I SATURDAY.MAY 14, 1904 SUBSCRIPTION RATKS One Year.............................. Six Months .. Three Month»................... JULIAN BYRD — — 1'00 .1.00 A... .75 — .M a nager cattlemen: how many hundreds of millions from meat consumers? And yet Attorney-General K iiox connot find evidence that is a beef trust, nor did congress think it necessary to make any move in the matter. What apatient—or is it foolish —people we are!—Portland Jour­ nal. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Hon. George Chandler has giv­ en out an opinion on the prospects U. 8. Senator« 1 J. II Mitchel ) C. W. Fulton, for this season, through the col­ jJ. N. Williaintion, Congressmen.............. t umns of the Baker City Democrat Attorney General .... ....... A. M. Crawford. Governor................... Geo. K. Chamberlain. in which he says some hopeful Secretary oi State . .F. I . Duubar. Treasurer C. 8. Moore. things. As the comments apply 8upt. Public Instruction. ..J. H. Ackerman. J. K. Whitney. State Printer here as well as at Baker, the sub- a R. 8. Bean. tu pre me Judge« .. .> (J. Wolverton stance of the talk is reproduced. > F. A. Moore The main statement made by Mr. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Chandler is that this season now District Judge ............................ M. D. C lifford District Attorney . . Win Miller coming on promises the richest re­ Circuit Court meets the Third Monday in turns to stockmen and farmers of April and Fourth Monday In October. ten years. The damp Joint-Representative .E. II. Test any in Joint-Senator ......... J L. Rand weather has made the grass grow COUNTY—HARNEY Î luxuriantly and it is safe to say .........H. C. Levena there will be the biggest crop of Cuonty Judge ............ F. 8. Kieelur Clerk R A Miller hay and grain raised in many Treasurer ..................... purveyor ........................ Tom Allen years. Hherin . Cattle and sheep came J. E. Loggan AasMior J C Bartlett Hehool Superintendent through the winter in fairly good .Newt Hoover Stock Inspector .. I R J W i I llama Com in issioners shape and the early pasture and I C T Miller County Court met ts the first Wednesday in I promice of a long range means a January, March, May, July, September and | large production of stock, which November. | cannot fail to bring as high a price HARNEY U. 8. LAND OFFICE: affords. Mr. KegiRter Win Farre as the market Receiver... ..................... Cha«. Newell Chandler also stated that there CITY. —BURNS' ....... Dr. J. W. Geary. ' will be a large crop of wool this Mayor, ....... L. Woldenberg Jr. Recorder,........ year of a high grade and that he .......W. A. Gowan. Treasurer, .... .........<. D. Jameson. Marnhal, expects to see sheepmen reap a f Sam Motberzhead, { F. O. Jackson, Conncilmen: rich profit | Simon i-ewiB, STATE—OKE».OS : I I G. W. Clevenger. Meetings of the Council every Second and Fourth Wednesday. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. MeeU at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday 7:30 pm. J. W. Buchanan, N. G. F.o. Jackson, Secretary. BURNS LODGE NO. '.17, A. F. A SI., Meets every Saturday evening in Mnsonic Hall. J. ('. Welcome Jr, W. M. F. 8. Holder, Secretary. INLAND LODGE NO. 70 K. uf I'. Meets every Thursday evening in the Brown Hall. II. M. Horton, <’. (’. L. M. Brown, K. R. 8. i BURNS LODGE No 17 A. <>. II. W. Meets every second and fourth Fridav. A. c. Welcome, M. W. C. N. Cochran, Recorder. ORDER OF WA8AINGTON. Meets every first and third Friday, In Brown Hall. (', P. Rutherford, Presiden Pearl Vnlgamore, Secretary. “I’ve come to kill a printer,” said the little man. “Any printer in paiticular?” asked the foreman. “Oh, anyone will do. I prefer a small one, but I’ve got to make some show at fight or leave home, since the paper has called my wife’s tea party a “swill affair.”