You should see our new line oft J Infants’ soft and hard soled shoes. I ' rT'l_____ kovxrlc- 1YW Kilt thA J They’re not only handsome, but the I wearing qualities are unexcelled. We handle only Standard Makes, j We have just received some of the latest novelties in Ladies’ Neckwear and Belts, Fancy Lisle and Cotton ; Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Ladies’ ji (Z) Dress Skirts. Very latest shapes in Hats and Caps for Hen and Boys ( w 7 b . eoasÉT. A mericas leading mak I ADIËS^MENS,ïBÔŸSÏÂÜDÏnHILDRÊi<ï$HOÊS^ Dry Goods of all kinds-Highest Standards Men’s and Boys Clothing Ladies’ and Gent’s Furnishing Goods. i SCHWARTZ & BUDELMAN. Burns, Oregon It Modi ern p*r >f thiew H. Von ess Jr the rc jurors that went to Burns Sunday A “BLUE BUCKET” LANDMARK for the opening of court. Mr A. K Richardson Thos How-i PAH THE I.AR0E8T CIRCULATION OF aer and Mr. Embree went to Bums SOME INTERESTING PACTS REGARD­ ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. ING DISPUTED QUESTION 1 from Harney Thursday. Mrs. Anna Hayes and son Win- SATURDAY, APRIL». 1904. ’ nie also journeyed to Burns. j The Grave From Whence »11 Prospects of The Famous Mythical ••Uigginj’s'' Jasper Davis and wife journeyed | Local News. Have Ever Been Sought. J to Burns. Harney’s candidate for Bert Bower and wife ard visitora 'county commissioner. R. 8. T. ! Dr Marsden was recently called from Harney. Ito the Agency valley to see Mr. Horses to hay al the Red Front GRAND JURY REPORT 'John Scott, one of the oldest of Barn <35 cents. jthe Oregon pioneers, who for Frank Dibble and family are In the Circuit Court of the State over from Silver Creek. of Oregon for the County of Harney. i some time past has been in failing To the Honorable Morton D. health. Mr. Scott was one of the TI ioh . Jones, wife and daughter, Clifford Circuit Judge. party 'of emigrants who came of Boise, are the guests of Mr. and We the Grand Jury for this the Mrs. E. II. Test.—Ontario Daily across the plains in 1845, and for April 1904 term of court most re­ Argus. Bpectfully submit this our final re- i the past 20 years he has been a A Wintermeier, the venerable jiesident of the Agency valley. port as follows to wit: postmaster and pioneer settler of We have been in session five Near Mr. Scott’s ranch the old Silvies valley, is a visitor to our «lays and have examined into all emigrant trail crosses at the foot city. matters brougnt to our attention I Mrs. Chas, Cummegys, who has and have returned into court 4 1 of the Castle Kock, and on the been staying with her mother in true bills of indictment and one 1 bank of the North Fork of the this city for some time, left for not true bill of indictment, con­ ' Malheur river, the emigrants of Wagontire this week to join her gratulate the county in the decided 1845 buried Mrs. Chambers, one husband. decrease in crime herein. of their party. There would be We have examined into the affairs , Clarence Drinkwater laid over a nothing especially notable about day in Westfall last week on his of the county througli the several 1 this fact were it not for the addi- way homeward, Clarence is con­ offices and find from our hunted Itional fact that the grave of Mrs. ducting a general merchandise store examination that the financial con­ dition of Harney county is to be Chambers marks the starting at Lawen.—Western Ways. point from which every quest for rejoiced at. Wo are informed that the , We have examined the clerk’s the lost “blue bucket” diggings Varien Bros found a very valuable I office and find that the .vault room has been made. All of the old horse killed this week. It w s the is insufficient and would recomend ( pioneers who are acquainted with work of some low down scamp who the construction of a brick or stone the finding of the “blue bucket” had better not disclose his identity. vault separate and apart from the gold agree in claiming that the Ex-County Judge C. I’. Ruther­ court hause sufficiently large to find was made soon after the ford, who is now a resident of the accommodate such records and I burial of Mrs Chambers; most of Snake River section near Hunting­ supplies as are not in actual use ' them say within a day and a half’s ton, arrived bore this afternoon in but which must be preserved, We have examined the sheriff's travel from the grave, and within company with C. J. Millis, livestock office and find from the tax roll for s*^11 Castle Kock. agent of the O. R. & N. Co. For years prospectors have 1903 the amount of tuxes for said Frank Matney informes us he has »> recently purchased a thoroughbred year so be $65218.95 of which ' so»‘ght the mysterious “diggings, $5563.80 have been collected and 1 and the lone grave of the poor registered bull from the fine Dur­ ham bunch of R. R. Sitz. This is $1183.19 3 por cent rebate allowed, (emigrant woman has become a commendable move and will no leaving about $8476 96 lo be collect- widely famous. Nothwithstand- doubt be followed by many otherj6^ W1,'°L taking everything into ing the many visits that have been cattlemen who desire to improve consideration is a very excellent paid to the grave by different per­ | showing. sons, mostly those who were seek­ their stock. We have examined into the ing the “blue-bucket,” there has affairs of the Treasurer’s office Harney Locala. always been a good deal of dis­ from which we find that the treas­ cussion as to its exact location. Mr. Samuel Roach was down urer has on hand at this date cred­ | and a great deal of misapprehen- form the mines over Sunday as ited to all funds the sum of $48630.