F S Rieder Stami* and re­ pairs on ty pe » rlter di to Geo Stmiclift lo , cor - ■ f (Concludisi from lust week.) i w - hx I dito ......... Showing, as by law required, tho G. IV. Clevenger 6 window TEN THOUSAND COPIES OF THE FAIR shade«, dito .......... amount of claims presented, filed and PAMPHLET SENT OUT. recorded against the ounty of Harney, (leer & Cummin«, Mdse for court house dito............. 15 95 15 95 State of Oregon and the amount allowed at tho May term of ounty ourt, 1904. Mrs C ijickman, washing I for prisoner« dfto......... 10 09 10 00 Thus. Richardson's Scheme for Attradlag TO WHOM 1MUB11 AM’ tcl ’ m O ÀMT At'wo ' C 11 Voegtly, supplies for Attention to State ■■Descriptive County Road fund......... 15 95 15 95 Matter Seat East. J W Dickenson, juror i R M Everett, making and April term circuit court 220 2 20 , lettering 5 sign boards do 3 00 3 00 Ten thousand copies of the Lewi« | Loyd Culp, dito................ 3 60 3 60 A. McKinzie paid out for 1 4 40 and Clark Fair’s pamphlet, “Oreg­ ' Bert Hibbard dito........... 4 40 42 50 37 50 road plow dito............ on,’’will be supplied to Thomas | Geo. McClaren.................. 300 3 00 F M Jordan, surveying ou A J Priece, dito 2 20 2 20 Slough Point and White Richardson who has undertaken ' E Owsley, dito.............. 2 20 2 20 i Horse road dito............ 92 50 92 50 | J H Hill, dito .................... to advertise Portland and the re­ 4 80 4 80 F M Jordan, surveying on sources of this state through the Paul Finkie, dito............. 4 30 4 30 Crow Camp road dito.. 37 50 37 50 Joe Lamb, dito................ 17 00 12 00 Commercial Club. F M Jordan Amt advanced dito,allowed to Surveyor genoral for Secretary Henry E. Reed, who Al $5 Weatherly 00 for mileage serving 14 95 14 95 compiled this phamplet, which is Subp........................ ’.... 17 00 1700 field notes dito ....... W B Branell chainman generally conceded to be the most John Gemberling, dito. . 2 20 2 20 S'.ough Point and White instructive and complote of the L Woldenberg Jr.dito....... 2 20 2 20 House road dito............. 14 00 14 00 kind ever issued, announces that Byron Terrill dito.............. 2 80 2 80 Geo Hcailly chainuimi Chas Riggs, dito................ 2 20 2 20 12 (X) 12 00 Crow Camp road dito Mr Richardson has made applica­ Newell Hall dito............ 2 00 2 00 E 1* Sylvaster work on Poi­ tion to him for 10,000 3opies of the Chas 8 Johnson, dito 35 00 35 (X) son Creek road with book, to be furnished as soon as N U Carpenter, dito......... 10 20 10 2Ö team dito............. .......... 9 00 ' 9 00 practicable. These will be sent to Walter Gray, dito............. 13 60 12 20 Byron Terrill,Mito 1 50 1 50 all parts of the East, and that great Wm Gray, dito................ 10 00 10 00 Lute Parker, dito......... . . 4 00 4 OO Claud Smyth (lito ........... 14 00 14 00 Wilson A Ashton repair on good will incure to the state and the R H Brown, dito 14 00 14 00 2 00 2 00 exposition is generally admitted by W. M. Phelps, dito......... 1400 14 00 grader ........................... II G Cameron, chainmail all who have read “Oregon”. C M Ausmus dito ......... 13 00 11 80 Catlow White Horse Mr. Richardson, whose fame as a J L Turner, dito................ 15 00 15 00 road, dito.... ......... 14 00 14 00 successful advertiser of cities and Colonel Beebee dito......... 3 40 3 40 D H Miller, six days work W G Bardwell dito......... 49 00 49 00 especially of the municipality of Seth S Smith dito............ 56 00 54 00 with surveying party do 15 00 15 00 New Orleans, has gone abroad in FC Dibble dito................ 36 00 36 00 W 11 Mayfield work on dito..................... 2 (XI 2 00 the land, will employ a unique and L Bradfield dito................ 46 00 46 00 R road J McKinnon work on original method in getting this J A Turner dito .............. 29 00 29 00 road with team.............. 6 00 0 00 pamphlet and other advertiting J 11 Buckmaster, dito.... 32 00 31 60 Geer a Cummins ton's and A E Stone, dito................ 39 00 39 00 matter into the hands of Eastern Stanley Tyler, dito......... 39 00 39 00 nails used on Co road 38 00 (J. L. Land Office, Burns, Oregon. attracted by tne reference made to W. 11 Monroe, dito........... 38 00 38 00 May 7, 1904. one of their personal acquaintance Isaac Forterdito................ 11 20 11 20 A sufficient contest affidavit having will devote time and attention to Frank Jordan, dito........... 2 20 2 20 been filed in this office by Grant Kes­ reading matter descriptive of Oreg­ W. W. Johnson, witness terson, contestant, against Homestead on’s resources that could not be pro­ State vs Chas Nelson.. . 