VOL. XVII. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON,JULY NO. 32. ___________ About 12,000 applications A SECTION TO EACH ONE for the land have been made through gays the Democrat. tu’- uempany this week, by actual Mr. Richardson proposes to ac- > county of which is larger than some much weight when compared with The mayor of every city and the total output of cattle in the town, the County commissioners, prices that threatened ruin for them of the eastern states. THE MONUM ENTAI. BRONZE president of every commercial, COMPANY, of Bridgeport, Conn., Freight rates seemed to operate “Let its go to Portland to this United States. The ranges have a better show in industrial mining, horticultural, has appointed M. L. Lewis, their in every instance in favor of the co iventiou, pledge ourselves to raising cattle, however, than the agricultural, stockgrowing, irriga­ agent for Harney County. This eastern packers and against the work for Oregon, and then do the western stock growers, although the work in harmony with each other farming section, where the cost can tion, dairy and other associations old reliable flompany makes all not be reduced to suit the prices. in Oregon, which have for their kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers. latter class represented a combine and with a common purpose/’ All the ranchmen who owned their purpose the upbuilding and bet- Corner posts Vases anti Urns, out capital of three and a half billions Automobile Line. cattle clear have been able to make terment of this state, will have of pure refined Zink, which is one while the packing trust represented a profit, though small during the but one hundred millions. The the right to name delegates and of the elementary’ or virgin metals, Before the first of July, automo­ depressions, and can hold their cat­ stock growers concluded that the same as gold and silver, and is upon the floor the smallest locali­ tbev bad been permitting the tai) biles will be making daily trips ov­ tle. when necessary, until they can indestructable and cannot lie affect­ to wag the dog, and then and there er the sixty odd miles of country sell to advantage, without it costing ty will have the same vote as the ed by the climatic conditions. city of Portland. they resolved to secure relief’ from between Shaniko, the present term­ them more than the cattl-* are The official call for this con­ These monuments are chea,»er by these cot ditions, even if it became inus of the Columbia railroad, and worth. vention will be issued just as soon half than any kind of stone, Those who have raised their own as a few important details, now more beautiful in design and can­ neceetarv for them to go into the Prineville, according to B. F. Allen, pecking house business. The In­ president of the First National cattle have not felt the depression under consideration, are consum­ not be broken Mr. Lewis desires dependent Packing company was Bank of Prineville, who is io Port­ very much, but the men who got mated. all who are contemplating the pur­ hurt are those who bought young the Result. Backed by the real land for a few days chase of anything in this line to “We have long waited patiently cattle at fancy prices. There is too Is S» litdKock interests of the country it Our stock of iron beds is now call on him at the office of Biggs A wee organized under the laws of in anticipation of the railroad to a much of an element of speculation complete and at very resonable Biggs, a id see designs sample of Mhona, with a capital of $5,000.' point nearer Prineville than the , in this to make it a safe proposition. prices. Call and see our folding material and get prices present, even if the route selected It may prove a good investment Up-to-date job printing at reason­ beds, steel couches, etc.— Burns did not bring the track tooor thriv­ and may not. but the progressive; Furniture Co able prices. HLD STATE OF OREOOS IH SOLIO ing city,” said Mr. Allen, “but now ranchman can raise hia own stock ' we have decided that our best in­ and know he has a sure source of; Bn important movement is on terest justifies the,eHtablisbn>ent of. income x.* The Finest Ail started in Portland by some an automobile line that will afford When the farming states begin te live, up to date business men rapid transit for passengers. mail to de,»end on the rsnge country to tr tel Concentrate the efforts of the pe— and express, and perhaps some do the breeding thal^rnians higher ■ of all sections of the state to freight; and as the rail-rad is con­ prices all a roti nd. it ur advantages liefore th»- world structed. the distance -v.ll l»e short­ Proce Of Tracis Has Been Fixed. Iconcise, logical and dear order ened over which th», machines are Fer Sale Oily at ... be foundation has been laid for to be operated. A special meeting of the state rate society called the Oregon “To successfully operate the ma­ » 4* land l>oard has apportioned the1 bvelopment League. The pr.:n< chines. it is desirable to have road« Deschutes Irrigation and Power- bver of the enlerpris- 1- Mr Tim in the la-st possible condition, and I >> • hami'iet re cent to that end the work of rebuilding company’s lien for irrigation of the given in Portland he explained the roads was undertaken a short 84,600 acres of land lying Tinder its’ ditches in Crook county. Ore This Agents, Burns, Ore Is objects of the a.-emcation and time ago ’’—Review. amonuts practically to appraising I that banquet Col W F Butcher. ir- Job printing— The Times -Herald the land. The rush of seekers has Rollici I Broa , Distributers. Portland. Oregon I E Grace, E P. McDaniel and “• L'a, TO HAVE A PACKING PLANT others of Baker City were present, CATTLE PRICES COMINO UP begun. /WB JOHN I». DA1.Y. ai s FRANK K.COFF’ Vi< I îl s L A of N. U. CARPENTER, C ashkb , A.C. WELCOME, Assr. (Asunta. First National Bank OF 3URNS, OREGON. Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. S tockholders T o I hi I) Daly. Frank R. Cottiu, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. Williams, J. \\ . Geary, (’. Cummins. II. M. Horton, C. A. Haines. JFm. Jones, Thomas Davis. e. K l,i;|.;s cT/rrA? and County ?/Jarrants bouy/it at the market price. E. H. T est , Cashier C. E. K enyon , Asst. Cashier LKXAXUKH, I’ hkswent . J oses . V ice -P hesidknt . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OREGON ONTARIO f I liitei’er-t I ’aidkon TimeZL>epo«it8. We Solicit Yoer Banking Business. STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. II. Test, C. E. Kenyon. 11 Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William Miller, Frank R. Collin, Thos. Turnbull. HOWARD SEBREE, Pmaioe.T B. F. WHITE, Vlc.-PHt.lM~T W. R. SEBREE, C awieh $ 4s a First national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A General Banking Business Transacted CORRESPONDENCE INVITED PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. I I OF PHILADELPHIA INCORPORATED 1847. I sfuhh all f(»rnis of sound life inaurunce at the lowest rates. Our policies guarantee alter three payment« are made I. Automatic extended insurance ioi the face of I he contract. 11 A paid up policy. Hi. Loan or cash surrender value. I’m xeelled as a dividend payer. /.VI7/MVG’ITE ItHFORK roll IWM. Sherman & Harmon., General Agents. Marquam^BIdu*., Portland, Or, R. II. Benedict, District Manager. II. A. Dillard, Agent. Burna, Or. *s/\Zv*-e- CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE ...AND... CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Allonls the people of Esst fimi Cenimi Oregon Alitile opportunity of A tirsi <-la«H modem Bii.inesH College. It is h home institution covering every r-oti-se involved in Business College work Its rates are the samn hs chniged else» here and the methods are the same. Mtirlents admitted At any tune. Instruction nt the College or by mail. During Ilio summer mouths the College will comlm-t a S ummer N ormal S chool For teachers and other« who deaire a reviewing or preparatory courae. For speuiinens of >en work, and full i n form ut ion on Bu«ine«H College sub­ ject«. addreaa ZE. Z=rlrx., 2E3\xxrxS, Oregon. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRINCI I