mes-Jíerald r Ê8T CIRCULATION OF ►ER IN THI8 COUNTY. j See Vaegtly’s ad. Ben Newman was a visitor this week At last our mail is caught up to almost schedule time Tuxes are being paid al a rapid rate. .For. bargains in hardware see Voegtly. M. Bonnett spent a few days in our city this week. Juaqin Berdugo is over from the P Ranch on business. G. W. Clevenger has been suf­ fering fiotn grip this week. Horses to hay at the Red Front Barn 35 cents. Remember “In Old Kentucky” at Locher’s hall Monday night, f Circuit court, convenes in this city on April 4. Call for Democratic Central Committee A meeting of the Democratic Central Committee is hereby called Good bread, mince pies, cakes, L MARCH 19 1904. to meet at Burn3 on Tuesday, cookies and doughnuts at the home March 22, at 2 o’clock p. in. for the Bakery. .purpose of setting a time for hold­ Prof. Dillard was on the sick list ing primaries in the various pre il News. Thursday, afternoon and his depart­ cincts, a time and place for holding | ment was dismissed. the county convention, to apportion at Huston’s. the delegates, and for the transac­ Geo. Smyth,' accompanied by g some more rain Mrs. A. T. Clark, is over from Dia­ tion of any other business that may come before the committee. mond on business connected with Dalton Biggs. iHB the Burns Hotel ap­ the estate of the late A. T. Clark. J. F. Mahon spent a few days Chairman. his ■ sue. Anyone desiring a carpenter or with his family in this city this cabinet work should call on Ilonory bread and doughnuts week. • FINAL SETTLEMENT, Dansereau. Shop at his residence fat Mrs Rabbins’. Several of the friends of the Geor­ opposite M. Fitz Geralds ad of the Carter gia Harper Co. received buttons on Notice is herebv given that Price Cohorn and Sid Comegys which Georgia Harper is .photoed undersigned Administrator of » in this issue. were up from Narrows a few days as “Camille”. The likeness is ve-y Estate of Frank W McClintock de­ day and night at this week. Mr Comegys was up to good. ceased has filed her final account ler in rear of “Win- get his saloon license. tberin; and that Monday the 11 The Windsor, under the manage­ day of April, 1904, has been set for The taxpayers of this school dis ­ ;::::::ah Ga (zette reports C. A. trict should remember the mass ment of C B. Smith Co., is one the hearing of such final account; and wifi fe and daughter en- meeting called for next Saturday of the most popular resorts in the all persons interested are requested "from th ie railroad. afternoon to consider a grounding interiot. Finest of liquors and to be present on said date and show cigars, billiards and card tables cause if any exists why such final y is Closing out his im- proposition. and expert mixologists. □ck of hardware at cost, account should not be recieved. Ifvou w ;nt your pianos or organs ^tefejugh is up from the Ione Whitng. : urniture cheaper than ever be­ tuned by an expert hand who lives e Administrator. in your town, and will guarantee fore i i this town. We ’bought Trading Stamp* Given. part of the county He satisfaction or no charge, employ right and will sell right. The very Agents for McCall Bazar Patterns 10 and 15 Cents. NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED. ain here until circuit court. J, A. Davis, office .at Clevenger’s nicest in Lace and Muslin Cur­ tains. Ladies, call and inspect. Notice is hereby given that, vest ­ furniture store o Singer Sewing Machines Sold on Easy Terms. those fi ne meals at the We can please you in both style ed with the authority given under Meade” of an evening will C. E. EcPheeters, Loyd Culp, and price. Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Section 4106 of Bellinger and Cot­ >u feel like a new man. Hank Felton and others have gone Sideboards, Iron BedR, and in fact ton’s Annotated Codes and Statues ! BROWN’S BROWN S’’ “THE SATISFACTORY STORE Cheney, Stant Tyler, Lute to the hikes for a few days. It is everything in our line.— Burns of Oregon, the Board of Fish Com­ missioners of the State of Oregon d J. C Freeman, were all the closed season for shooting birds Furniture Co. has declared, by resolution duly n ihi’Warm Spring section and it is supposed they went t> get a bath. A press dispatch from Sumpter adopted at a meeting held in the A nfl lflnd business to the Portland Jaurnal. savs: City of Salem February 2, 1904,' N ' ’ Ladies. I will be pleased to have BATHS! BA-TIIS! BATHS! XR kht <>u S ale —A saloon you call and see Chas. A. Stevens J. E. Reed, superintendent of the that on and after April 1, 1904, and Every Sunday (exclusively) for V aw ures for rent or sale nt a and Bros, spring and summer styles Aubejn Deep Sinking Mining com. until otherwise will be, the ladies We will keep open our Itvo“'* -’ind ,crn18- I’01’ and samples of Tailor made Suits. pany, returned last night from a unlawful to fish for or take any bath rootnH all day Sunday for the '^/particulars apply to Shirt Waist Suits, Skirts, Waists, trip to Cany on and I’rairie cities. salmon or other food fishes in that ! convenience of the ladies. We have ... Jf-fplson, Drewsey, Ore WhilsTin that part of the country, part of Silvies riyer, in Harney Coats, Corsets.and Underwear. Mr. Reed, says, lie hoard that Ma­ county, from the mouth of Emi­ the only public porcelin, bath tub jty officers, with the Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Agent. jor Boiita had commenced clearing grant creek, to the mouth of said in Burns. Plenty of clean towels Councilman McPheet- M. R. Biggs left Wednesday the right nf way for his railroad, Silvies river; including all branches and everything strictly private. of town, were sworn morning for Portland, where he and also that some grading had and sloughs, tributary to that por­ We also make a specialty of ladies dav evening at the goes to look after business matters been done in that vicinity. is half the battle tion of said Silvies ri ver between shampooing.