The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 28, 1904, Image 1

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MO. 27.
S BIO REWARD hard trip along the boundaries of FOR PERMANENT RESERVES
the territory he will have to look
after, Bays the Sumpter Reporter
ERLAIN WOULD END He hap marked the lines for the PINCHOT
guidance of stockmen, eave where
the enow would not permit. He
will again go out over all lines and
make them very distinct. Mr.
Lake County Murderer*
Tracts Secured la Blue Mountain District
has been in receipt of some
e for Arrvit aad
Are Not Taken ln--A(ricultnral
very specific instructions recently
Of Sheep Killer«.
Area Also Excluded.
iQl| ____
from the general land office. The
reward of 12500 has been of- most important of these is couched
Within a few days the Bureau of
IRil by Governor Chamberlain for in the following words:
Forestry will submit to Secretary
“On April 2, 1904, the secretary Hitchcock a recommendation that
arrest and! conviction of the
derer of Creed Conn, of Lake of the interior decided that sheep four forest reserves be created in
y fr ttv,’who was killed near Silver shall not be allowed to graze on the Eastern Oregon, embracing an ag­
I at y two months and a half ago, Baker City forest reserve, but that gregate area of 4,000,000, acres or
the cattle and horses which grazed more, says the Oregonian’s Wash­
p tn the Oregonian.
reward offcOO^has been offered on the lands now in the reserve ington correspondent.
These are the Blue Mountain re­
.he conviction of each of the last season may be allowed in the
during the serve, Wallowa reserve, which ex­
who participated in the killing reserve informally
>00 sheep in Lake County on grazing Beason of 1904, but there tends into Washington, and the
mnst be no increrse in these herds Joseph River, or Chesninimus, re­
>od:t [ 28.
al ( lis offer of reward is made and no new stock allowed in
The bureau of Forestry, since the
JUte out express authority of law
withdrawal of.these vast tracts, has
Thorough Test Will be Made.
hi . J the" Governor feels confident
made a detailed examination of
if convictions should be secur­
quarter section, and knows,
ed thej rewards earned, the
Mr. J. C. Blood of Boise, Idaho,
gen! lature would not hesitate to who is becoming largely interested difinitely the character of each sub­
‘lrn opriate money for the purpose. in the Malheur oil fields yesterday division. In recommending the
of State Dunbar and returned from Portland and went creation of permanent forest reser­
___ _
I Treasurer Moore joined with through to Ontario and Weiser. ves, the bureau has drawn boundary
—governor in promising to lend Mr. Blood stated to the Democrat lines very irregularly, so as to elimi­
^‘T'laid in semiring the appropria- he had little to give out to the pub­ nate, aB far as practical, all agricul­
■ N('
t||# reWgrj should be earned. lic in regard to bis operations and tural laud, and all lands that have
ant itb a view to suppressing law- did not caie to do any talking until passed in to private ownership.
Before recommending the creation
¡n , ess in Lake county, Governor he had demonstrated whether there
hep nberlain has had copies of the was anything to talk about. Mr. of the reserves, Chief Forester Pin-
n a i-itof reward printed and has sent Blood started in the oil business chot endeavored to head oft’ all op­
'« 1 1 to be pa»*«'1 in different sec- on the home farm in Pennsylvania portunity for fraudulent and unfair
: of that country. He has also in 1859 and went all through the operations, and believes he has so
en letters to the sheriff and dis- oil strikes of ’67 and more recent drawn the reserve boundaries as
))aj(j(l attorney, uiging them to do years. He made money in the practically to prevent the creation
Vher i thekf power to apprehend the business, knows all about it and of base for lieu selections on any
considerable scale. Those lands
elhetiiws and prevent a repetition of has capital behind him.
Mr. Blood is taking 25-year leases lying around the outer limits of the
rimes *
PI’Li ie Governor was induced to on deeded ground through a strip B|je Mountain withdrawal, which
i. PHIM this action by letters received or country near Ootario and extend­ were appearently entered a year
promimfot citizens of Lake ing oyer into Idaho and through or more ago for speculative pur­
It Was stated that the which he thinks an oil belt runs poses, are thrown outside of the per­
UIM the sheep threaten- He expects to bore a number of manent reserve recommended, and
HM*y person who tries wells to a great depth and thinks will not become base lands.
