•••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WATERS, ‘ HACEY& COMPANY. CLOSING OUT SALE WATERS, HACEY A COMPANY, We have inaugurated a cosing-out sa e, for CASH ONLY, beginning January 1st, 1904, on all lines of Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Overcoats, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, etc. We have one of the best lines of Groceries in Burns, and will sell them to to you at reduced prices. ilic inics-Mtrtafd. SATURDAY. JUNE 25, 1901. bl’Biii KIPTION RATES: One Year ................................. |2.00 Six Mouths .1.00 Three MouthH ............................ .. .76 ;>n,rtl'as''one ",(1 ca,,not beused for any other purpose. Every I cent of the Georgia Harper Co, benefit is there and the amount ■ contributed by 1’rof. Werschul’s ¡concert is there. I Call and be convinced. J. H. Barbour, U.S. Immigration Inspector in charge of Oregon was here this week accompanied by Seid Gain, an American born Chinese, as an interpreter Mr Barbour was here to look into the papers of Ah Ben who had gone to China and it appears has been held up on his return on account of de­ fects in his papers. Ben went back to see his children. He is a very decent sort of a fellow and is ex­ ceptionally bright and well liked here. acre per year to keep up the works and utilize the waters from these storage reservoirs. Notice of Assignment. WE HAVE THE GOODS, WE MAKE THE PRICES, WE GET THE TRADÌ To the public: In order to close up our general merchandise busi- ness in Burns a- speedily as possi- ble, we the undersigned have made an assignment to David Miller, who will collect all ac- counts due the firm and pay all I debts. As an evidence that diversity Jll.lAN KVKI> _ _ _ _ Maasg.r , in farming pays, and makes land .'capable of higher profits, a few r> the stock busi- The democrats don’t seem to I | facts concerning ness in the West will be interest- have made a “cut and dried” pro-). The census of u *n«- .................... — 1903 shows gram for thier national conven | that Iowa, a farming state with M iller & T hompson . tion which will be held next week Sheep Growing States. in St. Louis. Their nominee for ■ an area of but 55,000 square miles Notice of Assighnee. 1 contains 500,000 head more cattle President is still a guess. Montana remains at the head of than Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, the wool producing states of the All persons owing the firm of Washington, Utah, Nevada, Aai- l he purely business man adver- I zona and New Mexico> with an Union. The report of the acting Miller & Thompson are hereby statistician of the department of notified to make immediate settle­ Uses, and he does not do it for al ea of 821,000 square miles. The agriculture shows that this state charity’s sake. It is, a business! settlers on the smal!, highly cuh'i- has more sheep than any other ment of their account with C. H. Leonard atty, for the Assignee, at proposition with him. If news-j vated farm, with his diversity of state in the Union. his office in Burns Oregon. papers depended upon charity for feed, can solve the question of The report indicates that Monta­ D avid M iller . a living skimed milk would taste1 Western civilization, much more na has 5,270,063 sheep, having an Assigt.ee of Miller & Thompson. mighty sweet. satisfactorily than the land king average value of $2 31 a head when stock UJagons with millions of acres unoccupied the estimate was made. Wyoming is second with 4,602,- UJindmills and Pump The business men should be by families.. East Oregonian. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, 658 head, with an average value of careful to clean up all rubbish UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I $2 58 a head New Mexico is third Burns, Ore., June 21, 1904. j on around their premises this coming ! LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Notice is hereby given that the following- with 3,860,466 head, with an aver­ named settler has filed notice of his intention week as the small boy and fire to make proof in support of his claim and that age value of $193 a head Idaho said proof will be matie before the Register and works will be numerous on the) Shirt waists at Brown’s Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on August 5, 1904, is forth on the list with 8,588,034, viz: Hd. E. No. l'.»36, of Emma Ash, now Spring­ 4th and much danger from lire, i John Parker is in the city. er for the SW.i NE' i, WC SEW and SEW 8EJ4, . $2.21 a head. Sec. 25, T. 2K S., R. 37 E „ W. M. f KT • 1 Tills is a matter that needs par- Il«- iiHines the following witnesses to prove Next in order are Ohio, Oregon, his continuous residence upon and cultivation 1 Men’s Furnishings at Browns. of saiO 50c Sampson Corsets, old price............. will take his time in going ami the reservoir to the lands to be ir­ Al 1 25 80c C-B Corset, old price....................... An exchange tells of a certain pick up 11 few curios mid specimens rigated each 50 miles long. These 75 50c Martha Washington Corset old.’price Al young lady who is looking for while crossing the fossil beds canals will be tapped with laterals 1 00 65c 8. B. Corsets, old price..................... the editor of the town paper with There will be no Sunday night and smaller ditches. This re­ Jackson Corsets, old price ............. 