She Jimrs-ìicraid 8ATURDAY. MAY 2«, 1904. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year....................... 81 x Months......................... Three Months .. JULIAN BYRD — — 12.00 .1.00 .. .76 — — M »■alter If nothing unforeseen happens look out for big crops this season. Harney county will go on record as an agricultural district that none can deny. By the close of the present sea­ son many changes will have taken place toward the development of this valley that will bear fruit in the near future. to this date defendant became a ' frequenter of saloons and spent his time in loafing and discussing politics, whittling drygoods box­ es and saving the L nited States government from ruin; that the only necessity of life that he was willing to provide for plaintiff was “water” and this marital duty he performed grudgingly, bis whole time being spent in preparing for a conflict with the red dragon, the octopus and other monsters that were breathing destruction and devasting the helpless millions of American seifs, and so engrossed was defendant in saving the run­ ning gear of this government anil advocating a dollar that would be good in Europe that he took no time to indnlge in the vulgar pur­ suits ofVustling provender for the family larder.” Fruit and grain crops in many The Big Bend Chief spells sections of Oregon have been ser­ iously damaged by frost, but so “bought” in a shorter way—“hot” far Harney valley has escaped And “thought” becomes “thot.” l*resumably“ought” becomes “ot” Let us hope it will pass us by. and “wrought” appears as “rot.” The change certainly tends toward High officials have begun to brevity, but it must be mighty realize that the registration law puzzling for the school children of is a nuisance and unnecessary in Douglas county. the outlying counties. In cities is the only place such a law is of Mary had a little lamb, Its any use. fleece was white as snow. It ran away one summer day, and went So long as a man or a candidate where lambs should never go. confines himself to facts in a polit­ Then Mary she sat down and ical campaign he has a right to wept; the tears streamed from make just as much “campaign both eyes, She never found that thunder” as possible in order to lamb a again. She did not adver- help his chances for election, but tise. when he circulates malicious false­ hoods in order to hurt the charac­ Stuck tn (travel. ter of his opponent or the candi­ date of the opposition party, he A story is told of a Kentucky should be called down. Such men mountaineer who had never seen are a detriment to any party or a railroad train. One day he con­ any community. They do not de­ sented to go to town and see the serve votes and self respecting wonder. He arrived a little ahead citizens will see that they get their of train-time and getting impa­ just deserts, finally. tient as he waited he walked up the track to meet it. He met it as it rounded a curve, Turning about, the mountaineer ran along the track as for his life. “Toot, toot,” sounded the loco­ motive slowing up, but tne moun­ taineer dug the gravel all the more industriously. He soon reached the station completely out of breath. “Why didn’t you cut across?” inquired one of the bystanders. “Cut across!” exclaimed the uncouth lad. “If I had struck the plowed ground the tiling certainly would have caught me.”—New York Tribune. • If t communities and counties would get together and work for a common interest as political par­ ties do during a campaign many things could be accomplished that are allowed to go undone for years and years and perhaps nev­ er done. Human selfishness pre­ vents the completion of enterprises that mean much more to every citizen than the election of certain candidates or any one candidate, Harney county needs the push and energy of all its citizens on more than one proposition that would be a lasting benefit to them as well as posterity, yet selfishness and greed prevents their accom­ “They are Peaches.” Try a can plishment. Such is life. of our Crawfords at 25 cents They are better than anything you have eaten.