Bnd th em or yvho offers a the oil will not be found near
I he Burns Druggists
H rd for their conviction, and for the surface. After three years ex­
reason'men living in that vic periments if he finds no oil he will do not hesitate to recommend Dys­
Ü dare not take steps to bring turn the land back to the original pepsia Cure to their friends and
Id. iriminals toju-tie<-. They ap- owners. If he finds oil they will customers.
ji ' rd to the governor to take some share with him the profits. The more ill health than any thing else
n it» behalf of law-abiding peo- Baker City owners of oil lands in It deranges the stomach, and brings
rho live it* constant terror in a Malheur are very much interested on all manner of disease. Kodol
where they have labored for in the outcome of Mr Blood’s ex­ Dyspepsi . Cure digests what you
eat, cures indigestion, dyspepsia
8 to Irnild their homes.
periments.—Baker Democrat.
and all stomach disorders. Kodol
. Porilf» Governor considers it im-
ie not only a perfect digestant but
....doable to send militiamen to
Bound Over to the Graud Uuder.
a tissue building tonic as well. Re­
county, for the desperados
a region very thinly set-
General Prine was bound over in newed health, perfect strength and
and where it would be impossi- Justice Luckey’s court yesterday increased vitality follow its use.
evü :
for militiamen to capture a afternoon in the sum of $1000 to
TT in*l familiar with every mile await the action of the grand jury
Foa» whole country. The Gover- in October on the charge of assault
ie this offer of reward with intent to kill his mother.
D. J. O’Brien, who headed the
■ome person who has or
About a dozen witnesses were party which went out into the Har
itb I
ed in i
secure information to divulge called for the prosecution during r.ey valley about ten days ago. re­
V’. F. PH
CE ONLfl ïame to the end that the erimi- the hearing from whose testimony turned yesterday, and while at the
etier for* 'Ynay be taken into custody.
it was shown that facts regarding depot very enthusiastically discuss­
reward Would he paid to any the assault did not become known ed the success of his convoy in gett­
m giving the information, even until two days after it happened. ing all they wanted in the way of
gh he be an accomplice who Witnesses testified to the fact that homesteads, timber locations and
Prine had spent most of his time business openings.
That many
up town on the pretense of trying to more such parties, doing as these
■tint Grounds.
apprehend the guilty pariv while have done, will make a railroad
his mother lay helpless and uncon­ imperative, is one of the conclusions
tit 500 mangy cay- scious part of the time at her rekched by Mr. O’Brien.—Sumpter
0*ber of Columbia home. Witnesses also testified Reporter.
between Mt. Vernon that Mrs Prine had been rather re­
last week. From an luctant to say anything about the
i'bowTown sourdtf they acquired a matter, stating as a reason that she
action»»OPP!/ oflfirewater and the did not wish to get her son int<A|
Up-to-date iob printing at reason­
gives V , oaH b»g un a battle for trouble.
n of their race,
The aged mothei was not present
Do you want blacksmith coal? The O.
bs and broken bot- at the hearing, her condition, being
Scrap after scrap such that she was unable to leave C. Co. is headquarters.
| as they proceeded the house. Her testimony was
Horton & Sayer have had their
and when they taken at her home where she sub- crew of men working the roads to
e across the South mitted her evidence.
the saw mill and now have them in
one of the war-
The charge upon which Prine a much better condition
d to the happy will appear before the next session
District Attorney Wm. Miller ar­
The floor of the of the grand jury is one of the
last Saturday from Burnsand
tained from one worst which has come before the
after tLe interests of the
resembling in ap- courts of the county An old woman,
the present term of
hter pen. Every near to 80 years of age, choked,
Blue Mt. Eagle
was more or lees beaten into insensibility, and left
h‘. which resulted lying in ar> unconscious condition
Workmen have raised the wind­
an Indian, took are some of the horrifying features mill tower at the Presbyterian
y night, and by upon which the grand jury will manse and the work of “reclama­
the braves had take action—Prineville Journal.
tion” Will soon begin by Rev Irwin
strapped across
The Department has added sev­
use and were m k-
F urniture cheaper than ever be­
sections to the Blue Mountain
be county, being fore i.i this town. We bought
forest reserve. The lands with­
Columbia river right and will sell right. 'Rie very
drawn are in Wallowa, Baker and
comrade will I n - nicest in Lace and Muslin Cur­
Union counties
I Eagle.
tains. Ladies, call and inspect.