- , There has cheerful and ho|>eful as ever over 27 of which »12090 is set aside for sion as lo ,his Poi"‘- also been difference of opinion redemption of warrants called in his prospects of success in mining. $19000 to be paid State treasurer'concerning the date of the death Miss Alma Bower has lieen sick and $ 11008.72 in the road fund. ‘of Mrs Chambers. In view of several days. We have examined the county' these facts Dr Marsden took es- Webster McEwen is stopping at jail and the utfairs of the county I pecial pains during his recent trip the hotel before going to the sheep poor and find every thing por*' to visit the grave, in company camp. taining thereto as it should I wjth Mr. Marion W J. Scott, and to — ¡íl. .»n.,^ t'.., »..I..:, ♦ We are told Mr. Lytle of the with noenuse for complaint. i make such observations relative With reference to the county Hotel is talking of going with his to the location of the grave and family to Jenkins Bros sheep camp roads and bridges we most respect­ the inscription upon the head-ston • 1 fully recommend that our county I’ for the season. court adopt the contract system f as ’1 to permanently settle these Mr Amac ha» been in poor for construction, repare and fur- i questions. health—sometime being reported' nishing of lumber amt material and I According to the doctor’s data not so well at present. . let the same to the lowest bidder i the grave is located on the east Mr. Kingsbury well known in which will te much inoro satisfae- bank of the North Fork of the this section lias just retured from a tory to the taxpaver. Malheur River, in Malhuer coun- trip through Iowa, Illinois and In­ And now having finished our ty, in Section 33, Township <8 diana He thinks the Mississippi lab rs we thank your honor *n«l ' South, Range 37. E W. M., Il valley does not compare with the all the officers for courtesies n,,,l I occupies the northwest corner of West beg leave to be discharged. 'the northeast quarter of section Moat respectfully submitted this 33» 54 steps south of the quarter Mrs J. W. Shown is said to have 8th day of April 1904 grip but is improving section rock, an«l eight steps east Many teams are seen in the fields of the section line. The altitude 1 he best Family Salve. * at present. I of the grave is 3400 feet, ami it i lh>\\ ill ’ s Witch Hossl gives in-stands on a slight eminence alwiut Farmers face, are smiling and • and owners of hay ranches have I slant relief from burns, cures cuts, 40 feet above the level of the ■ bruises, sores, ecxema, letter and all roucl, and on the right side of the smiles from ear lo ear. 1 abrasions of the skin. In buving road as one proceeds up the river. Bert Bower and family are visit­ Witch Hazel Salve it is only neces­ The grave is a little over .1 mile ing in Burna a few days. sary to see that you get the genuine Delegates lo the democratic con­ DeW'itt’a anti a cure ia certain. from Mr. Scott's ranch tn a north­ vention from Drewsey stopped in There are many cheap counterfeits erly direction. It is marked bv a Harney over night. ' <»n the market, all of wnich are | head-alone of volcanic breccia, or Messrs. Itsker, OU, Shown and worthless and quite a few ’are dan- 1 sand alone, and by a foot stone of County Supt. Bartlett are intend­ geroua. while DeWitt’s Witch Hazel the same material. The head­ ing to get to Burns for the conven- Salve is perfectly harmless and cures stone. or that portion of it projec­ Sold by all ilruggists ting above the surface, is a bon t 14 ting. inches in heigth, by 11 inches in Chas Roper, C. A. McMahon and width, and three inches in thick­ Jason Bennett were among the Comb honoy at Huston ’a. The Times-fierald. ness, and bears this inscription. near future. The Argus people are energetic and enterprising MRS. S. CHAMBERS, | and such a daily ^speaks well for 0 SEPT. 3D. ? the public spirit of Ontario busi­ 4 U1845. I ness men. I CITY MEAT MARKET, A WONDERFUL INVENTION as Marti le to atti It is interesting to note that for­ s time al tunes are frequently made by the ) will eel invention of articles of minor im­ C'IRNED-B4 FF, >f farmir portance. Many of the more pop­ airms th ular devices are those designed to g BO!.