—Schwartz A Budelman. It is certainly to be regretted that conditions are such over in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lake county that it is necessary UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, > to offer large rewards to bring Burns, Ore., May 8, 1904. \ Notice ia hereby given that the following guilty parties to justice, Of named Bottler has filed notice of hla intention to make proof in aupnort of Ida claim and that course, it is possible that it is not aaid proof will be maue before the Regiater and Receiver nt Burna, Oregon, on Junes, 1901. via: as bad as it has been pictured in lltl E. No. ss.i, of Martin V Baker for the 8U \ E*.. >F.‘, NW i, mid lx»t 2, Sec. 30, T. 26, S., R. the public press. Range troubles 29 F . W M. lie nmnea the following witneaaea to prove hia continnoua residence upon and cultivation have always existed in different of aald land, via I Clark Freeman, William Bardwell, Lee Thornburg and Earl ’ Elliott, portions of the range states ever are not bowel »nd that the range war lias not been liver irrrgularitiee. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi­ extended to Harney county and cine is a bowel and liver remedy hopes it never will be. Nothing for stock. It put» the organ* of digestion in a perfect condition. is accomplished by lawlessness and Prominent American breeder« and farmers keep I heir herd, and H.wk* it will finally re-act upon tlu1 per healthy by giving them an in» petrator and at once places the «ional do*" of Black 1 *ranglit Stock and Poultry Medicine in their community in a bad light. food. Any stock miter marl uy a •¿’»-cent half•!> »und nir-tiffKi can So long as Harney county tier ■ >f tin» nu'dmne from bi range is used by Harney county ami keep his slock in v •: . ms health for week" IV.-.I ■ ■ pnrf- stockmen and taxpayers there will ally ki>ep Black hni i >ht - vnd dt'ea Poultry Mi-'licin.- If > be no occasion for trouble. It is not. send 2.*» c'nt« tor t ttu* renie possible such would be the case can to th” nrn M- Chattan »«» Me-li. iw C . in other counties. tanooga. Venn BLACK- DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE There is a Salem woman who I ought to have no trouble in ob­ taining the divorce she seeks. Fart o( her complaints thus set forth through the Salem Journal: ••That for several years prior to I Uamau a O». Jas .<*,. KU. ury Black-nmuKht and Madiela. I. IV •*’• • ever tried oot FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Estate of Warren Curtis deceased To all whom it may concern: Take notice that the undersigned administrator of the estate of J. Warren Curtis, deceased has this day filed his final report that by an Order of the Hon. the County Court of the State of Oregon for Harney county of this date, Tues­ day the seventh day of June, 1904. at 1 p. m. has been appointed as the time and the court house of the County in Burns, as the place for the hearing of said report and the final Settlement of said estate, All persons having objections to said Report or Settlement will appear and file same on or before said day. Published by order of said court' for four weeks and five publications thefirBt publication this "th day of May 1904. J ames F. M ahon , Administrator LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. We the undersigned legal voters of Lake Precinct, Harney County, state of Oregon, to grant a License to C. A. Hairies to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Lake Precinct Harney County, State cf Oregon, for the Period of Six (6) Months, as in duty bound we will ever pray. Our New Spring Goods. JULY 4,1904 Our new Spring Goods are Ontheabo e date we are displayed for your inspection. going to g ve away a They are considered the most beautiful ever brought to Har­ DEERING ¡DEAL CIANI MOWING MACHINE ney county. Wash .goods in the. prettiest patterns imagina­ ble, Waistings ane Suitings. Complete line of çun mer Corsets, the fa mous W. B. make. Sun-bonnets, children’s bonnets. Laces and Trimmings, cool Waists for Summer in Silks, Lawns, Mohair and Ging hams. Ladies’new Hosiery and Underwea-, Neckwear, Helts and skirts I We have also received some neat patterns in Carpets and Table Oil Cloth. Cail at our store where the Machine is on exhibi­ tion. Every one wi l h th apportunity to secure this f nt ow Machine A single cash We are able to serve purchase may be the n, ns o> presenting are arriving weekly it .to you. you with the Best in the fflercantile line at LOWEST PRICES. zstzez ^ t I—IFS NAMES. E H. Hurlburt, CDeboy, Lewis Marshall, R. D. Sims, Jesse Cox, J 1’ Cochran. W E