Our stock of iron beds is now
I We can please yon in both style
and price. Bureaus, Chiffoniers, complete and at very resonable
to Stockinet.
1 Sideboards, Iron Bede, and in fact prices. Lail and see our folding
Supervisor Terrill everything in our line—Burns i*e<is, steel couches, etc—Burns
I Furniture Co
frou» • very I Furniture Co.
Improvements are being made COMMISSION’S FIRST SESSION
upon almost every residence block
in Burns at this time. New lawns
are being sown, additional shrubs MAY BE HELD DURING NEXT MONTH
and trees being planted, windmills
going up, etc.
It will not be long before Burns
will have many beautiful homes.
People are all doing something to­
ward making their homes more at­
Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited.
It Will Probably be a Preliminary Session
Followed by.Business Session in
July--Oovernment Represented.
The Oregon irrigation commiss­
ion is about to meet and plati8 are
being made for the next session,
which will be held in June
At the last meeting, held some
months ago, it was decided that the
next meeting would be some time
about the middle of June in Port­
The firsj. wool of the season was
land, but this may be changed since
delivered in Ontario by Porter,
F. H Newell, the head of the recla­
Test and Jones, Edmund Rutler
mation work, is about to start on a
the second consignment and Jim
tour of this country in the interests
Mahon of Stein Mountain the tbiid.
of the commission.
All of the fleecy stuff was stored in
11 is thought at this time that
the mammouth warehouses of the
Messers, Newell, Richards, the land
M. M. Co.—Argue.
commissioner, and Pinchot, who
Studebaker Wagons,
Hacks, have been appointed by the presi­
Carriages, Buggies and Buckboards dent to investigate the land fraud
are arriving now and selling as fast cases in different parte of the conn
as we can get them in. We have try, to look after the land condi­
two car loads of these goods here tions,and to make observations and
and in trains. The best stock of investigation relative to remedy­
Wagons and Vehicles ever brought ing the preBent conditions leading
to Burns. Call and look at goods to frmidulent entries and practices
even if you do not desire to buy at by a law to be drafted by them for
the present time. Geer A Cummins. congress, will reach this state about
the middle of June. In view of
THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE this, so Mr. Hailey says, it has been
COMPANY, of Bridgeport, Conn, decided by- the irrigation commiss­
has appointed M. L. Lewis, their ion appointed for the state and the
agent for Harney County. This one serving in Washington, that a
old reliable Company makes all joint meeting will be held in Walla
kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers. Walla or some other central and
Corner posts Vases and Urns, out convenient place, where the wishes
of pure refined Zink, which is one of the department and the needs of
of the elementary or virgin metals, the law can be. gone over with the
the same as gold and silver, and is man who has made a life Bludy
indestructable ami cannot be affect­ of the irrigation question After
ed by the climatic conditions. that the Oregon commission wi^
These monuments are cheaper by­ get down to work and start, earnest­
half than any kipit—of stone, ly to compiling the law for the sess­
more beautiful in design and can­ ion of the legislature
not be broken. Mr. Lewis desires
In the opinion of Mr. Hailey the
all who are contemplating the pur­ commission will do little or nothing
chase of anything in this line to outside of the meeting with Mr. ‘
call on him at the office of Biggs & ' Newell until after the first part of
Biggs, and see designs sample of July, for the reason that all the
material and get prices.
members are either active in the
political campaign, or have urgent
Errett Hicks, who will prose­ private business that keeps them
cute the criminals and evil doers j away from consideration of the
in the ninth judicial district during commission.—East Oregonian.
the next four years, arrived from ’
A Cure For Piles.
Canyon City last evening and has
been kept busy since greeting “I had a bad case of piles,” says G.
friends and supporters.—Ontario F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., “and con­
The Windsor, under the manage­
ment of C. B. Smith & Co., is one
of the most popular resorts in the
interim. Finest of liquors and
cigars, billiards and card tables
and expert mixologists?