2 20 2 20 entry 1855, made February 21, 1903, for Dr II 8 Brownton, witness N ij SW4 ami We 8K,*4 Section 17, cured by any other method. State vs Geo Miiler....... 54 00 Township 25 S., Rango 28 K., by Libby It is more than probable that 10,* Lewis Anderson dito......... 26 00 .1. Mulloy Contestee, in which it is al­ 000 copies of “Oregon” will be Seth Bower dito................ 7 00 leged that Libby J. Mulloy hast totally 13 00 abandoned said entry and has not resid­ wholly inadequate to the demands Wm Catterson dito......... Hurlburt dito........... 29 00 ed upon or improved said entry for mbre that will he made upon its useful­ J A O W Dutcher «lito............ 26 20 than six mouths next prior hereto, and ness as an advertising medium, but Hervey Mullerdito ....... 51 (Ml there are now noimprovements thereon, 10,(MM) copies of tho book will be a Eil Springer dito............. 51 00 mid that said alleged absence was not 55 00 good starter, and the returns from Alva Springer dito............. due to her employment in. the Army, 56 00 Navy or Marino Corps of the U. S., said the first step will be a test of what Taylor Simmons Jr, dito . Chandler dito ... 14 00 parties are hereby notified to appear, can be accomplished with a greater Julius C A Haines dita .............. 16 00 respond mid offer evidence touching said number. J F Mahon dito................ 56 00 allegation at 10 o’clock a. m.on June Mr. Richardson is a busy man to­ Lou Marshall dito............ 27 20 15th, 1904 before the Register and Re­ 31 00 ceiver at the United States l and Office day. lie is holding forth nt the Ben Newman ilito............ 38 00 in Burns, Oregon. Commercial Club, taking measures Geo Simmons dito............ Ed Anderson dito............ 39 oo The said contestant having, in a pro­ to get his campaign of advertising N A Dibble .............. 32 OO per affidavit, filed May 7, 1901 set forth under full headway. His appear­ V S Curtis dito. . 71 00 facts which show that after due dilli- ance and address before the Com­ M T Wilson dito ....... 31 00 gence personal service of tills notice can 15 00 mercial Club Saturday night fired G II Bollenliaugti dito.... not bo made, it is hereby ordered mid ....... 59 00 its meiubers with ini re interest in Geo Shelley dito directed that such notice beyiven by due Scott Catterson dito....... 38 60 and proper publication. the work of booming Oregon than John Harper dito 50 (Ml W m . F. ikrk , lias been the care in many n long Mrs John Harper dito.... 50 00 Register. day. Those who, prior to this, have Jan Cote dito.................... 51 60 Jess Woodcock dito ....... 44 60 tnken hut little interest in working 44 60 for the general good of the state MrsJasse Woodoock dito 39 4M) and Port land are now pledging Frank Dunn dito. Frank Cawlfield I'ito. 32 00 their enthusiastic support to Mr. Mrs Frank Cawlfield dito 39 00 Richardson in his endeavors to at­ Newton llnghet ilito 51 00 tract attention to this corner of the Fay Comegys ilito 22 20 Wm Mckinzie dito 34 (X) Union —Telegram. llnrve Elliot dito 38 OO Fred Osborn dito . 50 (XI HOW ABOUT CELEBRAI ING? Louise McKinzie ilito.... 50 00 Nancy Simmon« dito 50 00 Mint Simmons dito 50 00 If we are going to celebrate the Mrs Myrtle Curtis ilito 50 60 Fourth of July it is time we begun Geo Curtis ilito 51 (Ml making preparation. Of course we Mrs Geo S Miller. . 39 00 1.5 00 are all «bort just al ibis time and Joe Smith dito.................. may not feel justified in subscrib­ Jay R Gould witness State ing a large amount toward it, but J vs Nelson ..................... E Lawerence, sheriff we can nevertheless provide some serving subpoena State entertainment for our neighbors vs Geo S. Miller in the outside districts who have E P latwerenee, dito always spent that day in Burns l.unaberg it Dalton «tip- plies tor Co charge......... 10 00 10 IX) and participated in what ever ex­ Electric Light A Power Co ercises anti sports we arranged. lights for March A April 14 90 14 90 It is not neceReary for a grand Janies fiiujth, reparing qU »hoe« for Robt affair. Tho liest thing would be to varkli»........................ arrange a nice program and carry ‘ H N >nrd for Miller it out to a finish. We could have r and Coldwell March 5 to ball games and tennin for small May 5 (inci .................. purses, foot races, etc and a few 11 W Weleome A Co sup- saddle horse races in the afternoon plioa $3 meiiicine for Geo Millar $8 Il , Oregon 1 The O «arloads Winona coal, fui meats a Fred throug dowe it boildir pensive pay fot Dr. 1 from P lee bui lelepht compa ML Et Doy< if so gèl are tb« «eilen, Mn quita