— Ex. I A lawyer in a court room may call a man a liar, a scoundrel, vil- lian or thief, and no one makes a complaint when court adjournes. If a newspaper prints such reflec­ tions on a man’s character there is a liable suit or a dead editor. This is owing to the fact that peo­ ple believe what an editor says; what a lawyer says cuts no figure. — Huntington Herald. Up-to-date job printing at reason­ able prices. Ladies and Cdlldren TULE CIRCLE No. It..», W. of W. Meet« every fourth Tlx xilny. Marina I »«viton, G. M. loto* W hllliiK. Clerk. Wholesale meat dealers in east­ ern cities lately added a*quarter of a cent a pound to the price of beef; the retailers presumably more. The pretext tor doing this was that the livestock on hand is insuf­ ficient to meet the increasing de­ mand. People acquainted with the sit­ uation, especially western people, know that this is a false pretext. Complaint comes from all the range states that the ranges are overstocked, that cattle raising is less profitable than it was a year or two ago, anil that the puce of beef cattle oil the hoof has been steadily falling for the past two years. This is notoriously the case in Oregon# Hoof cattle bring $i a hundred less in eastern markets then they did in 1901. Secretary Martin of the National Livestock association states that this decline in price has caused stockmen, w ithin less than two years, a loss oi $750.006,oou. This loss is not due to the oper­ ation at the law of supply and de­ mand, for the demand has increas­ ed, and the price of dressed beef has risen. Stockmen are getting less for their cattle; consumers are paying more for beef, Beef is high, but not scarce. This condition affairs is due en­ tirely to the action of the meat packers* combine, or trust, that arbitrarily fixes the price both of cattle on the hoof and of beef in the shop. This trust takes ’ toll with both greedy hands $750,- 000,000 in two years from the Devine services the third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. tn. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 10 a. in. every Sabbath morning. Preaching services at the Baptist church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, morning and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 11 a. m. prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sunday school at Harney the first Sunday of each month at 10 o'clock a in On the second, third and fourth Sunday of each month at 3 o'clock p m. Preaching ser­ vice ♦ verv second Sunday at 8 p tn. At the Presbyterian church Burn«. Rev. A J. Irwin pastor / in the live stock, grain, provisions, produce and financial markets— the quotations are comprehensive, and are in every way reliable. The Journal in addition carries every days a full and truthful re­ Kitchen Furnishing mill he one of our specialties, and your kjtch- port of tne world’s news and pre­ cuill be ready to go into and cook a meal sents many special features of deep er Nor mill the Parlor, Bedroom and Hall be overlooked in any detail. interest to the average reader. The Jouanal’s woman’s page, the | illustrated'sportlang news page. Journal stories and comic pages) Rockers. 12 and up. and other good things mvke it a Chairs fl and up, I very popular family newspaper, Ladies Desks $8 up Iron beds $5 75 and up, i .1 clean and bright from A to Z and Spring beds $4 up, Music cabinets $5 up, e year’s end to year’s end. Extension Tables (good ones) at $7 75, up j; .-'•’i <»■— Daily, one year by mail, $4; I» .-4 Mattresses, excelsior, wool, and floss,'$2 50, up ï/~ six months, $2.25; three months, $1.25. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one year, $1.50. Weekly, $1. The issues of tne Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journ­ al also contain the market news and all of the features of the Daily Journal. The Times-Herald clubs with the Journal at the following rates Utlall p®p«F 13 eenr for both papers: single oil and U». $4.00 Daily,............... A MANUFACTURINO DEPARTMENT 2.50 connection where we will make you anything Semi-Weekly . . 