—City Barber Shop g of the council. pertaining to the county. He will next day to Mrs. Robbins ’ bakery. its mouth and the mouth of said Emigrant creek. s left yeeterdav for also visit other valley points after 's a paying venture when WATER SUPPLÌ FAVORABLE. Bv order of the Board of Fish i ~ art of the county which he will make a trip to his you Invest in a stylish, up- N .Commissioners, February 2, 1901, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION as special deputy old home in Missouri to visit with | to-date tailor made suit — M, L Lewis has been out taking his folks and attend to business II. G. V an D usen aenn jurors and wit­ the kind made by the : :: : measurements of the water at both UNITED STATES I.AND OFFICE, Master Fish Warden of the State April term of circuit matters—Prineville Journal Hums. Oregon, February 23, 1904, the Silvies station and the one up of Oregon. Notice is hereby given bat Davin Graves, Mose Levy now has charge of the the river from this city and reports of Lawen, Ilarnev countv, Oregon. has filed no­ Y tice of intention lo make proof on ius desert­ land rlft'hn No. ■ for the I? f. »m I lots 3. 4, 5, and George Waters Red Front Livery and Feed Barn the amount anti How very favorable NOTICE OE ADMINISTRATOR. an S.t K. 32 E., where he will he pleased to look W. *M.. before the Register am! Receiver at Portland next for to There had been a six foot rise in Burns, Oregon, on Fridav, the Sth day of April, Chicago’s Foremost Tailors Lwhle they are called as after your wants in his line. Mose Silvies but Mr. Lewi, did not catch Notice is hereby given that on the 10th 1904. He names the fo’lowing v.i'nes < k to prove is a thorough competent livery man tMI? complete irrigation an I re'lnmal ion of said iOft»8 on^brt O’Brien cose for it at its highest ns it was very Bud- day of March 1904, by order of the Conn - James II. Bun.artl <>f Buri.F. Oregon. and stock placed in his care arc­ den aud receded in about, six hours. ty Court, of tho'State of Oregon, for Har­ land: Benjamin F Ausmus, uohn .1. Heinz. of Lawen | We are their Agents, and Of ; the l,‘e . Bur >p-Venator mail. Oregon, Scott Hn’ey, of Narrovs Oregon W m F a RI il . Register. Ur guarantee every garment. ^ ii o not [know just how long certain to receive the best of tii-at- This was caused by a warm rain ney County, of that date duly reedered . ment. Livery turnouts on short melting the snow in Silvies Valley and entered, the undersigned was duly | —-Il beai isent appointed Administrator of the Estate notice. Prices reasonable. and the lower hills surrounding. of John Dunstan, deceased. And any You want the BEST— i, a prominent stock- A He reports practically no snow and all persons having claims against I UNITE)) STATES I AND OFFICE, One of the most, delightful socie- outhern part of the Burns Oregon, February¿3 1901. that's what we offer. said estate are hereby notified to present i is hereby given thnt J..Jin ( . FrcemR iV. C. Canfield the ty events of the week was an “At melted in the higher mountains the same duly verified—as required by of Notice ? ____ Harney U.niDiy. <»r- -< l . has filed Itnrt-K. T , .. notice of inlCiition to nuike rro:>f I,n his desert man, are in the city1, home” with Mrs John Gemberling and in the timber, it lining on an law to C. H. I' #Lfoimrd my attorney i , .i. for the -1 • • . m - .»■. w. average of three feet, from Trout NE' j. see. 7. L i • H.. IL 29 E . • . M. Itefore Reg­ at Burns, Oregon, within six months ^1 ' I ister erything prosperous last Thursday afternoon in honor of in; vi and tin** Receiver • »v« » v • at Bums, r*. (iregan, on Thurs- the date of the first publication of day. the 7lli day of iprll, l «'i The gentlemen ex' her sister, Mrs Larkins, who is here Creek to thie sids of Cold springs. from lle names the (allowing following who, witnesses . . .. . • I Hsnameathe — to <>> piove pi.,,, t)ll, compL. trrU-iolon , i-l «■< lamation of here for some''time. on a visit from the east. It being He predicts that the high stage hair this notice; the first publication being • the said land • i ------ ----- - -----. on Saturday the 12th day of March 1904, ' ?•>*' » V. Baker and I* Al. 7'J) 1 " all ' of , Burns. Mart Ph.-uey. St. Patrick day the cards were neat­ not yet been reached. eek of the school Oregon. and being published for four successive At the station above this city he W m F ahre . Registe»“. ly printed in appropriate colors with weeks or for five publications. orized us toannoui.