Brotherton, E T Haley, J B Ivy, A Osborn, J, W Landers, Sidney Comegys, Harvey Muller, Frank Dunn, L. G. Maupin. J C, Simmons, Edd Pirson, Scott Catterson, Ed. Anderson. Notice is hereby given that on the LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. A WONDERFUL INVENTION 4th day of June, I will apply to the It is interesting to note that for­ above entitled court for the license We the undersigned legal voters tunes are frequently made by the as specified in this petition. of Wild Horse Precinct, Harney invention of articles of minor im­ county, State of Oregon, respect- portance. Many of the more pop­ fully petition the Hon. County ular deviceByare; those designed to NOTICE FOR BIDS. Court of Harney County, State of benefit people and meet popular In the matter of supplying the Oregon, to grant a License to conditions, and one of the most in­ county with lumber for use on Homer Winters to Sell Spirituous, teresting of these thathas 6ver been Malt and Vinous Liquors in less the county roads. invented is thd Dr. White Electric At this time this cause came on quantities than one gallon in Wild Comb, patented Jan. 1, '99 These for the consideration of the court Horse Precinct Harney County, wonderful Combs positively cure and the court deeming it for the State of Oregon, for the period of dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and best interests of the county to buy Three Months, as in duty hound nervous headaches, and when used lumber for road purposes under we will ever pray. with Dr. White’s Electric Hair contract. NAMES. Brush are positively guaranteed j The clerk is hereby authorized to F. G. Sawtell, John Smyth, J. to make straight hair curly in 25: advertize for bids to supply all the days time. Thousands of these, lumber required by the county for Wilson, Alfred Anderson, John electric combs have been sold in ' Slone, J. I. Little, F. S. Redon P. | use on the county roads during the the various cities of the Union, and present season. The lumber to be Andrieu, Geo. A. Smyth Jr. Andrew I ‘ the demand is constantly increas- delivered in the following named Stone, Chas Turner, A. W. Warrig, ing. Our agents are rapidly be- voting precincts, and about the J. B. Robinson, Louie Ken, B. T. 1 ! z,.ri/.l, aniline, thoflO Fical, Erland Carlson, J. J. Site- coming rich selling these POmllK. combs, amounts as herein stated j They positively sell on sight. Send erville. Burns precinct about 30,000 feet Notice is hereby given that on ' for sample. Men’s size 35c, ladies’ more or less. the 4th of June, 1904, I will apply 50c — (half price,while we are in­ Curry precinct about 30,000 feet to the above entitled court for the troducing them.) The Dr. White more or less. The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Craue Creek precinct about 15,- license as specified in this petition. Decatur, Ill. H omer W inters . 000 feet more or less. Diamond Valley Precinct about REVISED TABLE OF INFORMATION 15,(XX) feet more or less. Drewsey Precinct about 30,000 The following table has been compiled after careful and thorough investiga­ feet more or lees. tion of aJ records mid statistics obtainable mid gives actual resource- . f Harney Harney precinct about 50,000 feet county, every item of which can be proven : Number, Car , Wts. lbs. more or less. 2,400,000 80 Wool clip annually, Harney county.. Happy_V alley precinct about 15,- Sheep 480 5,000,000 100,000 sliippe . annually............................................ 000 more or less. . . . 25,000 1000 25,000,000 Cattle shipped annually.......................................... 160 3,360,000 4,000 Island precinct about 20,000 feet Horses and mules shipped annually................ 2,500,000 100 Merchandise sdippe I into merchants................. more or lees. 2,500,000 100 Merchandise shipped direct to ranchers Lake precinct about 15,000 feet 200.000 10 Stock salt and sulphur.............................................. more or lees. 6 120,000 Stage freight at 3 cents per pound.......... ............ Pine Creek precinct about 15,000 VOCAL HAfL. feet more or less. . 2JOO,000 Lnmlier sold annually, feet............................................... Poison Creek precinct about 25,- Fuel wood sold unnuail, cords........................................... 3,060 5,000 Fence posts sold annually........................................... 