2.25 from a wooden knitting needle to “double­ Weekly............. Many New Lineswill be added as soon as teams can get but. Bureaus $8 and upward. Fold­ ing iron Beds and Couches low as $ I 1.50 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. J. COLEMAN, Stenographer and Notary Public B urns , - O regon . deck” wood rack. Call! New too busy to talk or furnish estimates. BURNS FURNITURE conPANV A Great Newspaper, Office in Citizens Batik Building. The Harney County Live Stock AMwl.tlon will pay Seven Hundred and Fifty Bollttt. Re ward for the arre.t »»»»I couviction of anv per boh or persons who kill, steal or drive on an horses, mule» or cattle belonging to any mine- ber of the Association. The County Court also offer. »11 .d.jltlonal """yrr^ and Fifty Dollais. fknwkk . rrer. G. W. Y oung . Sec’y. Burn», Oregon. BRANDS AND P. O. ADDRESS OF MEMBERS. ' Haraey Additional Reward. ’In addition to the above I foffer l»‘>o^ under the same con­ ditions for horses branded horseshoe bur on both oreither jaw recorded in s counties. Range, Harney, Lake and Crook Counties. Horses ventedvvhen sold. Horses sold to pass through this section will l»e re­ ported in this paper. If not so reported, please write or telephone The Tinu s Herald, Main 324. Burns, Ore. W. W. BROWN, Fife Oregon. Peter Clemens, Burns, horses, PC on leftsti fie; cattle same ou either hip; eatmurkscrop and split in left ear, swallow fork and square under bit iu right. M Fenwick, Burns, horses, double dot vertic­ al bar on left shoulder, cattle, L ou right hip; earmarks, two underbits in each ear; also some branded bar T on right ribs; earmark, under half crop in left ear. J H Bunyard, Burns, cattle, 7 on left hip; ear­ marks, crop off left ear, swallow fork in right. J P Withers, Harney, horses, combined TJP on left shoulder; cattle, half circle cross on either hip: earmarks, upperbit iu right ear, un- derbit in left. Martin Bros., Burns, cattle, double dot hori zontal bar on either hip; earmarks, upperbit in right ear, swallow fork in left, wattle on right jaw; also some branded circle N on right side O L Shingledecker. Burns, horses, 5 on lef shoulder; cattle, 5 on right side and hip; ear marks, crop off right ear, crop and under half crop off left. Fred Denstedt, Burns, horses, FD on the left shoulder; cattle FD on left side; earmark, un­ der half crop in each ear. R J Williams, Riley, horses, t'B on the left shoulder; cattle, CB on left hip; earmarks, crop off left ear, under half crop on'right, wattleun- derchin; also cattle branded SS, crop and un­ derbit in left ear, under halt crop in right; also cattle JT on left ribs, crop and split in left ear. under half crop in right. H II Elliott, Narrows, horses, Th combined on left stifle; cattle Th coni Dined on left hip; ear­ mark, upper slope on each ear. watt’ • j chin and bell collar. Sylvester Smith, Narrows, horses. IISon right leg; cattle V bar, earmark, under half crop and short over slope in each ear jughandle and dewlap. P G Smith, Burns, horses, quarter circle S on right hind leg and left shoulder; cattle, quarter »•ircle 8 on either hip; earmarx, crop off right ear, split in under side of left; two dewlaps. A E Young. Burns, horses, Y on left leg and J-i connected on right shoulder; also boot on left shoulder; rattle, rocking chair on left hip; earmark, right ear drooped down, left eYit slop­ ing towards head on upper side; wattle ou lef BKieof neck: all animals dehorned. C P Rutherford, Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left side, earmark, under half crop right ear; horses bar 2 on left shoulder. Tima Wingfield, Burns, horses, ® (chainlink) on left shoulder; cattle, same on.left side ¡mark crop ofl left ear, short overslope in righl. John Craddock, Silvies, horses, S-S on the left H’1°ulder; cattle, S-S on right side; mark, crop oil right, ear, swallow fork In left, c’ewlap on brisket. W K Smith, Burns, cattle, XI on right stile: mark, split in right ear, wattle on nose. G Hudspeth. Burns, cattle, scissors on right side; mark, crop and split in each ear. Bimon Lewis. Burns, cattle SI. on right side, "Lark, crop and underblt in left ear, crop and ua-der halt crop off right. 