- pencils to match. The guests num­ was able to get a good measure­ James H. Dunstan, ill be a meeting of ment and sounding. This, how­ bered sixteen Administrator. f this school district ONLY EXCLUSIVE ever, was not taken at the highest On Friday, the 25th, the Presby- stage, owing to the floating ice. muse on Saturday ito Oregon. 26 e purpose of consid- teaian Ladies' Aid will give an en­ He would not risk the instrument Burns, tertainment at Locher’s hall. ‘Mrs. when the ice was running in the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ()rejf beqflfrg proposition. IN BURNS. nnnual ball given by Jarley’s Wax Works”—The whole river and therefore the government UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE J i “Walk-Over” Shoes Burns, Oregon, February 23, 1904,1 No 70, K. of P. on collection—will be exhibited for will have to take the ordinary gauge Notice is hereby given that Ben Craddock, of ' sold «very» here at the first aud perhaps the last time Burns, Oregon, lion of Thomas Craddock de- uite a success social­ that was established last fall for ceased, and his widow Jane Craddock, has filed ifcr» enmo nricP IS THE PLACE notice of his intention to make final proof in ll4w * r ' ity just the size in our city. This will be given in the record of that season which Mr. support of his mother’s right and claim, by1 authority of Hon. Commissioner’a letter of, e it enjoyable. A connection with an excellent mu­ Lewis did not get. January 25, 1904, and that said proof will be sical program. Admission 50 cents made before the Register and Receiverat Burns served at the Lone Now that all the ice is out it is Oregon, on March 29th, 1904, viz: Hd. E. No. of Thomas Craddock, deceaaad. for the NEJ4 ... tui ■ » ti h wa>. pronounced and 25 cents. The proceeds from hoped M. L. will be very careful BIB SW z ‘4.HE*4 NW^.B^ NE'.sec 29, T. 19 S., R. ALL INI; LAli£i this entertainment will be used to ­ 31 E., M. given in Burns for ami attentive to his duties and He W. names the following witnesses to prove | ward building an annex to the ir.uke frequent and careful tn ca­ his continuous residence upon and cultivation STYLES. of Raid land, viz: Anton Wintermeier, John \ church for the primary department - surements. Wlntermeier, of Bilvifs, Oregon, Tim Donovan nr\AT CL1A£ and William E. Smith, of Burns, Oregon. ; D'JU I c.D(J u|ikJU hwartz gave a pro­ ’ of the Sunday school. W m . F arrs , Register. party at her home Repairing. THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE I ADMINISTRA T RIX NOTIC E. Ining in honor of Mr. Provisions and Feed a Specialty. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Win«, w ho is a guest from COMPANY, of Bridgeport, Conn., has appointed M. L. Lewis, their UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE,. Notice is hereby given that the Mrs Schwartz «us- Burns, Oregon. March, 17, 1904.1 Oppotit Firti National ntation as a most agent for Harney County. This undersigned, as administratix with Nolle« is hereby given that James P. Gearhart Van, Harney County, Oregon, has filed notice ss and her guests old reliable Company makes al) the will annexed of the Estate of of of intention to make proof on his desert-laud claim No. 261. for the HW'iHW'. sec 29, NW’4 kinds of Monuments, Grave Covers. Allen T. Clark, deceased, has filed NW»-« sec. 32, T. 1H, H R. 3BU E. W M. Iwfore the lost pleasant even- Register and Receiver at Burns. Wregon, on 4n. A light luncn- Corner posts Vases and Urns, out her mial account in the county Tuesday, the 26th day of April. 1904 names the following witnesses to prove and some nice nin- of pure refined Zink, which is one court of the State of Oregon for the He complete irrigation and reclamation or said William H. Reif heart, George Rami, Miss Agnes Sweek of the elementary or virgin metals, Harney County, and that Wednes­ land Moses Dripps and Frank M. Landing, all of Rll kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, were awarded first the same as gold and silver, and is day the 4th day of May 1904 at 10 Van, Oregon. W m . F arre . Register. ’ella Mace and Con indestructable and cannot be affect­ A M, at the court room . of said NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. | the “booby.” Those ed by the climatic conditions. court has been set by said court as Misses Maude Ragon, These monuments are cheaper by the time and place for the hearing Durkheimer Building. UNITKD STATES LAND OFFK'K, l Main Street. Bnrn«. Orewoo, March 17. ISM.1 », Vella Mace, Frank- half than any kind of stone, of objections thereto and the settle* I Notice la hereby xi»en that the followlna- Bline Locher, Helene more beautiful in design and can- ( tnent thereof. named settler has fl led notice of bis Intention make final proof in support of hfs claim, and ¡Sweek, Clare Swain, not be broken. Mr. Lewis desiaes ]>;ted and first, publishhd March tn that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver a» Burns Oregon, on April ¿1st, n. Bertha Williams, all who are contemplating th* pur­ 19th 1904 1904. vis Hd. E. No. :«M of If earman Gaulin, for the EU XW4. NWfi NEU. NW *4 8IU, aer. aii