000 feet more or less. PASSENGERS AND MAIL. Saddle Butte precinct about 5,- 000 feet more or less. ♦ H.OMl Passengers by stage annually, 600 at $10....................... IS, 000 Sil vies Valiev preeinc. about 10,-! Passengers by private conveyances, 1,800 10,000 Mail contracts.......... ........ ............................................ 000 feet more or less. , LIVE STOCK. The lumber to be delivered with­ Number of sheep owned in Harney county ... . out delay and not later than, two of sheep summered in Harney county ............................. weeks after the order is received at j Number Number of cattle owned in llarnev county ............................. the mill, »nd the lumber must be Ton» «/hay griiwn •“’’«»'b in Harney, wer Tons of hay grown annually, in a ratlins of 30 mile of Burns delivered at the place where the| AREA OF I IND IN HARNEY COVNTY. same is to lie used: Notice thereof to accompany the order and all or­ Area of lotd, acres ..................................................................................... ............ 6,385,1X0 I Surveyed......................................... .. .................................................... ................... 3,170,480 ders must be for 2000 feel or more Cnsurvaved.............................................................................................. 3,214,520 < >f a vc amount 556,324 acres are in forest reserve and Carey selection«. in each delivery. The court reser­ Appropriated .................................................... ............................... .................. 1,108,261 ves the right to accept bids for all Tillable. assessed............................... .......... ...... ........................... .................. 71,101 ............................................. ............... 586,751 or any part of the lumber required, Nontillable, aasesaed Improved, not patented . ......................................................................... 102,845 or to reject any and all bids Susceptible tn irrigation under U. S. Geological survey of Silvies Valley reservoir ea«t of Silvias River north of Malheur Lake The county shall be required to . . . . . Aiiiituiii Amount samvpin'ic susceptible w to irrigmiuu irrigation "cat west v of Silvies River, estimated Burns, Oregon received only so much ut the luin- ........................................... tier as it shall require for use on the —. , . . . , . , . CITY MEAT MARKET LEVENS & M"GE, Propts. Always on hand CORNED-BEi f, BOLOGNA J ! GE. Hume Sugar Curctl HAMS Home Made and L} aeon Beef sold by the quarter and cut up to suil the. customer. •-»** » v**»**«<*'i*4**4«»**4»<*»t*H«A»***; »■ o» e« «« Order your i ui: ling Material from The Harney Saw Mi and Shingle Mill All kinds of dry Lumber-Rough and Surfaced— always hand. Ru , Fl< irinp;, V Gliding, Stair Railing, Wind Stool, etc. Also first las 5 \ d Shi gles. A K. FiiCHARDSCM Good Road. Harney, ’ Li- D.Tfl.r - “- . .41 r> orr Coder S Geological ■’ ’ U. I".?' ’ ', ’ survev, ,. vat ant 1 ........................................................... ■ . selection», ■ • .. I ■......................................... Carey approved ........ . ... ................................. .......... Ro» L . cry Lurpot u, Complete.- Fresh 1 | Road Supervisor to reject any all Water Facilities—Silvies River. Silver creek. McCoy creek, Blitzen River, ami lumber not of first grade. That ta ten smaller streams. ' ‘ »arditi hx ;h» d- y. we« k r»r Altitnde—1,100 ieet- same »s Salt Lake Valley. to say the lumber is to be sound Mean Temperature—12. ni Njm-iai • • v • all Rtock and suitable for the purpose for Annul precipitation— 12 in' he-. Minerals—2,21V pounds of borax mined and hauled bv team from Denio Ore­ which it is ordered, and the court Speda! accorra /da‘ions fór Commercial Winneiuncca, Nevada. daily . being all that is develo, ed to S|«-ak of. will also at the same time consider gon. 1 lo rope — Wheat, oats. rye. barlev. allalfa, sugar beets, hope, pout e- and all bids to supply the county with 50 kinds of hardv fruits and vegetab e-. keg« of ftO pennv spikes to lie deliv­ ered iu Burns JOHN F. STRATTON'S The bids will lie ofiened and con­ sidered on Saturday June 4th. HMM nt 10 o’clock a. ni of said day. Piccolo« yOU EAT F. S R eipkh «.»I*«'' County Clerk 1 ------ PANY. CUICAGft