. n.' occasion lax down his book and split in right ear. .» .I|(',w f*rrMV r"' ’ » WAN'TE!»— Agents, Hustlers, legitimate, paying mail order business. ■ J.l on left hip; mark.swa|lm> forktnT.thtam 7- 0L Rcco'.erates the action cl lb« Willamette River. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, do un errand for grandma, who Sal, -men. Clerks and everybody ------ — t-tc g’-inds and ¡jives tone J c i'reasman. Bums, rattle n ... « It tells you what to do and how to do i ti a. m. Oregon City New­ ltedffiSr^p: - ghtm'; digestive organs. from MStt ATTORNEY, li eats Iiis mother and sister -and who want'to enjov a goial hearty it sucees-fullv. Send us 50c today Except berg, S.ih tn and Way- .hotli*!"*’S*rrUW,‘ '»"«>.»«€ on the left KODOL relieves an overworked stoe^H uvei y other boy’s mother and laugh to ser.il 50c for “Tips to B urns .................................. O regon and we will send you the book, and a Sunday Lànding!«. ColleriiouM. Land business, anil Real ------------of all nervous strala John Gilcrest, (P. k 8 ( n . Worth $50 to any per­ Kstate sister -with respect, and who Agents valuable n t th y lonrnM one ve»’ free r matter promt tlv attended to. the heart a full, free and untrsteR wrench on left stifle; «.«tt’e ’„me™."' Hill.ii.Hlr A T.aihlll 3;30 p n> < a tn. son who m II s goods for a living. siote oiFeft* Cr'’P "ff ,nr’ r,'‘“11 « “■>her: j action, nourishes the nervess systet»«) doesn’t refer to Ins father as Klv»r. ' -, •, I’rxrt m I' i bi . isiiin ., .«. .»ox 73, ' Teu-dav Or. g.ai City. Diiytoid Monday feeds the brain. i If not satisfactory your money w. L. MARSDEN, old man." 1« V R >X I,*’- K. d «NX h-Glenn Livestock Co J. G. South su JOHN* SIAIV Tuhrd'v and \l ay Landings M ed. & I Freni rintenilent, F. c l.nik ee'i wonderful remedy *5 Circular tor stump. The manager, KODOL ls & Sat 11e need not be espeeiallv back Friday. 1 linrns. ho.H*«. l’on left (nip,.- no:al F g con- ——■ making so many sick peoRm MARSDEN & GEARY. i.e< h-.lon >ft hlp: mark, nn.lc.- tile, Dr. \\ bile eleetric Comb Co., lleca- half cr©p in and weak peonle strong by fuvinf • n k it car, dew apeut up; cattl« p brilliant .it school, but he must be on ’ r s hip; ’ Physicians ami Surgeon.». < att1« tiinin. ti a. in.I Willamette Rlv*r. tur, 111. 4:30 p ni mark same as above: ft hip; bodies all of the nourishment ttalkR j»ri iu, 7.'i b-rk .„ ¡ui „ n studious, perserving, thorough in under tair.ed In the food they eat. 1 Tuesday BUHNS. OKKGOX. Portland Corvallis ’! uesday w 1 T 011 >«ft hip: mark ’ 1 “n ‘ r“b Thurs ¿ and W ly-Landing«. Thurs \ ..IT left ear. wattle on left jaw his studies, never ••cheat” his QtK<*e nt midrncr. ' I ’ hunr .X Cutties or.lv. it.00 Site holdtnt 54 Kclijtious Services. 1.0 JL- Bnri.s. hers. Sat '<•« l>rand«.l CV «n sii*. which M1U tar 50«. Sat. left altonk er teacher oi himself on examination, t EC Bnlkley, Silvtea, cr— tawed m I j ky L C. D*V1TT 4 »• Forest reserve scrip. “ in tracts of 40' or pas« i lesson or problem until t.»..t rit.«. mark. ami«.th « r. •. Rev A .1 Irwin will preach at Leave Leave wattle; horses, 44 on le,t st I rf« acres ah I .upward, ready for immediate Riparia. Burns Druggut»- fie It.is mastered it. Saak* Klvtr. Lewi-t n ‘ Ffeti Oakennan, RHw horae Harney the 2nd Sunday of each 1, brand bar F use and guaranteed. either left shonhter or stftie ,i.„ « 1 20 a tn Riparia to Lewiston. 8:30 a n> | ;i»ip lie.ow Yj same place..r.nF1, ’ malting He n ust be truthful, prompt, month at 11 a. m. and “.-30p. in. l’Hl’SICIAN AND SDRGEON Will buy soldiers’ land warrants given Daily. TtL^n? nf' "r tl'«: ntarit twj n Dail,. <>1>« <1 < ' t, industrious. Must make Sabbath - hool every sabbath at 2 ' for services in all Indian wars ann Mex­ H «eh e2r*' ri»h,: ”™ »«■•" rter- bltg Burns, Oregon ican and War «1 1S12 A N. H oar , his employei’s interests his own p. in Darst A Wolii. shoulder. ’".notwaGSoa A 1 He is wanted to respomi at meeting \\ • dm -day eveningat 7:30 •• J,*1«**- ■•rna, terse brand elrci. - I >1.N 1 1^ I B. on left stole; a.so K on |,ft ,h„i:,.|vr ' ' once anil in unlimited numbers. AWAKES PROPER MET* Sunday -i bool at Hurney the Office trot door rant of The Citizen« Rank Fs Mil'er. Burns, h. n«.» dm «tide: ent ic „me f.n left hi-„ **“ «' Barn». Oregon J Merchants want him to sweep first Sunday of each month at 10 W H Ceell. I .wen, „trie a er».., „„ , , W anted T ri stwortrt men am mark swallow f,.rk each ear U.F n ./ out the store a few years—and o'clock i in Ou the second, third .TTV« M » omen to travel and advertise for .iw chin wattle: terse brsmi same Uft «'• ' in- — 'n« art«»«’' 1 aixl fourth Sunday of each month «»tabiishe»i house of solid fineanial w M Stna-. Bnrcs « attic :t i ultimately take charge of it. mark unovrbit -it 4 > ’" ** W. C. BROW N bran : 7 L In ."14 lixrhrV««-'J lift •tending '«lary t7-»« a v. ar and ex terse •)v • .r-.mUnted. II--n Newspapers want him to com­ at o o’clock p tn. Preaching ser­ «' i.xt s* orTf-'“ u pen»»« all payable tn cash. No es va«- i'i’-nrT« ♦ ikpn Qintuyb Fn at the top. lie is wanted every Burns, Rev. A J. Irwin pastor i*»' ■> ef «r.v ?• ñ w Office upstairs in Vo. gtly Building Unicajco ; f. ur tremas. *L hip. mark crop off ieft npper Mt In righ’ e - r [ bo'Ws. b< same left shoulder. Many New Lineswill be added as soon as teams can get but. Bureaus $8 and upward. Fold­ ing Iron Beds and Couches low as $1 1.50. BURNS « FURNITURE COMPANY O regon PJ ONEER WHITE LEAD HORT LlNf äho union P acific I I Forest Reserve Scrip For Sale H. B. Compson 3 NT! Scientific JfincrW» iWNN S C im «,'T~!S“