- GN\ SAUSAGE le call ar 2 benefit people and meet popular n & Cum Home Sugar Cored conditions, and one of the most in­ Beary h teresting of these thathas ever been ! near tl invented is thd Dr. White Electric ; been Comb, patented Jan. 1, ’99 Thèse Home Made Lard d tin s wonderful Combs positively cure and Bacon. * k Cut dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and nervous headaches, and when used Beef sold by th - quarter and .ak with Dr. White’s Electric Hair He is cut up to suit the customer. Brush are positively guaranteed reAu ♦t’Jîiîî: to make straight hair curly in 25 farm it days time. Thousands of these R bki electric combs have been sold in the varions cities of the Union, and Order your Building Material from a,!?re" the demand is constantly increas­ ing. Our agents are rapidly be­ coming rich selling these combs They positively sell on sight. Send for sample. Men’s size 35c, ladies’ 50c — (half price while we are in- trocucing them.) The Dr. While The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., ; out wit Decatur, III. All kin s of dry Lumber—Rough and Surfaced—alwtting. JL. Tm : ■ ci Moulding, Stair Railing, WTn_We Stool, etc. Also first c lass Sawed Shingles. j . l , Always HAMS nab»« ihe Harney Saw and Shingle. Mill.S BIG SHOWS A K. RICHARDSON,d*”*J* . Good Road. she Harney, IN BURNS. Wind! of C. I most r. F billia pert i JOHN McHULLEN, THE UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHER SATURDAY All the latest styles and improved photography In use to be had. Profile Panels, Artist’s Proof and I o.u elain piocess. Photos finished in up to-date 1•" application. All sizes from the smallest i- t | i- tin e up to an 8 x io finished in Aristo 1 latino ^r on any of ihe American papers. ÇÂPRÎL 16THJ II- ry opposite First Natio a! bank. H. Nt d to » s they 1 oingte ng of« . Mared ¡Ml toi » urns, Onwflcott » troubl quite r. 8c of that Uli White Front Lirery Sfe- LEWIS & McHARGUE, Propts. New and Elegant Livery [ urnouts Complete. Fresh I th® Pa Horses hoarded by the day. week or month. Special care given all stock I on h'8 n Special accommcJa Hons for Commercial Cor. Mian . . B Sts., Bums. Oregon. SUNDAY they | QTT^'L.'io an ÇAPRIL 17TH] Mrs. I,. liacino. I’lopt. ? tw® la E-.ry y»rtloTU.*T. THE FATAL WEDDING Space reserved for Private Chairs. Perform a nee trill posi­ tively begin at 8:40. The Ontario Argus now comes No long waits—Good Specialties to us daily. It has not yet added between acts by Meade, Harvey, the complete Associated Press Mrs. Robbins and the little Ribbins service but no doubt will in the ' Children, 25 et», Adults. 50 cis. I liEViNS & MflCE, Propls. Fresh and Sa!t Mea »jess®®»» »xs*»««» The inscription is perfectly plain, being graven in the rock, and has not in any way been ob­ literated. I pon casual examin­ ation the date might be read Sept. 13, but upon careful inspec­ tion it appears that the mark which might be mistaken for a “1” is either a defect in the stone, or an artifact made by the chisel in smoothing the stone. Besides, the “d” following the number is perfectly plain, anti could not be mistaken for a “th.” The date has been often report­ ed as Sept. i3th. on account of this detect in the stone, but none who examine the inscription care­ fully can be for a moment in doubt as to the correct date. About eight years ago two men claiming to be prospectors van­ dalized the grave by digging into it, and there remains a trench the full length of the grave on the west side of it, and a cross-cut trench at the head of the grave. Mr. John Scott says that he visit­ ed the grave just after it had been opened, and from his account it appeaas that there bad been a vault excavated in the soft sand­ stone to receive the body, and that it had been covered super­ ficially with earth. The men who made the exhumation claim­ ed that they did not find any re­ mains of the bod)' in the grave. Mr. Scott said that all that he could find was a dark, discolored streak in the bottom of the vault, such as one often finds on the ground where the carcass of an animal has decomposed and disap­ peared. Doubtless the remains, being so superficially buried were completely decomposed in the half-century of their exposure to the elements. Mr. Scott insisted that the grave-robbing prospect­ ors fill in the excavation they had made, but they did not do so. Mr. Scott replaced a portion of the earth, as best he could with­ out tools, and the trench remains to mark the meanness of the men who would thus desecrate an his­ torical land-mark. The motive of these men may be understood when it is known that there are stories rife to the effect that Mrs. Chambers was realy buried at another spot, and that the present grave was made to prevent the finding of the “blue-bucket digg­ ings, However, it is not likely that anyone m iking a false grave would go to the trouble of excava­ ting a vault in the stone beneath, anil beside’, the Itesl available testimony goes to prove that the grave describ« d in this article if the original one. Dr. Marsden is preparing a careful drawing in India ink of the inscription, which together with the data he has collected, he ex pects to present to the Oregon State Historical Society. He will also make a copy to Iw placed in the splendid collection of histori­ cal curios which is living made bv Hon. C. W Parrish for the Na­ tive Sons of Oregon. Jlow * y starte ' say U m veral yt - - - Salr- i=na ren ieMMCiiciAt American Plan. Rates on , ApplicatioJij Guests Treated with Utmost Courtesy. '___ __ Well burnished, Comfortable Rooms. Bums, Oregon. y ............................... ... _ THE TIMES-HERA Cives all the local news.B^ go< Job Printing