1 h ,hor8e8’ w »»ar on right stifle cattle, diamond bar on left hip; mark; split in each ear, wattle untier chin. '..o Bulrn/» horses, reverse Lon lef. stifle, cattle, b9 on left hip: mark, metal tau in each ear With full name and addres. I F horw<’ LF on r»Kht stifle; cattle derbl" li righiikr"’“ ' "°P’ ",,perbi, uu" la Ontario-B^. Th< Stage him the !i occup varioi Leayes Burrts daily I menti at 6:30 a in. Arrives ajJ Russi it app ly from Ontario at 5 recel The only through pJf.J is transfer rflute from |; .8 lea propc railroad. of pr< Fiist-class accotnmo^ an in good eating stations ate, requi distances along the rou:c Du S. S. WILLIAMS, G bd .1 ha ’ 1 Dre», Coan L. Woldenberg Jr , ( r KO8SM ANA PATENT WRITING J'HE most impurtMit J der< A ment of the age in ' penmanship makes th» »,,] er p a splendid peninan in . than by tfie use of this ring. J_____ proj by prominent Culbge and Boards of Education« hftV and America. Saaiplt- ¡1 .. sorted sizes sent ¡»»»st single sample 25c \V| m 1 »» ntTiW a single ring, state ivhet!«i as V woman, or child que PENN MFG. SUPPL'il •ho No. 118 S. Fourth Street, P PJONE WHIT1 LEAS I The Sutidav edition of the THORNTON WILLIAMS. Louis Republic is a marvel A TTO U N E Y-A T- L A W. modern newspaper enterprise, me The orginization of its news ser- Oilice one door north wb vices is world-wide, complete in I» Absiilately I'UKi.M ine of French Hotel hort inf will OU I'WEAR alltfl every department; in tact, superi­ B urns , ho O regon . Leads. or to that of any other newspaper.' If your liicil ih lier dm • ne The magazine section is illus- , ««o union acific J. W BIGGS, DALTON BIGGS cattle !i.H,"B’.v«'1». 71 bar on stifle; ry it write to un mi'I we villr t aitle, bar IL on left ribs; mark, unde.-bit in left > V» trated in daintily tinted colors and-' Biggs & Biggs Drpart for you get it. ARRIVE ear, under slope in right. from splendid half-tone pictures. This I B.,,rB8 ,ho..r8l?».H4 Combined on left W. P. Fuller A Co. Pomi Mi ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, righ 'eai left .X'1;'1 F1' cimark. underbit in »«•T i ¿Jr ai’• 11 »n half lower part lonned section contains more high-class I down against side of head. P i"ppe«< Chicago- Salt Lake,Denver, Ft. H RNS, ---- ---- ---- ---- OREGON. no »■a'tti'eJs J "on “i hihor,,:S’ 0,11“« «honlder: l’ortl nd Worth, Omaha. Kan literary matter than anv of the | Practice in all the courts of Ore. H.i» :°n . ?» hlP* mark, crop and under Special sas City, St Louis.■ half crop in Light ear, underbit in kft. monthly magazines. The fashions , Collections promptly made. 12:35 Chica.';n and East. 1:45 a.tn , «S j Jo,1UBon, Riley, cattle, 0 bar on left nin- th illustrated in natural colors are marks, swallow fork in right ear, split iu left P’ a. nr. W B Johnzon, cattle, JK combined on left hi«- <• especially valuable to the ladies. ¡mYfk,:rPorI??nTefrt"[ht’pl?l« ■b = lilliTPUT The colored comic section is a ’ Atlantic Salt Lake,Denver.I’t.¡ 8. W. MILLER, Express Worth. ( hnaha. Ka>' 3:35 ^¡combined COlapsabla ?a genuine laugh-maker. The funny » left shoulder; mark, upper half crop ¡n'kdtea” 2:10 sas City, St. Louis! p tt. c NOTARY PUBLIC. <«Ue,'2B,<,>u’rlsht,lh’m°r,e'’.2Bon '‘‘«shoulder; cartoons are by the best artists. p ni Chicago and Fast. Stereoscope App»ufl| i«ihMr. tmle i'!irUli,t,Or "de; Burns, - - - Oregon. ▼i The smallest Stereoscop? with tlxjH The humor.>ii stories are high Mrs I N Hughet. Warm Spring« cattle ..... optical effect. Highly finished in Walli» Mail», Lewis-j Iu‘k u"‘t’«,“le: w“rk. «attle uiidir chin? class, by authors of national rep­ ors with rich gold and silver G. A. R em bold U. W. F ahkikh I ton. Spokane, Minne ■ 12:35 (mountings). Including 20 V. F.PMM utation. Views of art (genre). PRICE apolis. St. l ’ aul, Du-I I a. m. PARRISH & REMBOLD, Sent everywhere prepaid in letter Sheet music, a high-class, pop­ AGEN1S WANTED j llutli Milwaukee, Chi­ A Horney «-at-Law, Sam King, Bum«, cattle, S7,»n left .... cr^aud underbit in each ear, wStUeVleft ular song, is furnished free every cago rnd East. Burns (and Canyon City,) Oregon. LILIPUT STERICSiK! Aili practice in the courts of Harney and Sunday in the Republic. -Ufc/’tSS’X ?h™Jh' dl°.T”’ 5nv" on k‘« 1 ’ OIIREST BUILWi .rant counties and in the supreme court oi the The price of the Sunday Re­ state. anti also in U. 8. land office. •boulder; n ark undeT&t 1,? ? "n ,ht‘left PHILADELPHIA public hv mail fine year is $2.00. OCEAN ami HIVER SCHEDULE brand^inkeYtid""^^!,1“ iarh »”">« 1 For sale by all news dealers. From Portland c « h * -mL.