- Onion sets 7 pounds for a $1 at ling, HopkinB, Welcome, Levens, Hanley, Jackson, Geer. Rembold Veogtly’s- Garden seeds at Voegtly’s. Up-to-date iub printing at reason­ Waters, Rigg« Williams, Thomp­ “BROWN’S” “THE SATISFACTORY STORE” “BROWN’S” Supt * Bartlett left Thursday IT CIRCULATION OF son, Buoy. Donegan. Misses Mace, able prices. afternoon for Drewsey, accuiu pani R IN THIS COUNTY. Shelley, Sweek, Williams, Swain. ed by Joe Lamb. C. Bearv is again up from his , APRIL 28 HMM. GEO. MILLER ON TRIAL I. L. Poujade and wife were ranch at Narrows. Especially in our Lace Department. Our up to-date Laces and our low the guests of relatives in this city Ike Holland paid a visit to the prices niak es us so. The trial of Geo Miller for the a day or two this week. Island ranch the first of the week. News. killing of War-en Curtis begun yes­ lack Lace in the Cnantil y pitterns Now is your opportunity to seed Sheep men are having difficulty* terday afternoon in the circuit court, your place with alfalfa. Geer & in securing help for the lambing Poini De Oriental Lace in ecru or white t Huston's. the last two jurors having been Cummins have a fine lot of seed. season. Point De Venise Lace all-uver or Webbing. Is in the city. secured immediately after the noon Anyone desiring a carpenter or Point De Florena Lace in dots and leaf designs Don’t delay getting a good supply recess. The taking of testimony & Cummins. cabinet work should call on Honory of alfalfa seed, Geer and Cummins was at once begun. Clunie ’s, the good heavy k nd for Trimmings, and Seasonable Trimmings of a!! kinds is up to his ranch, Dansereau. Shop at his residence The stale is represented by Dist. have it for srle. ou might as well be in style, why not have someJ our fashionable Neckwear al the Red Front opposite M. Fitz Geralds Atty. Miller assisted by Judge Chas. Parrish Jr. came over from i 35 cento. Collar and. Oxxff Sets Dr. Marsden was called to Crane Canyon City Thursday, bringing a Webster. The defense is being '. H. Cecil and wife were over creek Monday to see F. G. Stauffer gentleman hv the name of Hunter. looked after by Weatherford & X-iad.-y’ Elkus Z^arxo^r Collars Wyatt, of Albany, and Geo Size­ who was suffering from pneumonia. i Crane Creek this week. ZJZerrioarx Lace Collars \ Byron Terrill and family now more. He left the patient improving ¡Uy 1. Bio sing out his im- Liaee Cape Collars The trial will last probably until occupy their residence in this city. W. L. Best, republican candidate hardware Byron has been improving some, next Tuesday. Several witnesses for county commissioner spent a Belts and Shirt LLlaist Sets, having been excused to go home few days in our city this week. He laying sidewalk, etc. and looking out for a few votes between acts as will now return. as nominated by was accompanied by Mrs. Best. Owing to the nature of the case a specialty. Lake County for The recent cold snap has had a it was a hard matter to secure a miseioner. tendency to check the rapid melt­ Geo. Waters has gone out to the jury and it looked as though the he local Mrige of Odd Fellows ing enow in the mountains, thereby shearing corrals on Stein mountain tax roll would be exhausted. not give an anniversary ball causing the water to fall a little. for the purpose of getting the shear­ The trial jury is made up of the 26tb, but a dance will be given ing plant in readiness for the sea­ Trading Stamps Given. Dr. H. S. Brownton, who was son’s work which will begin about following taxpayers: E. A. Stone, t Friday evening. Chas. Wilson, F. C. Dibble, 8 E summoned here last week as a May 5. Agents for McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. ity- will sell you anything in the Tyler, A. J. Johnson. L. Shepard, witness in the Miller case, has re­ Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. > of farming machinery at prices turned to Prarie City on account of The ordinance requiring that L. C. Bradfield, J. W. Miller, J. I. 1 term« that defy competition, the illness of his wife. flues be built will be looked after Cavender. E. P. Sylvester, Rodney use call and gel prices and terms strictly in the near future and Buckmaster. J A. Turner. W. D. Hanley was confined to residents are hereby notified that ar & Cummins. his bed for several days the latter they will be compelled to make the CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. tessera Hulbert and Condon, part of last week. He was unable necessary changes to conform with > two Shaniko business men, Notice is hereby given that there to attend the State Cattle Grower’s the requirements of the ordinance. ve started back to tbeir homes are funds in the county treasury meeting at Portland Saturday, on er spending several days in our M. L. L ewis . for the redemption of al) warrants that account. t Fire Warden. drawn on the Road, Building and While the big lot of water that A K Ricbardsott the man who Ralph Feeney, of Portland, spent General Funds arid registered prior is now covering everything in sight ■ 11 look after the sheriff’s office all over the valley is just what we a few days in our city this week to Dec 1, 1903 Interest on the T the next two yearB, was in the want, it nevertheless has its draw­ taking his departure this morning some will cease from this date, ;y a few days this week accorn- backs as the roads are almost im­ for Drewsey. The gentleman is April 1, 1901. .nied by hia wife. R. A. M iller . making a tour of this part of the possible iu certain sections. Treasurer Harney County, Oregon. state visiting A. O. U. W. lodges, saloon I ob R kmt or S ale —A Stages have been arriving at trying to increase the membership id fixture« for rent or sale at a frequent intervals the past week, and also instituting new lodges. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. »seasonable price and terms. For but very little mail matter has been He repor's verv good success. In the Connty Court of the State of Ore irther particulars apply to brought in on account of floods and for Harney county. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th |] L. N. Olson, Drewsey, Ore. Mrs. W. E. Trisch entertained' In gon, washouts on the railroad lines. It the matter of the Estate of Ralph day ol March 1904, by order of the Conn Mr. and Mrs Alva Springer who works a hardship on this great re­ a number of the young people of Brown, Deceased. tv Court, ol the State of Oregon, f.r Har­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ ney County, of that date duly reedered ere here here for over two weeks ligious weekly, as local happenings this citv at. her home last Saturday v||waiting the calling of the case of are very few. night in honor of her brother, signed Abininistrator of the Estate of and entered, the undersigned was duly Richard Donegan. A very enjoya­ Ralph Brown, deceased, has filed his appointed Administrator of the Estate reo. Miller, have returned to their E. Jacobson, the popular J K. Final Account in' eaid e-tate and that John Dunstan, deceased. And i.ny ble evening was spent at whist the Hou. H C. Levene, county juclg-- of of ome at Narrows to look after and all persons having claims ng.iinst' Gill Co. salesman, spent the fore Miss Bertha Williams and L. E Harney county, Oregon, has set the 25th said estate aie hereby notified o present , t am* affairs St the ranch. part of the week with us looking Wing carried off the honors while day of April, 1904, at the hour of 10 the same duly verified—as required by la half the battle The Windsor under the manage- after the business of his house and Will McKinnie and Mrs H. C o’clock a in, at the court’s room in the law to C II. Lionsrl my attorney nent of O. JB. Smith & Co., is one incidentally taking orders for Levens were awarded the consola­ City of Burns, Harney connty, Oregon, at Burns, Oregon, within six months as the time and place for the hearing of from the date of the first publication of . f the moat popular resorts in the pianos. He was accompanied by It's a paying venture when tion prizes. said account. All persons having any this notice; the first publicatioi being nlerioi. finest of liquors and Arthur Stubling, of The Dalles, you Invest In a stylish, up- objections to said Final Account shall on Saturday the 12th day of March 1904, :igars, billiards and card tables who represents a wholesale liquor to-date tailor made suit — abpedr and be In ard thereon at eaid . and being published for four .-m-cessive DEL1OHTFUL SOCIAL FUNCTION. 3N ind expertFraixologists. house in that city. time and place. | weeks or for five publications. the kind made by the : :: : See Voegtly’s ad. BUSY? YES, VERY BUSY. Inspect the Handsome Upright Piano We are Giving Away. BURNS, OREGON Properly Clothed R II BROWN, The snow fall on April 20 looked Mrs. Isaac Schwartz and Mrs. Administrator as though winter was again with W. E Trish entertained most elab­ us, but has resulted in being a orately at the former’s beautiful ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE great benefit to the foothill range, as it had begun to bake on account home in this city last Thursday Notice is hereby given that the of the warm sunshine on the ex- afternoon. The rooms were most undersigned, as administratix with ceptionly wet soil. The snow which handsomely decorated in red white the will annexed of the Estate of melted almost as rapidly as it fell and blue and the tables similarly Dr. Geary made a professional softened up the surface so that the decked to correspond. Allen T. Clark, deceased, has filed trip to Alvard the first of this week bunch grass will grow better. The guests were received by sev­ her iinal account in the county to see a little son of Mrs. Annie eral of our popular young ladies court of the State of Oregon for The Sweek home was invaded Hayee recently returned to and given a walnut shell in which Harney County, and that Wednes­ ter being under the last Wednesday by the most was found a number which corres­ day the 4th day of May 191)4 at 10 cians here for some picuresque lot of little (?) waifs ever ponded with another. In this way A M, at