90c 1 25 We [lave the Reputation of Carrying the .4 a shot gun. I le meant to com­ performance by the Georgia Har- servoir and ditch system will re­ Dorma Corsat, old price ......... 65 45c pliment her at a party by noting per Co. But on Monday evening claim 150,000 acres of virgin land Ladies Lace Hose, old price........... 75 50c that “her dainty feet were encas­ they will present Dumas’ "Monte and furnish water for all the lands Ladies Cotton Hose,............................................... Reduduced One Half As well as the ed in shoes tliat might have been Christo.” Don’t fill to see the now irrigated in that county by Silk Waist Patterns ............................. Reduced from $1 00 to 60 private enterprises. taken for fairy boots.” The prin­ great open sea scene New special This scheme will revolutionize Woolen I nderwear, Reduced from $4 00 per suit to $3 00. $■> suit for $2 ter made him say. “Her dirty , scenery will lie used for this pro- irrigation in Malheur and will in­ India Linen, Organdies, Swiss, etc., reduced to cost. duction “,.d™a.2°r1'T,ri""“in«5 ot -"J h"““ I" lb. Thi. feet were incased in shoes that crease the area of irrigated lands, Mens $20 00 Suits reduced to $15 00 other suits in proportion. IS Everv Hat in the house reduced from 30 to 50 per cent. W C Sawyers, assistant engineer admitted by < very dress-maker in town. might have been taken for ferry increase the number of farm home- W. ar. A.r. to antt Coilon^- boats,” and the probability is that of the (i v> mint nt Geological Sur­ and generally subserve and add to Special Prices on Bi% Grocery Orders. vey, has been in this section the nou> yootit. U/iey art of t/to the prosperity of the county as no the pi inter came much nearer past few .lays inspecting the work, other proposition could. It is a LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS stating the facts in the case than looking after the water gagesand notable fact that your government, did the editor, and it is the truth checking up the work of watei has demanded that the large ranch that always pinches. gager M I. Lewis. Mr Sawyers es be split into 60 acre tracts in Prices homer Than Ever before. expre.-sttl himself as well pleased order to increase population and de a T .mnlT The Times-Herald finds some P with the water recon! so far His intensify cultivation of the land. , is still here looking after ditTerent people have been very much con-: There is no richer land in the fu^il^lsofthe work cernc<’.a bout the town ndock c________ United States than this and it is 9 TIMBER LAND NOTICE. unit some one even w rote the Geo­ Married—Last Sundy evening at estimated that 40 acres will cotn timber land notice . fortablv support a family of five rgia Haipu Co asking what had the home of Mr ami Mrs E. B V. 9. Land office. Burns. Ore. MsjU.'* become of it. Now, 1 he Times- Reed. their s >n Homer ami Miss parsons. This land will produce wOh'ii.' “ herehF «Iven that in ^ three crops of alfalfa a year, raise T. *n«f<>n Territory •• possible labor. nó’?í lbe Pn,,|le Fand States by set to. It has been placed in the church performing the ceremony ?!!,*■1 ¿J-I""" T •'•oree, of Joplin. «iMj J The government is advancing the The young couple start on life ’ s thi. 1 m ‘V’0'•',|,,o"rl. h.s this First National Bank of this city nnL'bffl"‘ hJ".,w°m statement So.. «.<** > t « w -'No as.. voyage with bright prospects and a money for all of this work and ?hi7 "*’■ NE'i of Section So G-eixxioeiiizxg- ship So 12 H„ Bang.* No. » K . A M .. <£•* and The Tunes-1 lerald is trustee, host of friends who wish them well charges the land from $2 to $,’> |>er . i ’Ti""/ ,how 'I**1 ,he lends A check signed by the manager The Burns Band serenaded them acre for 10 rears when it is estimat­ V* nable for lu timbee or atone tMs yg Jeweler and Optician. • innura : r>’irpoees. and to establish bn»>beniel A. Dibble. <4 ton J,‘"h *'■ Med< alf. of Moe less ** of applying on a town clock as I them every happiness. They will | that the engineers estimate that it ./"I I'"’ •ll per*nne clalmlna • will Best only five or ten cents an ftminiiiiui soon as enough can be added to soon go to housekeeping rn*d l»nd« »re requested H.yotJuty IHM •*•«*« the Mid rib •1 Full of HaPduuare, rftaehinehy, riages, Plouus, Cultivators, hands at prices to suit the times SHOE STORE None Better. James Smith QEER & CUMMINS. OUT SALE & Thompson Stock Great Reductions. All Coods Must be Sold. We’re Still at it! GENERAL MERCHANDISE BOOTS. SHOE?. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. EVERY LINE COMPLETE BEST ASSORTMENT BEST QUALITY I m expecting a lot of fine Watches and some of the Latest Creations in Jewelry. Better keep your eye on this space. F*«»«. 7«1D>» n thia office on or defore the ss* '!•» of July. imm . __ Wn. Faun«. S'«**