^rLo(",hip°:rii!ieb,‘r ou ie,t M'"' (Jhas. 11. Leonard. S OREGON L P W. L. MARSDEN, Services at Christian Science Hall every Sunday forenoon at 11 BURNS, o'clock and S o’clock p in. Service Ojficr nl rrni'lAicr. Wednesut <^.1 ' and hip horsts X right »tin'j., H L Harkey, Burna, <-attle OHi ribs, circle F left hip; horeell)y’l shoulder. J P Farre, Burns, cattle jp , •»v n* head with bar uuder on left half crop in each ear; horueiujl ■W »title - W H Mayfield, Burn» < nttie,p side, mark crap anti split inleftj in right; horse» EX left »ho^ j W Show ii H hh ).‘\ , < u , , crop and two splits in right« q -S stifle. t D H Smyth, Smith, cattle tn J connected, CC any place; hor^B Frank Matney. Burns, cattle.S Diamond on either hip; tnart,>9 in left, crop and uuderbii ou left hind leg. C R Peterson, Venator. lowing: PP, A. SA, (!U, 3IBWVI PP right hip, ) ( kit rihstiryJ^B brands; marks, finger in ngjg^M front leg. g OREGON. I'hour Xo. » Burns. Oregon. Office at residence. 1. r. Hibbard U.S. Brownton llibbaixl «.t 1 trova nton. I >i xi i- i - Office first door east of Th« Chiseus Rank. Bnrna. Oregon W. c. BR()\AN, DENTIST. Brasa, Oanx>s. Otti«- upstairs in V ■ »egttv I'nililing. START A Bl SINE 8 OF YOUR OWN. ’ Our new book entitled “ 40 M oney M aking I deas " is worth its w i Jit in gold to every man who wnnts to start a legitimate, paying mail order business. It tells you what to do and how to do it successfully. Send us 50c today and we will send you the book, and a t valuable nr t th y )ou:na^ n • ver free t'ENT' RV I’t BLISIIi.'- 1! EH IN l^A'» . .A.. < X 73. < INN Forest Reserve For Sale i •1« HARQilAII BhDG P0fiT2llhD. OREGOR 8 p. tu. Ex Sun. Saturd’y 10 p. IE. Willamette River. b a. m. Oregon Citv New­ 4:30 p ni Except berg, Sali-nt and Way Except Landings. Sunday Sunday. 7 a. m. Willamettr A Tamhill River. Teu-dsy Oregon City, Daytoti T’jhrd’y and \\ ay Landings A Sat 3:30 p n> Monday Wed. A Friday. t> a. nt Willamette River. 4:30 p m : Tneaday Portland Comllifl Tuesday Thurs A and W ay-Landings Thurs A Sat Sat. Forest reserve »crip, in’ tracts o( 40 acres aa“ tight ear relleves an overwortaij^ .houlder‘rk'S*rr°W,‘ h«™es.b.rc eu the l.ft KODOL - V ■ of all nervous the heart a full, free «nd iP*i John Gilcrest, (pt wrench on left stitlei' catPe Mm«""' ,hor,e«. 8 action, nourishes the nervous P*; »tsrk.s.piare crop off right 1" left hip; •lope on left. ear» r<»»cb or under- feeds the brain. french-Glenn Livestock « permteudent, F. c 1 nA < 2 ’ J' Sooth »u KODOL u to* *onderful Burn», ho.ae», Pon left Lia e,al man«fler — making so m»ny s'0’ . ¡»«‘led on iefth.p; m,rk,U^;, c‘"'e- con and weak people strong by (WJ1 left ear. dew lp r'ut ™*r*» ““«ter naif crop in ni' "«rteK." P 'eft Yip; bodies all o* the nourishment mark, swallow fork ,n 9 on le« hip tatned In the food they eat. “«‘e.Ton lenhJi mirk’““* Und" Off left ear. wattle on left iaw k’ *»uare crop Bottk. onlj. 11.00 SLt. ho:dl-< •tea. which win h» 5* Rft shoiilcer h'tft's. horses branded 0»on ti«ht rib«’ni«’rkil2lj^). «" either left’Ihoui’"', JJ“*{Tj hor»e brand bar E r-Jf'*l«w Y, ¿me plS. „i “*? IJ a;kB.'^"’^L,’"e brand G s On right underblt In 1" ft '? both e,™ ¿LT half ;m“inTPft*nJ ond*rhit in right •boulder. pln ‘«ft horae,ligon rt""; •»le« «'«;Bii2iVoiT, h7hn kft »»;^d wiiV^T1 * '**' I.yNrX’*;?’"* -“.th i bot '"ft.—"CffhoJT lad b»I»ket '*ft hi> i.ftb1F Qv.iat’r a0r**rtain nnr «pin- t Intend, ho is p^-bqbly UnsgaMrlctlf ••nt fresv fcrer-’y f* F«t«nta Sriih w tlWrut 'i»’»* • Sdentine flni^ * TTT* r‘rtt *•’ ,eB i r R fl