N. U. CA BPENTER, C abhub ,
A. C. WEi'XOME, Assy. C ashibb .
S tockholdbhs :—John D. Paly, Frank R. Collin, N. U. Carpenter, R. J.
Williams, .1. W. Geary, C. Cummins. H. M. Horton, C. A. Haines, Win.
Jones, Thomas Davis.
<d>Za-Zs and County Warranto bought at the marketprtot.
This bank is Insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary
or hold up day or night.
•"»oowo-oeo- owo <■»•«■>vowo r»wr> raw<*••«*> owoe
E. If. T est . Cashier
C. E. K enyon , Aset. Cashier
M. A lexander , P hesidknt .
W«. J ones , V ick -1’ bksh > knt .
Intei-est’I’aidion Time'Deposits.
We Solicit Yoer»' Banking Business.
STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. IL Test,
C. E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William
Miller, Frank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull.
r-utw oe -owo oeo -oavxj
| first Rational Bank
A General Banking Business Transacted
The county court will receive and
consider sealed bids for 50 cords of
wood to be delivered in September,
1904, said bids to be opened and
considered on Saturday, the 4th
day of June, 1904 at 10 o’clock a.
m. of said day.
The court reserves the right to
reject any and all bids
F. S R iedkr ,
County. Clerk.
When The Sap Rises
sulted a physician who advised me
to try a box of DeWitt’s Witch Ha­
zel Salve. I purchased a box and
was entirely cured. Il is splendid
for piles, giving relief instantly, and
I heartily recommend it to nil suf­
ferers ” DeWitt’s Witch Haze]
Salve is unequalled for its healing
qualities. Eczema and other skin
diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and
wounds of every kind are quickly
cured by it. Sold by Burns Drug
Mrs. Abner Robbins, widow of
the eccentric Dreweey capitalist
who died about two years ago, was
marieil at The Dalle. last Thurs­
day to II B, Smith, of Spokane, by
Rev. W. B. Clifton, the Baptist
minister. The bride was at one
time a resident of this city, during
which time both she and her former
husband became well known to
those who are now old timers. At
the time of the death of Mr. Rob­
bins he was quite wealthy the wid­
ow’s portion of the estate being in
the neighborhood
of $200.000
—Prineville Journal
Weak lungs should be careful.
Coughs and colds are dangerous
then. One Minute Cough Cure
cures coughs and colds and gives
strength to the lungs Mrs G. E.
Fenner, of Marion, Ind., says, “I
suffered with a cough until I run
down in weight from 148 to 92 IBs
I tried a number of remedies to no
avail until I used One MinuteCough
Cure. Four bottles of this wonder­
ful remedy cured tne entirely of
the cough, «lengthened my lungs
and restored me to my normal
Mrs. C. A Byrd will take orders for
weight, health and strength ” Bold Tailor Made suits. Call at the millinery
by Burns Drug stores.
store and see sampler.
The Finest of All
Issues all forms of sound life insurance at the lowest rales.
guarantee after three payments ar.* made
Our policies
R. Il Benedict,
District Manager.
II. A. Dillard, Agent.
Burns, Or.
I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of tire contract.
II. A paid up policy.
III. Loan or cash surrender value.
Unexcelled as a dividend payer.
Sherman & Harmon,
General Agents.
Portland, Or,
Alfords the people of East ami Central Oregon all the opportunity of a
firstdasH modern Business College. It is a home institution covering
every course involved in Business College work
Its rates are the same
ns charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students admitted
Ht any time. loatroction at the ('»liege or hv mail. During the summer
months the College will conduct a
S ummer N ormal S chool
For tfeachers ami others who desire a reaiewmg or preparatory course.
For specimens of pen work, ami full infortnstion on Business College sub­
jects. nd drees
ZxzC. IHL IBlg,‘b3r, ZPxirx.,
IB-ci.xrxS, Oxeg^oxx.
TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors.
- -
ZvCstlze Tlxls Hesiclq.u.axtexs.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
For Sale Oily at
Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, Ore.
gW^P.othci J Bros, Distributers. Portland, Oregon
Gives all the local news.
Job Printing.