the court room of said care g from appendicitis. seen in one collection in this city. the positions and partners were court has been set by said court ns time It was a baby party and dainty 1 Wedding” was pro- little cherubs dressed in various found for the progressive whist the time and place for the hearing ‘•The of objections thereto and the settle­ duoed y night by M ade’s ways with pink stockings, etc. were game that followed. Instead of ment thereof. score cards small bags were used in pronounced one of much in evidence. Some of the Deted and first imblishhd March in which small candy beans were ys put on by hia peo- little things stood 5 feet 8 inches 19th 1904. be repeated Monday in their stocking feo . dish. The consola­ of Burns, Oregon. W m . F arris , Register. i cross it in order to get kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers. tion prize was given to Mrs. Wold- make proof Corner posts Vases and Urns, out enberg Sr , a pair of beaded Indian an away with our old of pure refined Zink, which is one baby moccasins with a card bear­ Dunn the other day of the elementary or virgin metals, ing the inscription “De Feet”. The party was certainly the most coming up from Nar­ the same as gold and silver, and is indestructable and cannot be affect ­ pronounced and elite affair of the as out of the rig fix- ouble trees when the ed by the climatic conditions. season and >ne long to be remem­ ed throwing him under These monuments are cheaper by bered by the numerous friends of th passed over him. He half than any kind of stone, the popular bosteses [ however, and the only more beautiful in design and can­ Those pre«ent wi re: Mesdames la numerous bruises and not be broken Mr. Lewis desires Carpenter, Woldenberg Sr, Wo'.d- ’ JOHN GEM BEHLING. jn ribs. Mr Dunn is 75 all who are contemplating the pur­ enberg Jr Gowan, Farre, Holland, chase of anything in this line to I McKinney, Purrington, Sweek, but says he is good for Jeweler. Optician Hntrraver. ore and will again go to call on him at the office of Biggs A Mothershead, Parvin, Kelley, Mars­ ild cay uses as soon his Biggs, and see designs sample of den, Geary, M ice, Shelley, Foley, Fine Watch Repairing A material and get prices C A. Byrd, Julian Byrd, Gemlter- I cialty. Ort? Col Meade went up to his ranch —»/eatorday ttpecting to return to- norrow. Be is making arrange­ ments tootart out with his company affnnny folks for a three months tour of towns in Eastern Oregon and California .1 imes II Dunstan, Administrator. Monarch Tailoring Co. Chicago's Foremost Tailors UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,» Burns, Oregon, March, 17, 1904.1 Notice is hereby given I hat James I’. Gearhart of Van, Hurney County, Oregon, inis tiled notice of Intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 261. for the HW* i SW14 sec. 29. NW! t NW , Bee. 32, T. is, S R. E, VV M, before the Register and Receiver at Burns, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 26th day of April. 1901. He names the following witr.csBCR to prove the complete irrigation and reel« i a'ion ol Baid land. William H. Rei< heart, George Rann, Moses DrippS ami Frank M. Landing, all of Van, Oregon. W m . F ap . hr , Register. We are their Agents, and guarantee every garment. F ob want the BEST— that'» what we offer. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED STATE* LAND DI ED E, I Burns, Orcto i. April 1>, 1904.1 Notice iH hereby given that the following- named Bettier has filed notice < i hU ¡’•D’P’Jj»” toin»«e'fin«i p"’.i in impport <> i hi«.-ini'»,.»».i 11..it aui.! »»root will he made before the Register Hint .Hlu prool will be rnn-l«' betoreihe K.'Kl.tvr ■ nd R<-< • fver at lHirns. Oregon, on May latli. I'HM via Ild. K. No. M2 of AligiiMiln W Hurl­ burt, lor the W'.j SW‘4, Sec. 3 and N'a SEJ, Sec I, T. 27 S , K. 29 E.. W M. He name, the following wltneM.. to prove hi. continuous realdehce upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Simon Lewis, Tom Allen, J. M. Dalton and W <; Bradwell, all of Burns. MILLER & THOMPSON.; General Merchandise Oregon Burns, W m . F akkic ,Register. ONLY EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE IN HURNS “Walk Over” Shoes sold everywhere at the same price. None Better. ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ST WINDSOR CAFE. The Place to Dine MEALS AT ALL HOURS 35 cents and up OYSTERS, FISH AND GAME IN SEASON. Bakeri in connection at Mrs. Robbins’ format stand. RED1 ORD BROS. Propts., » ' Windsor Bar. ::n«:nn:unnt:::nn:tuuu-i tKntnöMöß.u' •’* lhe § q < all on uo. t::tr:":r:nt:nm BOOT and SHOE Repairing. James Smith Opposi* First Ns*»of»»l THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the local news CLOSING OUT SALE FOR CASH ginning on this date I will close out all lines of shelf and heavy hardware, tinware, etc., at COST. Call and see the □ds, and get the prices, and be convinced. This is no catch advertisement, but is an actual tact. at COST. This is your opportunity. Remember, sales mast be STRICTLY CASH. f Goods in all lines